Boycott Google

I edited a bunch of times, lol.

No problem man. I usually give it a good while before I even look lol. I was thinking that maybe we should make separate threads for each main point of disagreement. Like the discussion on Jared Diamond’s idea, UBI, and whatever the other thing was. Crap, what was the other thing? Religion? Yeah, is religion the cause of evil. Each of those are pretty heavy on their own.

What haven’t we been discussing? :laughing:
There must be at least a dozen topics.
Our political paradigms are colliding.
I’m fine with keeping it all in one place.
This’s a holistic discussion, everything ties together.
There’s too much to subdivide, and I might lose my groove if we attempt to reorganize and compartmentalize everything now.
Yea, heavy discussion, somehow whenever you and I talk it ends up being about, everything.

I think it’s more likely that the strong simply take it; it’s not given.

But to perform social engineering requires defining what strong means.

What does it mean to devolve? We’ve lost our ability to hunt because of grocery stores, so are we weaker now? Should we abandon grocery stores in order to preserve righteous hunting skills?

This appeal to de-evolution frustrates me because: 1) advance and regress as a society really has no meaning; whether we desire to get smarter or dumber or whatever, it just doesn’t matter. There is no law written in stone saying we have to continually improve. In fact, I’d be happier if things never changed. When we go camping, do we drag our shit in, set up tents, start the fire, and then sit down to enjoy the fruits of our labors or do we keep working all night to justify our existence? The work has been done; it’s time to sit down and relax and enjoy what has been done. 2) Everything that improves us, also weakens us. That’s pretty much the definition of “comfort”. So, whoever holds this “de-evolution” philosophy would have to be in opposition of technology itself, which goes alllllll the way back to fire itself: the original technology! That’s just plum retarded!

In order to advocate the “oh, we might get weak” argument, one would have to be antipodal to technology.

Obviously everyone likes technology and no one is worried about getting weak, so what’s this about then? Hate, fear, amygdala, etc. What else could it be?

The pendulum probably swings both ways.

I might agree with that if the amount of work being done were the same as the amount of work that needed to be done, but you’re arguing for “improvements” and “advancements”, so I don’t feel obligated to join forces in performance of work for the sake of work. I will not be conscripted nor advocate for the involuntary conscription of others into this fantasy requiring servitude.

In the 1800s they would have figured by 2019 that we’d have such an abundance of time that we might not have to work at all, but we’re busier than ever, so busy that we don’t have time to raise our kids. That right there tells me that most of the work done in the world is frivolous. So why should people be compelled, against their will, into doing work that doesn’t need to be done?

Man that’s just all amygdala lol

You’re advocating child labor now? Actually I think I started working at 14, but not enough to make a difference. Mom worked 2 jobs, dad sent child support and we still weren’t middle class. Years later I discover that the reason for that extra struggling, that didn’t have to be, was so the rich could keep more of what they weren’t using anyway… and too many republicans were terrified I might get something for nothing. The joke is on them since the community is reaping precisely what it sowed.

Sure, I agree, so who was the geneticist? Who killed the humans who didn’t bear fruit and fed the ones that did? Who guided this process? If you cut down trees or throw out apples, then you get the credit, so who threw out the bad humans over the 100’s of 1000s of years in order to select for the white ones? Nobody. It just worked out that way.

You’re not acting white, lol, because I didn’t say “prove whites are more intelligent”, I said “prove their evolution was guided.”

If I breed a big tomato plant, then I get the credit for guiding the development of the genetics and not the tomato plant. The tomato plant didn’t select for itself.

If X guided the development of the white race, then X gets the credit and not the white race. The white race could not have selected itself into existence anymore than the tomato plant could.

The way you’re painting this is like a hominid saying “Listen up! In 20,000 years, the next time the earth precesses, we’re leaving half these negros in africa and heading north to the good soil, where we’ll turn a lovely shade of white and grow big brains.” No, the earth precessed and they just meandered that general direction, then were cut off from returning for 1000s of years. The whole thing was chance.

Doesn’t seem like any reasonable person would believe that.

Because an all-white workforce is evidence of discrimination. I mean, it may not be, but that’s how they see it. They want to force different races together to acclimate them so that eventually no one gives a hoot.

Name some way this personally affects you.

Every advantage has a disadvantages. The good thing about conservatives is you can trust them like you trust a machine.

