Case study in ethics

Fwd to 1:40 and listen 2 min.


I’m interested in learning.

I could add Nietzsche’s “Be careful when fighting monsters that you do not become a monster.” I forgot that one.

Well, a greed war is less-bad than a righteous war.

I agree.

That’s why I say no one has defended my freedom since the 1700s. Every other war has been a righteous war (except maybe the confederate side defending its decisions to leave).

So you’re basically going to ignore what Hitler said in public speeches, in private conversations and what he wrote in his book. You’re going to ignore the actions of Germany … the invasions of Poland and the Soviet Union. And also the German policy towards the populations of occupied Poland and the Soviet Union.


Yes, attacking Russia in the winter was stupid lol

Another big blunder in a show of hubris was Hitler sending Rommel off to Africa because he wouldn’t shut up about the allies NOT coming at Calais. And when they showed up at Normandy, nobody had the balls to wake Hitler up to get the order to send the Panzers, so by the time all the divisions were diverted from Calais to Normandy, the allies already had a foothold! Hitler really was so stupid to believe the allies would take the shortest and most obvious crossing lol. Rommel (I think) was smart enough to know Calais was the ONE place the allies would not cross, for sure! I used to watch a lot of History channel in the 90s when they actually talked about history.

Some folks believe Hitler was a genius, but I don’t see it.


No I won’t ignore it. Show it to me. What you posted before was a wiki article describing Lebensraum.

According to the maps I posted, those places were part of the German empire and they wanted the territory back. I haven’t seen evidence that he intended to conquer other places like china, us, canada, mexico, etc.

That Lebenstraum article has 120 references. Follow them if you are interested. For example, #38 is “Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Volume Two – The National Socialist Movement, Chapter XIV: Eastern Orientation or Eastern Policy”

which you can easily google and get the full text: … /v2c14.htm

Oh is that what ethically matters?

So logically, Britain can claim parts of France. Italy can claim most of Europe. Britain, Spain, Portugal and France can carve up the USA.

There were agreements put in place between Britain and France and Czechoslovakia and Poland which were designed to discourage German aggression and war.

They didn’t work when Germany occupied Czechoslovakia in 1938 and 1939. And they didn’t prevent Germany from invading Poland in 1939.

That placed Britain and France at a fork in the road in September 1939. Which path to take?

I won’t ignore evidence, but my curiosity concerning this is fairly satisfied so I don’t have a lot of motivation to dig through random references trying to negate what I’ve found sensible. It would be like trying to find evidence that the earth is flat when it makes no sense the earth would be flat. It makes no sense for someone who didn’t even plan to go to war that he would be planning to take over the entire world. I think it’s more sensible that the notion is propaganda.

Did Nazi Germany have plans to conquer the whole world?

[i]1) Such as it was, the plan was to unite Germanic peoples

  1. One of the greatest strategic shortcomings of Nazi Germany in general was an almost complete absence of effective long-term planning. Hitler may have dreamed of world domination - but the reality is that neither the Germany military nor its Foreign or Economic ministries had any plans for operations outside of Europe or North Africa.

  2. Hitler wanting to take over the world is pure propaganda. He may have mused about grand plans to take over the world but realistically there were no solid plans. In fact, there were no plans for further invasions after the Soviet Union as the dual goal of destroying communism and autarky at the expense of the Slavic people would have been achieved. Fighting Britain and fighting the Balkans and Greece were not part of the original plan either.

  3. It depends what you mean by “plans.” Hitler was notorious for long, rambling monologues with no connection to reality, especially late in the war, and I recall reading that he would occasionally say things like after conquering all of Europe, Germany would face off against the US for domination of the whole world. I suspect at other times he probably fantasized about global Nazi rule as well.

However, Germany never had any serious military plans to go much beyond Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Such an undertaking would have been completely unrealistic (how could the army get across the Atlantic and invade the United States, a country with far greater population and a larger industrial base? How would it garrison it? What about, say, sub-Saharan Africa? China?), and the German army staff were practical enough not to pretend such a thing was possible within any conceivable time horizon.[/i]

If Nazi Germany won in Europe in World War 2, would they have invaded the United States?

