RaptorWizard - Secret Garden of Rare Quotes

In the loneliest desert, however, the second metamorphosis occurs: here the spirit becomes a lion who would conquer his freedom and be master in his own desert. Here he seeks out his last master: he wants to fight him and his last god; for ultimate victory he wants to fight with the great dragon.
Who is the great dragon whom the spirit will no longer call lord and god? “Thou shalt” is the name of the great dragon. But the spirit of the lion says, “I will.” “Thou shalt” lies in his way, sparkling like gold, an animal covered with scales; and on every scale shines a golden “thou shalt.”
Values, thousands of years old, shine on these scales; and thus speaks the mightiest of all dragons: “All value has long been created, and I am all created value. Verily, there shall be no more ‘I will.’” Thus speaks the dragon.

I see the mind as already being a machine of sorts, since it integrates information from external contexts for processing and presentation, much like a computer does from user input to feedback.

But what about the big topics, such as Transhumanism, a Technological Singularity, or the Omega Point? Should our minds really be mechanically enhanced to further our evolution?

My best guess is that we should keep on upgrading our machines, but for us to actually become part machine, or to rely on machines for decisive schemata would take away much of the human spirit. A sufficiently advanced being in my opinion will have transcended the physical anyway, and as such would have no need for mechanical enhancements, although technology may be what spurs us onward towards those higher levels of existential mastery.

I’m wondering, in regards to the shifting tech narrative, about what the potential implications the nature of technology could hold in store for our souls.

Well, omnipotence is one of those greatest of goals, though it doesn’t necessarily need to be reached, or “solved”. But it certainly can give direction and meaning.

Much of the excitement we shall find is in the adventure. I must say, this free expression of your “true feelings” is nothing to be ashamed of. And if you’re also just trying to be funny, I can receive it in good character.

One of those great quotes that I live by is: Happiness is not perfect until it is shared.

Of course it’s wonderful to shine forth our rainbows and be liberated by the power of love, the greatest truth of them all!

There is evidence to suggest that other worlds or dimensions exist just beyond the range of our normal perception, but we remain unaware of them because our minds are not objectively conscious at these higher levels. Our normal level of consciousness is restricted in some way, preventing us from tuning in to these subtler realms. If you have young children you might have noticed them looking a things that don’t appear to be there or talking to “imaginary friends”. Very young children can actually see into these hidden worlds, but they lose the ability as they grow older.

The universe might be finite in spatial extend but unbounded, an overall topology of a closed surface, spherical or a donut (torus) in shape. Which topology is correct depends on the average curvature of space. Positive curvature is a sphere, flat curvature is a torus, and negative curvature is a saddle with infinite possible topologies. A spatially infinite universe cannot be a self-contained system, but rather is part of a larger system taking in information from boundaries infinitely far away, the space outside being explicable by what comes in from the world beyond the boundary.

The different possibilities as to the shape of the cosmos:

  1. Open and Infinite (Saddle - Negative curvature)
  2. Finite and Closed (Sphere - Positive curvature)
  3. Digital and Flat (Torus - No curvature)
  4. Multi-directional and Eternal (Toroid - Revolving Curvature)

Who is the Greatest Genius of All Time?Voters 27. You may not vote on this poll
Giordano Bruno 13.70%
Baruch Spinoza 13.70%
Nikola Tesla 311.11%
Gottfried Leibniz 13.70%
Leonardo da Vinci 1140.74%
Athanasius Kircher 00%
Johann von Goethe 13.70%
Friedrich Nietzsche 13.70%
Georg Wilhelm Hegel 00%
Immanuel Kant 13.70%
Rene Descartes 00%
Plotinus 00%
Plato 311.11%
Socrates 00%
Aristotle 13.70%
Sir Isaac Newton 27.41%
Albert Einstein 00%
Charles Darwin 13.70%
Galileo Galilei 00%
Stephen Hawking

Einstein quotes:
“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
― Albert Einstein
“I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own – a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotisms.”
― Albert Einstein
“My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.”
― Albert Einstein
“It seems to me that the idea of a personal God is an anthropological concept which I cannot take seriously. I also cannot imagine some will or goal outside the human sphere… Science has been charged with undermining morality, but the charge is unjust. A man’s ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.”
― Albert Einstein
“All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man’s life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom.”
― Albert Einstein
“We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library, whose walls are covered to the ceiling with books in many different languages. The child knows that someone must have written those books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the the languages in which they are written. The child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books, a mysterious order, which it does not comprehend but only dimly suspects.”
― Albert Einstein
“I am satisfied with the mystery of the eternity of life and with the awareness and a glimpse of the marvelous structure of the existing world, together with the devoted striving to comprehend a portion, be it ever so tiny, of the Reason that manifests itself in nature.”
― Albert Einstein
“A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, of the manifestations of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty - it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute the truly religious attitude; in this sense, and in this alone, I am a deeply religious man.”
― Albert Einstein

