Three AM

Use it wisely again the cliche comes to mind, time is wasted by the Young, sometimes the personal outbounds , overflows, as that innoscence cries out for repetition, when it does want to repeat It’s self infinitely, sorry for the defining moment when fear of not being overcomes existence.

And then? As is now, and ever shall be, into that absolute no inkling whence from come back but absolutely not from the fear of nothingness. For there is no such thing, but for the love of the many, who can not be left like It is .

Then once this: then immediately the Self becomes a tremendous multiplicity which can only be attained , at first, through intercession, through the one, the One, then the Many.

K: from your brother from a different mother, congrats…I am truly happy for you…
the reason I haven’t participated in this particular thread is simple, I haven’t been
awake at three am. and that was the requirement of this thread… to be awake at three am…
until tonight… I finally had the day off and the thoughts of several days were rolling
around my mind… so I wrote and wrote and wrote… and now my mind won’t shut
up and let me sleep… so here I am… thanking Mr. Derleydoo for his escape from
the burdens of work… thank god he is free, free at last…

as for me…I don’t write to change the world… as Mr. Derelydoo wrote me…
No, I am not vain enough, with ego enough to attempt to change the world…
that takes a young man’s ego and I am just behind the Great and powerful
derelydoo in age…and thus no longer young…I no longer hope to change
the world… at best, I hope to get someone to consider changing their mind…
little less changing the world… it is kinda like when I was younger and wanted
to win the billion dollar lottery…Nowdays, I would be happy with a buck
and change in lottery winnings…I am dismissed by many around here and that
is ok…because they value shallow and superficial philosophy… should they
ever consider me a “valuable” philosopher, I would have to reconsider
my writings as junk… and perhaps give up serious philosophy and read
the harlequin romance version of philosophy which is Ayn Rand…and think
what deep thoughts lie there………uhhhh, not…

I really don’t know what I want to say here outside of congrats to the fine,
upstanding person that is derelydoo… and I hope to be free someday as he is


Free at last! What nonsense! Meanwhile, in the offices of PCH&N. :laughing:

MagsJ and Meno changed the rules. I’m not sure of Meno’s political leanings, but the whisper in the office has it that MagsJ is shortly to stand as the Conservative candidate for her local borough.

The three am curfew was lifted, Kropotkin - it couldn’t be enforced. Pity, because it is one of the few occasions when the world appears to make sense. You are welcome to pop in for a cup of tea or a coffee any time. Best to call after 3 am.

I had a dream! [-o<

I’m not so sure of it myself, but I would gather, I would consider a middle of the road to be a justifiable position, but since checks and balances can not define how centered is the center nowadays, I wouldn’t mind seeing a triumvirate split the ominous power standing on a scary pedestal. That way balance may be perceived somewhat.

Perhaps a social democratic aristocracy, not based on writeoffs , or deep pockets, but on limits, controls, and national-international equity, based on variable values.

Naturally contradictions may be the course, however, the impending visit of Trump to Merry Old, may underline some conspiratorial function, disserving any hope for such equiminity.

As far as changing the rules, well, they were somewhat imprecise, but can be set back. On 2 blogs o was off only by a couple of hours. and as I understand it, that’s fairly on target.

There are nights when I’m out of it even when not out, nut those kind of nights leave much to be desired .

It’s within the rule today I guess, the triumvirate can be taken metaphorically tnt because it takes more then power to impose the center without creating an impossible change in the role of the executive.

However the forthcoming President may not be able to changes role, based on a democratic base, that is how strongly this has been effected.
The imbalance is evident in the Brexit fiasco, where very much more maturity has produced procedures in that country more able to handle Napoleon complexes.
Its ironic thatntje Continental Divide , the scar left and become a scab, had been reexposed to the rays of the sun, a new Metternich need arise, for treating the symptoms had resulted in the two world wars, reducing politocal equity to a hold, aspiring toward a third.
Trumpism is merely comic affect, a desperate one at that, and the backfire
could spread into a calamitous salon of unprecedented barbarism.

Do not inflame the passions of the long repressed soul of man.
Naivety posing as virtue has life only as long as the blinkers can be kept on.