It seems that people who ask this question have not done prior research on what the war was actually about. Hitler wanted to conquer western Russia and turn it into German living space. He believed that only the cultures who managed to spread themselves out over vast territory had any hope of a long term future, and so he wanted to give Germans the prosperity that English speakers enjoy today by acquiring greater territory in a region he considered as being primitive and mismanaged. Germany had no desire to incorporate Great Britain or the United States into its Reich. At best they would have desired a partnership between them with cross-polination and at worst a situation where there was animosity and resentment but no military action or hostilities. Any hostility between victorious, post-war Germany and America would have been reactive on Germany’s side.

Idk, maybe. My point is there was no plan to take over the world, but only rebuild what Germany used to be and whether that is moral or immoral is a separate subject.

As I said before, this is nature in action and trying to pick sides is choosing the gazelle over the lion.

What if Germany would have decided to police the world and ally itself with the confederate states against the mean ole union denying the rights of independent states to secede? That’s kinda the same thing… the southern states were cannibalized by the north. The idea of the US was a confederation of independent states to prevent centralized power because centralized power has been a problem throughout history. George Washington said “I didn’t flee King George to become King George.” (Or something like that.)

What business is it of ours if Germany wants to annex Russia? Pearl Harbor was almost certainly an inside job orchestrated by FDR and Churchill to get the US into the war, but I don’t know why it was so important to them.

You’re entirely fixated on that one idea.

It’s a tiny part of the discussion if it’s any part at all.

There it is again - “take over the world”.

Since the tread is about ethics and this subsection is about whether it was ethically correct for the US to help fight against Germany, that’s really all I’m interested in discussing.

So …
1 The German plan was to invade and conquer the Slavic territories in the east including Poland and the Soviet Union (roughly up to the Ural mountains)
2 They intended to reduce the local Slavic and Jewish populations by expelling or killing.
3 The remaining population would be a slave workforce for German settlers

4 In order to prevent that, it was ethically correct for the US to intervene

5 in terms of destruction and loss of life … The Soviet Union would have had larger casualties if they did not get help from the US. Therefore, the US involvement saved lives.

Choosing sides is what ethics is about. Right?

You see a woman being raped and you can say …

“This is nature”
“She is the gazelle and he is the lion”


“Not my problem because I’m not being raped”
“She probably deserves it”
“She will be fine once she cleans herself up afterwards”

Basically this:

Well, it didn’t used to be France or Western Russia. I Think it would be fair for any nation near the Axis Powers to Think that the kinds of fascist/national socialist governments were planned to be rulling over them. That isn’t the whole World, but I Think even the Western Hemisphere had justification in thinking that the Axis Powers might very well come to their shores intimately, especially giver extreme cultural/racial thoughts of at least two of the Axis Powers.

It’s more like choosing as a Group of chimps, whether we want that kinds of chimp Culture to take over half of the World and perhaps our Group too or to fight them. And if you have friends who the Axis chimps Think are food, and you dislike the Culture that is expanding wildly, there are also reasons to fight those chimps.

Now Chimps don’t have these kinds of radically different Cultures and schemes.

We tend to look at Germany, when critical, and view their behavior related to certain racial Groups or other nations, but man, the shitty way they treated Germans. What a horendous Cold Culture that was. And while they certainly shit on other races and countries, the Nazis, as a extreme version of the problems within German Culture, were doing germans no favors. Robot mentality.

Why is there such as thing as ethics?

There is a component of self-interest but that’s not the entire story.

The majority of humans are driven by feelings about fairness, justice, empathy, sympathy and compassion.

But that is the point since the impetuous to join the fight was the idea that, left unchecked, they would take over the world. Otherwise it’s just something going on “over there” that isn’t our business.

Well, if we’re compelled to send our kids over there to die as a matter of ethical correctness, then why aren’t we at war with North Korea right now? We must send all our kids to right every wrong until there are none left to send or else we’re favoring one matter of ethics over another. Therefore we must be condoning Korea since we aren’t imposing our ethics.

