a new understanding of today, time and space.

As a philosopher, one who is attempting an inquiry into the nature of things,
I must have some place where I begin……

therefore, I begin here…… I do not believe in god or an metaphysical
notion that there are things beyond the physical. What is, is in the
known and seen universe. It has been said that there is such stuff as
dark matter and dark energy but we cannot see it…… I say, we can’t
see it yet. We just haven’t created the tools we need to see or measure
such things as dark matter or dark energy. Our scientific growth has
come because we have created tools that allow us to expand the use of
our senses with such devices as a telescope and microscope and antennas
and particle accelerators…It is the use of and growth in such tools
that has allowed us to gather a greater understanding of the universe and
the forces or laws of the universe. We have such human tools as logic
and science and mathematics that allows us gather information about
the nature of and reality of the universe we live in.
If you want a definition of a human being, it might be this, a human being
is a tool using animal.

It is the rise of modern science which has created our modern world.
Science measures, weighs, counts, analysis matter, forces, time/space…
in other words, if it can be studied and measured, it is science and science
uses those tools of science to measure and weigh and count……

The question of science is about the who, what, when, where, how but
and this is important, not the why. Using the tools of science we can build
an atomic bomb but science cannot tell us if the use of the atomic bomb
is a “good” or a “bad” thing. That is the role of philosophy. But one may ask,
why isn’t it the role of religion? Because Religion takes into account
evidence that isn’t really there… In other words, in a court of law,
the trial of a person, the court would introduce the evidence of a crime
and that evidence must be physical evidence, paper work, a gun or a knife,
tax documents and if the evidence is a person who has knowledge of
the crime, it cannot be the sole evidence of a crime. In other words,
we must conclusively connect the person who is being charged with a crime
to the evidence of a crime. let us return to the role of religion.
For the evidence a religious person needs to prove there is
existence of a god, the evidence is not physical evidence.
The religious person accepts non physical evidence that a court
of law would not accept. You cannot prove that a god exists
and no court in the universe would accept that evidence because
there is no physical evidence connecting god to the physical universe.
a person saying in a court of law, I believe this is true and that makes
it true would not be accepted in a court of law as evidence of a crime or
any type of connection to a crime. simple belief is not enough of a connection
to be accepted in a court of law……… and that is how I judge evidence for
something. Would it be acceptable in a court of law? If I hold this belief,
is there enough physical evidence to have this belief as holding true
in a court of law? In other words, my burden of proof is very high.
I cannot hold a belief if there is not enough supporting physical evidence for
that belief.

so in my inquiry, I can hold a belief if there is enough evidence that holds
true in a court of law. So I hold the belief that there are UFO’S because I
believe that there is enough physical evidence to bring into a court
of law and that evidence can be used to show that UFO’S exists.

But there isn’t enough physical evidence to show us that a god or gods, exists.

We have enough physical evidence to show that black holes exists
and that time/space are a physical entity. That time/space is not
just a mathematical concept but a physical one like the planet
earth is physical evidence that planets do exists.

We have evidence that time/energy/matter/mass all have
a beginning in the big bang and thus have a ending date at
some point in the future but and this is important,
that the amount of matter/energy created in the big bang
is still the same amount of matter/energy that exists today and will
be the same amount of matter at the end of existence.

so how we will be able to explain the ending of the universe
in light of the fact that the amount of energy/matter in the universe
will be the exactly the same from beginning to end?

This is done by entropy. a decline into disorder from order.
Order exists because of the amount of energy that is in the system
or put into a system allows the system to maintain order.
Once a system doesn’t have enough energy to maintain itself,
it begins its decline into disorder. The amount of energy a system
needs changes as the system changes. A political system in the
beginning phases of it operation needs a different amount of energy then
during it middle phase and a different amount during it ending phase.
At our current phase of existence we need more energy to maintain
our existence and yet, people try to increase disorder
by removing energy that goes into the system. That is done by
removing the energy a system needs to sustain and build itself.

a political system does this by money which allows a system
to maintain itself and the amount of energy that goes into a system.
so if we understand that a system needs an ever greater amount of
energy to maintain itself because a system becomes ever greater
more complicated. So the energy needed to maintain the American
political system was less during the 18the century and then every
century thereafter the amount of energy needed increased just
maintain itself. A large system needs ever greater energy then a smaller
system to maintain itself and the energy a political system needs is
twofold, participation and money. A reduction in either type of energy,
participation and money into a political system increases the disorder
into a system.

To truly understand the modern world, we must understand
systems and the energy that goes into the modern systems that
makes the systems work.

this is some of what I hold to be true.


If we hold ourselves to the higher standard
of it must eligible as evidence in a court of law,
then much of philosophy gets tossed into the garbage heap.

an example of this is Kant and his famous saying:

“Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration
and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them:
the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me”

OK, we have evidence for the starry heavens above but
the “moral law within me”? Nah, that is an assumption of
facts not admissible in a court of law. There is simply no
evidence of any kind of a moral law in Kant, in you, in me,
in anybody.

We see this false attempt to act upon evidence that we simply
don’t have. The group after Kant, which included Fichte, Shelling, Schleiermacher, and
of course, Hegel, all began with unproven assumptions not admissible
in a court of law. Each of them wrote about assumptions like the
“divine absolute” which is another name for god, and the existence
of some sort of spirit which infuses “the People” which causes “the people”
to act in some fashion. Each of those named above writes about the
“Spirit of the people”, the “German Spirit” as if it actually were a thing and
not some made up metaphysical thing. You have to stick to the facts as they
present themselves, not as how you want them to appear. This is the failure
of “German Idealism” during the period of Kant and thereafter. They assumed
facts not in evidence.

So what other “facts” that we have that are assumed
and not actually proven? The idea of “progress” is one.
We have no evidence that the human race is supposed
to travel the path of “progress”. From the lower, simpler
to the higher, complicated level. There is simply no evidence
for this idea. It is assumed that because we have a higher level
of technology, that we are “higher” or further along with
path of “progress”. But this idea of “progress” assumes that
that there is some liner progression involved and we see no evidence
for that. I would suggest that the Greeks were higher then us in area’s like
philosophy and ethics, and we are higher in science and technology.
so the question really becomes, we have “progress” in what exact area’s
and depending upon that area, we may or may not have “progressed”.
It depends upon how you define “progress”? The entire question of “progress”
revolves around how you define “progress”. The question of “progress”
and other questions, really operate within the boundaries of your definition and
thus have no basis for being admissible in a court of law as being
“facts”. As I stated, much of what passes for philosophy gets tossed
when judged upon being facts or being judge as opinion.
So we have statements like this, “The creative spirit of the people
help create democracy” Ok, there is no evidence of a collective
creative spirit of the people. We have individuals who are creative
and they do create. Am I such a creative person? Hell no.
We cannot take an individual property such as creativity
or socialness and assume that it is a collective process,
includes everyone. My sisters are creative, my brother and I,
nope, so does the entire family have a “creative spirit”?
some do and some don’t, it is not a collective thing.
Now I could say, my family has a “creative spirit”
and I would be partly right, and I would be partly wrong.
depending on who I was talking about.