The middle of the road! :laughing: Made me laugh - sorry! Middle of the road is dangerous, and totally unjustifiable. My fault!
I don’t have the slightest interest in your politics! I was merely messing with MagsJ. There are a good many people suffering extreme hardships in this country. Occasionally, they will overcome their apathy and actually go out and vote. Lots of them will vote for the party that seeks to conserve/preserve their hardships and their suffering. I live with them, drink with them, work with them, play with them. I would imagine that one day, scientists will be able to explain the phenomenon. Robert Tressell sought to explain it 100 plus years ago. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists. Attitudes remain.

Not entirely sure what you mean with a triumvirate? Is the ‘ominous power on a scary pedestal’ a reference to Mister Trump? Conspiring with the Queen? Got to be honest, I love reading your posts but it can happen that I am unable to understand what you are saying. Can you simplify your language? You use lots of words to describe what I am sure could be said using fewer words. Feel free to tell me to piss off!

Three am, or after. That is the only rule. It should be adhered to. To clarify: If you feel so inclined, you are welcome to post between 03.01 am and 02.59 am. The ‘am’ is superfluous, it is merely for clarity.

That’s a pity. Been there. What do you seek to obliterate? :-k


Did you intend to put the above in this thread?

No. Writing this out of order, since reluctant to stay up tonight.
I had the impression. As You implied that there was something to concern MagsJ with as far as I was somewhat concerned in some manner. I do not want to imply something more appear ant , then what’s literally present, therefore will erase what I published unwearily I confess.

Thanks Darely for indulging.

Sorry, erasure is not an option, therefore I seek to express a desire to ignore here this particular participation.Thanks.

The middle of the road! :laughing: Made me laugh - sorry! Middle of the road is dangerous, and totally unjustifiable. My fault!
I don’t have the slightest interest in your politics! I was merely messing with MagsJ. There are a good many people suffering extreme hardships in this country. Occasionally, they will overcome their apathy and actually go out and vote. Lots of them will vote for the party that seeks to conserve/preserve their hardships and their suffering. I live with them, drink with them, work with them, play with them. I would imagine that one day, scientists will be able to explain the phenomenon. Robert Tressell sought to explain it 100 plus years ago. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists. Attitudes remain.

Not entirely sure what you mean with a triumvirate? Is the ‘ominous power on a scary pedestal’ a reference to Mister Trump? Conspiring with the Queen? Got to be honest, I love reading your posts but it can happen that I am unable to understand what you are saying. Can you simplify your language? You use lots of words to describe what I am sure could be said using fewer words. Feel free to tell me to piss off!

Three am, or after. That is the only rule. It should be adhered to. To clarify: If you feel so inclined, you are welcome to post between 03.01 am and 02.59 am. The ‘am’ is superfluous, it is merely for clarity.

That’s a pity. Been there. What do you seek to obliterate? :-k
Since here to for I’d like to adhere to rules set forth my reply will be forth coming tomorrow after 3.

I have only ever posted after 3am and before noon… which is how I’ve interpreted your suggested posting times, as anything after noon is not then morning, so I changed no rules derley. :angry:

How do you know that I haven’t stood in local elections already? :wink:

I will stick to the 3am to noon curfew… if you don’t mind, as I’m all about da self-discipline… but not in a self-flagulating kinda way you understand, so much so, that I start volunteering at a local Buddhist centre soon. 8-[

6.36am… I think I’ll have my black coffee and sweet omelette breakfast. :-k

Tried. Tired. Too tired.
Compelled to by the very follicles to point.
People out there deluded to think.
This ain’t to easy.
Compelled, complied a list of …
Demos. How it is: Becket.
How is it apathy and all to vote for the strongman , the man who connected to the technoworld’ s premium program that democracy became a cyclical whirlpool of production machine, fed on basic and higher values of vanity, and determined early. Classically fed, determined as best possible of all worlds, but now?

Running on empty, all in debt. can’t nby the rules, cause evolution has regressed them to it, free yes, free , dog eat dog freedom.