They saved lives because we lost ours.

It’s about being righteous.

Who are you to judge? Are you going to stop monkeys from raping other monkeys? Why one monkey and not another?

The Islamist point of view is the woman is asking for it by how she dresses because she “hits first” by turning him on like that. It’s like displaying a piping hot pizza to a starving man and expecting him, as a matter of ethics, not to eat it. Taunt people and that’s what happens. I don’t adorn myself in gold before strolling through the hood and if I were a woman, I wouldn’t wear skimpy clothes in front of a bunch of dudes unless I wanted to take my chances. And if I take my chances, I’m not entitled to society’s protection because it was my decision to take my chances. If I get raped, oh well, I rolled the dice and lost.

And all that is beside the point that you would have done nothing different. If you were the rapist, you’d be raping. So how can you judge? To get out of that pickle you’d have to postulate a “spirit” that exists external to the universe that is exclusive to you and different from the rapist and therein lies the arrogance: you are better. But where is the evidence for this thing that is you that is better?

There is no such thing as ethics because in order for there to be, there would have to be distinct entities (spirits). But as it stands, there is no distinction between the plaintiff and defendant.

Why do you think it’s right to treat others as yourself? Well, because others are you. What you are doing to others, you are doing to yourself.

Or like the US used to be a native american nation until we booted them out and decided to prevent Germans from doing what we did.

George Carlin joked that this country was started by slave owners wanting to be free. Hypocrisy is everywhere!

Well, the US was practicing those same thoughts before the Nazis came about. Maybe they learned it from us? … ted_States

In 1907, Indiana passed the first eugenics-based compulsory sterilization law in the world. Thirty U.S. states would soon follow their lead.[53][54]

So then it’s like our righteous fight against bacteria because they could wipe us out, but because of our efforts, the bacteria are winning and becoming more resistant to our methods of killing them until eventually we run out of ways of killing them without also killing the host. Then what?

Yeah who can judge? We can only judge by the standards of our culture.

The point that you are making is that the decision to fight was based on the erroneous idea that “Germany would take over the world” rather on the correct idea that “Germany would take over Poland and parts of the Soviet Union and enslave and kill the population”.

IOW, you’re arguing about the predictions that were made at the time about the course of future events.

That isolates the ethics to self-interest. Whether it is right or wrong to enslave and kill others is, to you, beside the point.

Why do you need to shift to North Korea?

Why not just stay on topic? Come right out and say that it was okay for Germany to take over Poland and parts of the Soviet Union and to enslave and kill the population.

That’s right. People are alive now because others lost their lives. People are free now because others lost their lives.

I don’t know what that means.

I’m an agent with the ability to judge.

Yeah. I break up dogfights, catfights, kidfights, etc.

So the exact clothing that a woman is wearing determines whether she ought to be helped when she is being assaulted??

I’m not the rapist.

This is the Alan Watts stuff which I do not believe to be correct.

I think that there are distinct entities - I, you, he, she, they.

It was NOT okay for Germany to take over Poland and parts of the Soviet Union and to enslave and kill the population; so in that sense WWII - although it started rather late – 1939 instead of 1927 – was “The Good War.”

If, though, you are against killing [i.e., murdering human beings], then you, if you are going to be morally consistent, have to be against warfare and war.
[I speak here of the conventional meaning of the word “war,” not “war” used in a metaphorical sense as it is in a phrase such as “the war on hunger.”]

War involves killing. War is unethical. Period.

To even consider being violent toward another is highly-immoral.

When I say this I am {excluding using force to rescue someone struggling while drowning; or using force to get someone to where they can be rehabbed …such as a good mental hospital where the front doors may be locked securely. In the latter examples the ‘violence,’ when done in a context of caring about the recipient of the force, is justified.

