a new understanding of today, time and space.

let us recap and see where that leaves us…

first, we are born, society, parents, media, state, church, spends
years, even decades indoctrinating us into official, canonical
beliefs, biases, myths, ism’s, prejudices, superstitions……

as we age, we soon learn to know thyself… we discover
ourselves as the victims of this indoctrinations… we discover
that our views and beliefs are really those indoctinations of childhood…

we attempt to overcome these childhood biases and prejudices…
this is our overcoming of values… those values installed in us as children…

we then become who we are by discovering which values are really the value
that we are… so the process is to know thyself, to overcome, then to become
who we really are… at every step it is the values that are discovered
and overcomed…from the values we are indoctrinated with, to the values
we overcome to the values we finally become, for that is who we are, our values…

past, present and future are all here in our understanding of values…

we also have our Kantian questions,
what can we know?
we should we do?
and what should we hope for?

and we have the Kropotkin question,
what values should we have?

our understanding of values is that we have both individual values
and we have collective values, values that are shared within the society…

our collective values is understood best by our federal budget,
for that is a moral document……….

and we spend the most money in the budget on all things military…
that is our values, we are a martial society with violence and hate
as our primary values……………

and we wonder why our society is failing today…
because our investments within society is not
with the people or their concerns but with building
weapons and training and things military…….

those who say we must be secure have won the battle…
and those who fight for justice/equality have lost……

and we will continue to fail as long as the conservatives win
their battle to be secure instead of fighting for people based
values like justice/equality or freedom………….

in other words, we are practicing the wrong values given the situation……
and that is always the path to failure……………

and we continue…….


uproar about a paper in middle school and what
we can learn about it……… there was a middle school
classroom that ask the question, about “whom should we leave behind”
in regards to what if the end of the world came and who should
we take and whom should we leave behind………

I think this is an excellent question and one that raises several different
types of question… the uproar by the way, is about the possibilities
the teacher gives the students, given the possibilities, the teacher listed
several different types of people… what value should we give to each person
as in deciding who we should we leave behind………….

if we value, intellectual, then we would bring intellectual types,
if we value science, then we would bring scientist
and if we values athletes, then we being them along……

but in understanding that we leave behind other types of people behind……

we can focus on types of people, male or females or Christians or Atheist or
black or whites or… we can divide the world in almost infinite different
ways… the question itself exposes the limitation of our thinking in terms
of what we value……………………

do we bring kind, loving people or do we being military types or
do we bring only people who love dogs……………….

with the understanding that by not bringing a type of person to be saved,
we don’t value that quality…………

if you could save just 12 people on earth, what type of person would you
try to save or whom would you leave behind?


in trying to understand us… who am I?
we are also trying to make sense of us in the midst of
the world… how do we exist in the world…
who am I in the context of the world…
where is my place in society…
how do I make sense of society and culture
and the whole dam world…

as I have already condemned various aspect of the world,
the industrial revolution and conservatism and capitalism, I
now point out an unindicted co-conspirator, see IQ45 for
an understanding of that term…

I point out modernism and post-modernism………

what is modern and what is post-modern?

that is implicit in my writing… we are living in an modern
age with perhaps post-modern underpinnings…
but who the fuck knows?

and therein lies the problem……… any dabbling in who we are must
face, as an unindicted co-conspirator, modernism and post-modernism…

what does it mean to us that we are “moderns” or perhaps we are,
“post-moderns”…… I sure the hell don’t know and I know you don’t know,
so we are left with trying to connect who we are and what are our possibilities
in the face of being in the modern age and what our age, our modern age,
is, is just as important as our understanding of our Kantian questions
and the one Kropotkin question…… what values make it the modern age,
and what values are connected to the “classical” age…… Goethe
speaks of this when he try’s to understand the “classical” with the “Romantic”
which was the current rage of the time when he wrote… which he helped create
the “Strum und Drang” movement of Germany during the 1760’s and 70’s…

we are still in the Romantic era for we haven’t “cured” ourselves of our
“Romanticism”… so we are still in the “modern” age… and when we finally
cure ourselves of “Romanticism”, we shall begin a new age………


one thing we cannot disconnect is the fact that we cannot
separate “Modernism” or even “Post-modernisms” without
separating it from the industrial revolution… in fact,
you might be able to say, that modernism is really just
another term for the industrial revolution……

we must come to terms with what it means to exist,
the human condition, cannot be understood without
reference to the industrial revolution


wait, what, did you just accuse the “modern” era of being “Romantic”…

yep, in part…let us think about this…….