Outlawing disease is not intolerance. They’ll support your right to do what you want, unless what you want is to tell others what to do.

This is like the argument against the atheists: “Why won’t you leave us alone to practice our religion? Why are you on crusade against religion?” Well the genital mutilation community, the suicide bomber community, the wars and atrocities all share religion, so one has a moral obligation from a humanist standpoint to exterminate religion. The left has the same obligation to exterminate conservatism while conservatives appeal to their right to oppress others (homos, nonwhites, poor people, women, druggies, etc) under the protection of religion, politics, and tradition.

Then you’ll have to make more prisons because the more you do that, the more you’ll need to. The more consumers you lock up, the less need for employees, so you have new consumers to lock up and then more and more and more until there is no one left.

Sure, every society ought to have a class of brain-damaged people running loose making decisions. Why, how else could the republican party exist? LOL

Yankee women don’t have many kids, but in the south they have a full litter before graduation. If you have only 1 or 2 kids by drinking age, they wonder what is wrong with you lol

There are more poor people than unemployed people. 1/3 of tax returns (50 million) are under $20,000. The pop is 330 million, so 180 million with zero income and 50 million with poverty-level income.

Probably because the mulatto was the only one who volunteered to manage the apartments for the peanuts offered. My cousin owns some rentals and I can assure you that penny-pincher hires the cheapest managers he can find.

Yeah that too. And it didn’t help that the jews declared war first with their boycotts and whatnot.

Was his own book bullshit?

Mein Kampf (1925-1926)

[i]Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord. (p. 65)

This human world of ours would be inconceivable without the practical existence of a religious belief. (p. 152)

Even today I am not ashamed to say that, overpowered by stormy enthusiasm, I fell down on my knees and thanked Heaven from an overflowing heart for granting me the good fortune of being permitted to live at this time. A fight for freedom had begun mightier than the earth had ever seen; for once Destiny had begun its course, the conviction dawned on even the broad masses that this time not the fate of Serbia or Austria was involved, but whether the German nation was to be or not to be. (p. 161)

And the founder of Christianity made no secret indeed of his estimation of the Jewish people. When He found it necessary, He drove those enemies of the human race out of the Temple of God. (p. 174)

His [the Jewish person’s] life is only of this world, and his spirit is inwardly as alien to true Christianity as his nature two thousand years previous was to the great founder of the new doctrine. Of course, the latter made no secret of his attitude toward the Jewish people, and when necessary he even took to the whip to drive from the temple of the Lord this adversary of all humanity, who then as always saw in religion nothing but an instrument for his business existence. In retum, Christ was nailed to the cross, while our present-day party Christians debase themselves to begging for Jewish votes at elections and later try to arrange political swindles with atheistic Jewish parties — and this against their own nation. (p. 307)

Anyone who dares to lay hands on the highest image of the Lord commits sacrilege against the benevolent creator of this miracle and contributes to the expulsion from paradise. (p. 383)

It would be more in keeping with the intention of the noblest man in this world if our two Christian churches, instead of annoying Negroes with missions which they neither desire nor understand, would kindly, but in all seriousness, teach our European humanity that where parents are not healthy it is a deed pleasing to God to take pity on a poor little healthy orphan child and give him father and mother, than themselves to give birth to a sick child who will only bring unhappiness and suffering on himself and the rest of the world. (p. 403)

The folkish-minded man, in particular, has the sacred duty, each in his own denomination, of making people stop just talking superficially of God’s will, and actually fulfill God’s will, and not let God’s word be desecrated. For God’s will gave men their form, their essence and their abilities. Anyone who destroys His work is declaring war on the Lord’s creation, the divine will. (p. 562)

As far as this variety of ‘folkish’ warriors, are concerned, I can only wish the National Socialist movement and the German people with all my heart: “Lord, preserve us from such friends, and then we can easily deal with our enemies.” (p. 565)

Since Germany never defends herself, except by a few flaming protests on the part of our parliamentary elite, and the rest of the world has no reason for fighting in our defense, and as a matter of principle God does not make cowardly nations free… (p. 622)

For this, to be sure, from the child’s primer down to the last newspaper, every theater and every movie house, every advertising pillar and every billboard, must be pressed into the service of this one great mission, until the timorous prayer of our present parlor patriots: ‘Lord, make us free!’ is transformed in the brain of the smallest boy into the burning plea: ‘Almighty God, bless our arms when the time comes; be just as thou hast always been; judge now whether we be deserving of freedom; Lord, bless our battle!’ (pp. 632-633)

We are a people of different religions, but we are one. Which faith conquers the other is not the question; rather, the question is whether Christianity stands or falls… We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity … in fact our movement is Christian. We are filled with a desire for Catholics and Protestants to discover one another in the deep distress of our own people.