We have to speak and write with the current evidence, facts in mind.
Thus we cannot make blanket statements about “everyone” or the “collective”
spirit, or the “absolute” spirit which is god.
“I believe in god” is a personal, individual statement which
some in my family believes. “I don’t believe in god” is a personal,
individual statement which some in my family believes. So is there
a collective understanding or a collective spirit about god in my family?
Not that I can tell.

We have to be careful about making individual, personal statements
that we falsely attribute to a “collective spirit” or a “collective understanding”.

My statement “I believe in UFO’S” is a personal, individual statement,
but I can present evidence, evidence that is acceptable in a court of law,
that UFO"S exist.

a Statement that “I believe in GOD” is a personal, individual statement,
but I could not present evidence that would be acceptable in a court of law.

Why? because the evidence for a god is mostly faith based, not evidence
based. I have faith that god exists whereas I don’t need faith for the evidence
for UFO’S. Philosophy must be presented upon evidence based, not faith
base. We must have evidence for our philosophical statements.
Enough evidence for a court of law.


sometimes I think we forget the order of things and it is
good to get a refresher occasionally.

I am old, 59, and so I look at things with old eyes…
I see an experience and I try to find an explanation from
the varied examples of experiences I have. I see a man die from a heart
attack. From my prior experiences, I know what has happened and
what it means for me. My experiences have supplied me with information
about what those experiences like a heart attack means.

But when I was young, an experience like watching a man have a heart
attack, was new and confusing. I didn’t know or understood what
it meant in general or specifically to me, to watch someone have
a heart attack. It would have been a confusing experience for me
because I didn’t have the experience or knowledge to know
what it means to have a heart attack.

Now let us go even further back into time, when I was young,
maybe 9 or 10, my sister and I witnessed my father having a stroke.
We had no idea what was happening. Frankly, we panicked.
My sister ran next door and got a neighbor, a nurse, to come
over and take care of my dad. Now being so young, we had no
experiences with people having strokes or heart attacks and
we had no idea what to do. We didn’t have enough experience
to make sense of what had happened or what to do. We knew
something was wrong but we didn’t know what. Now that I am
old, I can pretty tell if something is wrong and because of my
past experiences, I can often tell what the problem is and what
the solution to that problem is…

Now that I old, I can give experiences some context. From what is
totally unknown, my father’s stroke, to today where I know
and understand the context of a stroke or a heart attack.
I can place or put into context, a single experience within
lifetime of my experiences. I now know that a heart attack is
a natural event that happens for quite often no real reason to people.
sometimes the live, sometimes they don’t. I can place into context such
experiences as strokes and heart attacks and divorce and births and deaths.
Such is the understanding of life that happens when you are 59.
There are not a whole lot of mysteries when you are 59. You have seen it
all, you have done it all, you have been it all. The only mystery left
at age 59 is death and someday, I too will undergo that experience.

The point and value of philosophy and science and religion is
to explain what experiences mean. I can philosophically explain
what death means to me and I can scientifically explain what death means
and I can religiously explain what death means. Science, philosophy and religion
are all means to explain and understand experiences. Now some experiences
are unexplainable because the event/experience is random, chaotic and thus
cannot be explained in either scientific or philosophic or religious terms.
The experience lies outside of the usual explanations we offer up for
such things.

What is god? We can try to offer up scientific or philosophical
or religious explanations to, what is god? I can use my vast experience, old age,
to help me and you, understand what is god and what does that experience
explain to us or offer to us. I have learned that having a god helps us to…
or I have learned that not having a god helps us to………
depends on my experience as to what my understanding of experiences
are. I have experienced a lot, so I know a lot… is pretty much how it works.

Now what philosophers try to do is to understand those experiences all humans
have of life and death and illness and loss and turn them into some explanation.
We have some philosophers who try to turn experiences into a system, by
deriving all experiences systematically from one fundamental principle.
Thus we have Nietzsche who tried to do this with his “will to power”
He thus understood all experiences from this one principle of “will to power”
and that was his “system”.

Now we have had people who have tried to systematically turn experiences
into a fundamental principle by saying, “it is all god’s will” and everything
is understood to happen by “god’s will”. then we attempt to work out what
it means for us humans if everything is and all our experiences are simple
part of “god’s will”. What does that mean for us humans?

We have also people who have tried to understand experiences in terms
of natural forces and actions. We call these people scientist. They try to
systematically understand experiences in light of natural forces and
experiences. We drop dead because of genetics or bad habits like smoking
and no exercise. The question of how we explain the world, how we understand
the world comes from our understanding the world of the world and our
experiences of the world. Our understanding of the world could
be scientific or philosophic or religious or some combination of all three.

So the question really is, by what method do you understand the world?
How do you understand and explain the experiences of the world?
How do you create context in your own mind with experiences of
your own life?

Think about how we understand experiences and how we engage
in creating context and understanding of those experiences.

that is the entire reason and rational of science and philosophy and
religion. To explain and understand experiences.

so how do you explain and understand experiences?


To keep it along the same lines as the last post, I shall use
basic experiences to help us understand.

I am born. I am born into a family and a city, a tribe or a group of people.
We are born into a already set understanding of the world which
is knowledge, superstitions, prejudice, habit, myths, in which we use
those things, knowledge, superstitions……. to explain the world
and its experiences.

I am born. to ask what it means to be a human being, being born is
religious and philosophical. How we are born is scientific. What
it means to be born a white, American male in 1959 is a task I
have engaged with my whole life. Have I overcome my childhood
indoctrinations, myths, habits, prejudices is the question?

What have my experiences over the last 59 years taught me about
what it means to be born human, in this time and this place.
What does it mean to have been born with those childhood
indoctrinations and superstitions and myths and prejudices?

I was born with some myths but not other myths… I was not born
with the myth or prejudice that white people are better then black
people. I was raised to be tolerant of those who hold idea’s, beliefs, myths
and prejudices different then what I hold

as I grew older, I began to become aware of, to begin the process of knowing
thyself and I discovered that the beliefs I held were not my beliefs but
beliefs of my family, my race, my culture… but they weren’t my beliefs,
I was indoctrinated with those beliefs.

I began the engagement of overcoming my beliefs with a rigid
and complete understanding of what I believe and why. I engaged
with overcoming my childhood beliefs and myths and prejudices…
and in overcoming my indoctrinations, I discovered that I became
who I was. Now I held values and beliefs that matched who I was…
That is what it means to become who you are… you discover
the values and beliefs that really define who you are…
and part of that is the value of experiences… I use my experiences
to help guide me in discovering who I am and overcoming childhood
indoctrinations and myths and………

experiences help guide us to discovering who I really am
and who I ought to become. It is experiences that show
us the path to overcoming ourselves and experiences that
show us who we really are……

I owe, I owe, off to work I go…
and off to work I go…


The question of existence, the problem of existence, is in part,
one of how do we understand experiences, how do we create
context for experiences, how do we classify the point and meaning
of experiences?

