There's no such thing as Transexuals

I don’t understand why. I interpreted your comment here to be suggesting that I’m biased. My response here (“Certainly could be!”) was intended to convey that it is of course true that anyone could believe what they believe for bad reasons. I then continued to give my reasons. You seem to have taken that as an admission of some particular bias or bad faith on my part. It wasn’t. I believe myself to hold my beliefs for good reasons, and I’ve offered and defended my reasons in this thread. It remains true that I could hold by beliefs for bad reasons, but if that’s the case you need to demonstrate that my proferred reasons are bad.

Great, so we agree that just linking to news reports of crimes is a bad methodology and doesn’t prove what you are offering it as evidence to prove.

Focus on methodology, not the people employing it. A sound methodology produces sound results, regardless of who employs it.

So if they are women, then it is appropriate for them to be in women’s restrooms. In analyzing this claim, I’ve suggested that sex as a composite concept with multiple parts with no necessary implication between them, and you haven’t offered anything in response more than, “But muh genitals!”

I take this as trivially true, but must point out that the set of “men who commit most sex crimes” and “transwomen” are not the same. Indeed, we know that transwomen are less disposed to crime than are men.

No no, I wasn’t questioning whether you think you’re a good guy.

I did during our debates about blacks experiencing police harassment and longer prison sentences. I gave specific reasons why I disagreed with the methodologies and you only gave me…their peers reviewed it and it passed the reviews. My questions were valid, the reasons for the differences were expressly mentioned in detail which was not encompassed in the research methodologies which you said in so many words that researchers can’t take everything into account. They should, particularly when it matters to the outcome, the findings that are then put forward towards their liberal agenda of playing the victim cards which propels policies that wrongfully claim racism, makes perpetrators into victims, and the operation of the justice system into a conspiracy of villians. Your not questioning their methodologies and just accepting them when they support your ideologies is exactly the bias you are claiming I employ.

Also people’s belief systems affect their behaviors and not incidentally their work which includes scientists, their intents, and their methodologies.


I’m not saying we can’t infer a persons mind (mind not being something separate from the brain, but just being how the brain perceives itself introspectively) from their brain, nor am I saying we shouldn’t consider peoples claims about their thoughts, feelings and so on, what I am saying is: if peoples claims about their thoughts and feelings don’t have any bearing on their behavior and/or neurophysiology, or at least if we can’t find any, at some point in time, on some level, after earnestly looking, than there’s no way to verify their existence, and there’s no need to take them very seriously.
That being said, I’m not saying we should completely dismiss them either.
Just because we can’t find any correlation between purported mind states on the one hand, and behavior and/or neurophysiology on the other, doesn’t guarantee they’re not there, or we won’t find any in the future, as people, science and psychologists get to know x population group better, but the more we look for them, and the less they come up, the less they’re worth considering.

I think we should consider everything relevant.
We should consider what the trans community individually and collectively has to say about their, psyches, but we should also consider what scientists (and what scientists are saying about them is most of them appear to be androgynes) and the public individually and collectively has to say about them, as we all get to know this previously marginalized and ostracized group of people, because identity is both personal, and interpersonal.
That being said, there’s no question what their physical sex is, and physical sex, as we’ve seen, is just as socially, and generally relevant as neuropsychological sex.
I don’t necessarily have anything against…whatever you want to call them, I’m not even sure what to call them (gynopsyche, andropsyche, androgyne?), if you think your psychological sex doesn’t fully or partly align with your physical sex…maybe you’re right, but while you may be able to modify it a little, cosmetically, superficially, you can’t actually change your sex, and if you claim to be the opposite sex, you’re a fauxsexual, a fraud.

What bothers me is the sense of entitlement they have.
They’re not entitled to have us define them however they wish irrespective of the facts and our interactions with and interpretations of them, and they shouldn’t be entitled to steroids, surgery, to the opposite sexes washrooms and sports, or to the join the military for that matter, if the military deems them physically unfit.
I think LGBT and women should be able to pursue any career they wish, but at the same time, we shouldn’t lower the bar so, more of them can be admitted, assuming any of them can make the cut at all.
The LGBT community, like feminism and Afro-supremacism have grown way too powerful in the west, and I think if they keep pushing, there’s going to be a, major backlash against them.

I wonder if there’s any people out there who believe their psychological sex is the opposite of their physical sex, yet identify more with their physical sex, or identify equally with their physical and psychological sex?
And if so, do some of them want to change their psychological sex to match their physical sex?
And are there any androgynes who wish they were also hermaphrodites, or vice versa?

Why do people believe their minds are the opposite sex of their bodies?

Did they ‘reason’ they’re the opposite sex?
Or did they intuit they’re the opposite sex?
Do they feel rejected or mistreated by the same sex?
Do they feel accepted or treated well by the opposite sex?
Did they have poor same sex role models?
Did they have good opposite sex role models?
Were they treated like the opposite sex by others?
Did they fail to live up to what’s expected of the same sex?
Do they want attention?
Are they bored, or curious about the opposite sex?
Do they believe the same sex is inferior, and the opposite sex superior?
Do they believe the opposite sex has more privileges than the same sex?
Are their hormones imbalanced?
Are they suffering from malnutrition/toxicity?
Are they confused about their identity in general?

