Fat women demanding love.

I dated like, let me see, 4 fat chicks one time. 2 were online, 2 were real life. Never got laid with any of them. The two in real life constantly abused me and did not treat me right. One was self-absorbed in their career and nothing else. The other was just mean-spirited, dishonest, and callous to everyone. The 2 online chicks were nice to me, but the second one dumped me over some religious argument. The first one, just I kind of got bored of the online ship and we mutually decided the relationship was just getting too boring.

I’m sure there are people who think people should go against their own reactions, but I donTknow how widespread this is. In general I think that we are trained a lot what to be attracted to and what not to be. I do not mean that without training we would find overweight women or men as attractive, but that there is training involved. This training traditionally was aimed more at what men should find attractive, meaning therefore what women should live up to. If we look at movies, it is much more likely that a not so attractive, but charismatic man, will be with a beautiful woman, then the reverse equivalent. And the images of women we are bombarded with tend to fit in a more narrow range than those of men. There have been countertrends. Men being cut and extremely well trained is much more normal in film and magazines than it was when I was a kid. You can get away, as a man, with being fairly unattractive, but you better be fucking muscular.

I just don’t see this and I don’t for example, see this here at this forum. I hear men talking about how stuck up, prudish, judgmental, cold women are all the time. I hear them complaining about individual women who do not go out with them all the time.

There is definitely truth to this. When I was younger it was not like this. I don’t think men complain less about women, but I do think we have entered a much more feminist period where the complaints of women have been given the center.

Which is dumb. There were courses, again when I was younger, in men’s ___________. And this was even seen as potentially good in feminism. Not anymore.

I agree with the last. It’s just, right now fat women will still be treated less well than slim women - as will fat men for that matter. They will be looked down on and judged - of course, also by other women. It will affect their careers, their social lives and probably treatment in a lot of private sector type situations wehre they are customers. Fat people are treated less well. Women who are identified with their looks more than men, I would think more so. A fat man with a slim beautiful woman might get some looks. A fat woman with slim beautiful man at her side will get more. What could he possibly see in her. Whereas the woman will be assumed to have found something else: money, a charismatic, intelligent mate, or some other side qualities. At least in white culture a man going out with a fat women is taking a social status hit. A woman might or might not.

Yeah, I was ranging wide on this one. I just felt like the OP was hysterical. The guy is being victimized by fat women wanting to be loved. I mean, that is a problem one can easily avoid.

I agree, bitchiness, and I would add to that bitchiness’ effects, are harder to track and quantify. Perhaps it is just my odd corner of things, but in my now getting fairly long life I hear men and women complaining about the opposite sex ALL THE TIME. I may have a skewed view because of my particular against statistics experiences, but that’s what I have experienced.

It was not a very good line of response I took, though I did react to the hysteria of the OP. It’s not a line I would take against most people around this issue. I really just wanted to introduce a real problem. I am not saying that men are worse than women. In general, I do think that if a man has decided you did him wrong, a women is in much more danger than a man would be if a woman came to the opposite conclusion.

We have the OP writer acting as if some kind of force is being used on him. Some fat women, no doubt supported more by other women then men, are upset that they are not seen as beautiful or attractive. Are treated as medical problems. It’s so easy to solve this problem. There are societal issues, some of which you mentioned, where men in general cannot avoid being painted a certain way. That’s getting into real issue territory. That anyone will actually make this guy go out with a fat women is just way too slippery slope for me, and without that, it just seems like a non-issue to me.

I think men and women complain each other a nearly equal amount, its just that men are socially ostracized for criticizing women whereas women receive praise and validation for criticizing men. Thus males tend to hide their resentment of women on society on their mains and post about it online in forums which are more anonymous and free. That is why you see more male complaining and resentment in online forums, because in the public space they have to pretend to go along with all the marxist dogma.

The OP’s sentiments are not as simple as you make them out to be. There are several factors, one being that fat women demand a Mr. Perfect while still being fat. The dillemna of males is a bit different, low status males are generally willing to date fat chicks, yet fat chicks refuse to date low status males, and expect fit and high status males to lust after them. This creates a kind of double standard that irritated the OP. Its part of a bigger thing, the marxist agenda to shame anything masculine and to forcefully cater to anything that’s female. Female’s mating behavoirs are guilty of many of the Marxist nono’s: Racism, sexism, ageism, mental-health-ism, lookism, poor-discrimination, fat-discrimination, transphobia, homophobia, etc. But get a free pass to violate their own dogma, because Marxism has to engineer itself so that it caters to females. Thus females can have any kind of one-way morality of “do as I say not as I do”. Women can say they refuse to date any man who isn’t as handsome as Johnny Depp, and get thunderous applause. But if a male even uses the number rating system to rate a woman, he gets called a pig or dinosaur.

