Why We Don't Like You Anymore

If anything your “condescension” works too well. It strokes my vanity too much, gets my eye off the ball.

Not that it’s too important. I like ilp, and enjoy the outlet to express some thoughts. But the real game is, as you implied with your insult, in making the billions. As per the post you linked, if you can’t think of what to do with billions once you have them, you are a faliure and a shame to the human race.

Stephen King is great.


Anyway, glad thats actually really clear. Yes. Weirdly the people with the most billions seem completely unable to spend them in any cool ways. That is the fault of Socialism, which replaced any impulse that reeked of genuine appreciation.

The fun thing about any Hispanic American friend Ive had is that they are so eminently disdainful of what on occasions theyll simply brave to call “white people”.
This is refreshing. Especially since I dance rather well it is fun to talk to Hispanic Americans about “white people”.

Another friend of mine, the Chilean-Brazilean, I tested this stuff on him a few days ago, saying that for a white man the spirits are pretty complicated. He nodded approvingly in the dark. Then he went on to slander the white man a bit and forced me on the defensive, which as a white man is the offensive. I said well, the white man has the power to be at peace. He isnt at peace, but he has the power to be. He then said how much he hated it that I was actually literally taking up the position of the white man. But I was really just talking as a mellow Viking. Anyway, Hispanic Americans are the only ones with the will to address The White Man to his face. They clearly dont feel threatened. Not more than they feel superior.

This chemistry gives me good expectations of the future of Hispanic America. It is certainly the “other Europe” the way the states are arranged. Much can be set up there to thrive for millennia.

Lets be clear, White Man is always said by non whites or also-whites from a nonwhite pathos, so it is impossible not to sense it as a derogatory term.


The only solution for this I found in what turned out to be my actual ethnicity, the type of dirt that turned me up. It turned me into a tribal man, changed all the laws. So thats what youre looking at in the future of the White Man - his admitting to non-universal dominance, dominance in his realm only, and then only under his gods and ancestors.

Science happened. Perhaps Christianity only happened to create enough inwardness and recluse to continue science. Perhaps then Hispanic America has a number of centuries of genius discovery ahead of it.

Schools can be started now.
The School of Genius Discovery. I think itd be well located on the Equator.

Because they arent getting anywhere at CERN.
from within the grapevine.

Colliding particles isnt seeming to be conductive of the best way to cognize their relation.

Anyway what is there to invent now but Earth? We need to know this in order to colonize Jupiters satellites anyway.

Money is color-blind.

And in fact it is money, capital, that is our only weapon against white supremacists and any other sumbitch thinks they have some kind of in-nate authority.

That is what it is a weapon against. What it is a weapon for, well, that is where the real beauty is.

'so it is impossible not to sense it as a derogatory term."

Fucking white people…

Nah but I couldn’t help myself. The truth is that true capitalism is incapable of discriminating. Even white people.

What must be crushed is the White Man as a political impulse.

Btw, yours is cute and playful compared to lefties. Zizek doesn’t do a horrible job of pointing it out, unnecesarily jargon heavy as he is. By claiming “universality,” they effectively make the distance between them and others even more absolute than race. Or try. Meanwhile, we laugh at them. Fucking white people.

You can tell it is political White Manism because protecting the rights of the “lesser ones” is far more important to them than money. It is itself a good excuse to regulate money, thus hampering the “lesser one’s” actual capacity to acquire money and thus the power that used to be reserved for kings and dictators and such.

Injens that identify with their tribe first, and make their cash “for the tribe,” are equally retarded. Make that cash money fool!

You seem to have a lot of thoughts going out to this.

You do take it a lot more seriously than I can.

Im just, happy to be what I am. Im sorry if others arent.

I admire most races, so Im free to also appreciate my own. For me, race-mixing is a beautiful thing.

Luckily in Amsterdam, Hispanic and black people arent in the least occupied with pitting themselves in battle against the White Man. Theyre just actually doing cool stuff and making money without being moralistic.
Indonesians, too. And people from Suriname are as “white” as the average Amsterdammer. Cant really see the color if you listen to the speech.

Racism is dumb.

Well shit. You make it hard for a motherfucker to argue with you.

I would say that what you are here presenting as rational and sane but personal preference is made law by capitalism. Not trying to imply that rationality and sanity are what drive the preference, such things are borne of taste, but they do happen to be sane and rational s’far as I can see.

God bless the U.S.A.


Well I agree that capitalism is marked by one truly sane principle, behavior, quality, whatever, namely that you can count on it.
It defines people as individuals with ambition and frustration. Or reveals them as such. “Discloses”, with your Zizek, or my Heidegger.

All kinds of fascism are attempts to rid the common man of a simple discontentedness and weariness of the endless bloodshed. Fascism is weariness. Socialism is like a pre-emptive weariness in the knowledge of a faltering health.
Capitalism is a ridiculously harsh scheme, it isnt a wonder that people object to it, but the only way to redeem this is for capitalism to become much more aware of its power and its beauty.

Especially that.

We agree on this I think.

Im not mentioning any of my admired capitalists because they come to mind in groups of twelve per second or some rate, I can go on indefinitely.
But the times where scarcity of food and medical services were natural is over.

Im not saying strip Pharma of its wealth, let the rich keep their money. Let them want to spend it, in enterprises designed to enhance the greater glory of their legacy. Let any magnate be bold and write his name across the stratosphere.

People are too greedy and chummy for any holder of ancient family industry capital in Europe to be tempted to share their influence. But that can change.

Shamanism. America and Capitalism. Highway 61, roads with world known souls. But the touch with the land is important. It cant get lost in the touch with the pad. Cacti. Thirst. Wooden sheds. Tired horses. The value of water. A New Thirst. Needs disclosure.

Gotta stir the beast so it feels the thirst.
For all its seeming excesses capital is in a state of sloth.

As for the white mans history of physics, this has been matched by the creators of that great old pyramid, mysteries of which still are being discovered today.
Its just weird beyond annoying. Just, the case. It stands there. People with mastery built that. Atlantis probably existed.

The only sources of text that go on at some length about what that was all like that Ive read some stuff of, are the Rosicrucians and Rudolph Steiner.
Rudolph Steiner always talks about stuff that just isnt human in this Aeon.

I think if - haha, true.
The Whitest of all white prophets is the group around “The Tibetan”, culminating in Alice Bailey’s White Magic.

Im not kidding. The Egoic Sciences. These people were so rich that they owned a colonial enterprise.
The headquarters they built in Amsterdam once;

I think rap already sort of did all that. I think you should become a rapper.

But what the fuck do I know. I’m just a broke ass ideologue.

gold Ouroboros
wear it with a blue diamond eye of Horus

Fuck outta here with your hokus pokus shit.


Took a second to realize it was a rap. S’ a pretty good one.