Meanwhile club of Rome members chat tete a tet about the great illusive effects of the life, the film of spliced stills, how the only effective way to deny it, the reality of the living man is to reimpose a new level of dignity built directly on visions of what iit used( to be or not), but time running out,

The center has always churned this vagrant compulsive reality, and fed on increasing large diets of reprogrammed illusion, inflated infarted images programmed to shock, constructed by a d of silly con, producing huge volumes of abstracted , deconstructed productions of chronic re instructions, , built on chronic and ongoing wars, battles waged silently, so as to diffuse and disarm with constancy, any remaining force of natural restraint but now?

For possibly this is all that re king can suffice in an unbounded population, where left to their own devices the marginality would each tear unto the other consuming themselves.

This started not yesterday but way back when form eclipsed by content took leave of its senses, and began its long downward journey., to produce sensible hybrids living in manufactured business entities of birth and death factories.

See what an unperscribed long journey into night brings, what terrors enter the domain of the rational mind, how the absurd can sustain that phenomenon: which now, reigns a faux liberty!

And this kindly designed despot must change its wats if it is to survive and not abort, that which has become the focal point of its need to project an object for its being, and key to its survival.

For the love

Of god!$@&??!

the rule WAS observed since the planning, formation & deliverance started at 2 am and ended at 8 an Sunday morning.

Confession: I posted before 3am once… around 2.30am, so slightly off, so not too bad, but been on track otherwise.

The toilet and water called… bumped into the cat on the way to get my water… kissed my teeth at him, after telling him that I’m heading straight back up, so don’t even bother look expectantly at me for breakfast yet… he’s always begging, or trying to find innovative ways to get extra food pouches from me, but he fails miserably because I won’t bend to his will. :imp:

Help! There are no rules other than those that escape our notice.

Time here has no meaning, I’ve been here two thousand years
And for every wasted life that’s lost, I’ve shed a million tears
But the saddest thing of all my friend, you always think you’re right
And don’t the wise men know it, for they’ll always let you fight.

(J K Rowling The Prisoner of Azkerban)

Funny story. I was assaulted recently.
Chap struck me. Just once.
Captured on CCTV.
The police telephoned to ask me if I had suffered any reaction.
“Well,” I replied. “I’m not losing any sleep over the matter.”
He also assaulted my daughter. I am able to see her house from my kitchen window.

The unexamined life! :laughing:

The officer tells me my assailant is due in court on May 7th for a preliminary hearing. He informs me that the guy intends to plead Not Guilty of assault.
I ask. “Does he realise the entire incident was captured on CCTV?”
The Officer assured me he would draft a statement based upon our telephone conversation.

I received an email, but have yet to read it. Perhaps once I have read it, I shall share it. It is important that justice is seen to be done!

To be contined, HW! :slight_smile:

K: assaulted!!! my goodness, what a terrible to have happen…
In all of my years of existence, I have never been assaulted and he
attacked your daughter!!!.. If someone attacked me, meh, if someone
attacked my daughter or wife… there will be violence :angry-fire:

demand justice if not for yourself, at least for your daughter…
My non violence stance ends with my family…
I am glad everyone is OK and no harm was done…


Contemplating values as instructed

Say what?
You’re thirsty?
Mate, you shoulda said summint, I wouldn’t ave watered this pitch. Thing is, the lads like to slide along on their knees if they should happen to score a goal. They’d get grass burns if I didn’t give the pitch a bloody good soaking before the game. These fellas are worth a few bob. Next time.

Come again?
You’re dying?
Mate, I had no idea you was that bleedin thirsty. Ida give you some of this. Thing is, if I don’t water the track, some of the horses’ll get sore shins. These horses cost a bob or two. Shoulda said summink sooner. Next time.

Insert Paul Mc Cartney: Pipes of Peace.

Opening scene from the Movie, Ismatism. We see a guy who openly admits he does not like isms, striding across the casino floor… he is carrying a copy of Buddism Without the Suffering, :slight_smile:

Apparently, I joined at a little after 3 am. It’s inadmissable as an indicator of my emotional well-being.

The plants on the office window sill are beginning to sprout.

“What if one day there is no such thing as snow?”

No other reason. A hoax Hush. Buy one of these.