And even then, its still not as simple as that. There is another component, fat acceptance, that promotes disease and decay. Promoting that a fat unhealthy lifestyle is just as valid as a healthy lifestyle and should be respected. I’m a bit overweight. Me being a bit overweight makes me feel unhealthy and lethargic. So imagine how bad it would feel to be 600 pounds. It would be like a kind of hell on earth. They need help, not praise and celibration.

Some fat women may well do this. Some fat men do this. I see more fat men with good looking wives/girlfriends than I do the reverse. I hear unattractive men describing women as shallow for not going for them.

I have very different experiences. I saw fat girls in high school going out with low status men with regularlity. It was part of low status going with low status. The guys might be nerds (in the wrong way) or not very attractive or just plain considered geeks. And I have seen this at every stage of age going up to now.

So these were Marxist fat women? I see men and women being shallow and exclusive, though in different ways. I see unattractive men with attractive women much more than the reverse. I hear fat and unattractive men calling women shallow bitches and never even workign on their hygience, those things they can control. This is not to say men are worse. I see both sides in general as pretty shallow and men and women having different though overlapping shallows.

Yes, today woman can be more public - as in through media - about their rating systems. That is a real difference.

But I just don’t see the OP as victimized by the expectations of some fat women. It seems to me it is utterly ignorable. And those fat women will be shit on in many contexts, by both women and men, often subtely but also with real life consequences. I just can’t see them as significant oppressors. There are men who are being victimized in the current climate, but it is not men who have to walk by magazine racks on the way to buy whatever they want, where these fat women on covers of magazines have the temerity to think they are not hideous. And then if they do go ahead and demand they be considered attractive - I don’t know how this plays out in any concrete way for the OP - he can just not ask them out.

I really doubt there are 600 pound women on magazine covers demanding to be considered beautiful. In other eras women were considered attractive at weights that up until 2000 would have been considered overweight. It was skinny ass shit. Now the range is wider which I think is generally good. If you are attracted to one legged women or only two legged women, that is what you are attracted to and no one should hassle you. And yes, if they start coming to my residence and saying that I should leave my wife because she is traditionally attractive…fuck them. Fat acceptance can go too far, sure, but fat people have a harder time getting jobs, getting raises, being taken seriously. All sorts of shit that has nothing to do with our great concern for their health is dumped on them, often without people even realizing they dismissed the fat person for no good reason. A few fat people may think that we should be attracted to them if we are not, but I will fucking bet you at least half of those fat people are men.

Here we are in a philosophy forum. I just did a search of threads with women in the title…

Here are some recent ones…

Fat women demanding love
Women are evil without motive
Should women be protected by their own stupidity
Women choose rapists, murderers, thieves for sex
All women are asexual or lesbians
The modern woman’s narcissism
End women’s suffrage
Women have extreme entitlement when it comes to social attitudes
Lack of feminine women in society
Women are full of shit
Killing women is natural and healthy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^special note for that one
Women are psychotic narcissists
Transactionary Prosititute natue of women
women cause war

That’s going just by titles, first pages of searches. Some of these threads may have some philosophical value. But here we have men managing to criticize ALL WOMEN. I did a search for threads with Men in the title. Some of these also condemned all women. I find none where all men are condemned or judged.
And sure, philosophy forums attract more men than women, it just seems like something is being skewed way out of proportion.

A lot of men have a generalized hatred of women.

I just don’t buy the fat women running rampage over our freedoms implications of the OP, and the seeming not noticing by the OPs apologists how common hatred of women amongst men is and how blanket that hate is.

You’re acting like its a mystery when there is no mystery.

I told you before, males aren’t allowed to criticize women in public or on Facebook. So they concentrate their resentment online in forums like these.

Males build up resentment because of how women treat them. Women tend to be cliquey and overly sensitive. And have a double standard of morality. To summarize, they tend to be hostile and abusive. But society tends to only notice the backlashers, ie. school shooters. They notice the school shooters but fail to notice the build up of abuse from the school that lead to the massacre.

And this is what you are doing right now. Focusing on the tail end, the backlash. Not recognizing the instigators, the cause of this backlash, which are usually women.

Because what you see is TV. Television. King of Queens. Family Guy. Jokes. Comedy TV.

In my experience fat guys often get rejected in real life. In my experience when I see people at restaurants all the couples I see are athletic, fit, jocky men. And all the fat women I know have a list of guys waiting at her door. If a fat woman is single its because she views every man who wants her as beneath her.