Speech in Passau 27 October 1928 Bundesarchiv Berlin-Zehlendorf; from Richard Steigmann-Gall (2003). Holy Reich: Nazi conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 60-61.[/i] … olf_Hitler

Well, it would require some righteous goal and if the goal were innocently to help the race, then that goal would be the “god” in that case, but I have a hard time seeing a nonreligious person being that motivated and most remarkable of all: convincing 1000s of others to go along with the plan.

This is a funny video


Sometimes we do the opposite.

You’re thinking small and short-term. Hitler killed millions of the dumbest jews which selected for smarter jews and look what happened. He made them stronger.

Alan Watts said something like “whatever you attack with violence will reoccur.” I forgot the specific reasoning he used.

I’m overrun by violets. I’ve dug them up millions of times, but leaving even one bit of root is like a seed. After years of fighting, I give up. Now my plan is to let them become so dense that something decides to eat them… as if I had a choice.

The people were theists (orthodox christians), but the state became god (or tried to). In N Korea, Kim is god and the people worship him. All those dictatorial governments use religion and none ever were atheist. Never was there a time where an atheist government governed an atheist people, probably because atheists were never allowed to live very long before being burned at a cross or something.

Yeah, well, Christopher Hitchens changed my mind on that.

No, Germany desiring to retake its land was a greed war, but the response was a “holy war” crusading for a righteous cause and dehumanize the Germans operating merely on simian greed like animals, not divine beings like us.
Vietnam was a holy war against communism. Same with Korea.
Saddam greedily wanted Kuwait’s oil, so we went on a righteous war against terrorism.
Really, the only war sterilized of religious principles was the Revolutionary War: the king greedily wanted american resources and the american people simply wanted freedom. Nobody was righteous.

That is what Lao Tzu meant when he said the goodie goodies are the thieves of virtue.

So if genital mutilation, terrorism, etc are some of the disadvantages of religion, what are some similar disadvantages of atheism? I can’t think of any.

Yeah probably lol. But no, life is perfectly indestructible.

Well hell it’s like you’re reading my mind lol. Yes the treasury should simply issue the money and publish the books so the public could have some kind of say in monetary policy. Milton Friedman said the whole thing could be computerized… and that was in the 70s. The 2nd-best solution is what we have now.

Yeah, but that would be one heck of a cash injection. It would be cheaper to just seize them.

I think it was Teddy Roosevelt who threatened to seize an industry if they didn’t concede to the demands of the union strikers and pay higher wages.

Buffett and Gates aren’t for that. But the poor stupid white old boomers are the ones advocating a flat tax and perpetually harping on “fairness”. A flat tax is the worst. The reason the founding fathers didn’t like income tax was that only common people had income; the rich didn’t work. So, the way to redistribute was to tax the rich by tariffs since only the rich imported goods. Nowadays is opposite: the poor import goods from china and the rich have all the income.

Well, sufficient scraps has fallen from the table such that the poor are pacified enough in spite of the disparity.

Do unto others I guess. The difference is it’s ok to lie to achieve a greater virtue, but the conservative cannot transgress.

Should we kill the little old lady to save new york?

Some examples of people may vary, but I think I nailed the principle philosophical difference. The ends (consequences) justify the means (action) with liberals while only the action matters to the conservative.

Does anyone say that? I’m looking at the differences between them.

That’s about right.

He banned abortion if you wanted one, but forced one on you if you didn’t lol

And conservative.

Liberal ethos can be written down, but the liberals themselves couldn’t be replaced by machines.

That is sensible enough not to merit a challenge :slight_smile:

I remember dad trying to talk me into voting. My position was that I didn’t know anything about the issues and didn’t feel right voting on something I knew nothing about. He pointed out the mentally disabled daughter of a woman he knew and said the solution to my moral dilemma was simply to cancel her vote. It seemed sensible, so I did.

I don’t know why it doesn’t naturally occur to people not to have opinions on what they know nothing about.