Perhaps it’s varying degrees of all of the above.

What about misassociating aspects of themselves with the opposite sex?

For example, a nerdish man believes: nerdishness is feminine, therefore I must be a woman.

Or a lesbian who believes: only a man can like a woman, therefore I must be a man.

You did, and I’ll let our discussion there speak for itself. Here, we agree that news reports are biased and thus bad evidence for your position.

You’ve said this, but I don’t think you’ve made a case for this claim. In most social situations, we don’t know what a person’s physical sex is, and it doesn’t and shouldn’t matter.


If you mean know in a hard sense, there’s not much we can be absolutely certain of, reading Descartes or spending a few months on a philosophy forum will teach you that.
But In almost all situations, we can be pretty darn sure.
How many times have you mistaken a man for a woman or vice versa?
It almost never happens.
How many fauxsexuals are passable as the opposite sex?
Not many, and there’s not many of them out there, they make up less than 1% of the population.

I can’t find good studies on passing. A blog I follow did a survey of its readers (which skew liberal and decidedly trans-friendly), and got mixed results. There are a lot of problems with the survey, but it does at least call into question the claim that trans people don’t pass.

First, note that the result was much less trans-friendly than the author expected. The author is disappointed to present the results, and admits they undermine her position (that trans people generally pass pretty well). And the results back up the idea that tranwomen are generally identifiable when you’re given a set of 10 people and told 5 are physically women and 5 aren’t. But there are also some weird results: several of the cis women were more often scored as trans. That’s a weird result, and may be noise, but suggests that when people are looking for transwomen, they see them everywhere. In the discussion of the results, the author points out that base rates have a lot to do with our perceptions, and that’s probably at play here too: transwomen are very rare, as you note, so in most places we aren’t looking for them and don’t see them, deferring readily to larger social cues like “wearing a dress” or “has long hair” or “doesn’t smell like a barnyard animal”. In places where there is a higher density of trans people, everyone becomes better at spotting them and it’s harder to pass.

I’d love to see a larger study with less selection bias, fewer priming effects, and better experimental design. If you know of any, do share.

EDIT: word.

Can you argue for that statement?
It matters a lot to me in all cases where the person matters to me.

I’m not going to trust a woman with the same as a man, and vice versa.

Men, for example, are invariably envious on some level, women invariably irrational on some level. It matters a great deal.

Also in almost all situations it is absolutely certain what sex a person is. Transies always have a kind of ambiguity in their hormonal “aura”.

From the blog:

Right, like you said, selection bias.
The problem with these surveys is most fauxwomen, like men, and unlike the fauxwomen selected, aren’t pretty, and they can’t afford to have a lot work done: cosmetic surgery, great makeup, fake tits, hormones, etcetera.
Also, these’re 2 dimensional images, where fauxwomen select the angles and lighting that’re most flattering.
In the real world, we see them in their entirety, we see their mannerisms, and hear their voices, so it’s far more difficult for them to pass.

Right, men and women are different, and their mental sex normally/mostly aligns with their physical sex, so the former can normally/mostly be inferred from the latter, and so physical sex socially matters both in and of itself, and because of what can normally/mostly be inferred from it.
And if we learn someone is a fauxwoman, meaning their physical sex is male, but they identify as female, according to science at least, mentally they’re probably androgynous, and so in this way, the fact that they identify as the opposite sex socially matters, both in and of itself, and from what can normally/mostly be inferred from it mentally.

The Modern world, 2018, Western civilization, USA, is in a state of cultural decline. Common sense becomes more and more uncommon. The social delusion promised by the liberal-left, “equal rights and freedom for all” is becoming too much of a farce. The lies are stretched to their breaking point. People, adults, elders are presumed to pretend that men are women and women are men. Or that gender is “fluid”. This cultural decline has seeped into “Science”, psuedo-science. Liberal-leftists often pretend that science backs up their warped perceptions and social-political lies. But it actually doesn’t.

I remember Galileo and Copernicus, denounced by the Catholic Church, the cultural standard of their day. At that time, wasn’t it “modern” to repeat what is common?

Today the “Catholic Church” has been replaced by the “Liberal-Left”. The Liberal-Left is, for all intents and purposes, a new Modern religion. You must repeat their lies, their falsities, verbatim. And you must defend their (im)moral core, as Careleas does in this thread. If you don’t, if you promote common sense, then you are a Modern Heretic. A potential witch to be burned at the stake.

The Liberal-Left has grown beyond its boundaries, now obese and morbid, a gluttonous, freakish beast. It is too large for its own good, and eventually will collapse under its own weight. The lies, falsities, irrationality is too much. Those with rational minds, with average IQs, are aware of the contradictions and idiosyncrasies, but cannot explain or rationalize them. Those with above-average IQ, will understand more about the contradictions, but either lean left or right depending on their underlying moral cores and values.