we have the tyranny of the industrial revolution, the time clock and
the standard uniform of the working class… and the the greatest
crime in the “Modern” world which is insubordination…

we have has a reaction to that Nihilism, the dramatic
emphasis on the individual and the need for our “modern”
conspiracy theories…

one small example, Hitler was a “Romantic” and the proof
lies in his need to conspiracies that become anti-semitic
and other conspiracies that exists in response to the
tyranny of the industrial revolution…

we have “Romantic” responses to the industrial revolution that
include the conspiracy theorist need for conspiracies…a need to blame
is a response to the tyranny of the industrial age…I am trapped
into this tyranny by the, pick one"… Jews, gays, Catholics, state…….

this need to blame is a “Romantic” response to the tyranny of the
“Modern” age……

what does it take for us to escape this “Romanticism”?

to take responsibility for our current state of affairs… instead of
finding blame… to take responsibility means one is able to
begin the search for an solutions that that will eliminate our “modern”

but to blame is to try to shift responsibility to someone else, thus
making them the cause for your misfortune instead of yourself……

the Jews are not the problem, nor are the “uppity” blacks or minorities…

and you cannot find a solution to the problem by “white superiority” or
other such nonsense……… the only solution that is truly a solution,
is to begin by understanding the nature of our world and then and only then
can we begin to undo the tyranny of the modern world which is lead by
the tyranny of capitalism………… the solution is to fight the tyranny at its source,
instead of the so phony, romantic solution in blaming others that are different
from you………for they too, are victims of the tyranny of modern world,
the industrial revolution and its foot soldiers, capitalists…….


But Kropotkin, what the hell does the modern age has
to do with “Values”?



Peter Kropotkin: But Kropotkin, what the hell does the modern age has
to do with “Values”?


K: Did you try to connect the dots between this idea of the “modern age”
and values or… or did you think to yourself, “I’ll wait for Kropotkin’s answer”
and forgot about it?

if you tried to answer the question about values and the modern age,
that is engagement thinking… trying to engage with a subject…

did you think, no, I’ll wait for Kropotkin, that is passive thinking…
you didn’t engage with the question at hand, you simply waited for an

and therein lies the problem with the world… passive thinking,
just waiting for an answer instead of trying to engage and create an answer
without any prompting from Kropotkin or the state or society…

so the question is life and then the answer is engagement…


after 8 straight days of work, I’m back but values
will have to wait…

Math… the idea of numbers… 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10…………

we have these numbers… let us look at the number 1…….

look down at the table and spot one, (1) book… on my table, the
kitchen table actually… I have 6 philosophy books… my daughter
books from school, are another 2 books… so I have 8 books on my kitchen table…
pretty simple, pretty basic…but this idea of one, of one book…
think about it… look at the book, I am looking at Copleston’s
" A history of philosophy" book two…that is one book…

but the reality is quite different… I look at Copleston’s book and
what do I see? I see a book… I don’t see the number 1 as in one book…
the idea of one is a mental idea, not a physical idea…
I see a book but I don’t see any type of number for that book…

so when I look at my table and I see books, I don’t see that there
are 8 books, I see books and mentally, I create the number 8 to
account for the number of books…in real life, we just see individual
books, I see the “A history of Philosophy” and mentally, I create the number 1…
it doesn’t exist physically, the number 1, it is a mental construct… numbers
are really mentally constructs we use to help us create order and sense in the
universe…I wish I could take credit for this but the credit lies with
Husserl… numbers are a psychological event, not a physical event…

but what about all those numbers that we use accurately and succesfully
to understand the universe… let us think about this…

what came first, the event or the math? I would suggest that the event
comes first and the math comes later…is the event, say the creation
of a black hole, a mathematical event or a physical event?
it is a physical event and the math is done later…… this suggest
that the reason something can be mathematically described is
because the system which is being described is a stable system…
for example, the solar system, we can mathematically describe the
solar system but that is because the solar system is a stable system…
and so we can quote, backdate it,… because the system is stable,
it can be mathematically described…… we cannot use math to describe
an unstable system………is the failure there, the system or is the failure
the math? so when we describe or use mathematics to understand a system,
we are actually just understanding a system using math… and the math only
works because the system is stable… it is the stability of the system that
makes the math work, not the math that makes the stability of the system