G. W. Hegel was wrong when he advocated being more deferential to the collective rather than to the individual. ietzsche is often misinterpreted as having an ethical theory in which war is permissible. {He has no (logical) theory to speak of.}

No matter to what true Ethical Theory you may subscribe, war is unethical. I hold that in practice for a “Relativist” in ethics, eventually anything goes !! That may include war. Hence I would argue “ethical relativism” is a mistake.

Killing and murdering are usually distinguished in most ethical systems.

We know this is your morality. It becomes very hard to demonstrate this is the case.

So if someone is being violent, I am not to even consider being violent in response. If African American slaves considered being violent to their slaveholders, was it highly immoral.

You have allowed that one is allowed to wage war if one is invaded and you have tried other means. Of course it would be odd if a blitzkrieg like the German’s used against Western Europe occurred and you started diplomatic calls to Hitler without immediately using force. But in any case you allowed for military responses at some point in those situations. Yet, here you are not even allowed to ever even think of being violent towards another.

So if you have good intentions you can be violent and override the will of another person, in general it seems, as long as it fits with current ideas of mental health.

There is economic violence, where people are given aweful options, working conditions, are cheated by landlords, discriminate against systematically and this affects the lives of their children. It is highly immoral to consider doing violence in these situations? Isn’t it merely human to feel rage when one is treated as less than human and the effects of this treatment are like violence?

Can the women being raped consider poking the eye out of the rapist with something from her purse?

If the reason we fight is that Germany will take over the world, then it’s a fight of self defense. If the reason we fight is to defend Poland, then it’s picking gazelles over lions and is a righteous war.

Slaves have always existed and exist today. You are probably one or have been one. Slaves are those who have their productivity stolen from them.

Because if we have to defend Poland from the Germans due to human rights violations, then we also have to defend the Korean people from their own government as well as policing the rest of the world.

I’m not saying it’s ok or not ok, but none of our business.

Free with respect to what? The Poles are living under a Polish government instead of a German one. So what? That’s what everyone died for?

Ethics is about labeling yourself good and others bad. You push others down to raise yourself up in righteousness (rightness).

What is the agent made of?

What about a cat raping another cat? If you stopped all cat rapes, cats would go extinct. It’s how they mate. Geese and ducks do it too. I just watched some ducks gang rape a female a couple days ago. But if cat and duck rape is ok, then is monkey rape wrong? The difference is arbitrary.

Is anyone obligated to help? Should we assault someone for not stopping an assault?

So you believe in spirits? Do cats and bugs and plants have spirits to?

I thought this was strange. 1) it being none of our business, it seems to me, in your system, would be neither ok or not ok. If it is ok, then why mention it. It it is not, then we need to understand when things, in your system are ok or not. 2)

What’s hell? There’s just different experiences that consciousness is having? 3) when is it my/our business? If some woman I do not know is being raped and I intervene, would you say this was neither ok nor not ok, but it was none of my business. What does it add to our knowledge when this is added?
Another way to ask this is to say: it sounds like you know what is each of our businesses, and if we act in reponse to certain things, you categorize it as ‘having to do with us and our business’. But if there is no ‘I’ no real self and toss in determinism, what are you talking about?

  1. When you say something is none of our business you have to no that sounds like a new form of saying that it’s not ok.

WW2 -
We are looking at the morality of going to war in general, but also we have focused on WW2 and the US entering. In the discussion we have looked at it, mostly, as whether the US should have considered Germany’s expansion as justifying US entering war. But as I said earlier, the Axis powers were three countries. The US declared war after Pearl Harbor in which one of the Axis powers attacked Hawaii and the naval base there. IOW one of the three members of that team attacked the US. I think it was reasonable to think Japan might eventually go for the continental US, given its expansion through out Aisa and its willingness to attack US allies there. It was reasonable to think the Axis powers might not stop spreading. They could not know, but I don’t think it was a ridiculous conclusion that it would be a good idea to stop the Axis powers in general.