Then I suppose after about 10-15 years I woke up one day and asked “hasn’t this climate debate been settled by now?” I accepted the mainstream position by virtue of longevity and harbored that position until I signed up on a physics board inquiring about the exact reason co2 acts as a high-pass filter because I never seen one in nature before (other than a capacitor). I discovered that it does indeed function as a high-pass filter, but in the process of learning I discovered how insignificant is it. For instance ozone absorbs light that is 48x more energetic, so a lack of ozone is 48x more significant. Water vapor is a stronger insulator. And then the solar and galactic rays are many orders of magnitude more significant than co2. So I changed my mind and realized that almost no one is prepared properly to even have an opinion.

And I don’t know how I could make up my mind about 9/11 because all info I could receive will be “trust me, it’s true!” Could buildings fall because of jet fuel? Hell, I don’t know. I don’t even know how I can find out. Is the government competent enough to orchestrate such an event?

I won’t go into 911 here any more, but I will say this last comment. Check out the films of building 7 going down. Check out what can be seen of the fires in the building. Watch how fast it goes down. There was no jet fuel in building 7, none. It caught some side effects of the two towers. Try to imagine how burning desks and papers in asymmetical fires could take down a steel based structure. Perfectly. Asymetrical minor damage caused by fires brings down the entire building perfectly. Even demolition experts fuck up buildings and they make sure the destruction is simultaneous at the core of the building and symmetrical.


If employers couldn’t find new things for people to do, capitalism would’ve collapsed long ago.

I’m not sure if they’ll reproduce more or less on the street than on welfare, but at least they’ll be malnourished and their fertility will plummet.

Many or most of them may get jobs if the street is the only alternative.

I’m in favor of raising the standard of living for the working poor.

Hitler and his regime publicly feigned to be Christians, while in private they were atheists, pagans, social Darwinists and Nietzscheans, much’s our leaders publicly feign to be Christians, liberals and conservatives, while in private they’re, well, atheists, pagans, social Darwinists and Nietzscheans, but at least the Nazis were more honest.’s_religious_beliefs

I’m in favor of helping those who genuinely need it.

Lenin and Stalin never claimed to be Gods.

You can use religion to justify the removal of tyrants too, like your founding fathers did.

Atheists need to stop blaming religion for what tyrants do with it.

The Kremlin persecuted theists.

Religion played a very small part in attempting to justify those wars.

They weren’t crusades, we weren’t trying to convert the heathen.

On the surface they were mainly about ideology and keeping us and our allies safe, beneath the surface they were about empire.

Atheists are starting to mutilate their children’s genitals for different reasons, and feed them hormone blockers, steroids…

Atheist anarchists, communists and fascists commit terrorism.


Sounds good to me.


It’s okay if some things atrophy if they’re no longer needed.

I’m not arguing for improvements and advancements i.e. the destruction of the environment, I’m arguing government should increase wages and reduce prices for necessities rather than going to the other extreme and giving necessities (e.g. food, clothing, shelter) away for free.
If only 50, 20 or whatever % of the population has to work full time to ensure everyone’s needs are taken care of, than reduce the work week proportionally to ensure near 100% employment.
After that, improvements and advancements will be optional, and we’ll think twice before doing something that jeopardises our health/the health of the environment for the sake of something no one needs or even really wants.
In the main, we should only economically, scientifically and technologically progress, if we can do so without seriously compromising our health/the environment’s.

Children are helpless, and most of them will grow up to be contributors, lazy people aren’t and won’t.

It doesn’t matter if social, natural selection, free will insofar as it exists, Jesus, the Buddha or all of the above guided our evolution, those who’re more able and willing to contribute to society should get more out of it.

The big, juicy, nutritious tomato plant gets credit just for being itself, regardless of what external, and internal (it’s always a combo) factors lead to its development, it gets credit because you’re tending to it more than its fellows.

It should go without saying, but liberals can be every bit as unreasonable as conservatives.

Right, we should force people who do their job well to work with people who do their job poorly, because people who do their job well shouldn’t care if they share the same position and wage with people who do their job poorly.

No it’s not just about not being told what to do, they don’t want individuals, families and communities to have religious or moral values.

Liberals want to remove all criticism of Islam, even tho in the 21st century, it’s by far and away the most militant religion.

The worst atrocities of the 20th century were committed by atheists.