then is the universe a mathematical universe?
no, the universe begins and once a system like a solar
system becomes stable, then and only then will the math work…

but what about Einstein? his math was able to predict or understand
many things that he didn’t know about………. He created the math
and then later a system was found that fit the math… the system comes first
and the math later, later describes it… the universe is not a mathematical
universe… it is a systems universe…and once the systems become stable and
survive then, then it can be mathematized……….


why does the universe hang together?

is it because of the math?

no, the math describes why the system hangs together but the system
is not math, but system is……. and we use math then to describe why
it is… the value of the system, any system is its stability, not the math……

and why does the solar system hang together?

not because of math, but because of another system, gravity…
which hangs together because of another system which is space/time……

space/time is a physical system, not a mathematical system…
space is a physical thing as is time… and with any, any system
the way it hangs together is the way different systems reinforce each other…

an example of this is how the human body works, the various systems
reinforce each other… but that is acomplished by evolution…
if the systems don’t reinforce each other, the system will fail, become
unstable… it is that by becoming stable, that the system succeeds…
and then we can mathematically describe that system…

so, space/time is a physical system and gravity is a physical system
which reinforces the other physical systems like the solar systems…
not, not because of math, math can only describe the systems,
but not the disorganizations of the system…

but what about the chaos theory? it is simply a name for this
disorganization of the systems… it is not the math of this
disorganization but the disorganization itself that is important…

life is simply a study of systems and how they work…

life is not about the math of the systems for math can only
be used to describe something that already exists and is stable…

an unstable system cannot be described for it is always in the process
of becoming more unstable…… we don’t have the words or the math to
accurately describe an system that is in the process of becoming


ok, the question of continuity… in math for example,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,……………………………………

the single biggest question in regards to systems is continuity…
expecially in regards to biological systems…
but it also works in regards to physical systems and
to natural systems…
let us begin with biological systems… the heart must work,
beat with continuity, it’s entire existence… if the heart
does not continue, it cause such events as a heart attack…
even a brief disruption of the heart’s continuation will cause
serious consequences for a human being…

what if, say gravity, for example, briefly stopped working,
this discontinuation can cause serious consequences in our natural
system of the solar system… the system must continue for
it to be stable…so one of the basic understanding of
systems is this idea of continuation, things must continue
for the system to exist…

so for a system, any system must rely upon this notion
of continuation…so for us, we must hold onto this idea
of continuation for our understanding of systems…

it is one of the reasons for the stability of systems…


now what drives systems?

why that is energy……. we use energy all the time…
I ate breakfast this morning and I am using that converted food
into energy… but that is the nature of the universe…
we convert matter into energy and we also, convert energy
into matter… this is basic in E=Mc2… energy equal mass…

matter and energy convert into each other and you cannot destroy
either one… the amount of matter and energy remains the same
in the universe… but, that leaves us the question of entropy…
a body over time gain in entropy… which is really a body become
more disorganized over time… we see this in the human body
over time…I am 59… my body has been losing it ability to
function over time… I can no longer do the things I could do
when I was 20, like run 15 miles or stay up all night drinking and
and then go to work at 9:00 in the morning like nothing happened…
my body energy level has gone done… this is entropy… at work
in my body…

but that energy lost from my body it doesn’t disapper, it
can’t, remember, you cannot destroy energy or matter…
it simply converts into something else…

as I age, my body will continue to suffer from entropy,
the loss of energy from my systems… and at some
point, the loss of energy from my systems will be enough
to cause the loss of life, my life… we die from a loss
of energy…if disease or if accidents or something like that
doesn’t kill us first…