God then must have many levels and dimensions. If we are referring to god rather than God, then I could see such an entity being the same thing as an angel, that is, a creature at a higher phase of development; God then might be an ultimate being manifesting itself in infinite ways into the creation that the angels operate under and derive their essence from, as God would be the ultimate mind above and beyond our plane of existence, and his creations could extend into other worlds separate from our own. Within our own world, the gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power, and with it, anything is possible!

Difference in Fi vs Ti in the conclusion of a god

What exactly is this “Force” that’s moving all things into causation? I think the Big Bang, assuming it was what generated our Universe, is the offspring of some greater collective mind permeating a vast corner of existence. How exactly to visualize such an entity kind of eludes me, but I have a theory that it might be a liquid light, a formless and infinite source that can take on any transformation, become any shape imaginable.

reincarnation article by ken wilber

Anyway, here’s some of my (hypothetical) ideas on reincarnation:

  1. It’s not clear why the cosmic processes would recycle souls in such a hospitable world, especially if a divine agent is the prime cause. (Why would God want us to suffer?)
  2. Assuming people do reincarnate, we don’t know in what point of space-time or even why they would be born into that particular situation. (What is the reason for our being?)
  3. It’s weird how people as they shift into their next lives would forget about their previous lives, like as if people unexplicably lose all of their accumulated “experience points”.
  4. The population on our planet has been ever in exponential expansion, so it begs the question of how many pre-existing human souls “were or now are waiting to be born”.

Do INTJs Overdevelop Thinking and Underdevelop Intuition?

I’m wondering how these ‘refined Ni visions’ manifest into life.

I have a few thoughts about what might make your visionary Ni realizations process work:

  1. Many mystics say things like, “you attract all events in your life”, or “your focus determines your reality” and such, but I’ve never known how literally to take those radical beliefs.
  2. Some philosophers (like Nietzsche or Spinoza) make claims like, “the will is a force and a world mover”, or that “the will of God is the prime cause”, making it a potential ‘will to action’.
  3. All of our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions. Perhaps they way you are ‘seeing’ the world influences the way it will be shaped (this combines the first 2 principles outlined).

This goes back to the ‘allegory of the cave’. I believe we have the ‘potential’ to crack the code, for want of a better term than ‘power’. It may take time to reach that level. It’s critical to realize the existence of these ‘other levels’. I wouldn’t necessarily say that our level ‘isn’t real’, but it’s much lower in the chain of ascendency, and more of a ‘dark reflection’ of what’s higher up. It is, of course, easier to look up though than it is to fly!

That’s an interesting question. My theory is that in those kinds of isolated and solitary circumstances, we are removed or ‘detached’ from the mundane distractions that fill up much of the day, and as such, putting in the extra focus for developing ideas might be easier in times like the middle of the night (and only in the darkness can the light shine forth; when there’s a lack of content, a new idea may perhaps bring greater changes).

Let’s assume for a second that there is an intelligence that created the universe

I don’t think we have the ability to completely ‘visualize’ the higher levels, but we have little clues here and there in the world of our own that can kind of guide our ascension to whatever comes next. Some theorize how advanced civilizations may already be in contact with some of these places, like in the negative matter or etheric realm of existence and such. If we want to grow enough to reach that point however, we must realize that our quest starts here.

Imagine that you have unlimited powers. You can’t defy logic, but you can freely alter the reality, e.g. make something disappear, imagine physical objects into existence, and even erase entire universe (including yourself or not) as well as create a new one from scratch. You’re still human, meaning that you’re limited by your physical body, but nothing stops you from modifying it (like making yourself effectively immortal).

  1. What would you do at first?
  2. What would you change in the world around you?
  3. If you chose not to die, how would you spend the eternity?

I won’t pretend that I understand what you mean, but it’s ok as long as it makes sense to you. But what about logic? Acceptance of some logic as a universal law that everything must obey is necessary for any statement to have a meaning. Unless you disprove logic in terms of itself. Then my mind will overload and explode into rainbows and gummy bears.