And liberals are the enemy of whites, the middle class and men.

You could be right, I don’t know. I remember Sylva Browne said if Bush won the election against Gore, that something really bad would happen. I voted for Bush anyway (dad’s fault lol). I often wonder if there was any possible way she could have perceived the future. There was also some talk about some randomness-monitoring eggs placed around the world that suddenly stop detecting randomness right before the planes crashed. We can go pretty deep in the rabbit hole lol

But we need customers to buy the products

I think we should test your theory by chucking you onto the street with all the mullatos. Like the guy who presented that brazen bull to the king and the king roasted him alive inside the thing. With what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged! It’s YOUR idea, so we test it on YOU! :evilfun:

Only to support the slave system. You’re no different than any conservative. Worse perhaps because your evil is less obvious… like the angel of light christ warned about.

Conservatives are like 4 headed beasts that anyone with a brain knows to avoid, but you’ve taken on a new facade with the more virtuous connotations of the libertarian label that veils your true intentions.

“You can go lick boots or go starve in the streets, but I am however willing to raise the minimum wage for bootlicking because we must take care of our poor bootlickers.” ← that’s not virtuous.

The ONLY way to be virtuous is to end conscription into bootlicking and support the freedom of people to decide if they want to lick boots or not. If you wear the libertarian label, you’re a hypocrite.

Then you’ll say “But who will lick all the boots if not compelled by starvation?” Yes exactly my point. You ain’t no libertarian.

“But how will the work get done?” Most doesn’t need to be done. Let them who want to do it, do it. Let the compulsion be money and not starvation.

“But some work needs to be done!” Yes and machines do most of it and what isn’t mechanized can be attended to by the swarm of people who just like having something to do. Hell, I’m not getting paid to talk to you, but I’m working my ass off anyway. KT wouldn’t go to the extents I do. Some people will do things that we ourselves cannot imagine doing and the “scarcity of volunteers” idea is just silly. And forcing people to do work that doesn’t need to be done is evil because it increases suffering of the many to enable over-opulence of the few. That idea is lizard-brained, pure n simple.

More sticking your head in the sand fearing contradiction of your worldview. Hitler wrote a book where he said he was christian and doing god’s work. Most of his speeches appealed to god. Nazi belt buckles said “God on our side”. They were all members of the catholic church, except Goebbels who was excommunicated for marrying a protestant. Heck, you may as well claim the pope is atheist too in private. Maybe there is no such thing as a theist… it’s just a big show and everyone is atheist at home in private. Conspiracy theory much?

It doesn’t matter if they were christians or had to use christianity to rally the people. The point remains that religion was required to do evil. You didn’t even watch the video.

So he lamented the fact that jesus was a pascifist. He’s still a theist.

I don’t believe that for a second. You’re for the continuation of servitude. A robotic minion incapable of deviating from the same old retorts as if serving plutocratic masters.

I intend to start a thread devoted to this topic because I’m only burying information to be robotically ignored and that only the AI bots will ever see.

[i]Of these three characters, Stalin was the only confirmed atheist, yet Hitchens thoroughly dealt with the religious nature of Stalin’s dictatorship in a manner that has left religious apologists without sufficient reply. Notwithstanding the fact that Stalin was raised as a Christian under the religious influence of his mother, who enrolled him in seminary school, and that Stalin later took it upon himself to study for the priesthood, as Hitchens and others have pointed out, Stalin merely stepped into a ready-made religious tyranny, constructed by the Russian Orthodox Church and paved with the teachings of St. Paul.

Here then, the central premise of Hitchens’ argument is worthy of reiteration. Had Stalin inherited a purely rational secular edifice, one established upon the ethos espoused by the likes of Lucretius, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Einstein and other free thinking and rational secularists, then the apologist’s argument would hold slightly more weight, but such wasn’t the case. Stalin merely tore the existing religious labels off the Christian Inquisition, the enforcement of Christian orthodoxy, the Crusades, the praising of the priesthood, messianism, and Edenic ideas of a terrestrial religious-styled utopia, and re-branded them with the red of communism. Had this Christian machine not been in place, then it is more than likely Stalin wouldn’t have had the vehicle he needed to succeed in causing so much suffering in the name of his godless religion, Communism.[/i] michaelsherlockauthor.wordpress … -hitchens/

More conscription into servitude. Reduce everyone’s work to be sure everyone gets a chance to lick boots or starve.

