My best guesses on a couple potential sock puppets...

Ahh… c’mon. I transcended that link when I defined definition and proof for you.

Thanks for proving my point.

Its been done though. Had to reformulate the problem though so its not exactly been done. But its been shown for what it is, and how it works. The path of not violating structural integrities.

But not embodied a planet yet.

EQ, or EIQ that is also interesting. Caesar and people like that had it. Anyone who makes it to President of the US has a bunch of it.
Its not nobility but facility.

Also important. Oil, for the engine. But people with strong EQs don’t tend to dwell on mental problems a lot. They just flow through people and get what they want by being perceived to give people what they want. They tend to notice how thought and explanation stands in the way of all that.

To be emotionally smart you need to know where people hurt and where they believe they can be saved from it. Thats the only way to get a person to open up to you beyond how open they are to themselves.

Well, I’ve made myself abundantly clear on this:

The whole world hurts me.

My only salvation is hyperdimensional mirror realities, constructed not through technology, but from the fullness of my being itself.

Never this clear though.

what is the physical activity in which the hurt bothers you the least? if I m ay ask with your consent, which is doubtful I guess.

The rule of thumb emotionally is don’t say what you want but just go for it and you might get it. Say what you want and people will use it as leverage on you.

This web of feeling that unfolds when things aren’t said is deeply intense for mental people. The most desirable women stand at the crossroads of these webs, hence the attraction of stockings. They are cold creatures, lizard like, except when they find love, of which they are capable. Thank god for that. Because there is mercy even though it is only in the whim of what we can call earthly royalty.
This whim is surely traceable to a truth, but that would be forgery. One must respect the whim of mercy. It is the only way mercy can survive in this world, as a bird that can come and go as it pleases. It is a sensitive creature.

My biggest anger with people now and in the past, is that we’ve gone through all these ages, for example: this is the Information Age, but! The most important age has yet to come: the age of consent.

I hate my anscestors and I hate all of you.

I’m a really nice person though, with a shit ton of trauma, so it doesn’t always come across …

But I’m not only disappointed by this species… these maniacs are threatening me personally (everyone in the species). If I thought I could kill one or even 7 billion people to make it right, I would in a heartbeat.

But that’s just delusion, so I kill no one, and am polite to people

Thats not good.

Being a hyper empath, when people hurt themselves (which they are on a massive scale) they also hurt you.

Eventually, you just want the hurt to stop.

When artimas goes on about, “life is pain and embrace it, or you will suffer”

Artimas doesn’t have my reference point for attacks of the spirit and the eternal implications of such.

He’s arrogant.

Would I hurt him like I’ve been hurt to teach him?

Hell no!

But it also gives him the luxury to be that arrogant, condescending and glib, and that hurts me.

You cant embrace it, but you have to melt the pain.
this is why spirit is fire.

(Pain/sorrow is metal, in Chinese medicine)

We don’t have structural ways of dealing with cosmic excess pain. But there are whole cultures whose basic substance is such rituals. Like the Philippines where they crucify people with easter and their wounds are healed, or not, in any way they just carry on the next day.

Melted pain is still pain, just like steam, water and ice are all h2o…

It’s not alchemy at all, and alchemy is what I need.

I can easily prove that all men in human history are happy rapists, and all women are happily willing accomplices to their rapes. This means that people will rape each other in non sexual ways, including the environment. That is a immanent threat to me, all these assholes are threatening my physical and spiritual safety, and they enjoy it. I’m astounded that I can even look people in the eye anymore.

I’m so ashamed of them.

Correct, what you’re melting is actually the process of inflicting the pain.

I assure you that s ex-actly what it is. But I respect the abyss that one crosses before such words as “melt the pain” make sense.

Some erotic liberty may be required to produce the required heat. Sorry about that. Alchemy is hard to pull off without the libido at full steam.

Well, certainly as a baby even I knew not to look most people too deep in the eye. It took you so long to even realize you should maybe be careful. Pain is everywhere immediately.

So whats the only path?
Lessen the cosmic error.

And what is cosmos but haphazard error in the midst of which some compassion arose?

That compassion is Archimedes, but also Nietzsche - people who look the truth in the eye so we can leverage it.

Truth is a beast. Man is either prey or rider of this beast. And it is true that where man is only prey, it is a hard case to make that he should exist.

Prey or puppet. Both are really bad and accompany each other.

Now pride, inherent to any special knowledge, is standing between you and the belief that the suffering may not be absolute.

You haven’t studied me too well , which is fine.

My take on the greatest heartbreak of life is the zero sum nature of it … I got the girl or guy and I’m the only one. I got the house and the landscape or city and I’m the only one. I got the parents and I’m the only one. I got the intelligence and I’m the only one. I got the job and I’m the only one.

I hate these people because deep down they have to hate themselves and they run from it and project it out.

The point: if you’re the only one, you lost, you didn’t win.

Will to power means nothing if not shared, because if not shared, it will crumble around you.

No, the greatest genius ever is a surprisingly traditional answer… EINSTEIN!!

And this is because His quotes shimmer, reflect, bang, and sparkle with alien properties. Einstein definitely isn’t of this world. To reach the level of introspection, depth, clarity, and precision that Einstein did is unmatched.

Also, above all else, Einstein’s love of the universe was so immense, that the questions He asked were filled with more passion, romance, boundlessness, and exquisiteness that He undermines the essential glories of being alive. Einstein ponders the great miracle and mystery of existence, why we are here, our expanding bubbles, and perceptions that reach the pouter limits of what’s possible.

Yup, Einstein was extragalactic, had His own theater of infused mania, caught onto the greatest philosopher’s treasure hunt from death to infinity.