Understanding Rush Limbaugh

Most people that read Latin and Greek that I know are conservatives.
“Book smarts” is a toddler term. Which books? Rubbish on “Social Sciences”? Dan Brown?

These posts are getting really long and wordy, I can’t promise I read all of them.

But here, some points:

Distribution of wealth. That’s a dandy. That will be Obama’s claim to fame, making that up or bringing it to the fore. Distribution of wealth.

Because, as we all know, wealth is a river that flows and then evil capitalists divert it to their own ranches or whatever. It comes from God in a determined quantity and precedes human activity.

“2008 crash was a result of regulations that forced banks to loan money to subprime borrowers and then those borrower taking more money than they could afford to pay back and spending it on mcmansions.”

A lot of people don’t know this. But it’s true. Fanny May and Freddy Mac is a GOVERNMENT(ok, -ish, governmentish) institution. They were covered by the government to take inmense risks while packaging this risk as not risk at all and had the kind of capital at their disposition that buys and sells regions of the planet. Why? Believe it or not, the original rationale had to do with keeping house prices affordable for the hard working man who evil capitalists just want to roll over and mistreat.

So often, this is the logic of the left:

I feel bad about this thing, make a regulation that fixes it. (doesn’t understand at all the dynamics of the thing causing the bother)

regulation is put in place

The regulation, because it was put in place with no actual understanding of the situation, both doesn’t fix supposed problem and creates a bunch more.

Leftists: there is a problem here. Since no regulation exists to fix that problem, it is evidently a problem of not having regulation.

regulation regulating the previous regulation is put in place

Right wingers: it was your fault to begin with! You had th-


Right Wingers: but-


Right Wingers: you-

Leftists: Ok, on to the next subject.

they move on to the next subject

The only people shrewd enough, intelligent and determined and hard boned enough, to actually pose economics as a problem of regulation and actually understand the dynamics of the thing they are regulating, is the Chinese communist party.

I know, in their hearts, that’s what a lot of the more educated, more intelligent, shrewder Western left would like. Thanfully, they don’t have the heritage of a 100 years of starvation and insanity that the communists in China have, so they aren’t hard boned enough to get it done.

In my experience, there are two and only two kinds of leftists.

  1. People that have feelings and haven’t looked into the claims made by left or right. It is forgivable to believe the claims of the left before looking into them, to believe the stance of the left corresponds with the real world before checking, as the real world precedes thought and there is no reason thought should a priori correspond with how things actually are. I used to be this kind until, no thanks to your fancy Universities, I started looking into the claims one by one. Guess what there was a totally unexpected and unfailing 100% rate of?

  2. Actual communists. These are hardcore people that I respect and admire, and are my enemies. Very few of those actually around (enough to make ass puppets of the first kind).

Oh yeah? Most people who can’t read at all are conservatives.

Nice try. Physics, math, literature, medicine, programming… you name it. Anything that requires intelligence.

If you ever return from your safe space shielding you from realizing that you’re allying yourself with the dummies, you can peruse the 27 points correlating cognitive deficiency with conservatism viewtopic.php?f=3&t=194612

Safe space much?

Obama was an economic conservative. The last liberal president was Carter.

If the rich are getting richer, then where is the money coming from? Magic? Obviously it comes from everyone else and the capitalistic periodic downturns happen when the consumers have been bled dry by transferring all their money as profits and interest to the rich.

When loans are created, where does the money come from to pay the interest?

You haven’t ventured past square one in pondering this.

Show me one thing that works better unregulated.

How about NOT managing your garden. Don’t pull weeds, don’t till, don’t select which species inhabit, don’t be authoritarian. Just let the invisible hand of nature take its course.

How about NOT managing your car. Don’t use the steering wheel, but let nature guide it.

How about NOT managing your kids. Just let nature raise them.

Show me something, anything, that works better with zero management.