I have nowhere near the energy I had when I was young…
I am old… I get tired easily… my body can no longer hold
or store energy like it once did…

and that is the story of life… the physical systems of the physical
body loses energy and when enough energy is lost, the body dies…

but that energy cannot disappear… the energy from my system energy loss
goes back into the overall system… as energy or heat or matter… but it
returns to something outside of us……

so the human body is really just a system, an energy system
that exchanges energy with the outside… energy comes into
a body in some form, be it energy, heat or matter, and then
leaves the body in some form…be it energy or heat or matter

we are energy taking form and we receive energy and we
release energy… so we are a system within a system within
a system………

all the matter and energy created at the beginning of time,
still exists in some fashion, it cannot be destroyed…
it can only be converted into something…
so we have energy converted into matter and that
matter being converted into energy……and back and forth…
a system is simply a matter/energy conversion machine…
as matter and energy get converted into each other by
various means… the sun, the human body, burning a branch……

suppose, just suppose the system was disrupted by something…
the system was not continuous, but intermittent… we would
have systems failure…… so we must continuously have
this conversion of matter and energy at all times…………


ok, all this is fine and well, and I “FEEL” that you are most
likely wrong, but what does this have to do with anything, Kropotkin?

Uh, everything……

this explans the failure of politicans and political parties and
most explanations of the universe…

and why communism is a better understanding of the universe
then capitalism…WHAT? WHAT in god’s name are you babbling about

politicans don’t understand the universe or understand
our society in terms of systems…they attack every problem
as if it is a separate problem from every other problem…

NOPE, every single system is connected to every other system…
thus poverty is connected to our use of energy to our institutions
to our method of electing politicans… every system is connected
to every other system and this explains why we don’t have success
in our social or political programs…

because the, the “solutions” and the “problem” is considered to be
separate from other systems/problems/solutions…

we consider for example, immigration as a separate and distinct
issue, which requires one distinct and separate solution…

but the system of people moving from one location to another
is a system which has its own moving parts… and you must address
those moving parts before you can address “immigration” as an issue…

in other words, politician have failed because they don’t consider
something like immigration as a whole system, part of another system
which is part of another system which is part of another system…….

we must address something like immigration as an entire
system, not as a individual and separate part…………

and so why is communism a better example of understanding then
capitalism? because at least communism treats matter and energy,
which is what we are, as part of an overall system…
communism says, that the underlying aspect of human existence
is economic, the substructure as Marx called it……
he treats human existence as part of a system which is what we are……

but don’t make the common mistake of thinking of human beings
as only part of a system… we are also creatures of
existentialism……… we feel and we hurt and we love
and we hate and we have all those messy emotions of human beings…

and we can have those emotions and still exist as matter/energy
beings that intake and outtake energy and matter………

for the two principles don’t exclude each other…….

and for the 64,000 dollar question, how do we connect
values and all this talk of energy/matter?

any thoughts?


OK, let us take this alleged solution to immigration…
building the wall………

this rather dumb and idiotic “solution” doesn’t solve jack
and it certainly doesn’t solve the immigration problem
why? because it doesn’t solve the overall issue that
causes immigration… the solution to immigration must
be part of an overall strategy or overall understanding of the
systems that create immigration in the first place…

if for example, you have people fleeing Honderas to escape
violence and gangs, to solve the question of people fleeing
to the United States, immigration to the U.S. you must solve
the question of violence and gangs in Honderas, so people won’t
immigrate to the U.S from Honderas…solve that system
and you solve that part of the equation, immigration from
Honderas… it doens’t involved doing anything in the U.S
at all, but it does mean helping Honderas solving their problems

so, the new paradigm is really this… if I want to solve
my problems, I am faced with solving your problems…
we are connected as in connected as in a system is connected…
we are Venus and Honderas is Mars and Russia is Earth and we are
connected as any system is connected and if one thing affects
one part of the system, it affects every single part of the specific
system and the overall system…

this is true of any “problem” or any “solution” or any system…
all systems are connected and all systems must have solutions
that equally work for every system or any given system might
face a loss of energy which might lead to a systems failure…

for example, the complete loss of a government in say, Yemen,
means that the system we know as Yemen doesn’t have the energy
to create an government…we have a working an orderly government
because we have a system, a governmental system that exists
like human beings, it intakes energy and outtakes energy……
if we reduce the amount of energy going into a government, then
we risk a partial or total systems failure……… and here, here is
why the conservative “solution” of less government fails… to have
a government small enough to drown in a bathtub is to create failure
in government which leads to failure of our society and failure in
our culture because government and society and culture are
part of and different systems… each system is connected to each other…
killing government just means killing one very important aspect of society
which kills the culture and kills every other single system within the U.S…

to maintain America, means we must put energy into government
and energy into society and energy into culture, for each is another
aspect of both individual systems and part of the overall system
we call the United States of America…………………

we now see the value of government and the value of systems
and the value of our own lives……. but what of values?

