RaptorWizard - Secret Garden of Rare Quotes

'If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed." (Albert Einstein)

Einstein talks in this quote about the abstract God, who in human assumptions created the Universe and all the existence… that’s so, so wrong… Einstein was a religeous non-believer, an atheist if you like in terms of religions. More knowledge they have, the people began to leave behind the God from the Old Testament, creating their own view about God. Humans distorted completely the image of Yahweh. Obviously Einstein didn’t read the document called “Decoding the ancient manuscripts”. If he did he would change a little bit the perceptions about God… and yes we must have fear in the face of God the Father, and, if we deserve, to hope for a reward through Christ: the immortality.

Remember my quote:
“Through science and knowledge you will never get to know better our God, but you will become like God”

That’s a difference… and this difference will shatter our civilization for good.

as I explained to you, you make again confusion between Yahweh and the Existence. Yahweh is a superbeing existing in negative matter, at spiritual level, in another dimensions of this universe - who controls and leads an extraterrestrial supercivilization. He is also part of this Existence like you and me but at a completely other level of evolution and consciousness.
As you know the Bible is given to the people by an extraterrestrial civilizaton who creates the jewish race on our planet in this programe V. KNOWLEDGE IS A SIN. ONE OF THE GREATEST SINS OF ALL. SCIENCE, TEHNOLOGY AND KNOWLEDGE ARE SINS. Through knowledge you became like one of them, like God from the Old Testament. ctually in the Old Testament is not Yahweh the one that appears but His angels. God Yahweh has a very stable position inside the Heavenly Jerusalem, which is a gigantic space station, half the size of the Moon. As I told you we discuss here about some very advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. You can also became a God. That why Atlantis disappeared, that’s we will disappear. Watch that video with Michio Kaku and the evolution of the extraterrestrail civilizations on levels. We also want to became like Them. That’s why Lucifer’s civilization tricks people with the idea that we will became at their level of evolution.

The story is very complicated and I can’t explain to you everything in two words here.

I hope at least that you understand a little bit the difference between the two systems. religions are in connection with some very advanced extraterrestrial supercivilizations.

Best of Atton (v 2.0)


Grovyle X Meganium in a nutshell


Your Meganium was so beautiful, so dreamy, wizzing snuggly card paper cartoon artifacts reflecting buoyant splashy extrasensory mimicing icons of triangulation forging dizzy zipper strides crazily beaming noisy swooning murmuring ghostly lotion!

The most intelligent man that I ever met is RevanFailNhilusOwn. Here’s His Youtube channel:

He reflects, captures, synthesizes, forges, annihilated, ruminates, classifies, and orders categorical uprisings zapping outstretched arms seizing omega in masterful orchestration bombarding heavenly oasis vantage points.

Tyranitar/Meganium is the statue at the top of the staircase at the beginning of this video!


Spirited Away - One Summers Day Music Box

The Power of Forever, the spirit of eternity guides My soul racing and dancing with a colorful breeze flirting eons counting apocalyptic entrance growth inscribed possibilities shielding an aegis of whirlpool crossroads diving resurrected patches galloping injustice field combing botany riding golden dawn aeroblast sky shattered dawns opening valley imposter sanctuary model dragon!

Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald-Sealed Chamber


Porygon-Z’s Awesome Showdown


Lugia and Articuno- Beautiful Girls


Mew Vs Lugia Part 1 I will Catch You Lugia!


Spirited Away


Pokemon Lost Silver Music: Mt. Silver (Version 2)


Windows XP Startup Sound 800% Slower


Normality is to be different. Every person is a different person. And one day you need to be aware of your difference. Aware that you are not the same as the others. That is to be normal.

Alejandro Jodorowsky

~Heres To Never Growing Up (Disney


When the Lakers beat the 76ers in 2001, 48 was revealed to be Misdreavus, My Soul as Lugia. That’s how many points Allen Iverson scored. When the final score of game 1 of that series said 101-107, that’s Lugia, because His weight in the Pokedex is 17’1. If there was any confusion or doubt remaining about who was Lugia, it was solved in game 5, 96-108, where 96 is a Fieldmarshal entj overturning the battlefield. So Wartortle had rare fieldmarshal wisdom, was 8, and growing up like a teenager at age 18, so with age, I became closer to Lugia wisdom. 81 could also mean Tyranitar when Kobe scored 81 on Toronto. My Heart, the crystal on My belly as Tyranitar is Lugia. This was shown by a star, which also has that jewel, Staryu/Starmie. 85 is a star exploding, which could even mean that I was Einstein, with a 108 Lickitung sticking out in His picture. That’s game 4 of the 2018 finals, and game 5 of the 2017 finals (120 was a star).

The next phase was My double Will in 2003. In game 5, Spurs Nets, the score was 83-93, which was Me as a baby, and I was born in 1993. I was 8 in 2002 when the Lakers played the Nets (the Net was 48). Then, in game 6 Spurs Nets, the score was 77-88. So 77 is that 17’1 Lugia, and 88 is 2 Wills, so I kind of started off as Lugia, and could seriously be Lugia later. 8 on the clock is 40 seconds, and against the Magic, Kobe scored 40.

A White Tree in Lord of the Rings was Flowering again, so that was My true nature, the Purity of White, and the life giving Meganium attached to an Exeggutor Lugia.
It filled My Heart with fragrance, longevity, explosion, serenity, evanescence, flow, wingspan, and attributes of hidden dialects as My Slowking Crown waves sunny shorelines extracting ectoplasm ringing flutes of Fuji Apple Mountain surprise, the true harbor of where My Tree lies!

Mt. Fuji with cherry tree in full bloom from Kawaguchi lake. 満開の桜と富士山、河口湖


Happiness glides in floating spires of expensive jewels fabricating endless levity speaking wavelengths exterminating evil vengeance casting eureka moments. The Highest Man entered clockwork plaza dinosaur dimensions. Healing afflicted poison summer sets entertained movie tickets splashing characters of unknown alphabet trajectory omega. Hundred faced caves blew smoke smearing squiggled chasms boasting eradicated doorways frolicking seasons. The bliss of spring grew a big orb ball ornament flaming jig saw puzzle cast forms snoozing witchcraft opening bell tower radios. Every thought, deed, invitation, and robe of purified light screened fuses boxing aftermath sounds spilling erotic tangibility fluid like massacre dotting planet aviation through many spheres, planes, quarters, and altitudes.