There's no such thing as Arican or Native Americans

So you think the cut off should be 75%? Can you just say mixed race and leave it as that? Does it matter what they are a mix of? It’s too confusing to get bogged down in the details of all the mixes, especially those who are partly everything. What’s ironic is those people have to pick one thing to identify as on most important documents, so being 40% something may be what they self-identify with. How are you gonna sort that out, I mean really, DnA everyone then assign several major categories plus 100+ subcategories?

Gloominary is the true big brained radical centrist. Everybody else is just an unthinking extermist pleb to him.

Right, but you identified as a European. That’s not an identification any more than I am a Eurasian, or I’m a Western Hemispherite. Europeans have been killing each other and hating each others racial and cultural aspects since a coon’s age.

You can just refer to them as mixed race if you like.
Personally, that’s what I’m going to refer to them as, because it, is more convenient, but if you want to be more specific, you can refer to them as Mestizo, if they’re European + Native American, or Mulatto, if they’re European + African, or Zambo, if they’re Native American + European.
The Spaniards have already gone to all the trouble of naming these, entities, so we don’t have to.

As for what ‘Jews’ ought to be called, a real Jew is a religious Jew, or at least a Zionist, its secular equivalent, an atheist of Jewish descent should just be referred to as, whatever his dominant culture, ethnicity or race is, German if they’re German, Polish if they’re Polish and so on, as through millennia of miscegenation, ‘Jews’ have little-nothing in common with that little wandering tribe from West Asia known as the Hebrews they’re all, supposedly descended from.

Reality isn’t conservative, or liberal, it just is.

Often conservatives can’t see the exceptions, often liberals can’t see anything but.

Reality isn’t necessarily right smack in the middle between the two either, which’s what I think you were referring to when you said “radical centrist”.

Sometimes it’s more towards one end or the other, or outside the dichotomy/spectrum altogether.

Generalizing all those millions of people as a non-descript mixed race will never fly with the crazy liberals, each mixture would have to be specifically named like Eurasian wouldn’t be specific enough. There’d be countless hybrids from all corners of the planet. Eskimozambique rings nicely. And each hybrid would get special but different allowances by law depending on their history of guilt and victimhood.

Eurasians would be good for people of European and Asian descent.

Well…let’s fight those liberals, not only with ideas, but with language itself.
Let’s start referring to so called ‘African Americans’, ‘Native Americans’, ‘Hispanics’, ‘Jews’ and so on as mixed race, or hybrids, because that’s what they really are, and that’s how we should think of, feel about, and treat them as.
There isn’t much all that distinctive about them, they’re a hodgepodge, a mishmash.
Mixed people all kind of look the same, especially heavily mixed people.
They probably think, feel and behave similarly too.
Their histories start becoming more homogeneous as well.

Eskimozambique? :laughing:

Post deleted…

Have we hit a wall of no further comment, here? I have always seemed to have that effect.

Oh how dull and boring for me…


I think we should keep both broad identities such as white, black and Asian, and narrower identities, such as Irish, German, Nigerian, Ethiopian, Chinese, Japanese and so on.
Irish have more in common with Germans than they do Nigerians and Ethiopians, racially, ethnically and culturally, like Nigerians have more in common with Ethiopians than they do Irish and Germans, at least racially, so it makes sense to think of ourselves in both broad, and narrower senses, altho racially, ethnically and culturally Nigerians and Ethiopians are more different.
There’s more racial, ethnic and cultural diversity in Africa than there is in Europe, because Africa is a big continent, whereas Europe is more of a subcontinent of Eurasia, which of course includes other subcontinents such as West Asia/Middle east, South Asia and East Asia.

I don’t think white, black and Asian are necessarily demeaning and derogatory, unless we make them.
For me, and I know I’m not alone, they don’t carry any negative connotations.
But if you prefer, you can use European and African instead.

The UK prefers to use geographical identifiers now, rather than colour identifiers… do you think the US and other nations will be following suit any time soon? Is this even on the Government’s agenda for scrutiny?

I think genealogical identity is a beautiful gift for everyone, that the malfeaseance has not been to identify people by color or physical attribute, but to convince any man or woman that these are reasons to feel shame, and ao should be treated as non-existant! Of course they are existant, so it is simply a tacit acceptance that some genealogies are reasons to feel shame!

I myself am a product of many generations of white Europeans in a country where white is a minority. I used to think it was a matter of accepting my forebearers’ tacit white supremacism or becoming ashamed of being white. But this made me uncomfortable, so I shifted my abstract theoretical knowledge handed down by my white supremacist ancestors to experience of the attributes of all genealogies around me.

And it opened up one fucking hell of a beautiful world.

The reason whites think they are supreme is that white people are products of millenia of generations focused on civilization building. A lot of built up knowledge of the world and how to deal with it. While other colors indicate very different histories. Whites have found this terrifying. Since I ventured to experience the world as some of my black brothers do, I realize there is a fertility among us rather than a danger.

Black people and brown people should be proud, not embarrased, of their genealogies. Then they would attract white people more and much more sex would be had.

The problem is not so much white people as certain white persons forcing us all to be embarassed of the beautiful histories that is our genealogies.

They force us out of fear, of course, or cowardice, if you are the judgemental kind. Not evil.

Descendants of white supremacists like myself have a lot to offer descendants of other genealogies.

Just great!

Lol how do you know?

The whole statement leads to a pretty violent war. So what’s great about it?

Not what I get when I read it. I can understand how parts would trigger cultural wars. But we got those already.

Do you think these few white people I mentioned break a sweat over “cultural wars?”