we drive the systems with our values… if we offer love
as our value, that will better help our various interconnected
systems to continue to exists… for love is a form of energy,
a positive form of energy… and that stabilizes, put into a system
energy that allows a system to maintain itself… for a basic understanding,
a system, any system to exist and continues to exists, is by
the exchanging of energy and matter as we exchange and use
energy and matter…… every single system has this in common,
the exchange and use of energy and matter………. so we must maintain
the exchange and use of energy and matter into every system to allow
that system to continue its existence…if we fail to do so, the system
will begin system failure until enough energy is put into the system
to save it or it dies from lack of energy/matter……….

so building a wall doesn’t contribute to this energy/matter problem/
solution of our present system… but, but putting energy/matter
into Honduras will help our present system… because it puts energy/matter
into a connected system to ours and that benefits both systems as we are

every so called problem requires an overall look at the entire system before
any solution can be found………………

so from a systems understanding we can better solve our current
issues and problems………

did I mention that building a wall is a really, really stupid idea?
and only a lost and confused people would think that it is a good idea…

Just checking…


so to better understand this problem of systems…

let us imagine a family… father, mother, two kids and a dog name fido……

how does this family spend its energy/matter determines how
well this family survives and grows…

if the father, for example, spends his time and energy on drinking,
for example, he is taking energy/matter from his family and putting it
into drinking booze… he is spending his energy/matter on drinking
instead of the family… for the family to exist, it must have energy/matter,
if that energy/matter is going to the drinking, it isn’t going to the family…
and that family risks failure, a systems failure…

that is one small example of how, by spending our energy/matter into
our systems can lead to success or failure of any given system…

so, if we spend our energy/matter on matters that doesn’t help the overall
system, we risk failure in that system……

so, by giving massive tax cuts to the wealthy, we risk system failure,
for that energy/matter must go to those in the system who are a greater
part of the system…… it really is about the majority of the system, any system…

if a system is to succeed, the vast majority of those in the system, must be given
energy/matter… so in our current system, the energy/matter that our system
puts back into the system, must go to the vast majority of the system…
not the few, wealthy, but the vast majority of people…so the tax cut
will damage our current system, whereas the just canceled pay raise of
federal employees damages the system, because we must give the majority
of whatever is in that system, the majority of energy/matter……. as there
are over 3 million federal employee’s, the vast majority of energy/matter must
go there, instead of massive tax cuts for a few wealthy individuals………

we see how the failure of IQ45 will continue long after he is dead…
he is promoting system failure on a large scale by promoting the interest
of a few, small number of people instead of promoting the majority of
our current system, the United States……

he is being short sided, greedy, myopic, hateful, but that
does describe conservatives doesn’t it……… unable to see
the larger scope of systems……… at all times, we must focus
on the larger scale understanding of systems and act with
energy/matter to the continuation of that individual system as
well as our overall system of which the United States is part of……

its is clear from our understanding that a liberal point of view
is a better understanding and continuation of system, both large and


conservatives stand on the side of the new age, the modern age, in
that they support the industrial revolution and its aftermath…

what the industrial revolution did was sever the human
connection to values…

what does the values of love and justice/equality and hope
and faith and honesty have to do with the new values of
the machine, the industrial revolution?

the new values are to be on time, don’t talk back,
profits at all cost (even human beings are expendable in the name
of profits) the infallibility of the corporation (it can never be wrong)
you have a clear and defined hierarchy flowing from top to bottom
(which is the modern substitute for the medieval church)

and what does this have to do with your previous posts about
energy/matter? why the real question becomes, if we are creatures
that exchanged energy/matter, this exchange is the entire
function of the human creature, then what should we be
expending our energy/matter upon? should we really be expending it
upon the new masters built upon the timeclock and the machine?

for if there is one machine that sums up the modern age,
it is the timeclock……….

the industrial revolution replaced the old values, regardless of their
intentions and purpose, with new values… values that raise
machines above humans and their values…………

how shall we expend our energy/matter?

