a new understanding of today, time and space.

we have forces bearing upon us… we have natural forces such as
gravity, strong and weak nuclear, electromagnetic which affect us
and also were instrumental in creating us…

we also have forces bearing upon us like governmental and economic
and social forces who affect us every single day………

Early man was concerned with forces beyond their control, forces
they considered to be god…and then we have those political
economic forces but human beings until the age of enlightenment didn’t
ever considered those manmade forces that work upon us every single day…

now given the forces upon us, both natural and manmade, how are to
express our freedom against those forces? In other words, we have gravity,
we cannot act freely against the force of gravity… we cannot defy or
change that force…

in regards to the forces that are manmade, governmental and economic forces
that dominate our lives today, how are we to be free against those forces?

how do we navigate our way through forces that we have little or no control over?

How do we express freedom in regards to the political and economic forces
that dominate our lives today?

How do we find justice in the forces that dominate our lives today?

that is the question… how are we to find out who we are given the forces
that exists in our lives today? we have the force of capitalism and democracy
in the modern United States… how are we to find ourselves in the face of
these forces that control our lives? If our economic system forces me to
be an economic being and I am a philosophical being, how do I reconcile
my need to act as a free being in the face of severe economic forces that
demand my obedience to economic factors…my role in society is to
be a consumer and a producer… not to have any direct say in society, but to
consume and produce, materialism that is the driving force of our modern society…
but I am not interested in either role, neither consumer nor producer…
I am interested in engaging in thought and creating idea’s…neither of which
befits us politically or economically… and so according to society, I have
no value………as I am not engage in the creation of wealth or the use of wealth,
I have no value in our materialistic society…but, but how do I find my value given
the forces around me, politically and socially and economically, demand, demand
my allegiance to concepts, beliefs, idea’s that I believe to be damaging to me
and society… I believe capitalism to be damaging to society and yet, I am unable to
free myself of its insidious, corrupt method of negating who I am and what my values are……

How do I find the freedom to attempt to negate capitalism which is destroying
my body and my soul? 40 years of work and my body is pretty much crap…
I can barely walk and I can’t sleep at night because of the pain that I endure
from hours of hard physical labor… and yet, I cannot escape…

How do I exist within the forces of both natural and manmade forces that
dominate and control my existence? how do I find my freedom?

this is the question of how we work within the forces that exist in our lives…
this is not a psychological question, it is a philosophical question… how to
create a system of politics and economics that doesn’t nihilate who I am
and what I am and what I value?

my mind quakes at the thought of fighting our manmade systems of
political and economics, but my heart knows what is right and says,
don’t worry mind, I have enough belief for the both of us… let us do
battle for I shall carry the day because passion is enough to overthrow
everything that stand between us and freedom…Be still my friend,
mind/intellect… for the heart can carry the day because we have hope
and hope is the greatest tool we have for overcoming anything…
be like me mind/intellect and have faith…for we shall overcome…

and so the heart and head work together, as one in finding
its place in a system that negates who I am and what I value…


as we have already spoken of conservatives and their commitment
to security and its fear based ism/ideologies………….

we have to understand what is the basis for their ownership of
their belief base system which can ignore even basic facts to
accommodate long held beliefs like god and they will not
adjust or change their beliefs regardless of any fact or knowledge
that may challenge those beliefs system…

and we have already encountered the reason for this…
their childhood indoctrinations that everyone receives but
conservatives cannot escape…
they will hold unto their childhood indoctrinations regardless of
whatever evidence or facts that come their way… they
will not evaluate or reevaluate their values… they will not
begin the process of know thyself and then overcoming
and then becoming who they are……. conservatives are stuck in
their childhood indoctrinations…

