The purpose of all life

Let me clarify this:

In a zero sum world, if I win, I lose, and if I lose, I lose, except for spreading the non zero sum words or less zero sum than others.

All life purpose solves as non zero sum and non consent violating, the more someone does this, the more purpose they have, when it is 100%, they have absolute, pure and infinite purpose.

Many people on these boards are terrified of my teachings, because they want that kill, metaphorically speaking, that victory in a zero sum world.

Ultimately, all people come to me. The chasm of the meaninglessness of their lives searches for the only thing that can help them; the hope at the bottom of Pandora’s box: consent.

For my own cognition could you explain anything you have won or lost, and what was really won or lost? Big pictures.

The non zero sum desirability and the lack of consent violation are the only measures of life and goodness.

You can judge me in those criteria.


You speak of winning and losing. And I have asked what you have won and lost. I am simply attempting to sum things up.

Common. Game theory, not physics.

It means that if someone wins another her loses.

+1 + -1 = 0

Hence the term “zero sum”

How do you determine the + or -? Perhaps notions of winning and loosing aren’t Boolean values. Certainly at face value… but what about beneath that? Can you factor in all the variables?

If someone wins over mutually exclusive desires, it’s considered zero sum. If someone wins of the same mutual desire, it is also considered zero sum.

In game theory, there are only 3 possible outcomes …


Win/win is the entire book of all struggles of ethics and morality; it’s billions of times more powerful than the golden rule.

In game theory? How does that apply? Is >this< a game?

I asked how a win or a loss is determined? In >this< Big Picture.

So you present a very simplified diorama of the win/lose picture.

I would counter Entity A and Entity B argue over Resource R. Whether A or B wins, doesn’t require resource R to by applied positively or negatively. How do you factor in what a plus on one side and a minus on the other side constitutes? You have simplified an equation that involves so many cultural factors, resources, human capacity into a boolean system of on’s and offs, and only three possible combinations.

I can imagine how it might be done but were Pen and Teller fouled?

Which of the three versions would you wish to attach me to?

I try not to judge you, But your ideas are fair game.

The key to non zero sum work is the translation of desirable states of being.

If you live in a house that’s highly coveted, with a family, translating desirable states would allow billions if not an infinite number of people to live in the same house; it is to resolve the issue of desirable scarcity, whether it be family born into, friends, lovers etc …

It is this translating of desirable states that is the only thing the drives the purpose engine, for people to take or leave as they will.

When consent is violated against consent, there’s simply glancing into an infinite future of consent violation, which for every being, is a loss/loss scenario. This is the enemy of all life.

Simple. When both sides lose, you don’t think it’s good for anyone.

But you still haven’t defined how a plus or minus is determined to factor the equation. Are we just going to wait around to let evolution figure it out?

You’ve got an idea. It’s your life… run with it. But there is a corner over there that you seem to ignore that has my curiosity.

Plus or minus (sorry I thought it was clear) is whether ones personal consent is violated against their consent. That’s different for each individual to judge for themselves.

There are mutually exclusive consents.

The broadest one is that some people’s consent is violated if anyone’s consent is violated, with others, their consent is violated unless they can violate the consent of others.

The latter group is what we call “evil”

In order to solve this equation, the latter group needs to be sent to a reality where they actually believe that they’re violating consent, but actually aren’t, they are kept ignorant.

The former group will desire to know that they’re in a reality that cannot violate theirs or anyone else’s consent, they will desire to not be ignorant.

Think of consent also as each individuals desire fulfillment, most of ours are vastly different from each other.

Non zero sum work is to solve all of this. … processing

The subconscious mind doesn’t lie.

The conscious one constantly does.

Like pulling teeth, some people who process the world with their subconscious in their conscious mind, when they explain the obvious … people hate themselves, and so hates and censors the person who points it out as projection.

Logic is logic.

When logic comes, never get defensive about logic.

simply understand and change behavior -accept the consequence of being wrong.