Only 4% of people move from one quintile to another. Where you are born is where you stay. They write books on rags to riches stories. So, no, most will not grow up to be contributors, but engage in crime, drugs, and violence.

You are advocating to shit-up your own environment, and mine, all because you despise some people. You want to smear shit on my walls just to see that someone else doesn’t get anything that you don’t think he deserves.

“I want to introduce poverty, crime, under-education into your neighborhood because I just can’t stomach the idea that some lazy bum might get something for nothing. We will all suffer because I hate some people.” ← That’s it right there!

Well, if you’ve accomplished nothing else, I’m now totally cool that my former school is about 100% mexican. These arrogant white mofos have got to go! I’m not sure what we’re getting into, but I’m definitely going to relish the descent of the braggadocio… like watching that cocky tatted-up irish prick getting his ass kicked both by a muslim and a black man LOL

Remember when the irish were considered nonwhite? … -white.htm

[i]More than 1.5 million people left Ireland for the United States between 1845 and 1855, the survivors of a potato famine that had wiped out more than 1 million people in their homeland. They arrived poor, hungry and sick, and then crowded into cramped tenements in Boston, New York and other Northeastern cities to start anew under difficult conditions.

The struggles of Irish immigrants were compounded by the poor treatment they received from the white, primarily Anglo-Saxon and Protestant establishment. America’s existing unskilled workers worried they would be replaced by immigrants willing to work for less than the going rate. And business owners worried that Irish immigrants and African-Americans would band together to demand increased wages.

Not only were Irish immigrants viewed as interlopers by many white Americans (an irony, considering the historical treatment of Native Americans), but these immigrants were Catholics in a primarily Protestant land. It was a religious difference that widened the divide, as did the fact that many Irish immigrants didn’t speak English. As strange as may it may sound today, Irish immigrants were not considered “white” and were sometimes referred to “negroes turned inside out.”[/i]

Negroes turned inside out :laughing:

No, the tomato plant wouldn’t exist without me. Actually, tomatoes were berries that humans bred into tomatoes.

Then they’re conservative in liberal clothing.

A black man delivers my ups packages and he seems to do a fine job. No clue what you’re on about.

I sometimes wonder if Neil DeGrasse Tyson got some special favors for being black because he’s not all that sharp, but he’s not stupid either. I don’t see a big deal. Michio Kaku is taking up the slack.

FIFY. In blue.

I disagree here. It’s the right that’s protecting islam.

FIFY. In blue.

Just the arrogant ones.


We can always reduce the workweek to ensure near 100% employment, should the underclass decline in numbers, or should consumption/production decrease when people are no longer compelled to consume/produce so much, for we’ve raised wages and reduced prices for (essential) goods and services.

Since you like bums so much, you and your ilk should be conscripted to wipe their asses for them because they’re too lazy to do it themselves. :slight_smile:

Working people shouldn’t be held at gun point and forced to work harder than they’d have to if both the underclass, and the overclass pulled their weight.
It’s people who’re able and willing to do the work that still needs to be done to take care of society who’re ultimately going to help society progress, not the unable, nor the unwilling, they’ll just hold us back.

Furthermore, if the unable/unwilling happen to procreate more than working people, or more and more join their ranks, we’ll have to work harder and harder to support them.
eventually we may have to work much harder than we have to today, and because we’re overburden, we won’t be able to handle a sociopolitical, economic or environmental crisis should one happen to occur, and sooner than later, one will.

Disabled people should be treated humanely, we could all wind up disabled someday, but I have no sympathy for those who’d rather make other peoples lives harder than work.
They’re not entitled to anything, and if they commit serious crimes, felonies, they should be given lengthier prison sentences, and again, possibly sterilizations, depending, if necessary.
Given that choice, I suspect many or most of them will work.
The ones who refuse have no excuse, particularly since wages and prices will be much fairer.

We’ve already established Hitler pretended to be Christian for political gain, so it’s not that much of a stretch to say he may’ve pretended to be a theist as well.

And it wasn’t just him:

Contrary to what the anti-Christian left would have us believe, Nazism was in all likelihood a synthesis of occult pagan, social Darwinian and Nietzschean thought.

