Thoughts, Observations and Questions. … hing-to-me

this is an interesting angle, and much like my recently adopted strinerism i’d not call it my original position - which wasn’t yet radically misanthropic, libertine and nihilistic - but rather the last philosophical option available in this world, which has proven to be so banal it, and the people in it, cannot be taken seriously. one abandons the project to invest any effort in the humanities, and begins to see the world as something to be used and consumed. the irony here is that it is those who’ve taken this as their original position (i can smell them out) that so offend and disgust me, while those who have become the nihilist at the sight of this ignoble farce are the one’s i can tip my hat to. one has to earn their nihilism after years of carefully observing the world. it’s an accomplishment, not something one begins with or is given. finally the decadence movement begins to make sense; the baudelaires and rimbauds and de sades suddenly appear as sages. i only hope that they were not originally degenerates, but became so as the nihilist proper who ‘kicks what is already falling’ after having made a great effort to cooperate, to hold it up. one doesn’t earn the right to kick anything unless they’ve done their best to keep it from falling, first. my anarchism, egoism, and nihilism are therefore honorary titles. i’ve ascended to stirner… earned the right and privilege of this liberating force. if these words are not something that immediately strike you as autobiographical, familiar and prophetic, then unread them, for you have either already dropped the ball, or you’re not in the game.

Then what?

Reminds me of:

"That is why a person who might be enlightened (a bodhisattva) does not always present a kind of detached and indifferent attitude but is perfectly free to allow emotions [and] attachments. Why R.H. Blyth who was a great zen man wrote me once and said “How are you these days? As for me, I have abandoned satori (enlightenment) altogether and I’m trying to become as deeply attached as I can to as many people and things as possible.” - Alan Watts

It’s ok to play games if you know they are games :wink:

then you die… rinse, and repeat.

thanks for the ancient eastern wisdom, but i never put much stock in those philosophies. i’d take the zen if you gave me the samurai version, but buddhism in general is too passive and something i avoid. now i could get into some hinduism and would be willing to greet the sacred cow if you brought me to em.

Zen is nihilism minus the puppet.

here’s an angle on the situation.

drugs keep flooding over the border so let’s spend a gazillion dollars building a wall. why are drugs coming over the border. well because there’s a demand for them. who’s demanding them. holy shit. look at this; who’s doing all the drugs? the wealthy upper middle classes, or the lower working classes. the lower classes, well because they’re miserable and drugs give them the fix they need to get from day to day. they’re too goddamn broke and shit’s way to fucking expensive to get ahead anyway… might as well buy a bag rather than put that money in a pickle jar, right? well are they miserable because they’re on drugs, or are the on drugs because they’re miserable? i bet you can guess.

here’s my idea. we seize all the money and assets from the parasites that have it all, redistribute it back to those who produced the wealth (the workers), get them set up in a decent life in which they’ll find healthier ways to enjoy themselves, assign them to a job at which they can be productive, lower the demand for drugs and therefore the illegal traffic over the border, remove trump from office and give him a job at bojangles working the fry pit, stop building the wall, and spend that gazillion in more useful ways for the society.

side note to those imbeciles who believe the left is a threat to the paternal institutions that define conservative ideology. it is precisely the left that will institute the necessary authoritarian structures that will circumvent the excessive freedoms that exist in the free market society that allow the scum bags of the useless lower class to become miserable drug addicts.

i never tire of hearing the right complain about all the problems of the lower classes… which is the glorious mess that it has made. then the government goes to spending outrageous amounts of money to fix the problems that capitalism creates, while screaming that capitalism is the solution.

and another thing. you think all the mexicans would be trying to cross the border if mexican industry were more stablized? and what do you think caused the destablization of that country’s economy? lazy mexicans and lack or resources? nope. bad infrastructure? yep. and why is that? because the wealthier nations got a hegemony on everything and don’t give a shit about the mexicans unless they can pick tomatoes for seventeen cents an hour.

gimme the stats, dipper!

You nailed it!