I thought Trump was the ONLY one :confusion-shrug:

Communists! Communists! Communists! Quick, run in circles while screaming!

Any group of intelligent people will always contain a much larger proportion of “leftists”. There is no exception. Show me an exception.

The important thing is that you’ve found a way to feel superior.

Sorry, those posts are too hysterical for me to answer.

Gonna start posting these here daily. Just to have a reference.



The last video I had posted was incomplete.

The mystery that remains which relates to the thing being not about facts but about psychology, is why soclalists do never migrate to any of the over a hundred socialists countries in the world but insist on living in the USA which has no socialist foundations.

You can argue it’s expensive to migrate but really poor people move from socialist countries to the USA all the time. Then they try to make the USA socialist too. It seems a lot of effort for a result that could be attained just staying at home.

Hence I think the founding fathers were really on to something, deep down in the psyche. The pursuit is the gift. Not the happiness.

It has to do with mortality I’m sure.

Yes, hiding from evidence is how conservatives roll :laughing:


Go ahead and hide and muzzle yourself from replying… it will just make it look like you conceded.

And Rush is such a greedy prick that he won’t let his podcasts stay on youtube for long, so you’re posting dead links.

He’s not interested in people hearing his message, but only in getting paid for spreading bullshit.

Hahaha, no.
Come on Dipper you’re the one getting all excited.

Take some time and follow the arguments.

Youre a smart guy but Rengel is a genius. And with composure. Pretty unique.

Or is giving credit a capitalist sin? :wink:

Regulated economies have depleted their natural environments usually within a few decades. The illusion is that government officials are more virtuous beings than entrepreneurs. The capitalist at least is forced to value his resources.

Sure I’m excited. The same dumb arguments over and over and over endlessly. And it’s not just private dumbassery that people hold in the privacy of their minds, but this affects people I care about; this affects my community. These people are stupid, their ideas are stupid, and the effects of those ideas directly cause the suffering of people I love, and those ideas shit-up my environment by favoring poverty, uneducation, disease, suicide, drug use, and general crime.

I have an abundance of patience for people who humbly don’t know something, but I have no sympathy for the arrogant who assert the truth of what they don’t know, haven’t studied, don’t specialize in, and when generally measured against their peers have always been mediocre at best and therefore have no reason whatsoever to warrant such cockiness, like Rush.

Me??? I’m the only one making arguments. Everyone else is high-tailing it to their safe spaces. Show me a group of smart people who are predominantly republican. It should be an easy task.

Demographically, the least educated counties vote republican and the least educated states vote republican.
Democrat senators are twice as likely to be in the top 1% of cognitive ability as republicans.
Silicon valley, hollywood, academia, doctors, scientists… anywhere there is talent, there are democrats. Republicans have the menial jobs like cops, truck drivers, farmers.
Oh and you can even see it in the military with officers being smarter and more democratic while enlisted men favoring republicans. And then the army and marines are more republican while the smarter navy and air force are less republican.

No place on this planet can I find an instance correlating intelligence to conservatism.

If you can find one, by all means, post it.

Genius??? Oh like Trump?

Composure? Is that what this is?


Right Wingers: but-


You made a good point and I said “good point!” I haven’t seen a good point from him yet. When he makes one, you can be assured I’ll be the first to congratulate him.

There is no incentive for a capitalist to not dump waste into rivers and exhaust the land in the name of profit. Only regulation can stop that behavior.

It looks like you might have a dog. Did you know they grind up pets from the pound to make dogfood? Do you really want to feed that to your pet (plus the pentobarbital that killed the animals)? Only regulations can stop that behavior.

If not for the USDA, there’s no telling what we’d be forced to consume.

How Does a Euthanasia Drug Keep Ending Up in Dog Food?

[i]But some experts say it’s pretty obvious where the contamination could have come from.