this is the next question…

what can we know?
what should we do?
what can we hope for?
what should our values be?
on what shall we expend our energy/matter on?

human beings have a finite amount of energy/matter to expend
and what shall we expend that energy upon?

until we can connect with the energy/matter that is everywhere around
us, almost as a force that exists around us… even the very air we breath
can be energy, for it is part of the cycle of the exchange of energy/matter
that we too are a part of……

for anything you look at, it is part of the overall energy/matter cycle
of the universe… look at the walls surrounding you, those too are part
of the energy/matter cycle… for all matter and energy in the universe
has the same right of existence that you, the walls, the tree’s,
the oven and the floors you walk on, have… because they are,
and they exists as part of the universal reason of existence…

for they are composed of atoms, and atoms can be exchanged,
from energy to matter and back again, but atoms cannot be destroyed…
they exist as they have always existed since the beginning of time and
shall continue to exists long after the earth has turned into dust……

that is the secret of the universe…… the continuity of the universe
lies in all those atomic and sub-atomic parts which make up
all the energy and matter in the universes and they can never be
destroyed…… just exchanged from energy to matter and back again…

and what values can we derived from all that energy and matter?

they are valueless and that is the quiet secret the universe holds from us…
it has no values… just the exchange of energy to matter and matter to energy…

there are no values there…

but we humans can create values…and as far as we know in the universe,
as far as we know, we are the only existing energy/matter that exists
in the universe that creates values……… so should we create
values of the machine as the modern age has done or, or should
we create values of the living, breathing energy/matter exchanging
beings that we are………

that is the beauty of being human……… we can create values………

we have something no other collection of energy/matter atoms can
do………. we can create values and… and we can continue those
values over time……………. love is something that has existed
since the beginning of time………… it is something outside of
the exchange of energy/matter that everything else in the universe is…

it is rather exciting to know that we humans can do something that
no other collection of energy/matter atoms can do, we can create
values………… and if we are the only collection of atoms that can create
values… I say let us create values that are as extraordinary as humans
seem to be and that is values that celebrate the possibilities of being
human by having values of love and hope and charity and justice
and all those values that are positive and upbeat………….

why be the only collection of energy/matter that can create values
and have those values be the negative values of our human nature…
values like hate and anger and greed and lust and vice and intolerance…….

we should promote the values that stabilize our systems and who we are
with values like the higher values of our human existence………………

why should we hate other collections of energy/matter atoms?

they are a temporary collection of energy/matter atoms……
and soon to be exchanged into another temporary collection
of energy/matter atoms and then another and then another…

we, everything in the universe is simply a collection of temporary
bits of energy/matter atoms, that has for a short time, taken
form………… and then we become atoms again and soon, we become
part of another collection of temporary bits of energy/matter atoms…
and that is the universe……… simply a never ending series of
of temporary collection bits of energy/matter that becomes
something and then shortly thereafter changes again…

today, I am Kropotkin and soon, soon, parts of my collection
of atoms will combine to form something else, maybe a dollhouse
or a chair or the wind or heat or a bear……. and my collection of atoms
will go on forming new collection of energy/matter items until the
end of the universe……… I am immortal as you are immortal…

we will exists as parts of energy/matter bits until the universe ends

so under this immortality… why should we engage with values
like hate and anger and greed and lust when we are something
that is really outside of time?


we know that time/space are not fixed, absolute’s…
they change, they are flexible, time changes with mass
and space flexes, bends with mass, gravity/mass can change
both space and time…

this notion is part of what has atometized man, they have helped
man be reduced to a single atom within the universe……

we are now atoms in the universe, we react like atoms, not like
part of something but as individual atoms acting and reacting to
the universe………… our loss of the certainty of space/time has
created, in part, this change in our understanding in who we are…………

we are discrite, separate atoms……… with nothing to tie us to
the universe or to our fellow human beings………

we now see why so many are so intent on security…instead of freedom,
for this idea of everyone being a separate atom is a freedom that many
don’t want or afraid of… having freedom, real freedom means you are
responsible for your actions………if you are a individual atom like
every human being is, then every action you take is your action and no one else’s
and you are responsible for your actions…… .that is a scary thought…
to be completely responsible for our entire life’s actions…………