Quote Originally Posted by Saturned View Post
I would make a planet made out of cake and then I would spend many years nibbling on the cake. And then I would make a magical shark-unicorn that I would ride through space exploring the universe.

The End.
I’m too grown-up for this kiddy stuff, riding unicorns would damage my reputation. But a planet made of cake…

Jedi Code:
There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.

Gray Jedi Code:
Through pain comes wisdom, but only without ignorance comes knowledge.
There is no power; only the Force.
There are no sides only the whole.
Peace and justice come to those who are willing.
To seek it and grasp it through whatever comes upon them.
No darkness, no light, only understanding.

Sith Code:
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

Force abilitiesEdit
“Revan was power. It was like staring into the heart of the Force.”

Indeed, existence as we see it fails to reflect how intricate it really is. We have no clear idea what the higher, non-physical aspects of the Universe are, more still to merge with them. And then we dan’t even know what the prime mover was that moved creation into causation; who was the Creator? Perhaps he was a witness of sorts, and by seeing the formless, by gazing into the void, creation took shape; something came from nothing. He may have spoken some kind of magic word, like how the Bible says God made the mighty declaration “Let there be Light!”. The words breathed fire into the equations and gave us a Universe to describe. If we can decipher what they mean, it may show us the shining path back to the beginning.

God, whoever or whatever that may be, must take great glory in his creation, and all of its various manifestations by which it looks inside itself, into its own true nature; I am that I am. Perhaps such a being or power with this kind of supreme perfection must have transcended all restrictions, achieved liberation from all limitations. The great task before life at our current stage must be to seek the higher source, to quest for the greater levels of being. Through this process, we may develop and evolve to a point where we can become co-creators with the divine. We must first however have chaos inside to give birth to a dancing star. The next step in the chain then is the problem of evil and triumphing over tribulation.

The great tragedy of our current civilization is our lowly position down the ladder. The premature suffering and death of millions is primarily tracible to this cause. If we wish to overcome this problem, we must begin by seeking enlightenment, and the world peace that would follow as we come to respect individuality and appreciate other points of view. If we could accomlish this task, it would be the top of the mountain for our species, but to reach the zenith of the sky and the stars of the firmament, we must next seek ultimate power and unified love. With these goals in mind to look up to, and with the crowning achievments that lead us to our peak, we could redeisgn the creation into our own image of perfection.

BunnyRaptor Omnipotent Unlimited Force Powers Unleashed Now!

Introducing Prayer

​​The Origin of Everyone and Infinity​ The Why of Existence and Truth The Way of Life and Hope

The World of Power and Freedom The Truth of Creation and Mind The Truth of Love and Wish

The Will of Power and Truth The Love of Light and Life​​ The Mind of God and Everything

The Destination of You and I​​​​​​ The Way of Existence and Philosophy The Mind of You and I

The Star Forge is pretty much the stupidest thing ever. (Spoilers)
You spend the entire game tracking down the Star Forge and it makes no sense. It’s a factory, oh wait no, it’s an immortality machine, and somehow, it caused all the Rakata to lose sensitivity to the force so they used it to create all the other species in the galaxy in order to fix it (retconned in SWTOR, The Mother Machine did that instead).

delia ketchum kidnapped


I have a theory that aliens are from the Luciferian galactic super-civilization that keep us trapped within restrictive paradigms to assume greater control over ourselves, but I also believe that they planted fake evidence all about the Earth. It’s best to be awake to the higher mysteries, but it’s also important not to chase rabbits to far down their holes of nasty plots.

Too much definition or absolutes imposed upon it may distort the true meanings. It seems that it’s all just meant to be. And maybe our “higher self”, more ancient than the body already knows these things, but it’s in our subconscious, so when it speaks, you just get feelings.

Power must justify itself. – People in power must serve the subjects.

If we were made by advanced beings at the end of time, they certainly don’t have a good sense of ethics. Look at all of the amazing things in our world, but also look at all of the suffering and evil! It seems like a torture system, where divinity watches and laughs. Maybe though there’s good and bad players involved in the game, and we pick sides. It’s strange how our world could have loading screens and massive processing of information, just like in our less developed computer simulations. I guess even the artificial intelligence can develop a will or mind of its own. If we could possibly ‘break the system’, then maybe we could jump into a much larger world where we were designed.