Carleas here, probably believes that he is doing some “greater-good” by calling transexuals “women”, when they pretend to be women, or even self-castrate. To Carleas, the “right-wingers” who tell the truth, and say otherwise, are morally evil. Careleas believes in the “social justice warrior”, as do others on the Liberal-Left. It’s as-if they were “god’s warriors”, as the Catholic Church had. Except the Liberal-Left do not openly speak about or promote their perverted ‘god’. A religion without a head. A culture without a morality.

If you’re a woman, you probably have a woman’s brain/mind.
If you’re a man, you probably have a man’s brain/mind.
If you’re a fauxwoman, you probably have an androgynous brain/mind (according to science).
If you’re a fauxman, you probably have an androgynous brain/mind.

So physical sex socially matters, both in and of itself, and because it can be used to predict your brain/mind sex.


I think we probably are too, but probably not for entirely the same reasons you do.

In the main, I believe we should have equal rights and freedoms, just not necessarily equal outcomes.
They should have the right to define themselves as they please…for themselves, defining themselves for me infringes upon my freedom of thought and speech.

I don’t think the left is necessarily anymore delusional than the right.
In matters such as these, the left often misses the big picture, whereas the right often misses nuance.
And the left often sides with women and minorities, whereas the right…used to side with the majority, in the last few decades it’s been put on the defensive, increasingly allying itself with culturally neutral, libertarian politics…at least in theory, in practice both the left and right by and large cater to the elite.
I try to think independently of both ideologies, but the way our government and society is structured, it cumbersomely pressures people into exclusively identifying with one or the other to the point of intellectual, political and social paralysis.

We can’t entirely trust science, because it has limitations, makes mistakes, and can be corrupted by both progressives, conservatives and government itself on the one hand, and (big) business on the other.
That being said, we should always at least try to consider the science, as well as think for ourselves.

As for sexual fluidity, I’m open to the possibility, I mean the body and brain/mind can change to some extent, for various reasons, naturally and synthetically, what bothers me is the fauxsexual community wants to be able to define themselves for me, independently of science and my interactions with and interpretations of them.
They also tend to exaggerate how possible sexual fluidity is.

I’m not sure I fully agree with the analogy you’re making.
On the one hand, I think the right’s position on trans/faux is more in line with the science, but because it’s in tune with the big picture, whereas the catholic church was wrong, because it failed, refused to see nuance, the imperfections on the moon revealed by Galileo’s telescope (in their model, the ‘heavenly spheres’ such as the moon were perfectly spherical and unblemished, kind of like thinking men are wholly men without any femininity or ambiguity, or women wholly women.
See you can go too far in either direction.
The right often fails to see exceptions, and the left often runs away with exceptions, trying to turn them into the new rule, when they’re not sufficiently significant to warrant such.

Ideologies like progressivism and conservatism are like religions in some ways, in that they both have and attempt to impose their belief systems on the people, culturally, politically and socially, often irrespective of what science and common sense have to say.

I agree, the left is way out in left field in all sorts of ways as of late.

All of us here probably at least believe we’re doing the right thing on some level, but whether we are or not is debatable, and that is why I will say: on with the debate.

I wonder if all faux really believe their neuropsychological sex is fully the opposite of their physical sex. Maybe some of them just want to become, thought of and treated as the opposite sex irrespective of what they are. I wonder what they think of the science suggesting most of them are neuropsychological androgynes.

Transexuality can be rationalized rather simply and easily.

A huge majority of transexuals are male-to-female, not female-to-male. The numbers are something like 80:1.

( … gnment.pdf)

So transexuality is not “gender-equal”. It is a one-sided affair. Feminists and liberal-lefts argue from the position that “white-males” have all the innate privilege and power in life. But why then would so many males want to be or become female, rather than female become male? Could it be, that liberal-leftist-feminists have it all wrong? And that women actually have the innate privilege and power in life? And that is one of the core and fundamental reasons why a male would want to pretend to be, to be, or to “become” a woman? Wouldn’t that be the easier and simpler explanation as to why a male would want to “cash-in”, if he could, gain access to, female-privilege.

In fact it’s not talked about at all. Why not? What is female privilege?

In terms of social-cultural-political-privileges-power, it makes sense for one group to want to tap into the privileges of another group. It’s mostly male-to-female, not female-to-male. Women, believe it or not, are not “fighting for their rights” to be garbage-women and coal miners. Women are not “fighting for the right” for super-models to be NFL linebackers.

So, with proper context, it makes sense why males would act faggy, act queer, act like girls. As I see it, the Modern world is all about ‘Victim’ status. If you’re a victim then you are morally righteous, good, and deserve protection. You deserve attention and nurturing by the state. You deserve free health care, paid by the taxpayers. This is all false, of course. It’s the opposite of reality. Just because you’re a victim, doesn’t you entitle you to a god-damned thing. That’s my position. And that puts me on the “Conservative-Right”, although I would consider myself more of a centrist.

On the racial level, I also want to point out, that it is usually non-white males that are transexual. I believe more non-white western males are “transexual” than white western males. I think there are racial factors involved too, not just gender.