British social class, test

I think I simply find the whole thing fascinating… an outsider looking in, but yet involuntarily participating by nomination and curiosity and default. The polemic posturing of Thanethots et al is based on nothing but their desire to ridicule, rather than delve deeper into the topic. … ed_Kingdom

I recently had an interesting thought on this:

Formal education is the institutional body of modern religion, each completed stage a sacrament. So Kinder Garden is like baptism, elementary school is like the first communion, high school is like the confirmation, college/undergrad university is being ordained as a priest, one enters the priestly class that herds the flock, graduate studies are for higher priest occupations like cardinal or bishop, post grad and doctoral studies are like becoming a monk or entering the very highest rung of priesthood where doctrine is decided upon.

There is no coincidence that the sacraments coincide with the respective pivotal school years… having been through both systems, we were made to be aware of and made to be prepared for, each upcoming stage and sacrament.

We all also noticed the atheist schools’ lack of boundaries, focus, common sense, and many other aspects that they were lacking in.

What matters was the diploma!

…gained through a full school curriculum of current knowledge and field trips? the path being just as important as the diploma itself… though learning doesn’t have to be school-based.

Is there such a thing as just knowledge? Or is it always biased? The diploma is proof that you are capable of at least imitating the bias. That’s why it’s religious.

I’m not against bias. I’m against bias that pretends not to exist.

Or like Patton said:

I know I’m a primadonna. I admit it. What kills me about Montgomery is that he won’t.

That makes sense.
When God was still alive education actually had content.
After Communism education has been mostly neutralisation.

Yes. I am the most arrogant man alive, it comes with the job of prescribing law for the whole of mankind.
I dont do this out of modesty.

I got upper class.

Sharp test.

For you who want to move up the standard: black tea with sugar, full English breakfast. No fancy brunches, tradition. Bacon and sausage.

Brilliantly, I took the test over a plate of English breakfast and a black tea with sugar.

Beyond that, of course the Alps and the German Shepherd.

What isn’t ever bias?

If we all stopped to think about bias, we’d become a planet of non-achievers, and there’d be zero progress… or very little, but then this begs the question… to what extent should bias be utilised, without being at the expense of others, so as not to cause war enslavement etc. etc. etc?

When you are ready to respond to the below, I am all ears…

Class is all about honesty and transparency at once, to one"s self and to others.

The person who can de temporalize a change of class by facade is in bad faith, but simultaneously can gain the keys to salvation. That process can take a very long time, albeit can be achieved during one lifetime, if belief in reincarnation is sustained.

It is fear, of the outward look imposed from outside, that cracks the mirror of self apprehension , and not some dread emulating from the inside. That is what invariably sets the stage for a fall, whether it be of one’s derivation to a personal dramatic myth of it, or the discovered irony of it on the grand scale of theatre. The cave of the earliest being holds its grip to this shadow world, because transformations only wirk nowadays by quick costume change. To be truly real, fear will dissipate with time with letting go of all props, and letting the conflicting classes brand the middle way as opportunistic.

And that confirms the true way to deliverance. This, the highest learning, has to occur inside out.

Whatever happened to the days when tea with milk was de rigeur…? I miss a tea with milk, but when needs must.

There are different algorithms, that generate the same result, so the result generated is not really dependent on any one specific answer.

Btw Fixed… apparently Labour have been hijacked by the posh/Upper class set, here, but have Labour really ever been run by the working class?

I don’t know what changed. It changed in me, too. I used to have it with milk.

Thats even more satisfying then.

I pride myself on understanding virtually every intellectual or deep-psychological issue people come to me with, but I wouldn’t go so far as pretending to understand English politics.
Just as little as I would pretend to know who is hiding in a broom closet near the Kremlin wall at this point.

I got upper middle class, even tho I’m working class.

Hahaha! it’s reflective of the people here… literally, which is the thing that is spoiling being in British politics for me, having to dodge the historically-entrenched left v right battlefield.

Right now… no-one.

Part of our being is spirit, not the other way around.
We all judge and condemn each other in higher dimensions. If you are not sympathetic … you will be sent to hell.

I’m like the guy who learned to shoot free throws with knives being thrown at me all day long, to get my posture perfect. Hell tempered me in this way.

We met off BU550 remember, the interjunction craft, lunchroom, near the waterfountain? Im all these other people at the same time sillo. We made a bet remembero.
Doyng. Im glad we put the putty in the lockbox back at Bran, do you even remember the code? Sheesh. :angry:

Friskin premnemonic key or some barbarian contract seems now the best bet … for a next bet.