Iam wrote.
Hoist tendencies?
The “here and now” is crucial to me because given new experiences, new relationships and access to new information/knowledge/ideas, “there and then” might find us arguing from a very different perspective.
As for Vietnam, you bet it was a crucial turning point in my life.
Which I try to convey here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=194382

If there is one thing I am clearly preoccupied with at ILP, it is relationship between moral and political value judgments and the existential trajectory of the lives that we live.

And, in almost every thread in which I post about this relationship, I eventually get around to this:

1] I was raised in the belly of the working class beast. My family/community were very conservative. Abortion was a sin.

2] I was drafted into the Army and while on my “tour of duty” in Vietnam I happened upon politically radical folks who reconfigured my thinking about abortion. And God and lots of other things.
3] after I left the Army, I enrolled in college and became further involved in left wing politics. It was all the rage back then. I became a feminist. I married a feminist. I wholeheartedly embraced a woman’s right to choose.
4] then came the calamity with Mary and John. I loved them both but their engagement was foundering on the rocks that was Mary’s choice to abort their unborn baby.
5] back and forth we all went. I supported Mary but I could understand the points that John was making. I could understand the arguments being made on both sides. John was right from his side and Mary was right from hers.
6] I read William Barrett’s Irrational Man and came upon his conjectures regarding “rival goods”.
7] Then, over time, I abandoned an objectivist frame of mind that revolved around Marxism/feminism. Instead, I became more and more embedded in existentialism. And then as more years passed I became an advocate for moral nihilism.

This because in it are embedded two experiences that were of fundamental importance in shaping and then reconfiguring my own moral and political narratives.

Over the years, I have gone from an objectivist frame of mind [right vs. wrong, good vs. evil] to a way of thinking about morality in human interactions that basically revolves around moral nihilism. then, in turn, this resulted in my tumbling down into a philosophical “hole” such that for all practical purposes, “I” became increasing more fragmented.

This hole:

If I am always of the opinion that 1] my own values are rooted in dasein and 2] that there are no objective values “I” can reach, then every time I make one particular moral/political leap, I am admitting that I might have gone in the other direction…or that I might just as well have gone in the other direction. Then “I” begins to fracture and fragment to the point there is nothing able to actually keep it all together. At least not with respect to choosing sides morally and politically.

In other words, I am no longer able to think of myself as being in sync with the “real me” in sync with “the right thing to do”.

So, I decided to create this thread in order for others to at least make the attempt to describe their own value judgments existentially. Values as they became interwined over the course of their lives in “experiences, relationships and information, knowledge and ideas.”

The part where theory is tested in practice out in particular contexts out in particular worlds.

This thread is not for those ever intent on providing us with “general descriptions” of human interactions. Interactions that are then described almost entirely using technical or academic language.

Instead, this thread is for trying to explain [to the best of your ability] why you think you came to value some behaviors over others. Linking both the experiences you had and the ideas that you came upon that shaped and molded your thinking in reacting to them.


Hoist tendencies?
It has been suggested, the nature of one’s consciousness rises and falls in strict accordance with one’s needs! If it happened that you experienced action in Vietnam, then I’m guessing you would have become pretty needy! :astonished: :laughing: [-o< Events appeared to happen in slow motion? As in a car accident? In such a condition, I would argue that it is possible to observe a higher order at play. Albeit, briefly! A present centred state of consciousness. Kind of thing one experienced as a child! (For a good few years) As Kropotkin observed, depending upon where we are born we label the Higher Order, Allah, or Geoffrey, or God, or Yahweh or Krishna or Fill in the blank!
A hoist is someone who takes the view that there is a higher order at play. Hohoho! :laughing:
They could be wrong! It’s a theory.

and here we are… its 3:13AM and it is hotter then hell and we
(the wife and I) haven’t paid our bills and I can’t sleep…
so I just spent the last 20 minutes paying bills online and
now… I just don’t sleep well in heat… tomorrow is suppose
to be hotter and today was 92… yikes… one of the advantages
of living on the SF penisula is that the fog will roll in after a
day or two of heat and cool things off… tues is suppose to drop
down to 90 and weds is suppose to drop to 82… yep, the SF weather
report brought to you by Kropotkin at 3:17 in the morning…

listening to music, Sigur Ros, part of my sleep music on ITUNES…

and now its Mozart… as I have gotten older, I have grown fonder
of Mozart…

I was randomly thinking earlier and thought something about
20 years from now, and realized that 20 years from now, I’ll
be 80 and that isn’t what I would call a “happy” thought…