that is why many need security… not for external safety
but internal safety……. people are beginning to understand
what being an individual atom, means what It really means…….
and that scares people enough to want security…… and since
they can’t have internal security… they will take external security/safety………

it is fear that drives people to security and that is not only the physical security
of the police and the military and jails and a strong national defense
but to a more desperate faith in god………. for that is another
example of security…………. when people are afraid, they turn to god…
and that is why this loss of the certainty of time/space and of the ism’s
and ideologies of human beings has turned people to god…… in some vain
attempt to find the security, the safety, the certainty they found in
such concepts of space/time and nation and the alleged superiority of
this race or that religion or of a certain sex………………… we have lost the
security of those childhood myths, ism’s, habits, prejudices and superstitions
and we are adrift with the freedom of a atom…………… and that freedom
requires we must become responsible for our actions……

and we human beings fear becoming or taking responsibility
for our actions…………… as a kid, when I broke something
and my mom ask, Kropotkin, did you break that lamp?
and of course, of course I answered, no, not me…
maybe one of my sisters or the dog or the cat broke that lamp…
but it wasn’t me…… we try to evade responsibility for our actions
for fear of the consequences………for fear of the consequences………

maybe the answer to the question of being human exists
around this question of responsibility and our fear of consequences……….

we tell little children that they must be good or god will punish them…
we tell children if they aren’t good, that Santa Claus won’t bring them
we make hell the worst thing in the universe and if you don’t obey
god, you will spend all of eternity in this worst place in the universe…

in our attempt to create good, compliant, obedient citizens
we also separate children from who they are…

we atomtize them, which means we begin the process of turning children
into separate atoms, apart from their fellow man, apart from all that
make us truly human…………we atomitize man when we preach such
ism’s that turn man into atoms and that is what capitalism does…
it turns us into individual and separate atoms………… instead of
connecting us and bringing us together… ism’s like capitalism divides us
and separate us into atoms…

maybe this is the legacy of the industrial revolution and
the ensuing ism’s that came out of the industrial revolution,
capitalism……. it has divided us into individual and competing
atoms… atoms that fight over the small amount of scraps of paper that
our corporate overlords has starved us with over these last 100 years…….

capitalism has turned us into separate and individual atoms…
with no link to each other outside of money changing hands……

but we can be more, so much more then just individual atoms
that only produce and consume individually…………

what have I done here?

I have defined the modern man… fearful of the consequences,
having lost the link with our fellow human outside of our
economic link with our fellow human beings…
and afraid of taking responsibility for our own actions for fear of
the consequences……………….


expression… all human express in some fashion or another…
you hear babies before they can even talk, expressing themselves
via yells and shouts and making all kinds of noise…

but expression isn’t just verbal… the taxi driver that flips you
off, the painting on the wall, the music on the radio, all
in one form or another, a means of expression…

Art is a form of expression… the question becomes the
medium in which art is expressed…from primitive cave
paintings to todays performance art… art and the act of
expression……. some have even said that the way we create
our lives is a form of art…an act of expression……

if the defination of art is the act of expression…
then anytime we express, it is an act of art…
thus we can call, rightfully, philosophy as an act
of expression, philosophy as art…

think of Plato works, not as philosophy but
as acts of expression, as art…it can be said that
the reason Plato is still being read is because Plato’s
work is art which elevates the philosophy into something
new…and why Nietzsche writings is also art…as
literature Nietzsche works is the best work of art any philosopher
has done since Plato…

think of our lives without art, without expression…
a dull and boring affair it would be indeed…

art says something about our lives… art creates meaning in
our lives…art creates values in our lives…

art gives expression to such values as beauty and justice and
equality… art is one such creator of values that we use to
explain and justify and given meaning to our lives…

as I have no artistic ability, even my mom says so,
I express the me, the essential part of me by words…
by philosophy…

so if art, expression is essential to humans…
then we another question besides the basic ones…

What can we know?
What should we do?
What can we hope for?
What should our values be?
How should we spend our energy?
and now this…
What do we express and how?


the modern man…

the atomic man… isolated, separated, individual man……

and what do we know about the very small, the microuniverse?

we know it is random, choatic, formless, without order…

and that is a perfect discription of the modern man…

so, what are we to do?

