Women cannot be "Strong" and VICTIMS at the same time...

I retract everything I said previously.

Women can be strong and noble.

Love exists.

I know this, because I fell in love with a strong and noble woman: Ebola-chan.

dailystormer.name/24-killed-by- … nd-uganda/

Thank you Ebola-chan, good luck Ebola-chan and I love you Ebola-chan.

Ivanka as the most competent person in the world to be the UN ambassador. Lol!


Ugh… the Asians and their fetishes…so superficial.
forward.com/schmooze/368454/why … -in-china/

Are you jealous or something?

How is she not competent?

Her father and family own billions in assets, and are not cowed or lured by money, favors, and popularity that other (truly CORRUPT) politicians are.

They do accept bribes and favors.

google.com/amp/s/www.indepe … html%3famp
salon.com/2018/02/23/gop-me … jerusalem/
Saudi Arabia
alwaght.com/en/News/116391/Saudi … 1bn-Report

Even IF that were true, which it’s not, since you don’t know, it still stands that Trump and Co. are less corrupt than traditional politicians, including Obama, Bush Jr, and the Clintons.


You can’t think, can you?

But thats your problem girlie.

If you can’t think just look at the unemployment numbers. I know you don’t care shit about the reduction in torture in the world due to Trump so don’t look at that.


Surely you don’t deserve such a great president. But thats part of the generosity of the TRUMP

he is there even for the ingrates.

Trump reduced the amount of torture in the world?

My gut tells me its fake news. But im open minded. If you post evidence I will believe.

I don’t think people really care about torture. It’s a non-issue. Western/Christian nations outlawed torture long ago. But the Middle East still practices it, torturing and beheading people who threaten their social order. Most Westerners are horrified and highly motivated to punish and prevent torture in the West, despite who is president.

I don’t understand why you keep exalting and defending lowlife and crooks. This seems to be your pattern.

…And to take a New York family of tasteless crooks and con men and to refer to them as noble!
(Did you get blinded by all their shiny gold?)

Sorry man, but your value system is all jacked up.


There is another way of looking at this. I think that that would depend on who the family is and who the strangers are. It may be the family which is corrupt and the strangers who are fighting that corruption. What is it that deserves our loyalty? What is it that we need to strive to be loyal to if not our own personal integrity and consciousness?

Your statement almost reminds me of that chauvinistic phrase ~ “My country, right or wrong”. At what point, does a child grow up and become his or her own person or individual?

Trump did more for humanity than any US president ever did, I guess this is why you hate him. Leftists are all basically sadists.
Dont pretend you think any decent human being believes you have any human interests at heart. You’re just a lobbyist for the Clinton rape foundation.

Real Americans are proud of their president. He makes the world a better place where no one actually still expected politics to ever amount to that. Im sorry you hate goodness so much. Lets agree to disagree and not communicate. You make me very sick frankly.


Of course, you do realize that when a man or a woman cheats on his/her partner, it is not always or perhaps even usually because there is something lacking in the other but because there is something lacking in the cheater, maybe some big giant hole in the psyche or spirit that can never be filled or perhaps it is because of that constant search for the ideal Mommy or Daddy, albeit it may be unconscious on the part of the cheater, in order to be fulfilled.

Evil to me is a man who rapes and murders a child and/or a pedophile who continually sexually abuses children. Does Hillary Clinton fit that category?


It is called the halo effect and not such an easy thing to do away with jnfortunately. lol I really just do not get it at all. Thoroughly brain-washed.

verywellmind.com/what-is-th … ct-2795906

What did trump do for humanity exactly?

That is one definition of evil but not the only one. If I drown a bunch of innocent men I am pretty much evil. If I ban the cure of cancer I am pretty much evil. If I bomb other countries for oil and zionism I am evil. Et etcetera. I can’t believe I’m actually having to waste my breathe explaining this to you. Even a child would understand this, this is like pre-K stuff. I can’t believe that I actually have to explain there are other forms of evil besides rape, but this is 2018 so who knows.

As for cheating, it only occurs because someone’s needs are not met. Often is the case someone will settle for a relationship they don’t really want because they were rejected by the person they really love. So the person they are in a relationship with wasn’t their first choice and so can never really satisfy them.


I was not suggesting that the above were the only forms of evil. Those were the two which first came to me. You may have asked the question: Is this all you see?




If human beings human lives are destroyed because of greed, whether for money, power or land, that to me is evil.

What about to bring a war to a close earlier and to save the men and women in that war who MIGHT die as a result of the war going on for another year or so. What about the bombs which were dropped on Iwo Jima and Nagasaki which killed or caused such great bodily harm to innocent children, women and men? Do you consider the bombing of those people to be evil or simply some necessary collateral damage?

