Donald Trump Manchurian Candidate And Next President

It is clear from the recent summit in Finland that Donald Trump is a Manchurian candidate and a Russian spy. Is Donald Trump a secret KGB agent a part of some vast Russian sleeper cell leftover from the Soviet Union? I am deeply concerned about the well being of our nation as I believe weā€™ve been compromised by Donald Trump a Russian agent and Russia itself.

With Donald Trump in office is almost like the white house has been taken over by the Kremlin, itā€™s almost like the white house has become Saint Basilā€™s Cathedral and that deeply frightens me.

I can imagine comrade Donald Trump in the oval office with empty vodka bottles walking around drunk speaking Russian with a portrait of Vladimir Putin hanging on the wall in the background.

Knowing all of this I really miss past presidents like Obama or Bush who were champions of American freedom in comparison to this foreign controlled agent we have in the white house right now.

I am so glad we have government individuals likes James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, Robert Mueller, Peter Strzok, Rod Rosenstein, Chuck Schumer, Paul Ryan, Lindsey Graham, and Andrew McAbe to protect us against this Russian mad man in the oval office. As a Jew I am happy that Donald Trump supports Israel and moved the United States embassy to Jerusalem along with defending Israelā€™s right to exist within the United Nations where even his family is basically honorary Jews concerning his children however with that being said heā€™s an embarrassment to the Jewish community where I think we can do better with a new president once this one is impeachedā€¦I meant to say, once his term is up.

I think the democrats have the right idea that after all of this once the Russian agent and spy leaves the white house that we donā€™t need any more white males to ruin this country anymore.

What we need is another Barack Obama in the white house for either the democratic or republican party. Hereā€™s my picks for whom I think should be the next president.

Also, why should we call it the white house anymore? That sounds racistā€¦

MALW- Make America Less White!

Dwayne Johnson-2020

Oprah Winfrey-2020

Chait is some Starbucks unicorn sprinkles on the platonic ideal of white bread but his recent NY mag article is a fun read. Unlike the Pizzagate expanded universe, it also doesnā€™t have a ā€œyou must be this dumb to understand this rideā€ sign out in front.


Jonathan Chait is a centrist technocrat.

Its a tie . I am willing at this point to believe things have to toward Trumpism, bit the tie is extremely precarious, and its only a prep to whatā€™s whats to come.

The perimeters are very befuddling and extremely and precipitously dangerous , but since it defies clear understanding, of is a measure of closing a very wide gap. It is a recurrent political either/or. All bets are off at this point, but the compromit HAS to jive with a political compromise. Back to the future of overcoming political bias for the sake of something much much worse.


Transhumanism and technocracy is great, weā€™ll replace all the plebs with robots and artificial intelligence. Weā€™ll tell the plebs to shove it concerning higher wages and equality.

Theyā€™ll be lucky if we let them live out the rest of their useless lives on government welfare or not. I prefer we starve them out or hope that the national suicide rate increases and then of course we have fentanyl overdose deaths also with opioids. If the plebs try to mount a resistance or insurrection weā€™ll just send a bunch of laser guided drones with smart bombs.

There is no supporting a womanizing Russian foreign agent in the Whitehouse, vote democrat next elections.

This Jonathan Chait speaks the truth, watch. Nice find Xunzian! :slight_smile:

Donald Trump a Russian intelligence asset since 1987? :astonished: :confused: :frowning: :cry:


Jonathan Chait is a fellow Hebrew! :slight_smile: I can get behind him. Wonder what his position on Israel is.

I am so glad my fellow Jewish countryman are organizing this crusade against this Russian despot known as Donald Trump. Nationalism has no place in the United States or the world.