Why’s it so difficult for the left to believe in conspiracy?
Sure, if the Nazis pretended to be Christians, and the communists pretended to be, well, communists, maybe the people at the very top of the Catholic pyramid, the popes, bishops and cardinals are atheists, or Satanists, I mean it would make sense considering they’re obscenely rich and don’t practice a thing Christ preached.
As far as I’m concerned they’re all a bunch of sociopaths, same goes for democrats and republicans, liberals and conservatives.
They’re all plutocrats pretending to be for the people.

It was just because he was a pacifist, Jesus stood for nearly everything Hitler stood against, Jesus said the meek shall inherit the kingdom, Hitler wanted to crush the weak.

Pffft, you’re the robot, you can’t even think outside the left/right/libertarian paradigm they’ve fed you.
I have took what I consider to be the best from all three and synthesized them into a new political philosophy.

Whether one believes in God or not says next to nothing about their character, or willingness to obey tyrants.

Religion can be a force for good in this world.
Look at all the charities founded by religions.
Religion can bring communities together and strengthen them.

Benjamin Franklin

Most enlightenment philosophers and revolutionaries from John Locke, Montesquieu, to Thomas Jefferson were Christians or irreligious theists, the founders of liberal democracy.
Direct and representative Democracy was founded by the Greeks and Romans respectively, who were heavily steeped in religion.

Atheists are like haughty children who shit all over their parents, saying we’ll do a better job than you once we’re in charge of the world, subsequently blaming their parents for all their mistakes.
Yea right, that’s what the monotheists said about polytheists and animists.


Once we improve healthcare, education, wages and working conditions, that figure may increase for the underclass, but if it doesn’t, they shouldn’t have kids.

And you wouldn’t exist without fruit and veg plants, so you taker better care of the superior ones.

Old conservativism subordinated women and minorities to men and the majority, whereas new liberalism does the reverse.
The two are similar in that they’re both hierarchical, but different in who’s dominant.
Old liberals and new conservatives are the ones who truly want to end discrimination.

Now again, I want to raise wages and reduce the prices of goods, especially essential ones, so we’re not compelled to labor so the overclass can live extravagantly.
However, we shouldn’t be forced to look after people who’re perfectly capable of looking after themselves either.

If we give people welfare, no questions asked, in all likelihood unemployment will jump from 5 to 10, maybe even 15 or 20%, which means working people will have to work much, much harder than they should have to.

But if we improve working conditions, raise wages, reduce prices and universalize post-secondary education and healthcare, while simultaneously making it harder to collect welfare, so only those who genuinely need it, get it, can’t find work or are disabled, in all likelihood unemployment will lower from 5 to 2 or 1%, which means working people won’t have to work any harder than they should have to.

What does it matter if it’s 100s of thousands of parasitical rich, or 10s of millions of parasitical poor we’re supporting?
Both are enemies of working people.
And if the homeless cause us serious problems by committing felonies, we can just get proportionally tougher on crime in response, a threat which’ll reduce unemployment even further.

Now as far as population control goes, we only need to worry about that if the unemployed birthrate exceeds the employed birthrate.
If it exceeds it than it needs to be deal with, because the more there is of them, the more difficult it will be to take care of them.

Not matter what is happening - I now mean at a metaphysical level - existence is really weird and counterintuitive. We are down a rabbit hole. Maybe the Western Science based, there are democracies, conspiracies don’t happen much, everything is matter -whatever that means - worldview is correct. But that is a fucking weird worldview. We can’t really evaluate truth in terms of absurdity. Whatever is going on is very strange - if you can pull back from enough from your own culture to see all of its assumptions and then look at others.

I remember as a kid being told that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Now, no one has absolute power, but some people have incredible amounts of power.

But if you raise the possibility that they are abusing it you get Bill Clinton screaming ‘shame on you’ at you.

The utter inabililty of organizations to even consider and investigate certain things is ridicualous. There is free speech in a certain sense - though anyone with some power (a journalist, an ambassador, a professor at a prodigous university, anyone high up in the private sector but not at the top) should they go outside the consensus they are puting their careers in severe jeopardy and risking massive social ostracism and damning that will affect one’s family.

People with less power will simply be marginalized. And are.

Someone criticizing the official conspiracy theory, say of 9/11, will be called a traitor, nutjob, put their job in jeopardy, be called a racist, and anti-seminte, told they are helping Putin, using hate speech and more.

With that enormous pressure on people actually looking at and considering things, we have a problem.