I noticed this too. Girls are different from women. They are less bitchy than women. After a certain age girls start turning into cold blooded reptilians.

These unnattractive men are probably rich or high status or good at being con artists or something. Or it could be that you are a heterosexual and you just view all men as unnattractive in general. And it just sounds like you have tunnel vision. Because everyone knows even ugly girls will get a full inbox in dating sites. But a male has to be a perfect specimen to get any natural attention.

The OP isn’t generally interested in having sex with fat chicks. The OP is just commenting on something that is double-standard and cognitively irritating about society.

You’d be surprised. I remember there was thing, about a 700 pound woman being a model or something.


It’s some combo of nature, and nurture, like anything.

We always trained women to seek out the right men, just as much, if not more so than we trained men to seek out the right women.
Society has always been very, very protective of its daughters, if anything more so than its sons.
After all, sons are suppose to be strong, they don’t need protecting.
Perhaps we taught boys to pay more attention to girls looks, and girls men’s wallets.

But is the charismatic man broke, or does he have a good job, and drive a nice car?

When’re we going to see more films encouraging men to be gigolos and women sugar mamas?

Of course traditionally women’s work was to take care of the household, whereas men had to go out and make a living, taking on all kinds of jobs, producing more diversity character.
Is diversity a good thing.
Or is homogeneity?
Perhaps it’s better to know exactly what’s expected of you.
Men had to guess, try on many different roles, whereas women had the security and stability of always knowing what they’ll do, and who they’ll be.

Right, and why is any of this a problem?
Women value men for their brawn, brains and bank account, men value women for their beauty, heart and cooking, I mean who cares?
Why are feminists always on attack mode?

And I can’t imagine how bad things will be for young men growing up a generation or two from now, if we keep heading in this deleterious direction.

While I personally try to treat everyone with respect, a Social Darwinist will tell you we evolved to value the healthy, in this case slim, over the sick, in this case fat, whereas a socialist will tell you the opposite, we evolved to take care of the needy, or we should anyway, contrary to some of our instincts.
So what should we do?
Go out of our way to make the sick feel comfortable and welcome, or try to shame them into changing?
Again, I try to treat everyone with respect, but it’s impossible to treat everyone unequivocally equal, and not necessarily healthy for society either, because you permit sickness to proliferate.
I think it’s an interesting discussion and there are points to be made on both sides.

But don’t you see…this too is an attack on men.
A very subtle attack, but an attack no less.
We just want love, how could you deny us that?

Pay attention, what they’re implying is men aren’t paying sufficient attention to women’s other qualities, like their character, intellect and so on, because they’re paying excessive attention to their looks.
In other words, men are bad, shallow, superficial, and they want us to change.

Now Is it men’s fault we pay as much attention to women’s looks as we do, or is it women’s fault…or no one’s?
Assuming men do pay more attention to women’s looks than women pay attention to men’s, maybe if women developed their intellect and character more, we would start noticing them more for that.
Conversely, maybe if women stopped putting so much time and energy into their hair and makeup, we would start noticing them less for that.
Maybe it’s women’s fault, for neglecting their intellect and character, and focusing too much on their looks.
With feminism, mainstream media and many-most women, the onus is always on men, never on women.

But why should this even be a problem in the first place?
The sexes are different, women are more into erotica, men porn, women are more into drama, men action and adventure.
Why shouldn’t men notice women more for their physical beauty?
Why should we be attracted to them in the same way they’re supposedly attracted to us?

Now, suppose men started noticing women mostly or wholly for their intellect and character.
Why then all the bimbos would be crying misogyny, we can never win!

I mean you don’t see men saying, well you notice us for how much money we make more than for our character, intellect and so on.
I mean yea, I’m sure there’s some men out there making that complaint, but no one takes them seriously, or else they’re accused of misogyny.

And who’re women to tell men how much value they have?
Men have been sleeping with women since the dawn of mankind, we know how much value they have, through and through.
Ultimately it’s up to A consumer (men) to decide how much value B commodity (women) has for them, just as it’s up to B consumer (women) to decide how much value A commodity (men) has for them.
If the customer isn’t happy, and you really want to make the sale, you don’t call him an idiot, you pull out all stops and go the extra mile to win him over, develop yourself, be nicer to him.

Apparently men don’t need to tell women how much value we have, they must value us a whole lot, enough to attempt to persuade us they have more value than they think we think they have.
You think someone supposedly brimming, teaming with value wouldn’t have to shout it from the rooftops, that it’d be readily apparent.
And if men are really such pigs, who’re only interested in women for their looks, why would fat women, or women in general want them anyway?
What does that say about women, that they’re willing to shack up with such ‘vermin’?