An example of this is iambiguous, who to this day, still hasn’t accepted that all rational beings don’t want their consent violated against their consent, and his postings for the years have been usurped - he refuses to adapt even though he KNOWS he lost the debate there. And it goes on …

But people writing about the conscious mind do.

I’ve met plenty of rational beings that want their consent violated against their consent.

That’s not possible. Consent violation by definition is what a person doesn’t want.

You know like when someone jumps out and says “boo” and you jump a bit, if it’s a friend you’ll probably laugh about it. That’s a consent violation, almost everyone wants that. But everyone also wants these experiences on their own terms, thus, they don’t want their consent violated against their consent. To suggest that you know the reverse of people is counter definitional and also shows you don’t have either much imagination and that you’ve lived an easy life.

I am quite sure the “universe” can make anyone “tapout” in about an hour. Do yourself a favor and stop taunting it, as you are want to do.

You literally just said that consent violation is by definition something that a person doesn’t want, then you said that almost everyone wants it.

People like suprizes in their life (not all people). Suprpzes are by definition, consent violations.

When it moves into the territory of consent violations against their consent, as I already explained and you ignored, that leaves a wide open field to send people to hell forever.

You’re not even responding to the nuance of my post, or the reason why I say “consent violating against consent”. You’re replying to half the content.

Every being wants consent violations on their own terms!

Being born is a consent violation. Except that is not what consent means. But let’s have it your way for a moment. Some dude in India is now suing his parents for having him be born without his consent.

[scene: monday morning. small claims court in new delhi]

judge: this court is now in session. let the plantiff step forward and state his complaint.

jamal: thank you, your honor. i am suing my parents because they did not ask me if i wanted to be born.

judge: is this true?

father: it is true, your honor. but it isn’t as if we could have asked him. i mean he wasn’t born yet, you know?

judge: are you aware, jamal, that in not being able to ask not to be born, you are not bound by contract to be asked if you want to be born?

jamal: onus probandi, you’re honor.

[judge waves over a hot indian woman in a sharp navy blue skirt who brings him an enormous book. they consult over the book as the hot indian woman flips through the pages, finally pointing out paragraph nine subsection a.3 in chapter four]

judge: are you aware that the burden of proof lies on you to show that jamal did not not want to be born?

father: rationabile dubium, your honor.

[judge waves over the hot indian woman in a sharp navy blue skirt who brings him the enormous book again. they consult over the book as the hot indian woman flips through the pages, finally pointing out paragraph six subsection b.1 in chapter seven]

judge: are you aware that your father had reasonable doubt to believe that you wouldn’t want to be born, jamal?

jamal: argumentum ad populum, your honor.

[judge waves over the hot indian woman in a sharp navy blue skirt who brings him the enormous book again. they consult over the book as the hot indian woman flips through the pages, finally pointing out paragraph two subsection c.6 in chapter eleven. hot indian woman in a sharp navy blue skirt decides to sit down beside the bench this time rather than walk back to the attorney’s chamber. she crosses her legs and puts the book on her lap]

judge: are you aware that just because most people are happy they exist and are glad they were born, it doesn’t necessarily mean jamal should be happy and glad to be born, too? i will allow you some time to make your considerations, and call a brief intermission for the court.

[quiet chatter fills the court room as the judge adjusts his turban, steps down from the bench, and heads for the coke machine in the lobby]

Court back in session.
The hot chick again brings back the enormous book, as the attorney for the Plaintiff refers to another subsection and reads aloud:

It is the necessary requirement of the law that all prosecutors and Judges acquire a PHD in the history of philosophy to know the contractual impression that the categorical imperative plays on subsequent opinions.

Therefore judgement for the defense in addition to punitive damages for all violations of idea paternae.

Whereupon slyly, the hot chick uncrosses her legs , revealing more thigh than she should have, to everyone’s dismay and or satisfaction