Old age sucks and from what I hear, it gets worse……
I see old people in wheelchairs and being pushed around
by caregivers and I’m like, ah, no… I would rather off myself
then be forced to have strangers take care of me…
then, I wonder, why haven’t these old people off themselves
already… I don’t see the point of living with a terrible
quality of life… it isn’t how old you are, but your quality
of life that matters…don’t fall into that trap of thinking
that we must live as long as possible… danger… Will Robinson…

went out to dinner with in laws and their friends and it was
painful… I dislike shallow conversations and being the beginning
of summer, the recounting of trips to places… it was a pointless
evening and the dinner wasn’t even that good… I just don’t
do small talk… it is boring…and I couldn’t even hear these people
because it was too loud… so I tried to hide into my mind and they
had the nerve to interrupt me and ask me questions… I’m like,
no, no, just leave me alone and then like a good sheep, I
engage with them… small talk makes my wife happy…jeez,
just shoot me……

and all I can engage with, is some attempt to find answers to those
questions I have posed over the years and no answers come to me…

I have a level of frustration with life right now… a combination of
boredom and let’s get this shit over with……….the other night,
I had very sad dreams about people dying, but they died very quietly,
very sad, and then later, I realized that it was the anniversary
of Anthony Bourdain suicide and my subconscious knew it, even
if I didn’t……… the mind, a very strange thing, this thing we know
as the mind… and the subconscious is even stranger…
I have learned to trust my subconscious and I simply input
information like Buddhism or philosophy and my mind will kick
out answers or solutions after the subconscious works it out……

if I have a strength, it is the ability to make connections between
random things… it may be my only strength… I certainly haven’t
succeeded at anything outside of inane ramblings here ILP
and I’m pretty sure inane ramblings don’t count as being a success
in anyone’s else book…

if I have a disappointment in life, it certainly hasn’t been work related
or not making enough money… I guess it would be, I still haven’t answered
the key questions that should keep people up at night, “What am I to do?”
or “what should my values be?” that is my single biggest regret so far… I am
sure bigger regret are on the horizon……… I have been vexed by the fact I
am still killing myself working when people my age are beginning to retire…
this not making any money thing as bit me on the ass in this regards…
but frankly, making money is as pointless and empty as the small talk
people insist on making…so much of life is pointless and I’m trying to find
something about life and/or people that isn’t pointless or meaningless………

people think this daily grind of work is the meaning of life and it isn’t,
really it isn’t…but trying to find meaning in a meaningless world has
been the point of philosophy since Nietzsche and he wasn’t all that successful…
anyway, finding meaning in a meaningless world should be the task of
everyone…but no one seems to notice how meaningless the world is…
every once in a while, I feel like a ghost because I see people
trying to achieve goals that are meaningless and they don’t even see it
and I can’t change anything and it, I feel like a ghost because of it…

why a ghost, I have no idea, but hay, its 3:54 in the morning and things
rarely make sense at 3:54 in the morning…I have noticed that idea’s
that seem great in the middle of the night, quite often don’t look
so great in the harsh sunlight of the day…I am tired…
mentally, physically, emotionally… life has drained the soul/energy out of me…
and I am running on fumes… I go to work at 10:45 in the morning and work
till 7:15… and it gives me absolutely no pleasure, no satisfaction, I go to
work knowing it will just kill another part of my soul… as if I have any soul
left to kill…

well this writing has been just as meaningless and pointless as my day has been
and as meaningless and pointless as tomorrow will be… outside of the fact,
tomorrow will be 97…

and its 4:01 in the morning and still I sit here writing……

well, I am going to try to sleep… maybe get a could of hours of sleep
before I have to get up and begin another pointless day…


Why would you say that, Menu?