We can’t fix the broken, BUT we can improve society so the next generation doesn’t suffer the same fate. The sort of person doing drugs, you could give him a million and he’d blow it then be right back where he started. We can’t really fix that, but only stop it from happening again.

Yes, the father of last resort which is probably a better one anyway.

Man you’re really sharp to see all this that most seem not to be able to see even when it’s spelled out.

Yeah capitalism has incentive to keep people hungry and desperate for any wage at all in order to maximize profits. The wealth is sucked from mexico and deposited in the Hamptons and some of it might trickle down to main street when a new yacht is purchased. The shitholes exist to maintain the opulent places.

Think of detroit: an entire industry got up n left leaving huge swaths of people sitting there, went to china to make its products, then sold those products to the same people they left hanging. Some of the people may have had a meager welfare or low-paying shit job (and peddling drugs), but nothing like the factory job of before. What did they expect to happen? So then we need a war on drugs in order to herd some of them into concentration camps to get rid of them, to save on the welfare, and make some cash on the side by putting them to work for 25 cents/hr. Oh it’s a real fuckin! Not many people can see it though. I’m beginning to think at least 120 iq is necessary to even grasp it. 100 iq, no way, even if they could get past their arrogance. So that was helmuth nyborg’s point that democracy can only exist in countries with a certain average iq… like 90 I think… on average… minimum. There is much profit to be made in keeping people poor, hungry, and stupid. That’s how to capitalize.

Oh I forgot that religion is also necessary to get people to forget this miserable life and concentrate on the next where the streets will be gold.

Oh and then you convince them that paying a gas tax is “fair” because the ones who use the roads should pay for them, nevermind that the trucks the corps use tear up the roads, so the costs of the road is socialized and the profit from its use is privatized.

Oh and then the military is socialized R&D: we pay to design stuff that is sold back to us for profit.

Shit there’s like 100 years of smart guys figuring out how to fuck us. The systematic dismantling of everything FDR instituted and erosion of our rights one amendment at a time. Ironically though, the totalitarian corps are turning benevolent. The lone holdouts are the southern bumpkins and ruralites, as you spelled out recently.

Yeah man, you got it! Just put it in intimidating poetic flowery form and start proselytizing on the net! He who has an ear to hear will hear. Don’t be nihilist now, this is our asses we’re talking about :wink:

we couldn’t believe that such a farcical attempt at reason could exist for so long. it literally lasted hundreds of years. the lengths that this type of man - what in bio-economical terms we’ve defined as an ‘ergonomic parasite’ - would go to in an effort to defend and justfy his ‘right’ not to work, was astonishing. and they employed all manner of philosophers to do so. from ontology to religion to economics, they tried to design a comprehensive body of knowledge and science to prove it had to be like this… that it wouldn’t work any other way. even the poets and artists went to work under its banner. finally an entire world view was manufactured that captivated everyone, and all for one end; to keep this parasite from having to labor. we had originally thought it was for something more profound… like a genuine attempt to define and understand human nature… and for a while it was convincing. they used darwin, nietzsche, adam smith, and many others to build a theory around the premise that man had to be naturally exploitative and competitive in order to recognize and realize his greatest potential. but then that fell through as so much more dubious speculation already engendered by the momentum of the market revolutions taking place; even philosophy took the new form of production which would mirror the modes of economy now prevalent. a great explosion of productive force over the course of a few decades, and next thing you know, all the philosophers were writing about it as if they had found the philosopher’s stone. well of course they were… there was a market for the crap they were writing, so of course they did it. we watched the world spontaneously divide into two classes right before our eyes; the bourgeois team of business owners and philosopher hacks that supported them, and the proletarian team of workers and revolutionary theorists who immediately set to stopping this charade before half of the earth was crawling with them. we quickly won the theoretical war with little effort, wiping the conservative thinkers out. the capitalist theory/practice literally blew itself up… we hardly had to make an effort. now we were waiting for the dialectic of history to fire it off. but we’d never forget this greatest of ironies in the history of man; how could such a centuries long magnificent body of theoretical hot air evolve that would end up proving only one thing for sure? that the parasite type would do anything to come up with an excuse not to work. that’s it. that’s all it was. what an unbelievable hoax. no great discoveries, no cutting edge scientific knowledge, no pioneering fields of research. nothing. how could it have taken us so long to see through this facade and call this bullshit out? that’s the question we ask ourselves, and that we were so long deceived by it is a testament to the extraordinary ability of the lazy creature man to use all of his faculties and sophistication to figure out a way to avoid having to work. now that the revolution is over, we’ve changed the title of adam smith’s ‘wealth of nations’ to ‘how to stay on the couch and get the other guy to do the work’. it’s become a bit of an international joke now. we keep it in a museum in which we have on exhibit old capitalism relics. philosophy books, economic equations, novels (we’ve got all of rand’s stuff in a gallery), propaganda art (music and film), all sorts of stuff. it’s become quite the tourist attraction.