I wonder what many of the men who served in the Armed Forces thought of their own survival while Innocents were destroyed? Do you think many of them went along with those who decided to play God?

That to me was evil!!!

Well, I am sure that if you think about it for a little while you will come to realize that that is the nature of belief. You did not give enough thought to what I was saying and your bias toward me (evidently) led you to believe that those were the only two things which I thought to be evil which is quite absurd when you think about it. I may not be brilliant as some in here are but I am far from stupid and I count myself to be very intelligent in ways.

Really? Would you like to perhaps re-think that or was that just facetious nonsense?

If you cannot believe something that is the moment in which you must doubt your belief or even your un-belief.

Or believes that their needs are not being met.

ONLY? I am not so sure that I would say ONLY. A man goes into a bar. Had a bad and a tiresome day. This man never cheated before and would perhaps never consider cheating. A woman saunters up to him, a woman who could care less who the man was, who took advantage of how he was feeling at the moment, of his having had more than a few drinks, of his vulnerability. He forgets who he really is and what is important to him and allows himself to be taken in by this woman’s so-called kind and thoughtful words to him, her so-called empathy and compassion, and voila, he is hers for the night. I suppose one can say that the man did feel that his needs were not being met at that moment.

But men and women also cheat because they feel they have a right to - it is their privilege because of who they think they are. It is their ego and their narcissism which tells them so.
Does the hedonist think that his needs are not being met?

One may say that this may have to do with the inability to delay gratification which is one of the signs of maturity in a man or a woman.
So tell me, who is to blame in this scenario, who is to be held responsible here? The person who rejected them or the person who could not wait, who did not value him/her -self and who was not capable of being alone until the so-called right one was found?

What I see is that I feel like I’m being baited and trolled.
What I see is what everyone else can see.

I find it funny how women label men who treat them bad as egoistic narcissists. While most women in America are egoistic narcissists, as default.

Femsplaining. People who have a low or muted sex drive, who don’t comprehend that going for years without getting laid will cause mental illness in someone whos more virile. Some people still are well in their 40’s looking for “Mrs. Right”.


My suggestion to you was and is a legitimate one.

Your perception is flawed in this regard ~ our feelings are not always grounded in reality.
I am not even sure that I would know how to bait and troll. Point out to me where you think you see this and I will give it some thought.
What I see/saw is that I was trying to draw you out for discussion but you made of yourself some kind of fish.

That in itself is a very presumptuous statement. You may have to spell that out. We all see with different eyes at times. Do not stand on the shoulders of others.

"While most women…That is a very biased opinion. If you take the time to LOOK, you will note that I said…

But men and women also cheat…

But I will give you this. You have a point. There are INDIVIDUAL women who feel as you say but the same goes for INDIVIDUAL men. Neither have a monopoly on that bias and tunnel vision.

Did I say anything about going for years…? I was speaking about having value for one’s self and understanding of what one may look for in a mate and allowing one’s self the time to wait and maybe get to know one’s self and maybe why the relationship went wrong in the first place.

Rebounds are a dime a dozen and what do they actually do except satisfy one’s sexual needs for a little while and then what? It is back to square one and the little lonesome dove. I am not so sure that going for years without sex will cause mental illness (sounds like a myth to me) as long as one uses that sex drive, that libido in creative and purposeful ways.

More than any previous human being.
That you aren’t aware proves you were never empathic with the worlds peoples.

The relief among hundreds of millions is tremendous. The hatred for him of the modern western left is demonic, pure undiluted malice.

Trump, is a spoiled brat and a narcissist, who has no problem lying straight through his teeth and who can only see his own reflection wherever he looks (which also makes him a perfect dumb puppet). There is a fine line between displaying confidence and displaying arrogance, and he’s walking on the wrong side of the line. But it’s not coincidental, as I believe that’s what he is and that’s exactly what is being pushed. He’s our new King Midas, who will take any piece of shit and try to turn it into a gold standard. Corruption? So what. Nepotism? So what? Felony convictions? Yes, so what? Unbridled greed? That’s right! and so? …Fortunately for him, he’s only a poster boy for the powers that rally behind him and tell him what to do. (Without them and on his own, he’d be as blind as a bat because he cannot see beyond his own, or rather his father’s, imago). And the real enemies are the directors behind him (the crooks and cronies) who are pushing the narcissistic image of Captain America onto the rest of the world. These are the people who concern me the most, as they seem to imagine themselves living in some kind of juvenile fantasy superhero comic book saga; choosing to push exaggerated confidence (blatant arrogance) as the norm. Display of power without any reproach or accountability.

And this is the president I, the ingrate, should be thankful for.
