Animalism, Earthism

Fucking groupies.

I am the meaning of these peoples lives. The internet is weird.


Atsa way ta roll up em sleeves! :handgestures-thumbup:

I can’t function as a disarmed citizen where when seconds count, the clueless cops are only minutes away, and who, upon arrival, arrest the citizen for retaliating while patting the criminal on the head. I can’t function where disruptors are allowed to thrive and the swine are bestowed refuge in preparation to trample pearls. I can’t do it… the constant walking on eggshells appeasing an authoritative fog obscuring the lines constituting transgression while creatively veiled insults are sanctioned and stumbling blocks to conservation are permitted. Either free me from these manacles to pommel those poltroons, purge the peccary, or I’m finding greener pastures to sow my seeds.

Civil War

What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can’t reach…
So, you get what we had here last week,
which is the way he wants it!
Well, he gets it!
N’ I don’t like it any more than you men.

Look at your young men fighting
Look at your women crying
Look at your young men dying
The way they’ve always done before

Look at the hate we’re breeding
Look at the fear we’re feeding
Look at the lives we’re leading
The way we’ve always done before

My hands are tied!
The billions shift from side to side
And the wars go on with brainwashed pride
For the love of God and our human rights
And all these things are swept aside
By bloody hands time can’t deny
And are washed away by your genocide
And history hides the lies of our civil wars

You can’t trust freedom
When it’s not in your hands
When everybody’s fightin’
For their promised land

Well are whites superior or are they not? And if they’re not, then what’s all that appealing to dna and why are we discussing Jared Diamond’s theory explaining why whites are superior?

I gotta be honest with you… reading that manifesto reminded me a lot of talking to you. Not saying you’d go to those lengths, not saying that at all, don’t get me wrong, but the whole time I kept thinking “if only this guy had come to ILP so I could have talked some sense into him”, but then I realized carleas would have probably banned him, relegating him back to his echo-chamber making him unreachable.

What’s so freakin special about white people? And why is that good? And who says they need eternal preservation? Valuable things do not last forever; eternal things are the most meaningless things possible. What makes value is scarcity and impermanence.

stop playin’, pandora. you know you want it.

you just don’t want to be that ugly. but that picture’s deceiving. that’s startrek stuff produced by hollywood capitalists spreading anti-socialist propaganda through art.

our new borg society will consist of perfectly sculpted athletic bodies clothed in skin tight neon colored nanofiber materials that generate energy through photosynthesis. you think you’re hot now… wait until you get into one of these suits.

Well, if I wanted it, I would already have had it.

But most people I think are actually afraid of history. If one really started digging through history, it would inevitably turn up a lot of shit. And how does one deal with that? It’s easier to just forget (sever the past) and move on. (ex: do we ever talk in the mainstream about displacement and genocide of Native Americans? ) Historically, we like to highlight some facts, but downplay others.
But oftentimes, as they say, the devil hides in the details.
If you want to know the truth you’d have to reconcile all historical facts.
For instance, in art, Monet was considered the father of Abstract painting. People admire his blurring technique and hail it as revolutionary, but does anyone care that it was just a product of his failing eyesight? Does anyone care about this simple, but important fact? The “shameful” cause of the effect is downplayed or ignored, while the effect itself (detached from cause) is emulated. … 41107.html

And I can say he same about Nietsche. Does anybody care that he was a psychoactive drug-using, neurosyphilitic man? Nobody seems to care. Why do people keep overlooking this important fact?

Perhaps people just like blurring distinctions. It’s easier on the brain (and the eye). Perhaps considering all the distinctions and variations is too complex to process and manage for most people. Perhaps they are overtaken by the reward thinking (which could act as a type of distraction).

Well what a coincidence! Birds of a feather flock together! :laughing:

ad hominem nonsense

no matter how much you hate that master comedian and story teller, bill cosby, you won’t think this isn’t funny because you hate him:


“Why is liberal left ideology disintegrating right on the cusp of its victory? Because it is only a movement of entropy within existing substances, as I wrote elsewhere (somewhere in value ontology studies I think). I’m now seeing an occasional email from someone in a professional capacity where their email signature includes “pronouns: he/him” or “she/her”. So naturally I conclude we’re fucked. But then I see how insane the left is and how everything they say now is demonstrably false and everyone knows it, including the pronoun shit.”