Only the greatest thinkers can discover it, and just below them reside the only ones who can be shown. Everyone else sees nonsense, whether through nescience, brainwashing, or pride. Is it any wonder sly ole Chomsky has abandoned his multi-decade crusade only to latch onto climate change?

so i’m doing sets of push-ups and the old lady’s shih-tzu is sitting there watching me. fuck it, i’ll talk to him, sure. i say ‘i’m doing push-ups, riley… push-ups are good for you’ in a soft baby-like voice that people use when talking to dogs. now i know he doesn’t understand the linguistic content of what i said, but he does respond to the intonation, pitch, volume, and general tone of my speech. it says to his primitive little brain; this creature is not trying to harm me and appears to want to cooperate with me. i shall therefore not enter into my fight mode and instead continue to observe the behavior of this strange creature pushing the floor away from him.

and then suddenly a thought occurred to me. the most intelligent species on the planet has the custodial responsibility to assist in the evolution of all other species. and it does this by forcing it’s culture onto the lower species. if i were to talk to this dog for 30,000 years, there’s a good chance i could speed up its evolution and instigate neurological change that would equip the animal with an rudimentary conceptual understanding of my language, yes?

The dog is wondering how much longer it has to wait before brainiac finally dispenses food :wink:

How does one realize what the most intelligent would do?

How long is that in dog years? :-k

The sound of the rain needs no translation :wink:

wait a minute… go back to the video i posted three posts up. notice anything strange about what that old lady immediately said to me? no, i don’t think what compelled her to tell me her husband was dying of cancer, was just some random comment or attempt to garner sympathy from me. and her voice broke a little when she said it. notice that? i think rather that her soul could sense that i’m a healer, and it wanted me to give her and her husband my blessing.

and how did i do it? by ignoring what she said, for to speak with distress and concern for the dying is to already divide the beings-in-the-world frivolously and unnecessarily into dualistic modalities of life and death, modes of being which are not distinct on the plane of immanence. ergo; i should not speak falsely to those for whom such distress is concerned.

“The human mind cannot be absolutely destroyed with the body, but something of it remains which is eternal” - spinoza

You remind me of a good friend I once had, before I could recognize such things, and lots of strange things happened around that dude.

lol that’s nothing. years ago i’m in a coffee shop logged into ILP and some dude stops in front of the window, takes a picture of me, comes in, sits down beside me, and starts praying. wtf man?

another similar incident:

wouldn’t it be cool if this stuff was more than just coincidence? like, what if something is going on here? i’m going to do some meditation and astral travel now so i can tap into the hidden esoteric forces all around me. be right back.

Just butting in; happens to me all the time, synchronous stuff , at first it’s unnerving but after a while it becomes routinely stratospheric. In analysis days, nowadays calling it banalysis, the shrinka wrote a book with which insort of agree nowadays, where she claims that since Heisenberg , borderline is descending or ascending toward mainline population, and that is why the road toward enlightenment is being more brought of it’s capsule.
Gestalt is on the other side of the same fact the Whole Earth Catalogue is full of practical applications of hands on Karen Horney type self realizations.
I disagree, its the drugging for commercial gain rather then for seeking higher plateaus, for the systemic treatment of symptoms rather then the other way around, the treatment of the system.