Women are trying to socially engineer men into what they want us to be, instead of accepting us for what we are, and not just a little here and there, now and then, but across the board, it’s all you hear about in the media.
These are attacks upon men and masculinity.
What else could this be called besides misandry, the hatred of men?

Some studies suggest women initiate domestic violence against men just as often as men women, tho women are more likely to report it.
Now why would women, the physically weaker sex, initiate domestic violence against men, the physically stronger sex, just as often as men women?
I think because they don’t expect to get hit back.
And many men won’t hit them back, because it’s in their nature to protect women, or because they’ve been conditioned by society never to hit women, whereas it’s not as much in women’s nature to protect men, and women haven’t been conditioned by society never to hit men.
And men soon learn there are dire social and legal consequences for striking women, whereas women soon learn the opposite lesson: there are little-no social or legal consequences for striking men.

How often do men get their girlfriends to beat up other women for them?
Almost never.
But women often use some men to beat up other men.
By tugging on our heartstrings and playing the victim card, women are able to manipulate society into coming to their rescue, regardless of whether they’ve been genuinely wronged or not.
If you attack a woman, or often even if you just do something she doesn’t like, all of society is against you, but if a woman attacks a man, often he won’t even have his own support, let alone societies.
Women are the more physically vulnerable sex, but make no mistake, they are very powerful, it’s just that their power is indirect, and covert.
Society downplays just how much power women have, and despite it, they still somehow manage to come across as the victimized sex, making them all the more powerful still.

And when women do get, directly physically and verbally violent (instead of using a conduit), their violence tends to be more insidious.
A woman will take verbal jabs at her man all day long, until he explodes and calls her a bitch or cunt in the evening, or she’ll push, shove or slap him during arguments, then act surprised when after dealing with this night after night, he can’t take it anymore and slams her head into a wall.
And of course if she’s still conscious, she’ll shame him for that too, and he’ll probably feel sorry for her.
She’ll weaponize it,hold it over his head,threatening to sick the police on him if he doesn’t give into her demands.
Some women deliberately provoke men in this way, so they can shame or scare them into capitulation afterwards.
We don’t really pay all that much attention, if any, to the verbal jabs, or pushing, shoving and slapping leading up to men losing it, we just notice the men losing it, shouting bitch or cunt from the top of his lungs in public, or smashing her head against the wall, her more quantitative violence goes unnoticed, or ignored.

Has womankind forgotten the proverb: you win more bees with honey than with vinegar?

Yeah on paper it doesn’t make sense. They expect males to cooperate and obey their Marxist dystopia, while simultaneously treating males worse and worse each day and continuously finding new roads to interfere with their pursuit of happiness.

But on the other hand, there seems to be a limitless supply of cucks, to continue to fuel the dystopia.

Pure aesthetic appreciation is a later development of civilization. Outside of it the only value that matters is survival, and in the wild (or even early stages of civilization) fat = survival. If civilization collapses, all the skinny bitches will die off, no matter how “beautiful”, “elegant” or “ethereal” they may appear to men.
Then, we’ll be back to this again: ancient-origins.net/news-hi … key-006663

And you don’t love them because they are beautiful or inspire some otherworldly poetic visions in you, you value and worship them because your basic survival and existence depends on them, and all the qualities (read - fat) that give them advantage at survival and successful reproduction. So stop being such picky faggots; were it not for civilization that created the likes of you (clueless dreamers), this would be the best and the most realistic option you could ever hope for.

Piss the wrong man off, you’ll get beaten up.
Piss the wrong woman off, and she’ll attempt to destroy your life by falsely accusing you of rape.
See: Me Too Movement.
That’s ‘girl power’ (female privilege) for yuh, not to be taken lightly.

Feminists want to make women out to be hard done by.
They say women are objectified, that most, or all men mostly, or wholly pay attention to them for one thing.
While I think that’s exaggerated, let’s assume for the sake of argument it’s entirely the case.

So essentially what they’re telling me is, so long as women are decent looking…they can get a free ride?
They can be poor, dumb, ignorant, physically and emotionally weak, a/immoral, but so long as they’re not ugly, a man, who may be rich, smart, knowledgable, physically and emotionally strong, moral, will go out with them…take care of them.
So women only have to worry about, one thing, develop, one thing, meanwhile men have to worry about and develop myriad things.

And so long as they weren’t born hideous, looks, can be developed, especially these days with all the cosmetics and surgical procedures available.
And if you’re fat you, can lose weight, it’s good for you too, healthy, whereas men have to develop themselves in all sorts of ways in order to attract a mate.
I guess that means fat women who’re unable…or unwilling to lose weight are really out of luck, but the rest of womankind seems to have it made.

