
But enough, Brian. I’m not inviting you down there to pick potatoes.

I’m inviting you to stomp around and be up to no good. There’s a million ways to make money, I don’t think it will be a problem for you. Of course, making enough money to get back out is different. A lot of people make less than a dollar a week. But you could still do it, depending on how much of a snob you are “I won’t do this I won’t do that” bla bla bla.

if you met this dude you’d be. this guy was an anthropological marvel of modern science. we called him mud, and that was being nice.

I’ve met the crack version of that dude. The dude for who that dudes’ bad day is a good day.

But your earnestness is touching.

Lol, broadsword. Living rooms… an outhouse!

What does he have a rich sister?

That’s what impresses me most about gringos, first worlders in general. How unaware they are of what’s actually out there.

It’s like we look at you, the pinnacle on top of the crystal tower, the nest itself of richness and luxury, and when you go inside there everybody thinks the world outside it’s all the same, slight variations maybe.

Here, again, republicans give you a beating in awareness and understanding. They actually grasp the scale. The old school ones, these Ben Shapiro, Never Trump motherfuckers have a similar perspective as socialists.

that attitude is reserved for first world capitalist countries only, where employers are so full of shit you’d rather go homeless than work for em. it ain’t about the work… hell i love to work. it’s the filth, the lies, the stupid little mind games, the complete lack of gratitude. this crap is below me and i don’t involve myself in it unless i absolutely have to.

i actually tried to apply for a voluntary work program needing carpenters in mexico. i think it was in oaxaca if i remember correctly. this was years ago when i was in my che guevara stage. filled out the application and everything. we were to build housing developments, rec centers and other miscellaneous shit in lower class communities. you didn’t get paid, but you got room and board… plus i’d take any reason to get the fuck out of this country at the time, so i was psyched about going. and then… the felonies. i’m sorry sir, but we can’t accept felons in the work program. but… but, i wasn’t even gulty of em! they wrongfully convicted me! jesus christ all i want is to get out of this cesspool and i’m even willing to work for free… and you still won’t let me? can i get like political refugee status or something? you gotta get me out of here man! nope. and thus marked the end of my short lived che guevara legacy.

no, he had a job… and enough sense not to become a crack head.

This is so sad man…

Anyway, the invitation stands.

Like I said, you’re cocky but I think you’d like it. Hopefully we wouldn’t get killed too quick. Or at all.

Lol, ironically I think our ticket to survival would be to put you to work. Not picking potatoes. But cockyness there goes from death sentence to ticket to paradise if you are seen to be providing cool shit. To invest the cockyness, in a sense.

i’m actually a great guy. i’m just cocky around knuckleheads. you gotta get em in the ground before they start to smell.

Btw, this is what fucks up veterans. Having seen it, been forced to see it. And then they’re all, almost without exception, and the ones who make it through half-sane (and didn’t just stay in camp sending emails or something, but even those…), saying the same thing: no you don’t understand, man. We’re so fucking lucky.

Cocky = not great?

Fucking socialists, I tell you man.

Brian, renounce morality. I command thee!

Doesn’t make you a great guy either. Just… Cocky.

Jesus Christ, you’re worst than my fucking girlfriend.

no it’s cool, man. you’re confused. the verisimilitude of my cockiness is actually a good willed capriciousness of spirit and genuine bonhomie. my alignment is chaotic good. this can be a deceiving subtly that is missed.

I think you’re an awesome guy, btw. I don’t just offer anyone a tour through my home town.

You’re just infected by one of the evilest viruses known to man.

I have all sorts of reasons. But I’m not your fucking cheerleader, and anyway it would be tacitly understood were it not for your unfortunate health situation.

It’s not subtle. You are basically blaring out with a megaphone: I am a super good shepherd of the people good guy!

Iss embarassing.

That’s not the reason I like you.

The thing that is the reason I like you is the same thing that just saves you from out and out self righteousness of regular socialists. But, you know. The virus is there.

there are only two occasions in which it is appropriate to tell a guy he’s awesome. if you are in a weekly remaining-men-together group meeting and it’s your turn to respond to what barry has told everyone, or talking to your brother in the car on the way back from a fishing trip.

otherwise, we don’t ever say such things. a simple fist-bump will suffice.

No offence Brian, because I do think you are an awesome guy.

But you don’t deserve a fist bump from me.