I followed Your thoughts here and one thing: though: if You took the 2% of the guilty concentration of capital, and distributed it to the lower barges, it would simply cease to exist, cause they would simply live off the capital.

The middle class with values would not need it anyway, they are programmed not to receive but to be taxed, and they are usually ok with the status quo.
How would, could not the middle class copies and cats be able to submerge their represeed animosity, without recording to blatant violence?

Yes (I think).



I am?

Idk man, but my opinion is whatever is making you so smart (doors of perception) is making it happen. That dude was annoyingly flippin out about bin laden before anyone knew who he was, called the 03/2003 stock market bottom the day it happened, and generally just too perceptive for his own damn good. If a hawk flew over, it meant something. Something was said, the wind would blow, and it would mean something. He prayed that I’d find a job, I rolled my eyes like whateva man, the next morning the phone was ringing and ringing waking me up and some guy was offering me a job. Mom used to say that people could see god in me, but I don’t think it’s god, but light nonetheless where light = understanding. You’re privy to too much and it’s drawing the bugs in. A vortex for troubled souls.

… and what this means is that all the possible questions and inquiries a species such as ours with its particular language and sensory apparatus (both structured by concrete neurological processes and components), have already been asked/made. no new philosophical questions can evolve unless there is a substantial change in our physiology, the environment we are in, or both. so while philosophers are babbling on about old questions and problems - which are usually linguistic problems rather than conceptual problems - the gradual change that might/can take place with our species and environment is being monitored by science. the question, to the extent that another philosophical question can be posed, is this; what should be the goals of science now that with it, we are able to control and manipulate not only our species, but our environments as well. we need a scientific ethics… and i think that is possible. but to do this we need to be clear about what we can do with science, or what should be of scientific interest. i think this answer is obvious. increasing human longevity, species mobility (space colonization), genome enhancement, education, cleaner energy sources, eco-preservation, eradication of various diseases, sexier women, etc. a general enhancement of the length, quality and space of/for life. incidentally the greatest obstacle to a serious and sustained effort to begin these projects is global capitalism… because it opens up and leaves these project forces subject to randomly and whimsically selected forms of market organization.

example: by now the world could be driving electric cars, but they aren’t, because private investors are not interested in, or motivated by, the advantages of cleaner energy sources. they are motivated by profit, and if there is an already vibrant market for gasoline powered motor vehicles on earth, they’d continue to invest in that market.

we cannot rely on global capitalism to respond to the stimulus to innovate at the fastest and most efficient rate possible… which should be, in our century, the guiding principle for the development of technology and industry.

so we have a system in which not only are the capitalist functionaries unecessary in the modes of production and distribution, but are also incredibly slow at responding to the scientific projects and tasks mentioned above.

any time you have an important technology that is perfectly able to be mass produced at a point in time, but is not, you can bet your ass that it’s the usual suspects to blame; the private industry owners.

well, the world will no longer tolerate stalling the improvement of man because some new industry that could do it, might or might not put money in some shmuck’s pocket. that’s 20th century nonsense. dinosaur economics.

these premises are very basic and simple enough. no need for ‘philosophy’ here… and anyone who would object to doing it this way would HAVE TO BE a capitalist… or some moron still under the spell of capitalism (thanks to philosophy; long story, that).

we are entering the age in which a lot of fat and gristle is going to be cut off of the giant cheeseburger we are about to start eating, called ‘world economics’, and the improvement of man will begin in rapid progression, following shortly thereafter.

meanwhile the philosophers can continue twiddling their thumbs and asking profound metaphysical questions as they’ve always done. it’s okay. they’re not in the way anymore. this train can’t be stopped.

a philosopher takes a bong hit and asks one of those incredibly deep and important questions:

rosa confiscates the bong and goes to work on em in good wittgensteinean fashion: