On impossibility of God

The OP proposition strikes me as literal nonsense of the absolutist variety. God is defined to the satisfaction of the definer who then concludes that his own chosen definition is an impossibility. Wouldn’t intellectual humility rather lead one to consider the possibility that one’s definition is in error?
I’m using the term “nonsense” literally. Why not ask the question: Is there a possible experience which would justify believing in God? From the standpoint of empiricism one could then estimate the probability of such experience. But I don’t see how one can claim with certitude that such experience is impossible.

It is the conflict in the definitions which give rise to an impossibility.

Which definition is wrong? What is your definition of God?

Experience? Any supernatural evil being can claim that s/he is God. What is the truth?

I didn’t say that experience of supernatural beings is impossible.

As I stated above, I am going by the OP. There I understand you to define God in terms of simplicity and non-subjection to time.

And how do you KNOW with certitude that what you experience is NOT God?

If our sense of what is a paradox holds at all levels and all possibilities. Once we would have said that being a wave or a particle were mutually exclusive states of being. That something could not both act as a wave and as a particle at the same time. Deduction eliminated this possibility. Yet, now it seems to be the case.

Particles in superposition both exist and do not exist. They sort of exist in potential. Again, deduction might have said this was not possible, but now it is pretty much accepted in physics models.

Our deductions are always dependent on our metaphysics. What seems obvious may not be.

God is defined as love and justice too. This make this is against simplicity of God unless you show that love and justice are similar.

I asked “what is the truth?”.

I don’t think that we could call a quantum particle as simple.

If every element in the universe came from the singularity of the big bang, why can’t Love & Justice come from the simplicity that is God? Alternatively, apart from the fact that the simplicity of God is part of the traditional orthodox definition, why must God be simple?
On your question, “what is the truth?”, from the probability that we don’t know the answer with certitude, it doesn’t follow that there isn’t one or that such cannot be experienced.

Because Love and Justice are different yet each being God.

Here there is an argument in favor of that: saintaquinas.com/article5.html

Yes, we cannot know.

Then nothing is simple. The word has no meaning.

Or perhaps some complicted things do not move towards more complexity or simplicity. CAn you demonstrate that this must be the case.

Sure, knowing more. The Abrahamic religions have God as the perfect unevolving something. Perhaps they are wrong. Perhaps God evolves.

You mean because humans use inexact terms in language there could not possibly be a God where it would be useful to use those terms?

Are you saying, for example, you would never refer to another person as both just and loving because they cannot be both all the time? Are you saying something does not exist because our words are not perfect?

So if people start saying contradictory things about you will that make you no longer having existed?

It seems to me all you are demonstrating is some the problems of describing things. Still, even the inexact descriptions of things can be useful, and even convey core truths.

That’s true for a lot of things we know exist.

If you are loving you want to treat those you love justly.

Because by eternity we mean that God has existed in infinite past. Creation apparently is not eternal, it has a age. Therefore God has to wait eternity to create.
We don’t know if creation is eternal or not. It could be eternal forward in time. What if God is not bound by time? What if we are trying to describe things above our pay grade. Like a dog licking the reviever of a phone upon hearing his owners voice through it. He’s right, it is his owner speaking. But he is not completely right.

It seems to me many of the issues you raise have the same problems when describing things we know are real. Like the personality of someone we love. Perception. The external world. Time. We try to explain these things and we get into imperfections and problems. Language and perception are problematic. I will never adequately be able to put my wife into words. Yet, she exists. And in many ways I do know her and my descriptions are helpful. Perhaps her mother knows her also, b ut her descriptions are not useful. They confuse others when those people meet my wife or do not help them understand her reactions and motives. Her mother has poorer descritpions, but mine are not perfect, they are just useful and in some core way correct. Even if one went through them carefully one would find contradictions and confusions.

It seems to me your critique works well as a general indictment of language, but it is a poor approach to disproving God or even discproving that some people have useful ways of describing, thinking about and relating to God.

And also there is a heavy use of the Abrahamic God.

No, a thing which has only a property/definition can exist.

True. That is the case too.

This is all exhaustive options.

Do you know the name of God who is evolving?


No. They cannot be both in the same time.


What is your definition of God?

No, nothing is wrong with the logic and language. It is about a contradiction.
P1) A is B & A is C
P2) B=/=C
C ) A cannot exist.

There is problem if there are at least two definitions which are contrary. Sorry for not being accurate.

Yes. But Love is not Justice.

Creation cannot be eternal. There is an argument against that.

A timeless God cannot create. There is an argument against that too.

Perhaps, the same way that an electron is a particle and a wave.

Right, it includes the statement: “The properties usually attributed to God such as omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence do not contradict the teaching of simplicity because each property is a different way of looking at the infinite active being of God from a limited perspective.” The same could be true of love and justice.

Then we agree that we cannot know. And, since we cannot know, it follows that you do not know if God is an impossibility or not.

Electron is not a simple thing.

I have heard of that but that is not an argument.

We cannot know through experience that what we experience is God or not. We can however deduce it.

That doesn’t hold. Lizards cannot describe how a car works and has not idea that there are radio waves. But there still are these things.

I see it all the time. In fact I cannot see how a consistently unjust person could be loving, ever. I find myself almost Platonic in this one. I could not love my two sons and also deal with their dispute justly all at the same time. You even go so far as to mean here that it cannot happen in any instance.

The soundness, or not, of you positions has nothing to do with whatever I believe. They have to stand on their own.

We are not lizard. We are cognitively open to logic.

I am arguing that love and justice are not the same. The fact that you observe that you are just and lovely does not implement that love and justice are the same. You are just a just and lovely person.

An electron is an elementary particle or fundamental particle. That means it is a subatomic particle with no sub structure, thus not composed of other particles. In physics you can’t get simpler than that. Thus, it is analogous to God’s putative ultimate simplicity. And yet it is both a wave and a particle, analogous to God being both justice and love.

Felix Dakat wrote

Above you state “Here there is an argument”. Now you state “that is not an argument.” You contradict yourself.

How do you deduce certainty from an uncertain experience?

Well, t hank you. But you actually made the extreme statement that they could not exist at the same time in something and they can. They could also be words describing the same essence from a couple of angles. And last, again, just because some people describe God as just and loving does not entail that God does not exist if these two are unreconcilable. It only entails that if the only possible God is those two things and further that we deal with language in mathematical terms.

Language is not mathematical. Word elicit experiences. And they do this slopplily. To varying degrees. I could describe my father as loving and just, and perhaps you would say that in response to event X he managed to only be just but not loving. This does not entail that he does not exist, nor does it entail that I was wrong to use these words to decribe him. I used words that effectively, though not perfectly described him. Giving people who do not know him or know him as well as I do some useful information.

There is no reason to take theists descriptions as mathematical propositions or step in an argument in symbolic logic. And there is no reason to take people’s fallible descriptions as causal in the existence or non-existence of something.

Old drawings of African animals by European travelers and explorers in Africa were often distorted, not remotely as accurate as current day (also flawed but less flawed drawings) of these animals. And yet a picture and description of the lion or the elephant, indicating its general shape and some of its behavior and the texture of its skin and fur did in fact convey information, and would have helped Europeans later at zoos or in Africa pick out the lion or elephant and also to understand to some degree how they differed from animals the Europeans were used to.



The standard model wherein electron is an elementary particle is not anomaly free. Moreover, electron is not particle and wave in the same time but behaves as particle and wave at the same time.

I meant the bold part is not an argument.

I simply say that I don’t know. Uncertainty implements uncertainty when it comes to experience.

The Love that explain God as a being is different from love that we experience. The same applies to Justice. The Love/Justice are objective whereas love/justice are subjective. When we say God is Love we mean that Love is something which God is and vise versa God is something who is Love. I know that doesn’t explain much because it doesn’t explain what Love is. Regardless here is my argument that I post it again for sake of clarity:
P1) A is B & A is C
P2) B=/=C
C ) A cannot exist.
Where A is God, B is Love and C is Justice.