By expecting so little of women, women have had it easy, all these centuries/millennia.
This’s yet another example of female privilege masquerading as male privilege, to graner even more privilege than they already have.
Feminists want it all, everything under the sun can’t satiate them.

And what is this thing they have to develop, looks?
While looks are nice to have, they’re about the most superficial quality a person can bring to a relationship.
So basically what feminists are telling me is, men, and society, historically and even to the present day, expect almost nothing from women, and that that, is what male privilege is…really?

This’s why men need forums such as this one:


Because they’re all we have.

If it was men bashing women 24/7/365 in the MSM instead of women bashing men, you can bet your bottom dollar women would be flocking to forums such as this one to criticize, and bash men.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not condoning generalized hatred of women either, my larger point is just that men, and women both have their strengths and weaknesses, as well as things that are strong, but the opposite sex doesn’t like anyway.
And that historically at times and in places we’ve both been propped up at each other’s expense, altho these days, I must say things are looking most especially grim for men.

I’m saying let’s dispense with generalized hatred of both sexes, as well as learn to recognize it when we see it.
Women’s generalied hatred is so pervasive, and so dressed up we fail to recognize it for what it is, where as men’s is instantly recognizable.
Not only that but feminists will turn men simply trying to defend themselves from women’s attacks or advocate for men’s rights, into an attack upon women, which’s not what it is.

It’s certainly not my intent to try and take us in the opposite direction and say, all or most women are evil.

To be honest, I’d rather fuck a cute petite guy than have sex with a woman who is 700 pounds. If that makes me a fag so be it. Can’t even with that fishy stank.

As for it being evolutionary, I see your logic and it makes sense. But I have my doubts. I think back in the day, people wanted muscular women who had big boobs, not women who were jabba the hutt. Jabba the Hutt women would eat up all the villages food, now what good what that be?

It is a tough debate to win. Because, historically speaking, women were always denied the right to vote. Votes have never worked for me anyway, it was always the vote of the idiot majority who decided how things were done. But still when the entire collective votes are men you will see certain tendencies.

As for male privilege it is a myth and inversion of reality. Males always had the least priviledge and the first to die in any disaster, women and children have always been put first and usually spared in most genocides. It has always been taboo for men to hit women and always taboo for men not to open doors and carry things for women. In essence, women get carried. Men have to go through shit to find a mate and work hard at the gym and get a good job and make a lot of money, and then still have to work hard always saying the right thing and passing her endless shit tests. Women get carried. Masculine women, feminists, want to complain about it because their like the kid in CounterStrike who is sick of being carried and wants to clutch his team. The kid who’s sick of being a passenger and wants to be a driver, wants a chance at the wheel. That doesn’t mean his father had an easily life. His father had to be a soldier, going through the sideshow and working hard just to even get any female attention at all. The only males who have actual male privilege are the elite 1% of males who hoard all the wealth from other males and keep other males down so they can have all the women to themself. I also find it funny how feminists mostly complain about CEO’s and males in hollywood, and somehow act as if the same logic applies to ordinary males who aren’t the 1%.

. This kind of thinking was a later development of civilization, perhaps when population control was becoming an issue (or rather, survival was no longer the major issue and probably hasn’t been for many generations already). This is where, I believe, aesthetics come in. The ideas of “spiritual” love, a higher love which births “knowledge” and “virtues” (instead of babies) was now becoming more accepted.
livius.org/articles/concept/ … sexuality/

Maybe it was similar to pederasty/pedophilia in modern day Afghanistan. Love is the main theme for Afghanis as well when it comes to boys (jealousy, kidnappings and murder included), except in Afghanistan, the boys dress and act as girls.
Spiritualized/Romantic love is a common element in both.

When was lusting for jabba the hutt women a thing? Even as far back as when men who lusted for women who looked like chimpanzees? Even chimps dont lust for jabba the hutt women. I cant think of one species on the planet that lusts for jabba the hutt women.

Also, if I was world dictator, and someone was born gay or trans and wanted to fuck dudes I’d allow it. But encouraging straight guys, especially soldiers, for christ’s sake, to fuck older men is degenerate. Its the same as nukes. Rots the mind. But Moonlight got a 98%/100 so what do I know.


So that’s how it started. She was told that she’s fit despite being fat, so she had no reason to lose any weight whatsoever. Now, I don’t know the extent to which this is true – in fact, the extent to which it can be true – so you’re welcome to land me a hand.

Very nice. Any evidence to back this up? As it is, I’m afraid you are just a fat woman trying to sell herself using lies.