Why We Don't Like You Anymore

Lol, like I said, poetic vision you got. And I say this as a guy who understands that truth is more or less the place where poetry and philosophy intersect, it does not make you untruthful or detached from reality.

But my points, my brilliant insights into politics, all that is war by other means, you do not address any of them. Because I do not speak poetics. And you seem not to be able to talk straight brilliant.

This may seem like an attack or that I’m not a big fan of your poetry. I am. That post you linked to, that’s my kind of poet. That’s raw truth, and only poetry because of the cojones it takes to write it down and publish it, that will make people not take it literally (minus the ones that simply will not have an inkling you even said anything).

Maybe to the extent that I unmasked you is the sense in which I always did take you literally. I’m clever like that.

When you start doing that, taking men literally, you run into that brilliant insight of Baudrillard’s which is that what they are hiding is that they are hiding nothing. Only people with this insight will understand the true genious of what I write, all these weasels trying to see what I’m hiding. U.S.A. bitch. I ain’t hiding shit.

I’m just a connoisseur of propaganda, is all. No need for the flattery…

My dear friend Brian (I take that liberty because you had the audacity to call me peter), what I sincerely believe is that they want us to treat eachother as worthless animals and to act like such.

What I propose is that we treat eachother like men. We’re not supposed to. If we do just that, that will already be their defeat.

Commies almost had that insight, you know with the whole comrade thing. But the distance encompassed by that almost is the distance between genocidal totalitarianism and freedom.

The standard of a man, the cusp of which is a gentleman.

Its not war if no one addresses it.

Nuh-uh I called you Pedro. And it couldn’t have been a typo either because I just checked all my devices; none of the auto corrects turned pedro into peter. I can’t believe I just spent two minutes doing this. You must be interesting to me. Weird.


Sure it is. The declaration is the war, the response is already that: a response.

My words be writ. Keen observers will notice. Or not, I don’t really fucking care, like Mamet says, these thoughts are just like diseases I gotta say out loud to be cured from.

I know because, even though so much of the political warfare that went on in Venezuela went unaddressed, plenty of the tactics and strategies employed are being used today at the highest levels.

Wanna talk about innovation?

It will take centuries for people to acknowledge just how much of an innovater ol’ Chavez was, God rest that beautiful motherfucker’s soul.

His opponents too.

Communist dictatorship and democratic socialism are not equivalent, and both were instituted in the early 20th century, the former by the Russians and the latter Americans and Europeans.

Democratic socialism was not invented by shrieky millennials wearing eyeliner in the 21st.

Get your facts straight, bucko.

I commend your pride. A national pride which produces aesthetics.
To be honest the quality I’ve seen of you here I’ve commented earlier on.
As I said you could produce a kind of political The Catcher in the Rye.

Art is often a kind of spat out poison.

Aesthetic Poison.

Human Merit.

Great stuff.

Latin/Hispanic America thus has a debutante on da philosophical scene. Never was a place to inspire great writers, let alone scientists.

But as we say “when there is one sheep over the dam, more will follow”.

I’ll keep an eye on the place.

(That is to say, giving condescending compliments is an old tactic.)

That didn’t sound condescending. It was actually quite motivating. At least genuinely flattering.

Except the thing about hispanic america and art. We have some of the best literature I’ve ever read. But we still have some of that old imperial pride, it’s really only meant to be and possible to be enjoyed by hispanic Americans.

Ain’t gonna be no other like me. I’m the only one that likes the US enough to adapt to their asthetic standards. I mean we have plenty of aspiring US copycats, but I don’t consider it the same thing. They see it as adapting US style to Venezuela or wherever, I consider myself a globel citizen, so to speak, like composers that moved to Venice. And anyway, millenials ruined everything anyway. All our great writers are dead.

But no, it is actually quite inspiring.

I alwyas told you to be more serious about art and forget the whole politics or straight intellectual thing. You took that as condescending. I get that a lot, appearently I’m a condescending person. It is not by design, I do not actually notice it.

The reason I think Hispanic America has achieved the highest level of intellectuality on Earf is that our intellectuals always understood themselves as writing in the wilderness. Unlike the Europeans or North Americans, we never bothered to wonder how to distill genious from dirt, we took the European innovations as givens and applied it into the dirty world. It resulted in the kinds of questions so innocent and eurodite, so beside the monkey and the snake and the ants, that it went wway fucking farther than I’ve seen Europe or North America go. Those guys pace themselves, you know what I mean?

Only writer that gets close to understanding how Hispanic American writers question is Stephen King.

But I do concede, I still think the grand prize is in the US. Hispanic America has a ceiling that the US does not have. In important ways, US is even much more innocent than Hispanic America. Less self-important. That’s the key, yes, true gringo artists are not self-important. That’s one thing we did not shake off from Europeans.

Rap works because it works. No rapper ever expected to be taken some way or another before the music started playing.

Also why gringos have been the only ones so far to compose music that enters the Venetian continuity, 50’s and early 60’s jazz.

I’m proud to be of my part of the planet. I consider Venezuela only to be a place.

Anyone that limits themselves to a nationality, the aspiring universe that is a nation, already lost the big game.

If anything your “condescension” works too well. It strokes my vanity too much, gets my eye off the ball.

Not that it’s too important. I like ilp, and enjoy the outlet to express some thoughts. But the real game is, as you implied with your insult, in making the billions. As per the post you linked, if you can’t think of what to do with billions once you have them, you are a faliure and a shame to the human race.

Stephen King is great.


Anyway, glad thats actually really clear. Yes. Weirdly the people with the most billions seem completely unable to spend them in any cool ways. That is the fault of Socialism, which replaced any impulse that reeked of genuine appreciation.

The fun thing about any Hispanic American friend Ive had is that they are so eminently disdainful of what on occasions theyll simply brave to call “white people”.
This is refreshing. Especially since I dance rather well it is fun to talk to Hispanic Americans about “white people”.

Another friend of mine, the Chilean-Brazilean, I tested this stuff on him a few days ago, saying that for a white man the spirits are pretty complicated. He nodded approvingly in the dark. Then he went on to slander the white man a bit and forced me on the defensive, which as a white man is the offensive. I said well, the white man has the power to be at peace. He isnt at peace, but he has the power to be. He then said how much he hated it that I was actually literally taking up the position of the white man. But I was really just talking as a mellow Viking. Anyway, Hispanic Americans are the only ones with the will to address The White Man to his face. They clearly dont feel threatened. Not more than they feel superior.

This chemistry gives me good expectations of the future of Hispanic America. It is certainly the “other Europe” the way the states are arranged. Much can be set up there to thrive for millennia.