Why doesn't Warren Buffet use his wealth to alleviate debt?

Some one wrote to day that Warren Buffet is a philanthropist because he is planning to give his wealth to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. Who in their miserable wretched ignorance have caused far more damage than good with their bloated interventions in human systems.

In his own country, and by his own devices, Buffet could have a massive impact and make himself an unforgettably great philanthropist, by instead of indiscriminately, spastically trying to clear his conscience by giving it to his even richer friend (how clueless can a billionaire be), offering the majority of his wealth to pay off student loans, and free a entire generation from shackles.

Slim chance, as Buffet is the buy and strip variety of ā€œinvestorā€ and has no instincts for building futures. But just in case he has a moment of clarity.

No goyim, that would interfere with the privatization of the free market.

It is more capitalist to let countries collapse under their own weight through financial bankruptcy and deal with the fallout politically of a world war. Itā€™s natural evolution that all the useless eaters starve out and become replaced with machines where any survivors of all that are forced into indentured slavery. This is the glory and genius of the free market at work, the invisible hand.

At least now your lack of political insight is funny.

If you give poor people money, they just give it right back. Itā€™s nature. Some people can save and take care of themselves and manage finances, some canā€™t. Take all the money from the 1 percent, distribute it evenly, and in a couple years all of it would be handed right back to them and the poor would be poor again.



He did not suggest giving it to poor people. He suggested paying off student loans. What happens then? we have people with educations who have better negotiation positions with employers, can possibly get more education or skills training. People who are less stressed and are in a position to contribute to society much better than if they must take any job, canā€™t afford decent housing, decent health care, etc. These are people who while in school worked hard enough to get into colleges. IOW so far they are likely contributers. And probably those with the largest debt would be middle class. IOW they got into good schools, which correlates with class, but mom and dad couldnā€™t pay all the bills like the rich parents could.

I would start with paying off the debt of city and state school graduates. That population has skills and has worked well so far, but is in a weaker position to set up because less of their parents are middle class.

We donā€™t make people pay for up to 18 schooling.

I see no reason to necessarily cut them off there.

Mr R - do you honestly think that people that take on student loans to pay for education must prove inept at some basic self-ownership? Poverty is not the issue I raised. Debt is actually very different from poverty. Poor people canā€™t get into debt like middle class people can. And precisely because of this being a middle class issue it is an issue that affects the heart of the economy, and thus you.

Yes, exactly.

I think the best approach may be a meritocratic one, where good performance, both in school and in subsequent jobs, warrants the most debt reduction. Do this across the board, youā€™ll likely end up benefiting a lot of the right people.

The rich, wealthy, and powerful have no obligation or responsibility helping out the rest of society as they are free independent private individuals, saying otherwise is equal to tyranny.

Besides, the rest of the majority of society is filled with inferior people that deserve their failure, misery, and pathetic short lives. Anything else would disrupt the natural order of things or competition of the free market which as an ideal is secondary only to God himself meaning it shouldnā€™t be questioned, trivialized, or criticized in any way. In fact the free market is a natural extension of God.

If anything it is clear that God favors the superior over the inferior.

If you donā€™t understand any of this youā€™re probably a communist, even the most reasonable neo liberals understand you canā€™t get rid of the free market altogether either.

If I want to move my company to another nation through outsourcing since I own the company I have every right to do so. If it is cheaper for me to replace workers with machines that is the free market working and the natural order of things.

Likewise if I lobby politicians to import foreigners into a host nation that will work for much less in wages compared to native domestic workers that is competition of the international free market taking place. The rest of you just need to work harder in becoming rich like me or be prepared to settle for a lower standard of living that is multicultural or multiracial with the foreign replacement workforce. You people need to get it into your heads that youā€™re nothing without the administrative or ownership class, we donā€™t exist to serve you or help society, you exist to serve us only. In fact your lives doesnā€™t even exist beyond serving us. I hope you all come to your senses after reading this post, shalom!

If I was paranoid Id say Joker is being paid by the Crown to do its dirty business of distracting from real issues.
But Im not as paranoid as to think heā€™s actually getting paid for this. Just a slave doing his masters bidding out of pure instinct.

In another thread you state ISIL and now, the crown? :laughing:

Pray tell, what master do you think that I have? If you said Elohim only there would you be correct. :mrgreen:

Why donā€™t the Koch brothers? Or the Mercers?
Who knows?

Yes I donā€™t get that either. He should troll gofundme pages.

The same argument can be brought against church tithers who give to a bloated organization for the purchase of new carpet and pews instead of directly to poor people who need it.

If he did that it would undermine the arm-wrenching of the gov to eventually forgive the debts and proclaim education as a right.

Similarly, if the DNC runs Biden instead of Bernie, Iā€™m voting Trump because we need to keep the pressure and pain on the middle class until we get another FDR. Biden is just centrist pain relief and no solution.

A fool who persists in his folly will become wise and the key is to persist in the follyā€¦ not take breaks on occasion.

So, students need to endure more pain until a solution presents itself.

I think you underestimate him.

Yes that is completely obvious, but amazing that so few can admit it.

So the ideal economy would be redistributive like a pond fountain that recycles the water from the pond to squirt into the air instead of piping in new water from some other reservoir.

Redistributive income taxes alleviate the need to create new money in order that the rich get richer.

The irony is that itā€™s not socialism that runs out of other peopleā€™s money, but capitalism. Socialism is a self-contained recycling of wealth through redistribution while capitalism relies on the eternal creation of new money through debt in lieu of redistribution. Thatā€™s why republicans always expand the debt and Clinton was the only one to balance the budget and run a surplus.


Start at 10:20

Sure, the rich can take one chip and the other people get nothing or the rich can take more chips, but other people also get more. The only way to maintain the wealth divide is to suppress society as a wholeā€¦ and suppression of society in general is a suppression even of the rich. Differential advantage is an advantage to no one and is childish and small-minded.