The Global Gulag and Shitshow of american/world politics

And you are just a senile old man with nothing nice to say.

Joker? Is that you?

No one is banning guns. Republicans have been saying that democrats are going to take away the guns my entire life. Every gun shop in town and every old guy at every gun show always says the democrats are going to take the guns. I’ve been hearing this since I was about 5. So for almost 35 years they’ve been saying that. But there are more guns available now than there ever have been, and none have been taken away. So the democrats aren’t doing that. Clinton and Obama had 16 years between them. They didn’t take any guns.

Now, what has happened is that the republican gun shop owners charge more for guns when democrats are in office, and they lie to you about how everything is going to get banned so that they can take more of your money. But you still get the gun, and the democrats don’t stop you…it’s just that the republican takes more of your money.

You can make a gun out of a couple pieces of pipe, a nail, a rubber band and a coupling that you can pick up at any hardware store for less than the cost of a happy meal. If you just have to shoot somebody, and somehow or another the government has actually managed to collect all the guns in America and melt them down, you can just make one in a few minutes. It’s not ideal, but you can shoot someone with it.

Voting in America right now is like this. If you’re poor, vote democrat. Unless you think that trickle down economics is going to work for you. Then just don’t vote at all. If you have a lot of money, or if you hate black people or believe there’s a white genocide happening, or if you think that we should close ourselves from the rest of the world, pick fights in the international community and reject those who come to us for help then vote republican…actually…just don’t vote at all.

Think about it man. Unemployment is at an all time low or something. So if we want the economy to grow we need more people to be productive, and we’re running out of people. We should let some people in who need refuge and allow them to contribute to our GDP.

Like 1 mexican guy kills someone and they got commercials all over tv about it and they say he shouldn’t be here. By that logic, we should throw all the americans out because americans kill more americans than mexicans do…right?

And thank Jesus for that.

Yes but you are a grown man. You got a lot of years behind you. Things aren’t the same as they used to be. We are breeding weaklings and pussies who are afraid of everything. Plus there’s more mass murders nowadays too. So now they have an easier time of brainwashing people.

Not yet but they are trying to.

It’s a small price to pay for freedom. Freedom isn’t free, and its better to pay with cash than with blood.

As much as I love the idea of the honest criminal or robin hood, the reason I want to support gun rights isn’t so random criminals can make crappy guns. It’s mainly to keep guns (as in, high quality, long range assault rifles, not crappy short range garbage made in a garage) in the hands of citizens to prevent the government from getting too tyrannical and doing stuff like putting chips in our bodies or stuff like that. However each generation gets more and more retarded and cowardly so I begin to wonder, 50 years from now if the government actually tries to chip us, will the new generations be so weak minded and pathetic they would not only not try to resist, but actually try to argue its a good thing?

Trump, and the people who support him, aren’t really big on logic.

That being said, people who believe in multiculturalism really are delusional. America has the highest amount of prison population and social angst compared to other nations. It also has a horrible education system. It really is a “melting pot” and exactly the same as being hurled into an actual melting pot. Americans are stripped of identity and forced into overwhelming sameness. Americans have nothing to be proud of, it is one of the most emasculating nations where everything is illegal, and prostitution and sex has been banned by religious squares and angry dick-hating feminists.

The multiculturalism is easily explained when you think of America not as a country, but as a business. It is in the interest of any trade that all cultures recieve equality and treated as equals in business. No so much in social life. When a nation has 10 different languages and alien cultures that are expected to tolerate each other, things get pretty muddy and chaotic fast, not to mention having to wait twice as long when making phone calls in customer service while each language is repeated.

As for Muslims, that is where the liberal/SJW hypocrasy begins. The Marxist equality dogma says everyone is equal and to tolerate everything…yet we see what happens in Russia when Putin adopts the same Marxist attitude (Marxism started in Russia after all, it is a Russian thing.) Putin let part of Russia import and endless amount of Muslims, and look what happens in those parts of Russia. Sharia law where the Muslims kill any homosexual they please and what’s next, any of the unbelievers. So LGBTs and SJWs have a kind of problem. The Marxist dogma says to be a cuck. Yet, to be a cuck is to allow everything, and accept everything, even things that will punish you for being a cuck. And that’s where Christianity comes in. It pushes LGBTs towards the idea of self-sacrifice and turning the other cheek, rather being in favor of foreigners who hate them and who want to destroy them, after all Jesus says he who does not hate his own brother, is unworthy of God.

Isn’t Trumps idea proving logical by stunning job growth?

Obviously it’s pretty damn illogical to not vote for him.if you’re poor.

But democratic education has a criminalised teaching logic… for that special reason! :smiley: it’s racist. Logic is racist. Because it’ll make you vote for Trump.

Yes Trump has more jobs. But he hasn’t increased the minimum wage of those jobs. We all know what Trump is. One of the guys of the banks who wants to promote the federal reserve, police state global gulag where the American dollar will become eventually worthless and the poor will all live in shanty towns with their imaginary “freedums” and virtual reality as their only form of release.

Shanty town doesn’t seem too bad.

Have you seen Ready Player One? Its no wonder they choose virtual reality over that literal dump they have to live in.

This says it all:


Liberals say everyone should get free health care. Yet Obama care was not free. All the people I know had to pay 300 dollars a month. And these people were rock bottom below the poverty level. Im not fan of Republicans, and all politicians are corrupt. They are all schemers. In the Batman movie Joker claims they have pathetic plans. Yet if their plans are so pathetic why do politicians always get their way.

How much was it before obamacare?

I don’t read books man. I get all my info from non-mainstream media.

Obama was a compromising centrist. He had a chance to be another FDR, but he didn’t have the balls to fight for what he believed in (like Bernie would have), so he implemented a half-assed socialistic Frankenstein.

Centrists are the worst. I’d rather a hard-righter crash the system and then usher in a progressive to pick up the pieces like FDR did, but a centrist will acclimate us to mediocrity (boil the frog slowly) with compromises that solve nothing.

How hard is it to say “We are going to tax the piss outta you rich people!” Everyone is scared to say it, but I’d run on it.

As much as I hate Trump, I’d vote Trump over Hillary or Biden (centrists) in order to crash the system and get the people riled up enough to demand real change and not compromises that just keep us pacified with table-scraps.

“People complain about the federal reserve robbing america, yet won’t even rob a bank to save their own ass.”

Hahaha excellent. Exactly.

Like so called 2nd Amendmenders complain about the government taking their machine guns instead of just shooting any government agent that tries to take them.

What the hell do they think the right to own guns is for? Did they not read the Constitution? What is the 2nd Amendment explicitly for? To protect from the government.

The only ones using machine guns or bumpstocked assault rifles are losers who mow down unarmed people and then kill themselves.

Heavily armed cowards on the one hand and childcastrating pacifists on the other, that’s America.

I know one of the heavily armed cowards. He’s a really big guy who shouldn’t be scared of much. I’m sure he has representative of every gun ever manufactured and several copies to boot and I say “What are you scared of to be so armed?” The only answer I can get, apart from thinking he can fight off the military coming for his guns, is some drug-crazed maniac might accost him. “And you’re scared that sitting on them will not be sufficient?” If 300 lbs of ass isn’t enough, I can’t see a few extra grams of lead changing much.

Conservatives think with their “lizard brain” … ne.0052970

[i]Democrats showed significantly greater activity in the left insula, while Republicans showed significantly greater activity in the right amygdala.

These results suggest that liberals and conservatives engage different cognitive processes when they think about risk, and they support recent evidence that conservatives show greater sensitivity to threatening stimuli.[/i]

The brain activity in these two regions alone could predict whether a person is a Democrat or a Republican with 82.9% accuracy.

The Amygdala is in the limbic system, which is the lizard brain, the oldest part of the brain in terms of evolution and is responsible for “fight or flight” and instinct.

The Insula is in the cerebral cortex, which is the thinking part of the brain and much higher evolved, although we don’t yet understand what specific role the insula plays.

The point is that when presented with risk, the democrat engages in deliberate thought while the republican acts like an animal… and this is 82.9% accurate.

Corroborating study here:

Anecdotally, I’ve noticed that both humans and animals that growup in stressful environments (sickness, poverty) tend to act more animalistic/instinctual/mechanistic as adults as opposed to being contemplative, thoughtful, and somewhat humanish.

When an organism develops in stress, it realizes the duty to either die in order to feed the genetically superior survivors with its own carcass (or at least stop competing for food) or to hurry and reproduce in hope that some genetic variation will overcome the stress. Cognition, apparently, doesn’t confer any advantage as evidenced by its manifestation only where abundance and prosperity reside, while the opposite seems to occur in stress and scarcity.

Abundance = development of cerebral cortex mass
Scarcity = development of amygdala mass

That’s my theory anyway.

What else can explain why poor people support the system that keeps them poor if poverty hasn’t damaged their brains?

An example to derativitize this plus.

I’m leaving to Asia in a few days and an illustration of how this great new world order will play out , in the following example.

As bad it is here , in the Phillippines they found the carcasses of small children , between 5 and seven years old with their bodies cut open and important and valuable organs removed for sale to international cartels who will pay top dollar for them in excess of a thousand dollars, with resale value of ten to one hundred times more: to established
cartels trading in such.
Time for a one world landscape is of a short expected window, since coming up empty may result in a bad nuke war.

So before worrying about gulags at home let’s take a look at a bigger coming international landscape

The people who did that are subhuman and deserve to be burnt alive.

My life is nothing but pain and hate and I am given hardly any pleasure, my hate is of the astoundingly infinite stupidity of the human race.

Some may call me a reptile and a savage because I show no mercy to the wicked and these abominations that call themselves human beings.

According to you I have a large amygdala because my mind is in perpetual combat mode. But I hate fucking both democrats and republicans they are all tards and scum and garbage of the earth not even fit for my boot.