I’d like to see the faux-communists try to do to the US what they did to Russia.
The Americans wouldn’t have it, and Christian, gun-toting, rural Americans would put up the fiercest resistance.
America’s Protestantism is a totally different beast than Russia’s orthodox Christianity, I mean it’s in the name even: protest, orthodox.

Now you can say America’s religious worldview makes it possible for men like Trump to come to power and exploit the people, but so what?
Germany’s brand of secular worldview makes it possible for women like Angela Merkel to come to power and exploit the people, as if liberals were any better than American conservatives, they’re by and large just different forms of soft-tyranny.

Most Chinese are either irreligious or Buddhist, and like you said, Buddhism, at least at its core, is atheist, agnostic or perhaps apatheist religion, yet the faux-communists were still able to takeover in China, whereas they weren’t in Shinto Japan.
While the Japanese experimented with their own form of tyranny in the mid 20th century, today they are democratic.
You can’t blame everything, if anything on religion, some races with their histories, traditions apart from religion are more susceptible to tyranny than others.

Now let’s take a look at progressive Finland.

Here’s their income tax burden:

Now unless I’m missing something, see how the progressives screw the middle, and even working class nearly as much as the rich?
The middle and working classes should hardly pay any tax at all.
But the rich can take it, like Jesus said, the poor man who donates a penny gives more than the rich man who donates half his savings, and the rich often find ways around taxes.

And these days progressives especially want to censor your speech, take your guns, bring in millions of legal immigrants, most of whom take a hell of a lot more jobs than they create, so the working class has to compete with them, millions of illegals and refugees, make excuses for Islam, discriminate against all, not just some, their policies target all men and whites, progressive Hollywood promotes drugs and thuggery, progressive education tells kids it’s cool to cut off your Johnson and take hormone blockers…

Now I’m not saying conservatives are any better, they’re not, and they both have infinitely more in common than not.
We live in a two party dictatorship, and it’s going to take some real, outside the box thinking, and action to change anything.

No that’s the Kock Brothers’ job.

Matthew 23
11 But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

I shouldn’t be conscripted into pulling weight that I don’t want to pull nor is there any reason that I should have to pull such weight EXCEPT to make some over-indulgled, out of touch asshat richer. If you want to pull his weight, then go pull it, but don’t rope me into your fetish.

You trying to drive us forward is holding us back.


Then you have no sympathy for yourself. You are the one forcing people to work harder than they have to. I’m advocating all work be voluntary. You are advocating slavery.

We’ve established that you’re under the delusion that Hitler pretended to be christian when he wrote his book, gave his speeches, mandated prayer and all oaths to be taken in the name of god. As I said, you may as well claim the pope is an atheist too.

You’re struggling, grasping and groping to find anything to save your position. Why? Why is it so important to you that Hitler be an atheist that you’re willing to be dishonest in painting it so? Quite the crusade you’ve undertaken.

Lack of the necessary brain damage? :confusion-shrug:

I live in a town with nothing but christians, yet I’ve never met a christian. It’s an impossible religion.

And Watts said nobody really believes in god because if they did, they’d be screaming in the streets. The Jehovah’s Witnesses is the closest we have to a group like that. So in that light, sure, there are only atheists, but to the extent that people consider themselves christian and profess to be such, that’s how I’m defining them and Hitler falls into the same category as the pope.

33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

Who was the first to throw jews into ovens? ^^^

And the founder of Christianity made no secret indeed of his estimation of the Jewish people. When He found it necessary, He drove those enemies of the human race out of the Temple of God. (p. 174 Mein Kampf)

Looks to me you’ve torn off the “conservative” label and painted on “libertarian”. What novel aspect are you bringing to the table?

Obeying tyrants is conditional to religion. It’s definitional LOL!

Propensity to disobey tyrants makes one prone to atheism.

The right hand giveth and the left hand taketh.

The Red Cross is secular. I haven’t looked into whether there are more religious charities than secular, but I suspect there isn’t a big difference.

By dividing them. Friends need a common enemy lest they fight among themselves.

Yes the bible says to obey all laws. You should never fight and always obey.

No respect for Locke, don’t know the other fella, and Hitchens describes Jefferson as secular, but I don’t know for sure because I haven’t cared to look yet.

I don’t know enough to opine.

Parents are the worst thing that could happen to a child.

That doesn’t indicate anything. Theists are theists.