The experiences we have, from birth to death are the same experiences,
in other words, each of us is born and each of us will die. Each of us will
have experiences like school, family, society, government, indoctrinations…
As a man, I will have experiences that men have, like peeing standing up
and the male version of puberty and the awareness of other people being
sexual objects. I will not have the experiences of women. And the specific
experiences we have affects us as much as the general experiences.

The experiences are the same for us, life, death, puberty, love, marriage,
sex, but the difference is that each of us understands each experience
differently. My understanding of education is different then yours because
of social, psychology, economic and political differences but all of get educated
in some fashion. How we understand it is different, but the event is the same.

So how do we understand the question of “what ought we to do” in
terms of experience? If we stick with experience instead of ideology,
then we can understand better “what ought we to do”? Or said another way,
what factors, what is the nature of being human and how does that
relate to experiences?

We human beings are social creatures. We exist together, not separately,
we cannot exist alone. We must have other human beings to survive and any
construct of human society must include this aspect of human beings being
social creatures. This socialness is part of being human. It is, in a great part,
the reason why humans beings survived the long evolutionary period of
our youth. Our social nature is partly why we succeeded as animals
as we grew into human beings. Now some animals have other evolutionary
means of success like sharp teeth and claws or they can run fast or
they can hide… evolutionary success has many different parts to it,
but one of the reasons humans survived was this social nature we have.
This social nature is best exemplify by our need to cooperate.
The distinguishing factor of human survival is the ability to cooperate.
The modern ideology that proclaims rugged individualism and the myth
of the self created man is a lie. We do not self create. We are created
by the hands of thousands who have touched our lives and by the thousands
who touched those hands and the thousands who touched their hands.
We are the product of millions of years of evolution and training.
And in those millions of years, we were influenced by millions of lives.
Human success is not the result of our individual actions, but by
the actions of all those who came before us who cooperated and
created the modern world. I cannot emphasize this enough. We are the
creation of millions of years of cooperation between human beings.
If you fail to understand this, you fail to understand human beings.
The key to human success has been in the creation of our social
organizations like the family and the state. This is a another step
in the evolution of human cooperation. The social structure that
lies at the heart of human survival comes from the ability to
create social structures like education and protection of ourselves
by the means of government. This ability to create social structures
is done by our social skills. Social skills that is not linked to intelligence
but by emotional skills. Social structures are created over generations
and by emotional skills. This is the basis of our emotional skills.
The ability to work in and become part of social structures like the family
and society and the government. That is a vital part of being human.
The ability to use our social skills to allow us the ability to survive.
The key to our survival comes from our cooperation and that cooperation
comes from our social skills and that comes from our emotional skills.
One of the key factors of survival is by being social and being part of the group.

One of the next factors of survival for the human being is the rationality
or the individual intelligence AND the collective intelligence we have.
We combined not only in social structures but in common debate
in which we used our collective intelligence in debate to create
policy. In other words, the creation of modern human beings
came about over the million of years in which human beings debated
over campfires, past, present and future actions.

This rationality or use of intelligence that allow us to survive
without the tools of the animals like sharp teeth or claws
or not being able to run fast, is a key part of human survival.

So we have the social skills/emotional aspect of being human
which is the skills of cooperation and the creation of social
organizations and we have the intelligence aspect of survival.

thus we now understand how come we have two important
and crucial aspects of human ability. the social and the intellectual
aspect, the social skills to adapt within the group and the intellectual
aspect to create goals and a vision of who we are and where we
need to go next. The ability to create social organizations is an emotional
skill. It is this combination of emotional and intellectual skills that allowed
us to survive.

But what does this mean to us today? Let us take IQ45 attacks upon
both the social organizations and the intellectual aspects of human
existence. IQ45 has attacked social organizations that have successfully
allowed us to survive and grow as human beings, social organizations like
the government and social natures like kindness and cooperation that
has allowed us to succeed and grow. Plus he has attacked intelligence
which is the second part of the equation of human success. We must
have and use both the emotional skills and intellectual skills if we
want to survive and prosper going into the future. To attack
our key to survival which is cooperation and the creation of social
structures is dangerous to our future.

So let us relate this to another point I have made which is
system understanding. For a system to succeed, that system
must have energy going into it and every system must
have increasing energy going into it to maintain itself.
If IQ45 takes away energy from our social systems, then
he threaten to cause disorder and chaos within the systems
because disorder and chaos is caused by the loss of energy going
into a system. This energy helps a system maintain and grow
the order within that system. It takes energy to maintain order
within a system. To keep the solar system flowing on its
path, it takes energy to maintain the system. Every system
must have energy to maintain itself and without that energy,
the system begins to fail which is the growth of disorder
and chaos within the system. The term for this is entropy.
The loss of energy which maintains a system order.

So what IQ45 is doing is causing the system, the social system
of government and society to lose energy and thus become
unstable and increase disorder and chaos. That is why conservativism
is so dangerous. The basic premise of conservatism is based
on an idea that is dangerous to social organizations and government because
it drives energy from those social organizations and government which increases
disorder and chaos in those systems. The survival of human beings derive from
the strength of human social organizations and government. We are only
as strong as our social organizations. Social organizations which allows us to survive
and prosper. and then we return to the question, what of experiences?

How do we understand experiences? What does my explanation of
emotional and intellectual engagement in regards to our social
structures and organizations help you to understand experiences?


Let us look at another aspect of this……

conservatives preach and extoll the value of greed.
However, when we examine this value, it changes
into a negative and destructive value. Greed damages
a system, any social system. Greed has no effect on
such natural systems such as a solar system, but
on a social system such as society or government, greed
damages that system. How? by taking energy that is
better served by going into a system and taking that energy
applying it to own’s selfish needs. In other words, Greed
takes energy into itself instead putting energy into a social
system or government. That investment of energy into oneself
instead of a social structure removes the much needed energy
that allows a system to maintain and grow itself. If energy is spent
on private matters like greed, then the social structure and government
has less energy which is entropy. That is why we must overcome our
negative energies because those negative energies take away
energy from our social structures and government. The energy needed
to maintain our social structures becomes less because of negative energy
and that leads to chaos and disorder. Order comes from energy being
put into a system and disorder comes from the loss of energy
in a system. Negative energy, negative values take energy away
from social structures and thus increases disorder and chaos.

Now remember energy doesn’t have to be gas or oil or solar energy,
energy is the effort someone puts into something, energy is the input
of activity one puts into a system… thus energy can be
people putting energy into social system like government or
society or any social structure……… Thus when we have over 100 million
people failing to vote, they are taking energy away from our government and
our social structure and thus damaging it. By voting and engaging in our social
structures and government, we increase energy into the system which allows
it to maintain itself and grow, prosper. Energy put into a system allows it
to maintain itself and grow itself, and every social structure, organization must
have ever increasing energy to maintain and grow itself.

Thus we cannot put energy into negative values like nihilism or greed
or anger or lust because putting energy into those values prevent energy
going into our social systems like government. You only have a set amount
of energy and what shall you spend that energy on? That is the point
of the Kantian/Kropotkin question, on what are we going to spend our energy on?

Put your energy into valuable and important things like the survival of the human
race and the survival of the planet earth and stop putting energy into such
unimportant matters like greed and hate and anger and lust and watching TV.

Put your energy into stuff that counts and that will help continue the human race…

Ask yourself, what did I do today to improve the energy of the social systems
that are essential to my existence? What did I do that increased the energy
of social systems like social organizations and the government?


Ever wonder why dictatorships fail and why communism
failed and democracy has succeeded?

The reason is simple enough, dictatorships and communism as
practiced by the soviet union failed because it prevented the energy
of the people to fuel the dictatorship/communism. In other words,
if a political system doesn’t have enough energy which is
motivation and enthusiasm, the system will eventually die.
Motivation and enthusiasm is energy put into a system and
no different then gas into a car or food into a biological being.

Apathy and disinterest takes away energy from a system and
thus increases disorder and entropy and chaos. if you want a viable,
organized society, you must have motivation and enthusiasm and
energy put into the system for it to survive. That is why today
political systems are failing because of the attacks upon the
voting rights and disenfranchising of people leads to the failure
of political and economic systems. You want America to survive,
you must, must increase the energy going into the system
and the only way to do that is by creating motivation and
enthusiasm in the system by engaging people in the system.

Creating energy and positive energy at that, will be the cure
for what ails America. All questions of government and the systems
within government, both societal and individual are questions of
energy. Does that system, both individually and societal have enough
energy to maintain itself and even grow itself or is the system lacking
enough energy to maintain itself? That is the real question of political
science and politics and philosophy and all things social, does that
organization have enough energy to sustain itself? The family unit is
an excellent place to begin to understand how energy is used
to maintain and even grow a unit like the family.

We have families that must have energy to sustain itself
and that energy is not just fuel of cars or planes or trains but
the amount of energy the family itself puts into the family unit.
Successful families have/put more energy into the family then
less successful families… It becomes a question of family success
comes from the energy a family puts into itself and social systems
like government and businesses and chess clubs all become
a question of how much energy, not just money, but motivation
and enthusiasm people put into the social systems, that is energy.
and the current drive to disenfranchise American’s takes away from
the motivation and enthusiasm people have for their political and
economic systems……… In other words, businesses fail because they
don’t have the motivation or enthusiasm to sustain a business.
The drive for profit/money which negates humans and their
values also negates their motivation and enthusiasm for a business
and its driver, the capitalism system. If you want to motivate and
enthuse people, you must, must engage them by giving them
greater profits and greater participation into the capitalist and
political system. You want America to survive, you must engage
with people so they become motivated and enthused participants
in those systems and the only to do that is by giving them the
motivation to increase their energy levels in the system by
giving them a share of the gains of the system… Not the
pennies on the dollars but a far more and increased participation
in the money made and decisions made……. if you want a business
or government or any social system to be successful, you have to
increase the participation of the people within that system and the
only way to do that is increase their share of profits and their share
of participation and their increase participation into government.
To disenfranchise people is to decrease the amount of energy people
will put into a system and enough of a decrease and the system
will fail. That is where we are at right now… The apathy and
discouragement people feel in the political and economic system
means that people will no longer put energy into those political
and economic systems and thus they will begin to fail and we
see this today in the beginning of the failure of the American
system because people have taken their energy and put it
into something besides the social and economic and political
systems that we need to survive. We must get people a reason
to engage in and participate in our social, economic and political
systems and that means we must give them a vested interest
in maintaining those systems and the only to do that is by
giving people a share of those systems. We must invest people
with the social, political and economic systems. Thus we must
reward them in some fashion to increase their participation
in these systems… rewards them via both increase share
of the wealth of capitalism and the increase share in
participation in the government to the people’s benefit.
If people don’t benefit from either government or business,
then why bother engaging with them? There is no benefit
right now to engage with or increase the energy one puts
into government or business because the energy put into
such a system will and is negated by the lack of rewards
for such participation into government or business…

People have to feel that their participation and energy
put into a system is worth it and right now it isn’t worth
the energy or time or effort to engage with or participate
in government or business or any social organization.

and thus we have disengagement and apathy and general not
caring if the system lives or die because we get no benefit
from either engaging with or participation in government or
business… when we increase the benefits of engaging
with government and with business, then we shall see an increase
in motivation and engagement and enthusiasm and thus an increase
in energy in the social, political and economic organizations and thus
we shall have a better chance of succeeding in the social, political
and economic systems that we have. The success of all social,
political and economic systems/organizations come from the amount of energy
we put into those systems/organizations.

so what energy have you put into societies systems or organizations
that will allow it to maintain and grow itself?

for that is the question of human existence… how shall we expend
our energy? On what shall we expend our energy? On private
goals or private desires or shall we expend our energy on
social, political or economic systems or organizations?

This leads us to negative energy like anger and hate and lust
and greed for these private uses of energy takes away from
the overall and needed energy a system needs to maintain and grow


so what does this all mean for such things as private property?

Well, if we have private property, then we are using our energy to
keep and maintaining such private property. We don’t use our energy
on such public activities as the political, social and economic.
We use our energies on private matters which don’t benefit
us socially and politically and economically. The point of energy use
is to improve ourselves in a public manner as in the social, political
and economic. the engagement for us to understand is
the engagement between the private use of energy and
the public use of energy. When I use the energy of greed or anger
or hate or lust, I am using that energy for private uses which doesn’t
benefit anyone including me. It is only by the use of public energy
that we bring benefit to us and to others in our society. Only by the
use of positive energy or public engagement with society or the political
or the economic does our energy help maintain and even grow
the social, political or economic. We must bring our energy to
benefit our society, or our government or our economic well being.
and that is only possible by bringing our energy to public uses,
that is to engage with society and government with energy and enthusiasm.

We must fuel our society with energy and enthusaism along
with the cold hard cash that is the energy of taxes. We must
pay for our society in cash in the form of taxes and
we must pay for our society with engagment and energy and enthusaism.


As we are social creatures, being born to be social is our default
condition. This sociability of human beings is the start to us
understanding what it means to be human and, and the
questions of human existence such as “how am I to live”
“what am I to spend my energy on”. These simple questions
are question leading us to political science. How are we to
organize ourselves? The answer is found in one simple phrase,

“We the people”

As it is our strength to organize ourselves, we must begin all political
philosophy here. Being social is the human condition and the best
format for us to be social is democracy. We can collectively decide
our present and future as we always have done, in discussions between
ourselves. The very strength of human existence and the reason for
our very survival has been the human ability to unite and discuss
matters that matter to us both personally and collectively.

Individually, we can not survive on our own. As an individual,
no one human can survive or exists on their own. This is not only true
physically, but emotionally and psychological and mentally. Humans
are constructed to live and work and play with each other.
For that is how we became the leading animals on earth.
By our working together as a group. That is the human key to
success. So any attempt to create an ideology or myth that
proclaims that we have success individually is simply wrong.
The myth of rugged individuality is just that, a myth.
The strength of humans is in their collective approach to
existence. One for all and all for one is not just a movie
slogan, but it is the very reason human beings exists today.

So this idea of going it alone and the solitary individual creating
greatness is a myth. Surely we must exist together or we die alone.

So this means that politically and economically, we must organize ourselves
into collective units. As that is what we do best. The social organization
of the hierarchy approach of the modern world is doomed to failure because
it doesn’t address the very strength of the human animal, which lies
with cooperation and discussion of the values that matter to us……

The up and down approach of business must be replaced with a
general leveling out of hierarchy into more of a group leadership effort.

We survive and grew because we practiced more of a group understanding, more
of a group leadership model instead of a hierarchy model. A problem arose and
the leadership didn’t solve the problem, the entire group after discussion
and group engagement then worked on solving the problem. We survive as human
beings not with a top down model of leadership but with a group leadership model.

We want to create a new model of existence and that is really an old model of
existence. This “new” solves several problems that exist in the modern world.
First we have the problem of alienation which is the question of the feeling that
I am apart and separate from my society. If you want engagement, then
you must, must include everyone into the discussion that affects their lives.
This also helps in apathy that people feel in modern life. If you include people
in the discussion of where we are and where we need to be, then
you bring people back into society and away from alienation and apathy
and yes, even nihilism. For our modern society has practice nihilism for
for far too long… where the modern pursuit of profits/money has
driven people into being negated as they are valued less then profit or money.
We don’t need to make the planet the center of the earth as religious types
proclaim. We just need to return people to a place of value by removing the
current model of nihilism that exists, both politically and economically. The answer to
what the solution for our modern life is the return of people into
being able to engage with and be part of discussions about matters
that matter to them and the hierarchically system currently in use,
doesn’t do that, the hierarchically system we have both politically and

The driver of the Kantian/Kropotkin question is no longer
the top to bottom theory of modern life. The new driver of
the Kantian/Kropotkin questions lies within the communal
discussions and decision making that was the basis for becoming
human. The group in discussions with itself, that becomes
the driver of the Kantian/Kropotkin questions. “What can I do”
is answered in a group context because the real question is
“What can we do” and that is the real question.

Now one might argue that we will slow down “progress”,
with a group leadership model instead of a top down leadership model,
perhaps, but I am not so sure that is a bad thing. It might not be a bad
thing if we took our time and made our decisions a little slower.
It is a rare time when a decision must be made overnight and as
anybody who has made a rather quick decision knows, sometimes the very
act of rushing a decision can lead to rather bad decisions being made.

the modern world can learn to slow down and takes its time.
From this we can make better decisions and we can learn to
enjoy what we have. Today, we rush from here to there without
any understanding of why is it so important that we rush about.

So far the pluses of removing the top down leadership model outweigh
the negatives. With the group leadership style, we can get people
to become engaged with society again, we can remove alienation
and apathy as part of our current modern condition and we can slow
down the rush to judgement that exists today. Rushing to judgement
can often lead us to make hasty and unwise decisions.

This idea of group leadership means we adapt as the leadership model
in all phases of our lives, politically, economically and
socially. Democracy becomes the ideal form of any discussions regarding
the Kantian/Kropotkin questions…… We engage socially and politically
and economically with and through the democratic format.

Our engagement with life is a communal engagement as
that has been the human method since the beginning of time.
Even that most dictatorship of formats, the family, has
democratic tendencies as even the family has voting rights.

One might claim that this new/old method is quite inefficient
but I would argue that the world and nature and humanity
are not models of efficiency anyway. The highest goal of
achievement is not efficiency. Show me anything that has ever been created
that has been 100 % efficient. Nature certainly isn’t that efficient and
any man made system such as the car engine or solar panels are not
very efficient. Stars and planets and galaxies are not very efficient. So why
this emphasis on something that we human cannot ever, ever, ever reach
in any case? This emphasis on efficiency flies in the face of everything
we know about human beings and the universe. Nature doesn’t strive
for it, so why should we?

So what should we strive for if not efficiency? We should be striving
for the means and ways for us to become better human beings
and that is only possible within and by a group of people living together
and working together and playing together and making decision together.
Not the modern model of the up and down leadership but the much wider
model of communal decision making.


and what of experiences? experiences are how we relate to each
other. I work and I work in a really shitty job/company/industry.
If you work in a shitty job/company/industry, you can relate to
me and my shitty job. Humans use experiences to relate to each
other. I am married and have been for 22 years. Those who have
been married for a long time can relate to that fact. We have
a commonality in the length of our marriage. We share that
experience and thus we can relate to each other. Before I was
married and had a child, I thought, I believed that I knew
all the information needed to be married and to be a father.
I was wrong. The only experience for being a father is being
a father and the only experience for being married is to be married.

I lack the experience to be a doctor or to be a surgeon. Doctors
and surgeons practice, train, experience being doctors and surgeons
for years before they actually become doctors and surgeons.
This experience is invaluable to them to learn, to experience being
doctors and surgeons. They have the specific skill set needed to
become doctors and surgeons.

I had spinal surgery and the surgeon was considered one of the
best spinal surgeons west of the Mississippi, but he had no and
I mean no personality of any kind. He had the
worst bedside manner of any doctor I have ever met, but he was
a great surgeon and I decided to use him. My workmen comp doctor
was in the surgery to watch and he told me that this doctor was
a very skilled and accomplished surgeon. Just no bedside manner.
so which skill do I value? the fact he was a great surgeon or
the fact he had no bedside manner of any kind?
the fact I am able to move today tells me, that given
the choice again, I would pick a great surgeon
over having a good bedside manner. That is the skill set
that was necessary for me to find in a surgeon.

So this idea of having a skill set can be manifest in several
different ways. For example, what skill set do I need to
become a valued member of society? What skill set would I
need to become a better human being? What skill set would I
need to become president of the United States?

Experience tells us what skills set is necessary to accomplish
a certain goal. For example, let us say, I want to climb
Mt. Everest. I would need to get the skill needed to climb
Everest and I would need people around me with the skill sets
to get me to and from Everest. I cannot accomplish climbing
MT. Everest by myself for I lack the necessary skill set to accomplish
that feat. I no longer have the physical skills or tools to
to make that journey. I did once, a very long time ago, but not now.

So it is more then just understanding the skill set needed to accomplish
some task, but the understanding or being realistic enough to know
if I have or might have the skill set to accomplish something.

I play chess but I am not very good, but I keep trying.
Realistically, I will never become a grandmaster or win
the world championship at chess but I can try to become
the best player I can possibly be and that is a realistic goal
for me to achieve. We can only become who we are by
becoming realistic about who we are and what is possible for us.
Experience can teach us about what is possible and what is
impossible for us to reach. I cannot fly by flapping my arms
really fast. I am realistic about what I can accomplish
physically because of my age. I don’t believe I can ever
run a marathon ever again but I can run, maybe a mile or two.
I can work at being the best possible person, runner, athlete
or thinker that I can be, given a realistic understanding
of what is now possible for me.

Experience gives us our realistic possibilities for some
doing or actions we might take. But I have a greater
possibilities for, a realistic understanding for what my mind
can do such as philosophy and the study of history
and other such mental activities. I am not as limited
in mental activities as I am in physical activities.
My mind still functions and works at a high level
whereas my body does not. So I go with my current strength which
is mentally, not physically.

Experience can give us general guidelines of what is possible
and what is not really possible. And those older folks whose
days of running marathons are over, can relate to my issue
and those young folks who can still run marathons cannot.

This understanding that experience gives us a knowledge of
our skill set and what is possible and what is not possible
given our current skill set. I cannot run marathons but
I can be president of the United States or I can be a dam
good philosopher or I can relate what is left of my physical skill
set with others who are old like me.

I can still walk many miles whereas because of her declining
physical nature, my mom cannot walk more then a few hundred feet
and she knows it because her experience has given her an understanding
of her physical possibilities and my experience has given me
an understanding of my physical possibilities.

Experience is a tool to understand what is possible and
what is not possible. So what is still possible for you
and what is impossible for you given your current skill set.

This is the value of experience.


as our understanding of experience has shown us,
we are social creatures, social animals and we rely upon
that socialness to become who we are………
what that means is this, as we are social by nature and
to discover who we are also must be social. We judge ourselves
and our place in the universe in terms of our place, our standing
within the polis. In other words, we cannot become who we are without
some understanding of our social place in the human world.

We define ourselves, judge ourselves in regards to other human beings.
It is that association, of a human being in relation to other human beings,
that we define ourselves and judge ourselves. we do not stand in isolation,
by ourselves, when we understand who we are. If we decide to become something,
that something is done in regards to our relationship to other human beings.
I decide to become a nicer person, that is not done in isolation, that is done
as a response to other human beings. I cannot judge my intelligence or
my competence or who I am without other human beings to base
my judgement upon. I define myself with my relationship to other human beings

Comparing and contrasting is the only way we humans have a sense of
who we are and what is the “right” thing to do and what is the “moral” thing
to do and what is the logical/rational thing to do… All of this is based upon
comparing and contrasting ourselves with other human beings. It is by our
relationship with other human beings that we define ourselves.

It is this comparing and contrasting to others that allows us to discover who we are
and what is the meaning and goal and point of life.

I can only see myself in terms of others human beings. However as I am a man,
I don’t allow myself to be judged by others. In other words, when someone
says, “you’re an idiot” I simply don’t accept their words because I am secure
in who I am. I am not affected by others when they say such things, but
and this is important, I am still defining myself in terms of other people.
Everything I am trying to accomplish as a human being is done in relation
to other human beings. My behavior for example, is not done in isolation
to other human beings, my behavior is my relations to other human beings.

So we have a couple of things going on, first, we define ourselves in
terms of our relations with other human beings. If I am smart or funny
or kind or mean, that is in terms of my relations to other human beings.
I cannot be mean or smart or kind to myself, but I can be to others.

Now one might suggest that I can learn to be kind to myself, however
this leads us to some interesting places. To be kind to myself, suggest that
there are at least two of us, the mean Kropotkin and the Kropotkin that needs
kindness. I have often heard it said that someone needs to forgive themselves
for actions or words, said or not said. but to forgive yourself, you require at
least two people within yourself, the one being forgiven and the one
who is offering the forgiveness. We see again that as Goethe suggested
we are not just one soul but at least two souls and if we have two souls,
why not three or four or eighteen souls within our breast. We have heard
of people having multiple personalities, movies and books are based upon
this scientific fact including the famous one with Sally Fields called “Sybil”.
If some people can have this, why not everyone? The only reason
that psychiatrists get called in is because the multiple personalities
interfere with day to day living and that is really all we do, live day to day.

So in my relations with other human beings, I am reacting to others
differently. So with my idiot 26 year old boss, I just ignore him.
And with others at work, I react differently to them based on
my relations to them. In essence, I play different roles at work
and my relationship at home is also more role playing. I respond to
my wife differently then I do people at work and I respond to my daughter
differently then either work or my wife. And I cannot respond to the customers
I deal with every single day, up to 300 customers a day, so I respond to
customers differently depending on if they are male or female or young or
old or if they are douches. We have set customers. People we deal with
virtually every single day and my interactions with them are different
from causal customers and with my co-workers. We human beings, have a series of
complex actions and interactions every single day with different people.
A fixed and set personality would not actually be advisable in my job
because I am forced to deal with a multitude of vastly different people
every single day and I cannot respond to each different person with
a fixed and set series of responses. I must be able to adapt and change with
every single person I meet every single day.

think about Autistic people. They lack the skills of communication and
interactions that I take for granted. They are unable to adapt and change
with encounters with people as I do and I am guessing you do. They only
have one way to interact with people, but human beings to survive
must be able to interact in multiple number of different ways with
vastly different people. to think about it this way, I have a multitude
of different people within me allowing me to act and interact with
other people, but autistic people have only one way to interact with
people. They have but one personality and one soul in their person
and look at what happens? They are unable to effectively communicate
with people. A fixed personality and a fixed soul is a limiting factor
in dealing with people. The trick in being able to have communication
with people is to have adaptable and flexible personalities within us.

We discover who we are in our dealings with and interactions with
other human beings. We become who we are when we understand who
we are in relationship to other human beings.

Philosophy is just another method of understanding that relationship
with other human beings.


it is the relationship between human beings that has
caused or created such things as history and economics
and philosophy and morality and ethics and mathematics

For without the relationship between human beings,
we would have no need for any of the disciplines
listed above. A human being alone has no need for any of
those things like philosophy or math or history or ethics or……

Those disciplines are only needed because we humans,
we humans are social creatures and we must exist together.
We can only survive together or surely we will die alone.
And thus we have these disciplines, that help us in understanding
who we are and what is possible.


So begin to understand that “to be human is to be social”.
To be human is to act and interact with our fellow human beings.
that is what it means to be human.

Now let us relate that basic understanding with our social, political
and economic systems. The human being can only exist and become
who they are by involvement with other human beings. That is the basic
human fact we must live with. So any political, social or economic
policy or system that does not address this fact of the human social
nature is doomed to failure. It is by our working together, living together,
playing together and dying together that we humans become humans.
so our political system must be of a social nature. For that is who we are,
social. So we must work for any political system that engages
us socially, politically and economically. So the political system
that is right for human beings is democracy. Not representative
democracy but direct democracy. For representative democracy can
be hijacked by the wealthy and powerful. As it exists right now in
the United States we do not have a democracy, but we have
a corporatocracy. That is the political battle of our age.
to make America a place where the government is

“of the people, for the people by the people”

a true democracy where we the people, the union of human beings have control
over and in charge of our own fate because that is what
is important about being human. Having control over and be in charge
of your own fate, of your own narrative. The quest to be human is
not just a social one or a personal one, but the quest to be human
is a political and social and economic quest.

The economic understanding of the human being is the same.
we are social creatures and we must have an economic system
that allows us to act and interact with each other. That means
that the current economic system of capitalism is not the answer.
The truth is, economic systems like communism is the economic answer
to our understanding of human beings. We must and need to engage with
each other and the only honest way to do that is by social economic
systems like communism.

The final understanding of systems is the social and we must
also discover a new means to that end. We are social creatures
and the answer to us becoming more human is to engage even
further as human beings. The new technology which isolates human
beings is a danger to our well being. The ever increasing “smart phone”
is dividing us into smaller and smaller numbers when we must be
engaging into larger and larger numbers to find our human nature which
can only be found in engagement with our fellow human beings.

we can only become who we are by engagement with our fellow human
beings. The true human being is found in their engagement with their
fellow human beings in the marketplace and the meetings halls
and musical concerts and in the polis. Our political, economic
and social systems must reflect that need of human beings to engagement.


Now one might ask, why not an economic system like
capitalism for our economic system?

and the answer lies in the fact that capitalism is an adversarial
system and the path to our being human lies in our systems
that are about cooperation. It is by the cooperation of human
beings that created who we are and the entire human society,
not by competition or by being adversaries that created
the human being and the human societal system.

If the path to us becoming human is by cooperation and the
organization of human beings, then the path into the future
cannot be by any other way or means. We cannot survive or exists
using adversarial or competition system of the political, economic
or social.

Rome wasn’t built in a day and it wasn’t built by one man.
The building of Rome took a thousand years and millions of
people. By cooperation and the use of organizations that helped
to build Rome. Rome wasn’t built by competition or human beings
being adversarial, it was built by years of cooperation and hard work
and people uniting over generations to build up Rome.
That is the role model of human beings past, present and future.
Generations of people who cooperated and believed in a
future that included all of them, not some of them or not
those who have money or power, but all Romans. For to build
a future must include all, everyone who wants to share in that future.
And that is how an city, organization, ism, myths all become built.
With the energy and motivation of everyone working together, cooperating
to build something that will endure into the future and preserve the past
and engage the present. Any thing that is to be built must have the
energy, passion and motivation of all involved to achieve its goal
and the only way you can get that energy, passion and motivation is
to include people, not exclude people. People become motivated when
they have a stake in both the present and the future. And
having a system that makes cooperation and uniting to achieve
a goal is the way to get that energy, passion and motivation.

creating a system that is adversarial and competitive does not
create a system that engages and motivates and creates passion
in people to begin the process of engagement to create a future.

It is the goal to create engagement within people and then they can
use their energy, passion and motivation to create the future.
and the only way to create energy and passion and motivation is
to include people politically, economically and socially.
Inclusion is the path to engagement and that engagement will
help build the future.


The question of experience also includes the search for order.

If you think about it, life, human existence is a battle between
order and disorder. Disorder is the state of entropy that exists
in every single system that exists. Entropy is the loss of energy
in a system and every single system suffers from that particular
curse. So we have disorder in our various systems. We see this today
in the ongoing battle between disorder which is IQ45 and his forces
fighting for disorder and chaos and those on the left who are fighting
for order. Which frankly is not the way these things unfold, but
this is the modern world where nothing seems to go as planned.

We see this battle between order and disorder in every aspect of our life.
Politically, economically and socially. Those who fight for security today
are actually, by their actions, fighting for disorder. It is a strange state of affairs.

The key element of this is the use of energy to increase order or to state
it the other way, combat disorder. Every system is a balance of order
and disorder. Never remaining the same, every changing line or status
between order and disorder. At some point, a system in question will
have a higher level of order and at another point, it will have a lower
level of order (or higher disorder depending on how you say it)

The fight today is over the amount of order that exists within society.
Those who fight for security, are fighting for order (again usually)
and those fighting for freedom, are fighting for a lower level of order,
or greater disorder. I am fighting for liberty/freedom and so I don’t believe
in order as the ultimate objective of either the individual or society.
Some mix of order and disorder are required for us to successfully navigate
our lives.

The trick and it is some trick is to find the right line of order and disorder
in our lives, socially, politically and economically AND individually
and collectively. Too much order and we become static, unmoving, unchanging,
stagnant… to much freedom and we become unstable, variable, unpredictable,
uncertain, capricious………….

We must find the line between these two extremes.

But how? How do we navigate this difficult balancing act between
too much order and too much disorder?

The key, I think, is to emphasis the values within us. The values
of the higher angels in our human body. We must hold firm to
those values of love and justice and freedom or whatever higher
values you have chosen to maintain our own sense of self, are
own sense of who we are and what is our possibilities.

If we hold onto justice as our core value, then it doesn’t matter
what external actions are going on. The battle between order
and disorder are contained by our holding onto the value of
justice which becomes the, to use a word I hate, a lodestar,
in which the outer world doesn’t rock us as much because we
have our value or values to center us regardless of the events
happening outside of us………In the face of ever increasing
violence and hatred, we can hold our values as a centering piece
of sanity to keep us from losing hope or disinterest in the
world descending into chaos because of the loss of
the higher values in the followers of IQ45. They follow the
lower values of hatred and anger and greed and lust…
and it is condemning them to nihilism because those lower
values only lead to nihilism………

The lower values cannot lead one to order or optimism or
understanding. the lower values of anger and hate and greed
leads people to lawlessness, repudiation, terrorism and disorder.

The existential threat to America is this idea of MAGA
and its determination to exist in disorder and chaos
and anarchy and mob rule… the lower values of existence.

It is easy to destroy and bomb and revel in chaos like the
followers of IQ45 do… it is much, much harder
to build and create and generate or form such much needed
idea’s like beauty and honesty and freedom and justice because
those idea’s require energy to create, to create order one needs
energy……… to create disorder and chaos, one only need to
tear things down, as the follower’s of IQ45 love to do.

the followers of IQ45 are engaged in their pursuit of disorder
and chaos and lawlessness because it is easy to destroy then to
create and it is easier to hold negative values then to build/create
and to hold higher, positive values.

So the question becomes simple, are you engaged in the pursuit
of order as the resistant movement is or are you engaged in the pursuit
of disorder/chaos/anarchy as the followers of IQ45 are?

Order or disorder?

what do you fight for?


We are in a crisis in this country and I believe part of the reason is
the alienation and discouragement we face as American’s.

and that alienation and disengagement of American’s rise from I think
a couple of factors. One very important factor is the vast difference
between the reality of the American political and economic and social
systems and our theoretical understanding of our political, economic
and social systems.

For example, we have a very nice, clean, well thought out political
system as posited by our educational system with its voters
vote and the representatives do the bidding of the people
and everything has a nice neat place in this political description
and we all know that this very pretty description of our political
system has no relationship to reality in any, way, shape or form.

Part of the cause of the current crisis in America is this difference
between the pretty description of the theory of our political system
and the reality of our political system. Our democracy has been hijacked
by corporate interest and money and the massive infusion of money into
our political system enabled by the best court money can buy,
the United State Supreme court. It is this money that make a mockery
of any description of the theory of our democracy, whereas the
reality of our political system requires us to completely dismiss
the very pretty theoretical discussion of our political system.

It is this clash between the reality of our political system and
the theoretical explanation of our political system that is
creating, in part, our current crisis of American against American.

The left still hold the traditional theoretical understanding of our
political system and the right has not only accepted the reality
of our current political system but the right has embraced the
reality as better fitting of its political agenda which is corporate fascism.

The buying and selling of the politicians which allows the corporate
fascism to suck the American citizens dry of all money, influence and
possibilities. It is this attack by corporate America upon the citizens
of this country that is being fought by the left. The left still believes
in the traditional understanding of our country… That politicians
actually work for the people of this country and we don’t work for

“government of the people, for the people, by the people”

That is still the standard upon which the left still operates upon.
The right has simply sold its soul to corporate interest for a percentage
of the profits. The root of all evil is money, an adage that is disputed
only by those who stand to gain from money which is the corporations
and politicians. Due to village idiots like IQ45, we have had a very curious
reversal of policies in which the left has been the protector of
the traditional customs and policies whereas the right has
abandon all hope and has simply caved in to special interests
which includes Russia. This curious state of affairs will drive
historians crazy when they try to understand what has caused
the party of treason, THE GOP, to simply bow down and sell this
country downriver for the promised of 30 pieces of silver.

The party of treason has simply sold itself for money and power.
Two things which are by their very nature, ephemeral.

the left still believes in those old fashion idea’s like honor
and decency and justice and truth. Virtue’s that, I hope,
still mean something in this modern world that has sold
its soul for pennies on the dollar.


Peter , it had to, because its really broke, indebted and printing money like crazy, , 40 or more per cent of the gross national income is going to interest on the debts. It an overblown elephant, and both parties know it, and they cooked up a pian to device this story to intrigue the public as to what really is going on.

What is really going on is that Trump is an amusing old man, who is run by the corporate Internationale, some of which are based in other parts of the world, who really don’t care for the ugly American, all they care for is profit. This whole thing is a necessary act to keep things together, because we are and so is the whole world tired of repressive government, especially the newer generation, and the facades and the masks are increasingly difficult to form real people. This is not Trump’ s fault, it is the fault of rapid expansion of world wide industrialization, population growth, and massive production of products which degrade the quality of life.

On top of all that, they want US style freedoms, which are not affordable even here. Freedom is just another word , because gross consumerism is really. bondage. This is the crux, and poor. broke Trump, on a very short leash to bankruptcy banks was given this must do, or else scenario.

He is not the boss, neither is the other protagonist , Putin.

China holds the debt, and our payments to the national debt is a large part of the pie.

They are all acting to save this system, while trying to psych each other and the public out, beginning to disbelieve the magic formula of laissez faire

No one person, society, or prez is responsible, it is the devaluing of human nature which is at stake by denoting the quality of life.

That is the Birth of Tragedy in modern life, the faulty reconstruction of humanity without a real mold or model, and the cracking of the social mask.

However there is no quick fix, and we should pray to the Good Lord that when the world goes bonkers, it will not happen because of the ideals upon individual psychology which have faltered our senses.

Meno, after reading your post, I am not sure
what you are proposing? As a solution, should
we just give up or should we fight back or should
we be doing something else?

It is not enough to diagnose an illness, we must
also be ready to seek a cure. And what is your cure
for what ails America? What is the solution to our illness?


I suggest that we are ill/sick because of several different factors.

One: we are suffering from society’s nihilism. Society in its pursuit of
profits/money has negated humans and their values. This nihilism
is quite evident in America’s reaction to the death of black people
at the hands of the police. OH WELL. Is pretty much the response
of white America to the unnecessary deaths of its citizens. We have
become immune to the gun violence that exists in America.
and this becomes evident in where we show our outrage.
A dog lock in a hot car garners much more passion then
a dozen deaths in a church or a synagogue.
That is nihilism, pure and simple.

two. We favor or champion the corporation over the individual.
This is another form of nihilism. When we give massive tax cuts/breaks
to immense and out of control mulitnational corporations instead of
funding programs which feed and cloth and house the young or old or
the infirmed. That is nihilism where we consider the health of a multinational
corporation to be more important then the health of our citizens.

Three. When we just watch as the mentally ill president attacks
those instititions that are needed to keep America running like
a free press and a working state department and the judicial system
and institutions that must be outside of presidential control like
the FBI and the CIA. Personally, I despise these institutions but,
but if we must have them, then we must insure their institutional
integrity by making sure they are independent of outside influences
like presidential or congressional interference.

As a people we are not free if we don’t have these institutions
working, doing their jobs independently of outside influence.

And all of this comes against a background where we don’t know
what we want to accomplish as a people. We are against things,
but what exactly are we for?

That is the failure of the conservative mindset. It is against many,
so many things. It is the party of no for a reason, but what does
the country and the party of no actually stand for?

To what do we say yes to, outside of massive and
crippling tax cuts/welfare for the rich?

What do you say yes to?


I am unsure, either. But cures are different, sometimes the cure comes from one end , the individual needs to cure himself somehow, through a kind of wholeness which only he knows for himself, and that is one way.

The other is through social cure, and that is even harder because, it involves so many regions, groups, and institutions who at times falter in their effort to join forces and link up their psychic manners of treating themselves under and over so many dissolute , sets of boundaries.

These boundaries must interphase with each other through whatever means less violent ones, absorb each other integrating their feelings with the know-how out there, whether they be of technical and human combined, without the fear and hesitation which always accompanies major shifts in policy or technique.

To bring this down to application, see man must have faith in his instincts to survive, and not put up barriers.

Bring it down to earth, so that everyone can gain knowledge in the actual kindness of creation through self creation.

Do not find fault before accepting your own and treat your brother as you would treat yourself, and present yourself as you accept to understand others.

These are foundemental challenges in a near faithless world, but perhaps this gross entropy we are all experiencing now, may mean nature’s efforts to regain something very ancient and forward signaling that even when we hit the bottom, its only a part of what’s going on, and a person who does think he hit bottom, can and must get up and try again.

Its like the myth of Sysiphus , who carries a heavy load up a mountain, so unbearably heavy that it almost kills him and when he almost made it a few Liu chez from the top, he can’t beat to push it over and it is flung back by the enormous force of gravity.

Now he is near the top but can’t get on there, because he looses all energy to do that because he lost his load, his object to live for, and he has to descend again into the lower realms to find the source, the mitherload of his search.

And then he starts all over, but not without hai ing more energy whi c he can not recapture by the use of his memory, but he needs to connect with the added energy gained through more and more trials.

And the energy is there in a store down below and its free , but the price is there in different forms and it is up to him to mine it out.