some might say, our task, our mission in our modern age is
to discover our way back to a unified man… to a unified soul…

what created our divided and separate souls?

the industrial revolution and its ideology/ism of capitalism…

so, it seems logical that if we want to return to having a unified
soul, we must reject and replace capitalism and modify
the effects of the industrial revolution in people, on
our souls…

the damage that the industrial revolution has done to
people and to our planet cannot be overstated…

the damage of becoming an atomic man, just an atom
in the sphere of human affairs cannot be overstated…

the alienation and the nihilism of the 20th and 21st century come
directly from the atomazation of the modern man which is from
the industrial revolution and its idology/ism, capitalism…

how do we connect “what we are to do” not with the GDP or
some other false and phony economic standard, no, but with
some standard of living of life where the goal is not economic
or a standard of living but with the inner man and the soul are
the measure of the standard of living……… we should no longer be
concerned with how much money we make or what is Gross National
product but with something far more intangible……………

concern with those question of who we are…….
what can we know and what should we do and
what can we hope for, what should our values be
and what should we spend our energy on?

we don’t have to engage in economic matters as much
as we need to engage with matter like, what values are
important to us because that is how we become who we are…
by becoming our values…….but we must first begin the process of
understanding what values we were indoctrinated with and then
overcoming them…… and that is only possible by the process of
understanding who we are, to know thyself……….

it is all connected…………

but to know ourselves , we must first come to grips with
our current state the modern man………atomic human beings…


I quite often hear people say that they don’t do
self introspection………. and you can see people
don’t often engage with themselves in self introspection…

village idiots like IQ45 doesn’t even know what
self introspection is… but it is important if only
not to be as dumb as IQ45……

How are we to know if we are in the right place in our lives if we don’t engage
in some self introspection… how are we to know anything about who we are
and what is the right thing to do if we don’t engage in some self introspection?

if there is one thing lacking in the universe is a personal awareness
of what does it mean to be a human being and what we are to do and
what should we hope for and what should our values be?

these human questions cannot be answered unless we engage in some personal
self reflection about who we are and what is the value of life and other such

if you don’t know why you do things or don’t do things… then you aren’t much
of a philosopher because philosophy is all about our own introspection of
our values, our lives and our own personal questions of existence…

to engage in those questions of the human existence is an essential part
of being human… we must ask ourselves… who are we and what
should we do and what should our values be and what should we spend
our energy on… all valid questions of human existence…
and all questions we must ask ourselves, not every couple of years but
on a daily basis… the questions of human existence must be asked and
answered every single day…

do you engage in self introspection? if not, why not?

why not understand who you are and what is possible for you…

why not ask yourself, what can I/we know?
what should I/we do? what can I/we hope for?
what should mine/our values be? what should I/we spend
our energy on?

for every human condition question is not just a personal question
but a collective question…… we must collectively ask ourselves
the questions of human existence for we exist together, collectively…

so, are going to engage in self introspection or you going to be as useless as IQ45?


"you are aware of only one unrest;
Oh, never learn to know of the other!
Two souls, alas, are dwelling in my breast,
and one is striving to forsake its brother…

Goethe…and he said this 200 years ago…
at the start of the industrial revolution…

the ancients, the Greeks and Romans and the Egyptians
didn’t know of any such bifurcation of the human soul

the medieval man was but one soul trying to reach heaven…

but the modern man has had his soul divided, rent asunder…

we are but shallow creatures with divided souls that don’t allow
us to become who we are because we cannot know who we are
because of our fractured souls…

the modern era, dominated by the nihilism of the high religion of
the pursuit of profit/money and elucidated by the high priests of Capitalism…

the industrial revolution with its emphasis on profits/money over human beings
and their values has demeaned life to the point where life is valued
lower then green pieces of papers…

two souls, alas, dwell in my breast…

you hear of the nice boy down the block who belonged to the boy scouts
and never did anything wrong who kills dozens with an assult rifle…

alas, more then two souls reside in our hearts…

so the question becomes, how do we reunify our shattered souls?

how do we become one soul?

can it even be possible for us to have a coherent understanding of who
we are because of our divided and fractured nature?

This is why the question of, Who am I, becomes so troubling,
because which soul are you referring to when asking, “Who am I”