So it is not just siding with the gazelles against the lions. And, in fact, the English had been lions in most of the world, the French in their own way also. There was a team of countries expanding fast and widely. These countries had particular governments with many shared traits, plus a sense of very specific racial superiority, at least in Germany and Japan, if not as much in Italy. IOW part of their sense of entitlement was specifically racial, and while Hitler respected, for example, the English, and considered them a pretty darn good race, he did not consider them as good as the Germans. Nor would the Americans been seen as as Aryan.

The US certainly had its own racial shit, so did the British, but I think it is fair to say that the specific hypermilitarization of Japan and Germany at that time and the levels to which both were willing to dehumanize other groups were not matched by other countries. These were extreme authoritarian utterly anti-democratic conceptions of society that wanted to spread.

One could obviously not know the future, but calling team A lions and other gazelles just seems like a cutesy oversimplification. And an ironically either Nietschian or Blakean oversimplification. You had a form of governing that was antithetical to what the US wanted for itself. It was expanding rapidly and one member of the team HAD in fact attacked the US. The US had closer relations to England and France than it did to the Axis powers. It had reasons to consider that in the long run it would be threatened by the Axis powers in general and would, after losing or being taken over, come under a kind of rigid, extremely controlling form of government that went against not only the ideals of the constitution, but even the less fair in reality system as it played out in real life. Rights to privacy, rights to assemble, a free press, rights to vote, rights to dissent, rights to a fair trial…lots of things considered fundamental to the American way of life were not shared values of the Axis powers. However poorly the US lived up to its ideals, it certainly did so better than the Axis powers since they did not have these ideals.

We are not just talking about one animal eating another animal, an analogy that bothers me more and more each time because it is so facile and limited.

We are talking about the expansion of cultures that were fundamentally different and seemed intent on spreading anywhere they considered themselves superior.

Alan Watts would have found himself considered a decadent, unmanly problematic figure by either Japan or Germany and he and the very people in the West who became interested in his ideas would have been suppressed or killed. Those regimes are not about it is neither ok or not ok. They damn well weighed in on every fucking things as either one or the other.

Now one can get all post-Watts, new agey fluffy and say that it doesn’t matter if one lives in a rigid extremely controlled society like the ones the Axis powers had. Just the universe breathing in and out.

But then, that’s true regardless, regardless of what anyone believes. One could be out experiencing the oneness of nature or having fun with your whole body. Rather than arguing that WW 2 was not the US’s business. I mean, how is that your business? How is it your business what we are thinking? Why intervene in that? It’s also OK.

None of our business = we’re not entitled to hold an opinion about it. Don’t judge.

Hell is just a metaphor for a bad outcome in spite of good intentions. I’m assuming the outcome was bad. How many people died in that war? I’d hate to think that was the best scenario.

When the enemy lands on our shores?

Whether or not you intervene is none of my business lol. I’m not saying I wouldn’t intervene because I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t, but I’m saying we can’t judge if intervening is good or bad.

I was debating a guy about selfless acts and how there are no such things. After thinking for a while he told a story of rescuing someone in a traffic accident and it must be a selfless act because it happened so fast that he didn’t have a chance to think about it first; it was a thoughtless act and therefore selfless. I pointed out that if it was mechanic and reflexive, then “you” didn’t do it and therefore it’s not an act you did. Anyway, that’s how you rescue the woman. If you have to think about it, then you’re already messed up because then you’ll do the righteous thing.

If there is no “I” then there are no ethics.

The western view is that the nature of man is perverse while the eastern view is the nature of man is wise and it’s your thinking that is perverse. The determinism (instinct) that’s doing its own thing is ok, but the thought illusions are screwed up according to that way of thinking.

It’s saying I don’t know. There is either no me to have an opinion, or else there is no one who is not me to have an opinion about, so how can I judge?

I’ll reply to your other message tomorrow.

I wanted to drop this off somewhere so I have hope of finding it again. It’s that part about the disagreement between Hitler and Rommel about the panzers and calais. It’s not as detailed as the story I remember, but it’s a start. What they don’t say is that Hitler was asleep. Control freak who couldn’t trust (give the power away).

Fwd to 24:50