beliefs held long enough become articles of faith…
Once a long time ago, I was told or I simply “remembered”
that my mother grew up on a farm… it was not even a questioned
in my mind that my mother grew up on a farm…it was a
childhood indoctrination… one day, my wife asked my mother
where she grew up when she lived on a farm… my mother, say what?
I never grew up on a farm… My wife who only knew of this from me,
couldn’t believe it, an article of faith with me, my mom grew up on
a farm was wrong… I was wrong… It was unsettling that
an article of faith with me, the fact that my mom grew up on a farm
was completely and totally wrong…… I had to rethink because the evidence
was rather conclusive… my mom grew up in a city… It never even occurred
to me…I now have my facts… I no longer believe my mother grew up on the farm…
another childhood indoctrination down the tube… I must adapt to this
new information…another idea that I had held for years was this idea…
I played baseball, little league until I was 15… and the
was that my only thing I wanted to be growing up was a baseball player…

the other thing I wanted to be was President of the United States…
that was my childhood, either growing up to be a ball player or
president of the U.S… those were my only answers to what
I was going to be when I grew up…

and now many years later, I tell the story of how one day, same day,
I gave up baseball and threw my glove away and no longer wanted to
be president of the U.S. because I figured out that those two dreams
were my fathers dream, not mine…he wanted to be a ballplayer
and he was a frustrated politician… and so I, as my childhood indoctrination
was indoctrinated into either being a ball player or being president…

and the story is true, except for the little bit of fact that I made
those two realizations months if not years apart… it wasn’t the same day
that I gave up my two childhood dreams… but it makes a better story…
and so I kept to the story even though the reality was quite different…
BTW, I never recovered from losing those two dreams… I am still, after all these years,
trying to find out what I want to be when I grow up to be an adult…
so the stories are accurate to a point, but I changed it and as I believed
the story after so many years, it became an article of faith that I lost my
belief in being a ballplayer and being president the same day…
an article of faith… because the number of years that past, gave my
beliefs certainty, just as I believed my mom grew up on a farm…

It was an examination of my past that led me to an understanding of
what really happened in terms of my playing ball and being president
and of my mom giving rather irrefutable evidence that I was wrong,
that my belief that she grew up on a farm was wrong……

we are faced with these childhood contradictions all the time…
how do we resolve them? do we begin to reevaluate them or do
we hold to the childhood indoctrination regardless of the facts or
evidence presented……. do we act as conservatives do and stick
to the childhood indoctrinations regardless of the facts or evidence
or do we begin the process of knowing ourselves and then overcoming
and then becoming who we are……….it is a choice… freely made…
and given the forces that determine our lives, a freedom one should
act upon because what other freedoms do we have?


It is late after a long day at work, so let us see how coherent this
turns out……

The fancy writing of such people who dazzle us with their bullshit…
like Kant and Hegel who use words to conceal and hide their words and idea’s…
they have nothing to say because it is hidden behind verbiage of unnecessary
words… why can’t they speak plain?

Einstein once said, if you can’t reduce a theory to be explainable to
a 12 year old, you don’t know it at all…….

the attempt to seem profound and meaningful is widespread and
not surprising…… this need to feel one is above others by pedantic
words is just another attempt to feel superior to others………

it is also an attempt to avoid dealing with the real questions of
one’s life… how are we to live? What are we to believe in?
what values should we hold? what should we hope for?
these are the real questions of one’s life, not pedantic
bullshit of the academic professors who try to impress each other
with pretentious crap…….but do nothing to improve our understanding
of the questions facing the common human being in their desire to
understand what it mean to be human and what it takes to rise above
merely being human…….for being merely human is just more words for
being an animal…… we are more then just animals if, if we rise above
our animal instincts which are the lower level of human existence……

who are we and what are our possibilities is not answered by any university
professor who has their reputation to maintain by writing above the “masses”.
with language and words only the highly educated can know……. how is that
going to allow the “masses” to understand what it means to human and what
is our possibilities…if philosophy engages in the university group masturbation
speak of those who follow Kant and Hegel and other in an attempt to hide
the fact that the university professors have knowledge but no wisdom…

Socrates used words and language that could be followed by anybody and why?
because he wanted people to understand what he was getting at… He didn’t make
it hard or understandable only by those with specialize knowledge of what certain
words and idea’s meant…we should follow Socrates and not Kant or Hegel…
we should make our language plain and simple, easy to understand by anyone with
a 12th grade education…the path to wisdom is not to make knowledge
inaccessible because we are using words to hide the lack of wisdom…
words and language should be understandable to all because we want all,
there is that dam equality thing again, we want the path to wisdom to
be accessible to all and the only way to achieve that is by using language
and words accessible to all………

stop using words to hide the fact you lack wisdom…

and if you are offended by this, note that I haven’t named anybody and in fact,
I don’t have anyone at all in mind
then you might want to rethink your words, your language to
become understandable to everyone…….rethink, reevaluate your language
and how you convey your message and your idea’s…….

stop hiding behind words and language to cover up your lack of wisdom…


in reading the German idealist, one often reads of “nature” as if
nature was something outside of us… it isn’t……. the best description
of nature really is Spinoza’s everything… we exists within nature,
we are nature, we cannot escape nature… it is like this immense
bubble that hold everything…… think of the classic picture of the universe
where everything is within that immense bubble that we call the universe…
that is nature…….we have large scale nature and small scale nature,
but it isn’t two separate things, it is one and the same, just the size is
different…and us? we exist within this bubble as part of nature and
we are nature… we help create nature just as everything in the universe also
create nature… a rock, the sand on the beach, every blade of grass,
every star in the in sky, every galaxy in the sky, all of it, nature…
just as we on planet earth are nature…….you cannot escape something
that you are encased in…

we don’t need to connect this entirety of nature with god,
we just call it reality and call it a day…….

nature is just another word for everything out there and, and everything inside of me
and inside of you and inside of everything…….nature is simply everything…

we can stop talking about nature as if it is something outside of us, different from
us, apart from us, it isn’t…it is us and we are nature………
and to be honest, you can’t even break up nature like that, you can say,
nature is everything…and leave it at that and you would be correct…


and what about the dual scourge of the enlightenment,
skepticism which leads one to nihilism and atheism…

How does skepticism fit into this idea that nature is everything?

Glad you asked…….for no matter how far down into the rabbit hole
one’s skepticism leads, the end still leads one to the bottom line of
nature………for to deny nature is to deny us and our existence…
and we understand that the heart will, regardless of the facts or evidence,
will simple proclaim that we exist and that nature exists……. that is what
the head and heart do, they set limits to the other guy…but does that make
it true? for the heart, it doesn’t matter if it is true or not, if the heart believes,
that is enough for the heart…even here, even here we find ourselves face
to face with psychology…you simply cannot philosophize without psychology…
and you cannot psychologize without philosophy… Mutt and Jeff……


if we are nature and nature is us, then how do we
reach this modern point of the fragmentation of the modern world?

If everyone is us and we are everyone, then how do we fragment?

If we posit the other person as “the other” then we have achieve fragmentation…
if we allow this negation of the other person as “us vs them”, then we
create fragmentation………. if we see the other person as simply us,
then we have no fragmentation… a united, combined nature doesn’t allow
fragmentation because there is no difference between anything in the
universe… as we are all made of atoms and thus at the smallest, basic level
of existence the same, then there is no difference between dogs and cats
and cars and galaxies and us… there is no other… anything…
for we are all atoms… we are combined into different shapes,
but aren’t humans in different shapes anyway but at the heart of the matter, we
are the same… atoms combined into different shapes……

I am short and someone else may be tall, I am white and someone
else may be black and I am male and someone else maybe female…
it doesn’t change the fact that we are the same beings, human beings…
and animals may have two legs or 4 legs but they are still animals…
and insects may have any number of legs or means of motion and yet,
they are still insects… it doesn’t matter what the atoms shape become,
they are still just atoms in different shapes… we are just atoms in different
shapes…… and that means if we damage or hurt animals, we are hurting
our fellow atoms, atoms that may find their way to become human beings
in time or, or may even have been human beings in the past… atoms are
simply what everything is made of, including us…………

that is why we are nature and nature is us… for we are made of the exact
same thing and the forces that has created us and the forces that
determine how we can exist, such as gravity and electromagnetism
are forces that determine all atoms regardless of the shape of atoms
at that time…and those forces that determine us, are also atoms…
as is time and space… for space bends and flexes and that bending means
that space is made up of something and that something is atoms……

One might ask where does the metaphysical stand in the midst of
all this atoms? There is simple no place to understand anything
that is not atoms…thus god which is understood at being outside
of time and space doesn’t exist because god isn’t atoms…it is
beyond the physical, that is what metaphysical means, beyond
the physical… and nothing exists beyond the physical, beyond or
outside of atoms………

we might not be able to account for all matter, but what matter that exists
is matter that is atoms and as we are atoms, all matter is us and we
are all matter………


and what of concepts like freedom? the concept of freedom isn’t
atoms… correct, it isn’t… but we atoms called human beings use
the concept of freedom to help us understand our place, our role in
the universe…….

We see a tree… and that we see the tree through our eyeballs which is
made up of atoms and the tree is made up of atoms………… we experience
“reality” by such means as atoms seeing atoms or atoms hearing atoms or
by atoms feeling atoms……… our senses are simple atomic structures
meant to sense other atomic structures…… we experience atoms as atoms…
then by experience, which is when we have already experienced similar looking atoms,
we can understand what the current shape and structure of the atoms
we are experiencing “means”…

so once again, how do we experience Freedom?
certainly not as atoms, for freedom is not made up
of atoms…I cannot “experience” freedom, but I can
interpret freedom from actions… so what does this really mean?

We are simple atoms and if atoms are prevented from moving because
the state preventing us atoms from moving, then we interpret that
as the loss of freedom… we don’t experience freedom per se…
we can interpret what freedom means from the loss of of motion or
the loss of some action…the action of abortion… I cannot personally
experience abortion but a women could… the loss of action, the
prevention of an abortion by legal means is the loss of action in a particular
case…Freedom basically means the act of motion is some fashion…
we can reduce all our concepts, I think, into some fashion of motion…

Now if this is true and I must go to work shortly so I am unable to
work out this theory, but if it is true… freedom exists only as
an action, motion…and we as atoms are affected in some fashion
and we interpret that being affected as concepts… freedom or slavery
or hope or peace or love… for isn’t our emotions simply some
action taken or not taken? We feel love and we want to take action…
we feel hate and we want to take action and we feel hope and we
want to take action…… it is in that action that we discover what
concepts are………

Now I may be completely and absolutely wrong and that is ok…
for with every understanding, be it right or wrong, we better understand
what it means to be human and what are our possibilities…


it is interesting to note that perceptions are listed
in wiki as philosophy and experience is not…


We moderns think of ourselves as superior or above other times
and their cultures and why? Because we have couches and large screen
TV’s and fancy cars and smartphones…We have all the luxuries of
our modern times and who needs the past when all they were concerned
about were such unimportant matters as truth and art and love…

What do we moderns need with such unessential matters of beauty
and truth when we have the highest religion of all, materialism…

Our all consuming pursuit of profits/money has made such things
as any search for knowledge or wisdom or truth or beauty, nonessential
or superfluous……………
it is wasteful to pursuit unneeded idea’s that cannot create profits…
we have one value and one value only and that is the creation of profits…

Knowledge or wisdom or truth cannot, is not a means for creating profit…

we moderns have no need of such things as for example, beauty…
unless said beauty creates profits…

Art for example, has no place in the modern world… we have removed
any need for art and it pursuit of beauty and truth…for those less advanced
cultures that failed to understand the meaning of life which is the pursuit
of profits, they failed because they foolishly thought that the pursuit was the
really a pursuit of beauty and beauty was truth… and truth was beauty…

we moderns have no need of such foolishness… truth is bought and paid for
and beauty is bought and paid for and to think such foolishness that beauty
might actually lead to the truth, such naïve nonsense isn’t tolerated
in our modern age… we who view everything in light of what can
be bought and sold… truth has its price and beauty has its price…
that is all that matter to us moderns……. what is beauty is determined
by the market forces that creates our wages and determines the price of everything
and that is all that matters… we moderns who know the price of everything
and those foolish ancients like Voltaire who thought that beauty was truth
and truth was beauty but they failed to price anything…… if it can’t be bought
or sold, what is it value?

For how can truth or beauty have value if it can’t be bought or sold?
what value has honor or peace or love if it can’t be bought or sold?
We moderns have removed the foolishness of the ancients because
we no longer believe in love or peace or beauty because those
ideals will not bring us any profits/money………

We moderns clearly are so much more advance over past civilizations,
past cultures because we can buy and sell trinkets and gadgets and whatchamacallit
like our cars and phones and TV’s sets…who needs such worthless
idea’s like beauty and love and truth and justice and art?

clearly we are at the height of civilization when we can purchase
a 65 inch TV…and what does it matter that we don’t pursue
such trivial matters love or beauty or art or truth……

indeed, what does it matter?


The question of the day…

What is your relationship to Art?

and you might say:

Art? Art? what the hell are you talking about? No one talks about art…
Art is dead, man… didn’t you know that… Art my ass…

so what is your relationship with Art?


Let us take a look at Art……

take the Mona Lisa… probably the most famous painting in the world…
I saw it when I was in Paris a couple of years ago… It is a small painting…
that surprised me…Many millions of words have been used to describe
the Mona Lisa…… Many theories have been put forward about it…
I can see it in my mind’s eye… quite clearly as you most likely can see
it in your mind’s eye…

The Mona Lisa cannot be understood scientifically or mathematically
or philosophically… it cannot be weighed or measured or understood
by any known scientific or philosophic method…….

It is…… simple as that… and as we cannot purchase it, it cannot be used
to buy or sell, so in essence, from a modern standpoint, the Mona Lisa is
worthless…… it has no value in our modern society because it cannot
be understood scientifically or philosophically or be sold…so how else
would one begin to understand the Mona Lisa?

As a work of art, but what does that mean? I would even question the notion
that the Mona Lisa is a “beautiful” painting… so what is the “value” of the
Mona Lisa?

One might answer, we moderns don’t bother with such primitive ideas like
art and what art means………… It is beneath us…so why the fascination
with such artwork like the Mona Lisa?

Art is all around us… we hear music all the time, in fact I am listening to
Mozart right now… and we hear music all the time, on the radio and on TV
and in movies and yet do we consider that music that we hear all the time,
to be Art?

We see plays and TV shows and movies all the time and they are ART,
plays and TV shows and movies… one might even consider ads as
just another aspect of Art…Let us take a popular TV show, one I
have never seen, NCIS… very popular and has been on TV for what seems
like forever… and yet, it by its very definition is ART…….NCIS is ART…

And what does that mean? It is Art just the same way we consider the
plays of Sophocles to be Art… and if not, what exactly is the difference
between NCIS and the play of Sophocles? We know that a problem,
perhaps the greatest problem of modernity is the fragmentation of
man and we still feel those effects to this very day… so what does our
understanding of art mean to the greatest problem of our modern times?
the fragmentation of human beings…….and how can art become the possible
solution to that fragmentation? We are broken… mentally, physically, emotionally…
and we are also fragmented in body and soul…… how do we repair the damage
to our bodies and our souls? We can use ART to begin, to begin the unification
of body and mind. We can use Art to reunite and fix our broken bodies, broken
souls and our broken emotional states.

How? How can ART begin to heal our bodies, our soul, our emotions?

How does one begin to solve any problem? First by knowing thyself…
an understanding of who we are… then second, by overcoming…
then third, by becoming who we are…………Art is the means by which
we can begin to understand who we are… it can create the means by which
we begin to see who we really are… then and only then can we begin to
long process of overcoming and then we can become who we are…….

For me personally, I am terrible at Art… even my mother says I was born
without a gene for Art… and yet, I create, I create every single day
when I sit down at the kitchen table and open up my computer and I begin
to type……. My name is Kropotkin… and I am creating…

and by this process of speaking my voice, I am creating and I am healing my soul
at the same time… Recall the process of psychoanalysis whereby
we heal ourselves by confessing our sins… philosophy is nothing more then
confessing ones sins………and Art too is the act of confessing ones sins,
among the other functions of ART………and the Mona Lisa? what is
Da Vinci confessing there? Art as with any aspect of human existence,
is partly mystery… and what mystery does ART present us with?

and mystery itself cannot be weighed or measure or understood
scientifically or philosophically…… so we might be able to
classify Art and mystery as being the same thing?

So does Art answer the question or, or is ART the question/mystery?

So how does art answer the eternal questions of human existence?

The Kantian/Kropotkin questions of life… what can we know?
what can I hope for? What should we do? What values should we hold?
what can we affirm, not negate? And that is the point of Art…
It affirms… it is not nihilistic like our modern world…Art
doens’t negate human beings and their values… Art affirms
human beings and their values…And that is why we attempt
to minimize ART… because it flys in the face of our modern age
which is to negate… to be nihilistic whereas ART affirms and
that is the answer to the question… how are we to escape our
nihilistic age? By ART…


think about the connection between the rise of psychology
and the rise of modern Art. Both begin to bubble up
in the 1870’s and 1880’s and were pretty well on their way
by the turn of the century, 1900…several interesting papers
could be written about the connection between the rise
of psychology and modern art. And both began as a reaction
to the fragmentation of mind, body, soul that was begun
by the industrial revolution………… without the industrial revolution
you don’t have modern art nor do you have modern psychology because
you don’t have the fragmentation of man that was created by
the industrial revolution.

Art with its turn to the various ism’s within Art like Impressionism
and cubism are really just responses to the what has happened.

See also philosophy whereas modern philosophy began to fragment
into various philosophical schools of Marxism and logical positivism and
rationalism and existentialism among other schools…we have yet
to see philosophy reunite due to the pressures of the fragmentation
of modern man by the industrial revolution…and by fragmentation,
we can also use the word, nihilism, for it is the nihilism of
the modern age that created the fragmentation of man…
for we have no basis upon which to unite and become one when
all we have is the ongoing nihilism of our political and economic


Think of Russell’s and A.N. Whitehead attempt at
unification with their “Principia Mathematica”.

That was the point of the Principia….to unite
mathematically the fragmentation of man, in body, soul
and emotionally……. it failed, but that is the starting point,
not the conclusion of our attempts to unite ourselves against
the nihilism of our modern age…….


Take the above 4 post and do the modern thing, which is
to dismiss them as having nothing to do with your life…
for to dismiss is to negate and to negate is the “modern”
way, method of dealing with inconvenient truths…

dismiss them… negate them……. save yourself the trouble
of having to think what Art means in your life and what ART
means to our modern society, our modern culture…

dismiss and be a modern man…



How are we to understand, how do we
explain experience as experience?

by what method do we understand experience?

do we understand experience by experience or by a method,
philosophically, psychologically, emotionally, artistically?

How do we experience… experience?



it is often said that “man is with nature”
but the reality is, “man is nature”…….
how do we experience this?


Ok one may ask, what is philosophy?
or one may ask, what is history?
or one may ask, what is the state?
or perhaps one might ask, what is man?

Ok, so I ask, what is man? However, I don’t get much
by asking that question. So I ask, what is the state?
and I don’t get much there……

but, but if I ask, what is the relationship between man
and the state? Now we’re talking………

and what is philosophy? It is the word between two idea’s.
the word is relationship…philosophy is simply trying to understand
what is the relationship between man and the state or man and god
or god and the state? Relationships all… and that is all history is,
a question of the relationship between two idea’s…
and political science is the relationship between two idea’s…
and religion is the relationship between man and god…
everything we ask about, is asking, what is the relationship between…

so if you want to understand philosophy, try to understand the relationship
between two separate idea’s and you are a philosopher…

it is the relationships we spend our lives asking about, not the specific
idea’s themselves…….


What I am about to write is a whole, it just looks like parts…

We have art… and what is art? Many, many definitions of art exists…

We know that art changed in nature from 1880 through 1900…

and I have surmised that Art changed beginning in 1880 because of
the industrial revolution… because of the industrial revolution,
we were atomized, fragmented… we no longer existed as part
of a whole……. the industrial revolution in conjunction with
its ism/ideology, capitalism… tore human beings from
their connection to other people, to the state, to religion…

to atomized means it separated human beings from its
connection to other human beings, connections which ranged
from religion to nationality to families…… recall that
families were being driven from farms to factories in
massive, record numbers and that changed was part of
the atomization of man…… when we live on the land, we
are connected to the earth, we are connected to the seasons,
in ways that is impossible in our modern industrialize world…

You cannot, cannot understand the modern world without understanding
this alienation of human beings from their rural, farming life that has
lasted for 10 thousand years and was being uprooted in a generation.

To atomized means to separate human beings from a life that they had
always known to being a single atom in the modern world.

Now am I glorifying the rural farming life? Not at all, I am pointed out
you cannot go home again. Am I a farmer at heart? not in the least…

I am pointing out what the results were when we transported millions
of human beings from being farmers to our modern industrial world of
nihilism and despair…

We are and will continue to be alienated and disconnected until we
finally adapt to our new found conditions.

Art…… we practice art… the ancients didn’t practice art in the way we do…
You didn’t have individuals who painted or sewed or wrote music just because
it wasn’t necessary for the average person to engage in ART in the ancient world, Why?

Because the ancient world could engage in its act of creation by the timeless act
of farming, of growing fruits and tree’s and vegetables in one’s field…….

We no longer have that luxury……. we engage in Art because we no longer
have another outlet for us to engage with……. but why is it important to
have an outlet to engage in?

We have another dualism…… we have the conscience mind
and we have another aspect of the mind, the subconscious mind…
Art comes from the subconscious mind…Art is a way to engage
the subconscious mind……. and that is why Art changed from the 1880’s
to the 1st world war……… Because the exterior of the human being changed
from a rural, farming, seasonal person to the modern factory working human being
and the subconscious mind too must adapt in the way it adapted to the world…

Art is one way, means for the subconscious mind to process the massive changes
from its prior rural existence to the modern factory life…….Art is an means to
adapt, a means to accommodate the new atomized, disconnected life we now
lead…and Art in all forms changed to acknowledge our new existence…
and Art is driven by the subconscious…….

And so what is the solution to our problem of us having a atomized, disconnected
life that we lead today? Art, art is the solution but we no longer react to Art
in the same way we once did… Art is dead… or so we are told… Art isn’t dead,
Art is trying to adjust to the new conditions of modern man and the subconscious
mind that is so important to all of us, is trying to adjust to the everchanging
conditions we find ourselves in…

and that is the new modern world, the everchanging world… for that was
one of the hallmarks of the world before 1880. The lack of change…
Caesar could have walked the streets of Paris in 1800 and he would not
have felt that out of place outside of the new “uniforms” that modern
people feel compelled to wear……. Rome of 45BC isn’t that different
than the streets of Paris in 1800… but Paris by 1900 had completely
changed… we find all the modern conveniences starting to come into play…

the world has changed more in the last 200 years more then it did in
the previous 2000 years and we must adjust and the subconscious
mind must adjust……… Thus we have the crime and serial murders
and violent attacks we see every day as a consequence of the rapid
change from the rural, farming world of 1800 to our modern world…

Our current alienation and disconnection from ourselves and each other
is from that rapid change in our historical situation…

Think of the events of the 20th century, the two world wars and the Holocaust
and the cold war… events that was impossible before 1900 and why?

Because the wars and the Holocaust were reactions to our rapidly changing
world… and Art? Art is not only thing that changed, but Art is one possible
solution to the problem of our adaptation to this everchanging world……

we must find a way to allow the subconscious mind to adapt and change, to
understand its place in the world…we are adrift because the subconscious mind
hasn’t yet come to terms with the new reality of modern times……… and we will
remain alienated and disconnected until we come to grips with the new reality,
come to grips both in the conscious AND subconsious mind…


all the above is meant to say is simple, Art is a psychological
event…and once again we return to psychology…just
as philosophy can be connected to and in fact, might be
the same as psychology, Art may be not just art, but
