Dilemma of beginning of time

This is a hypothetical paradox rather than an actual paradox because actual ones cannot exist in reality
You are using logic to explain your position but your logic isnt actually based on any empirical evidence

There are plenty of things in the Universe that dont make sense to us but still exist anyway
And the finite / infinite nature of time [ whichever one it is ] is simply one of those things

I enjoyed the old donkey kong games from back in the 80s when I was a kid.

couldn’t get into the donkey kong. the only ‘obstacle’ style games i could tolerate were the pitfall and the frogger. my favorite was that one space ship shooter game where the ship is able to make a complete circle around the screen… and you shoot shit coming out at you from the center. yeah you know what i’m talking about. wtf was the name of that game. wasn’t galaga, but it was from the same genre.

oh and ‘zaxxon’. man that game was a bitch to get used to. it was the angle of the ships motion; you moved diagonally, which fucked up the joy stick orientation. for days i kept crashing my ship man. you know what i mean? like left wasn’t really left… it was up AND left or some crazy shit. but they were trying a new graphics approach i guess. popular game as far as i know. but dude i’ve been playing fallout 4 on the xbox one. ho.ly.shit what a badass game this is. so badass i even got video of some of my operations. i’m a beast at that game, bruh.

There is no such a thing as actual paradox. Paradox is the result of incomplete understanding of reality.

What I find rather amusing is how physicists will speak of time as if it were a physical property. The same thing occurs with the concept of space; they refer to it as a “fabric”.

Space is not a tangible substance - it is literally the emptiness between objects. Likewise with time, it is not some independent, physical property that you can touch - time is an abstraction congruent with movement and changing states of being. If nothing is moving or changing, then there is no time.

Space is not simply the emptiness between objects. It curves in proximity of an object. Time is real, it curves and allows change.

OP is making an understandable but monumental category error. Time does not exist in time, so it cannot have a beginning. It is not eternal, it is non temporal.

It’s a measurement. It’s not something that is, it’s something we do. Time does not exist in the empirical world. Any more than a circle or an inch does.

Existence/Movement > Measurement > Experience > Existence

These 4 ideas make up a loop where we basically see the world through our eyes instead of through the reality itself.
Truth can be related to light, due to its illuminating qualities.

Basically we’re a lense made of lenses, when it comes to the matter of human minds.

Well said, as usual.

The example of aupermassive black holes which do not emit light, show the value of effects of spatial objective relationships without the necessary perceptive validation. As such, the temporal conjunction may only be a post facto inductive reasoning.
However, if so, the non temporal awareness of animals may not lead to such reasoning, without an evolutionary sense , without making such an inference.

If Darwin’s pre-supposition to hold water, such very large objects may curve light, but not to the degree that it nihilizes it’s effect. For such an effect to occur, is, to create a perfect circularity of light , with the object disappearing.

In such a scenario, both, the beginning and the end of time persist in Silmultaniety. Or, perpetual beginning and end.

And that can occur if there is an immediate relation of both the absolute micro and macro vibration of the minimal and maximal structure of spacetime, with no measurable gap .

It creates the illusion of separability creating variable intervals.

At absolute levels such projections become objective criteria by which such can even be imagined.

Cyclical ideas around the perfect circle demand it. At least in my mind.

This is maybe another way. to express what Faust meant.

Ahh, Darwin’s presupposition. I hadn’t thought of that.

Time is only seemingly eternal from a point of view within the universe because time is not a fundamental thing, but a relationship of the movement of one “thing” to another “thing”. For instance I can drive to a town in 1/24 revolution of the earth. But from a point of view outside the universe (whatever that means), the universe had a beginning, but the universe itself will see time as infinite because a thing cannot behold its own creation; it will be infinite regression. We know time is emergent because time depends on prior existence of “things” moving within a spacial construct and we also know light experiences no time. So there real question here is why we experience time and space.

I dunno, but a lot of this seems like objective speak.

Time exists objectively otherwise all events together would happen at a timeless point. There is no directionality no order in flow of events in timeless framework. Therefore time objectively exists.

Time is fundamental entity. Without time everything would be timeless, there would be no directionality no order in flow of the events.

That is not time. That is how we measure time, we basically measure a change respect to a standard change.

Of course time cannot be cause of itself, that is infinite regress. That however doesn’t allow us to think that time is infinite within universe.

No, time is not a emergent thing since without it we cannot have any motion.

We experience psychological time which this is different from time in reality.

Just what an event is, is a matter of convenience. A trip to there moon consists of countless (read: too many to count) events. How long does an event last? As long as we say it does. In fact, we could sensically say that there is only one big event, or as many teeny tiny events as we are able to discern. How many events occur in the changing of a tire? How many events comprise a hurricane? What is the difference between an object and an event?

You can’t really make sense of your own claims about time, using the concept of “event” without answering at least a couple of these questions.

So where do we draw the line between events? Between separate events and one big event? We do draw lines, quite reasonably, but you have to get beyond convenience to pronounce time “objectively” existing.

Space does not curve. Space has no tangibility or substance, therefore it cannot curve. Things, such as bamboo rods, can curve; they have a physical substance that allows for this. Space, however, is the lack of physical or material substance. There is nothing to be curved in space.

I am pretty sure that Einstein, ironically, stated that evil is not a thing, that it is the absence of good, akin to how darkness is the absence of light. Space, likewise, is not a “thing” (positive properties); it is the absence of matter.

That depends if time is discrete or continuous. In the first case the time interval between two events is plank time. In the second case the time interval between two events is infinitesimal, dt=limit Dt/N when N tends to infinity where dt is infinitesimal time and Dt is any finite time interval.

Any system is constitute of one or many objects each object has a set variables which define the position of the object in space. The system is identified by a set of variables which depend on how objects are distributed in space. Any instance of the system which is defined by the set of variables is an event.

I hope that things is clear now.