“For pentobarbital, or any barbiturate, to get into pet food it means that animal products are being included that do not come from carcasses that entered USDA-inspected slaughter houses (because they only take in live animals),” Cailin Heinze*, a veterinary nutritionist and assistant professor of nutrition at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, told Gizmodo via email. “The carcasses must have been killed using barbiturates (or possibly treated with barbiturates shortly before being killed). This would be most common for ‘pet’ animals, particularly horses. There are renderers that will pick up dead animals from farms and basically cook them down to make new products. It’s a way of recycling, albeit a somewhat distasteful one.”[/i]

So do you want to protect your dog or the capitalists making your dogfood?

Dude man dude
That capitalism conducts some mean cruel shit is NO reason for you to assume regulations conduct any less cruel shit. I point you to exhibit 1… China.
Exhibit 2… USSR

Exhibit 3 , Nazi Germany.

Where they did what they do to dogs here to humans.

I am bafflestounded by how many examples still aren’t enough.

Come on man. Stop playing.
I lost so much family to regulated economies it’s always hard to grasp how lightly people advocate them.
But I guess you know that’s just the way of humans.

At least you can appreciate I see birds sticking heads in the sand in other places than you do.
:frowning:( :wink:

Right, so you would rather not regulate dogfood manufacturers. What is the noble cause warranting neglect of consideration for your pets?

Because of republicans, I have to wear a seatbelt or get pulled over specifically for not wearing one and get robbed at gunpoint. Because of republicans, I have to carry car insurance. Because of republicans, I cannot talk on the phone while driving. Because of republicans, I cannot buy beer on sunday. Because of republicans, I have to pay sales tax. I cannot think of even one infringement on my liberties NOT inflicted by republicans. But at the same time, it’s the republicans who will not regulate dogfood. Right-wing objectivists are a disease!

All. Dictators. Are. Right. Wing! All! Not only has there never been a leftwing authoritarian, but it’s not even possible. They just switch the labels to spread confusion. It’s all bullshit propaganda meant to demonized the thing that would otherwise help you.

A “Red Scare” is promotion of widespread fear by a society or state about a potential rise of communism, anarchism, or radical leftism. The term is most often used to refer to two periods in the history of the United States with this name. The First Red Scare, which occurred immediately after World War I, revolved around a perceived threat from the American labor movement, anarchist revolution and political radicalism. The Second Red Scare, which occurred immediately after World War II, was preoccupied with national or foreign communists infiltrating or subverting U.S. society or the federal government. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Scare


Here you are comparing countries with extreme methods of regulating with the US that has a lot of regulation, but not none.

This doesn’t help us figure out the balance point.

And any capitalist system is going to have tremendous regulation around how one acquires property, what others can do with that property or not, what is property AND contracts. There will be a vast set of bureaucracies regulating contracts. Lawyers, judges, inspectors, and the vast set of rules around contract law.

I don’t know what pure capitalism would be.

I mean, banks can’t function without unbelievable regulation of people not in the banks. The bank says, I just sent your company 50,000 bucks. You now owe me money - even though nothing changed in the banks vaults. The banks need police and courts to regulate all the other agents behavior inrelation to the bank.

Note: the above is NOT me saying banks should be regulated. I am saying that the way banks create money and demand returns and also invest money, that whole thing requires for the bank’s interest tremedous regulation of other people’s actions and expectations, including courts, police and in the US has also included armies going into places that decided to ignore these regulations: see the IMF or when countries nationalize shit.

Capitalism cannot exist without vast regulation. I don’t mean, Capitalism gets mean and nasty without regulation. I mean, capitalism cannot exist without it.

A corporation is based on a charter giving it rights and freeing it from certain limits. That is a set of regulations that others must honor.

Stock markets.

Employee contracts.

Inter business contracts.

And everything that makes sure people act in certain ways.


Yeah I know regulation is making sure people act in certain ways. That’s the bloody point man.

Wherever regulation increases the population loses power. Because, grown up logic. Will to power.