The reason it is pertinent to point out that you are an awesome guy is the mountain of shit you have piled on the other side of the scale.

The only way I would fist bump you is if you pulled off some ludicrous shit in Caracas, that’s probably the only way to bypass having to redeem yourself from so much goddamn shit.

Tough dudes. Tough dudes naturally like me and gravitate towards me.

There was this one guy, an Ares. I remember him telling this story about killing his best friend with a machete because he had said something that made him mad like he was telling me about unfortunate weather coming up.

He would be like “dude, stop it with these evil bitches. You need yourself a girl that will take care of you, treat you nice.” He’d chill with us and smoke joints, but never for too long as he knew himself and didn’t want to kill one of my entourage for saying something thoughtless or stupid.

You probably had something similar in jail, with dudes respecting you that were cold blooded killers. Toughness respects intelligence when it is accompanied by fearlessness.

So I have no need to impress you. But goddamn. Your talents are not usual. And since I can’t have a rational conversation with you because you are worst than a girl “meh meh meh I’m nauseaus,” I might as well try to help you out.

I don’t think I’ll succeeed. But I’m bored. Like you said, this forum is my hang-out. Until I’m filthy rich, then fuck all of y’all.

Actually, before that. Once I no longer have to work a stupid wage job.

My real friends will be there. No matter what.

believe it or not, courage was more respected than strength. if the littlest guy in the block was called to the box (the shower stall to fight), and he didn’t refuse the challenge, even if he walked out beaten to a pulp he would earn the respect of everyone. even the wolves that would once extort him for his commissary would leave him alone after that, which was interesting because he was still an easy target. it’s the prison ethos… like being thrust back to the seventh century. the single most defining feature of character was one’s courage for battle. didn’t matter if you lost, only that you tried. but being that you had to be combat ready at all times, pretty much everyone, with the exception of the very religious (who wouldn’t fight), was constantly training and working out. you hit the weight pile everyday. but all in all, there weren’t as many fights as you’d think. most inmates don’t want to fight and would only do so - either start a fight or answer to a challenger - if they had to prove something. for one thing, if you got caught fighting, you could lose all kinds of privileges. and the officers had it down to a science. if an inmate was seen with a fresh bloody nose or busted lip, the officers would storm the block, line everyone up, and examine each inmate for signs of fighting. torn shirt, red knuckles, elevated breathing and heart-rate… signs that you just had a tussle. i saw many an inmate get busted for beating someone up that way; find the guy in the line, cuff him right there on the spot, and take him to seg… and remember that every move you made was being monitored (except in the very back corner of the shower stall where you could fight). even on the yard; guards in trucks drove circles around the yard without pause. so everyone wanted to avoid fighting if they could… except for… you guessed it… the gang members. constantly fighting without any concern about getting busted. for them, privileges were less important than gang honor.

and the gangs had more control over the prison than the guards. if you were in the laundry or canteen line, and a blood jumped in front of you, you didn’t say a word. that’s just the way it was. if you wanted to call him out, you risked having to fight a whole mob of em who would come to his aid. and one on one fights with a gang member were a pain in the ass to get clearance for. you had to find the highest ranking member and ask him for permission to fight the dude one on one. fuck all that, just jump in front of me, asswipe. you can have it.

and not standing up to a gang member was unanimously understood as okay. it didn’t mean you were a coward… it meant you weren’t an idiot. that was the law. but unaffiliated inmates had different rules. if a dude called you out, you had to get it in, mang. put them shooters up, drop a three piece on his ass, and put em to sleep… or take a nap yourself. lol… that was a common phrase before a fight; ‘you ready to take a nap, nigga?’ i’ve walked into the bathroom and seen dudes knocked out in the shower. laying there, out cold. inmates would check on you, and if you weren’t dead, they’d try to wake you up. fights were like a big event… and when they were over, that was it. no more beef. the same two dudes that were fighting would be cool with each other minutes later, like it didn’t even happen. something i never understood. if i went so far as to exhaust all other means of diplomacy and fight you, you are an enemy. end of story. we ain’t gonna be playing cards together two hours later. stay the fuck away from me or i’ma put that three piece on ya again.

yeah but i seen the littlest dudes hanging out with the biggest motherfuckers on the yard. that kid might be little, but he got heart. that’s all that matters.

That sounds like a vacation to me. Honestly.