“People only go along with it because the Soviet style oppression of public discourse has reached a peak where everyone knows if you go against it you’ll lose your job, get kicked from social media, lose your friends (assuming anyone who would stop talking to you because you said transgenderism is pathological child abuse could bd called a “friend” to begin with), maybe get doxxed and end up like a Covington kid.”

“So fear keeps everyone in line as grand moff Tarkin said to Darth Vader, but now we have multiple clashes between leftist elements. Muslims in Congress, Alexandria occasional cortex, radical Muslims and Christians in UK getting “lgbt” classes banned in schools, Democrats going as far communist mode as possible and getting chastised by other democrats. Why?”

“Well the left isn’t any kind of system or substance it is merely entropic decay; once this is seen it becomes clear that leftism cannot cohere around anything systemic or substantial, namely it is forced to cohere around things like fear and intimidation and any and all emotional regurgitation.”

“Emotions themselves are an excess, so is leftism.”

“Emotions are excesses of many different things and this is just fine because they tend to work well with existing substances such as reason, language, meaning, biology; but leftism is purely a cancer that eats everything it touches.”

“So leftism is grasping for anything it can manage to corrupt for a few minutes before it destroys it, in order to buy itself a few more minutes of existence.”

— Defenders of the Earth

“The biggest barrier to leftism in America is that unlike USSR in America leftism can’t simply step in and take over economics. Capitalism is too strong, too earthy and too real. Capitalism will never allow itself to be overtaken by this entropy. Unlike in Russia where capitalism had just barely begun to start to form just a little bit when leftism arrived, so it was easy for leftism to supplant economics there. This gave leftism many more centuries of “existence” as it slowly consumed all economic reality in Russia. The same is happening to China and China is all but totally consumed already now but has managed a clever trick to shift much of this loss of economic reality to America via China enslaving its own people to slave labor and then using the massive differential therein when it comes to that vs western work to shift trillions of dollars of debt into America. This debt is really Chinese debt, ie theft of value, but America bought it up. Theft of value (debt) that America then uses to prop up a globalist system and allow the entropy to keep existing. China is one massive value sucking machine, a huge vampire upon its own billion people, but it managed to export enough of that pure lack to America and thus delayed its own eventual USSR style collapse.”

“Meanwhile America (capitalism) can actually handle and make some use of this pure lack, but not forever. It only does so because the decisions to be this way were made by globalists who want to keep the configuration going for their own purposes. Globalists are chrony capitalists similar to the Chinese. I bet they’re hoping for America and Europe to collapse so that the globalist center can move to China, it’s natural home. Then China will become a spider with its threads all around the world, sucking in value-theft almost without limit. Probably the home base and true birth of 1984-style dystopian NWO will be in China. But only if they can succeed in dissolving capitalism, and for that they really need the leftist entropy to take over actual economic reality in America. I cannot see that actually happening.”

“Ideology is a negative phenomenon and has no positive being, so it must vampirize upon other existing things that actually do have positive being, like economics or war or human subjectivity. Since money is nothing more than a symbolic attraction of value made, and leftism is nothing more than a pure negativity excess of entropic tendency a la value theft, money and leftism are antithetical to one another on any level. This is also why the most far left wants to abolish money, because they instinctively know that if money exists then leftism will never win.”

“It’s also funny that the modern leftists in politics are pushing to import so many tens and hundreds of millions of people from the Middle East and Latin America while most of these people being imported are actually anti-leftist to the core in so far as they are “conservative” (earthy, reality-oriented or otherwise already consumed by an ideology such as religion and thus have no more room to be sucked into a new ideology). Ideology only spreads in a vacuum of itself, either that or it goes to war with another ideology. Since leftism has saturated the west with ideology now there is nowhere left for ideology to spread into, hence ideologies are now starting to war to one another for territory (for any existing substances they might move into for purposes of vampirism). I wonder when the term “conservative leftist” will become a thing, it shouldn’t be too far off now. That’s one key that will be sought to hold together the entire collapsing entropic movement by infecting the earth on an exponentially deeper level. But again I can’t see that actually doing anything but delaying the inevitable collapse of leftism in favor of the earth. Human being is earthy as fuck and therefore cool as a result.”

“Leftists sacrifice their humanity but that doesn’t say anything about humanity itself, since leftists are no longer technically human anyway.”