a thread for mundane ironists

Please remove the Calvin comic from your response above.
Apparantly it does not fit the intention of the thread: to present example of mundane irony/nihilism, using the works of others.
I thought it was a humorous example,
but you seem unable to see this or are correct.
Either way it does not fit, so please remove it.
IOW edit your response and remove the post. It is besmirching the context.

[b]Anthony Powell

Growing old is like being increasingly penalized for a crime you haven’t committed.[/b]

More to the point [mine] it never stops getting worse and worse.

It is not what happens to people that is significant, but what they think happens to them.

This time I want you to actually think that through.

I was impressed for the ten thousandth time by the fact that literature illuminates life only for those to whom books are a necessity. Books are unconvertible assets, to be passed on only to those who possess them already.

Or, in this day and age, links.

The latter’s boast that he had never read a book for pleasure in his life did not predispose me in his favour.

Like that might actually matter to him.

Writing is a combination of intangible creative fantasy and appallingly hard work.

The thinking part for example.

One passes through the world knowing few, if any, of the important things about even the people with whom one has been from time to time in the closest intimacy.

So, what do you want to know about me?

Sorry, no can do.

Meaning I don’t have the capacity to do so. But, sure, it’s okay by me if those that do remove it.

Just to be clear. The quotes I use from others on this thread are not meant to be construed as examples of mundane irony/nihilism – only [from time to time] my own reaction to them.

Sure, there was always the possibility that your own frame of mind here was in turn tongue in cheek. That gets tricky as hell sometimes. Even including my own contributions. But editing the above posts is not something that I am able to do.

Note to MagsJ:

It is perfectly okay with me if all posts relating to Calvin are excised from this thread.

[b]Elena Epaneshnik

Can you say something that’s not related to philosophy?
Yes, why?[/b]

Let’s ponder this in depth.

You are so direct that one might need an intricate map to get lost in you.

Let’s ponder this in depth.

I love you.
I love you too.
Can I be completely honest with you?
Don’t push it.

There’s always that, right?

The future is something that’s easy to predict, hard to imagine.

Let’s exchange examples.

You’re an adult when nothing makes you panic more than tranquility.

Anyone here actually know what that is?

Life is a fleeting moment. And then you fall in love.

With her, for instance.

[b]C.G. Jung

Man as we realize if we reflect for a moment, never perceives anything fully or comprehends anything completely. He can see, hear, touch, and taste; but how far he sees, how well he hears, what his touch tells him, and what he tastes depend upon the number and quality of his senses. These limit his perception of the world around him. By using scientific instruments he can partly compensate for the deficiencies of his senses. For example, he can extend the range of his vision by binoculars or of his hearing by electrical amplification. But the most elaborate apparatus cannot do more than bring distant or small objects within range of his eyes, or make faint sounds more audible. No matter what instruments he uses, at some point he reaches the edge of certainty beyond which conscious knowledge cannot pass.[/b]

What do you think, is he on to something here? Something, say, important?

The debt we owe to the play of the imagination is incalculable.

I can live with that.

We can keep from a child all knowledge of earlier myths, but we cannot take from him the need for mythology.

Not that some of us don’t give it our best shot.

Even a scientist is a human being. So it is natural for him, like others, to hate the things he cannot explain. It is a common illusion to believe that what we know today is all we ever can know. Nothing is more vulnerable than scientific theory, which is an ephemeral attempt to explain facts and not an everlasting truth in itself.

Indeed, and going back to, for example, an explanation for existence itself.

I simply believe that some part of the human Self or Soul is not subject to the laws of space and time.

That’s what we No God folks have left to cling to. When, for instance, we come face to face with the fucking abyss.

Apart from the agglomeration of huge masses in which the individual disappears anyway, one of the chief factors responsible for psychological mass-mindedness is scientific rationalism, which robs the individual of his foundations and his dignity. As a social unit he has lost his individuality and become a mere abstract number in the bureau of statistics. He can only play the role of an interchangeable unit of infinitesimal importance. Looked at rationally and from outside, that is exactly what he is, and from this point of view it seems positively absurd to go on talking about the value or meaning of the individual.

The modern industrial state. In other words, the best [or the least worst] of all possible worlds.

[b]Edward St. Aubyn

No, he mustn’t think about it, or indeed about anything, and especially not about heroin, because heroin was the one thing that really worked, the only thing that stopped him scampering around in a hamster’s wheel of unanswerable questions. Heroin was the cavalry. Heroin was the missing chair leg, made with such precision that it matched every splinter of the break. Heroin landed purring at the base of his skull, and wrapped itself darkly around his nervous system, like a black cat curling up on its favourite cushion. It was as soft and rich as the throat of a wood pigeon, or the splash of sealing wax onto a page, or a handful of gems slipping from palm to palm.[/b]

On the other hand, he could just say no.

The measure of a work of art is how much art it has in it, not how much ‘relevance’. Relevant to whom? Relevant to what?

On the other hand, how much art is enough?

If you were madly in love, you’d want me to win, said Katherine.
I’m not sure that’s true, said Sam. I think love is about equality: both of us equally happy with either result. One-sided self-sacrifice is only enabling someone else’s egoism. Altruists always end up riddled with resentment, or if they make that last superhuman effort, with spiritual pride.
Oh, said Katherine, you mean you’re not going to enable my egoism.
Okay, okay, said Sam you’re right – love is doing everything you want all the time.

Nobody ever really wins these things.

Could one have a time-release epiphany, an epiphany without realizing it had happened? Or were they always trumpeted by angels and preceded by temporary blindness, Patrick wondered, as he walked down the corridor in the wrong direction.

Mine is still sinking in.

Rome wasn’t deconstructed in a day.

Let alone the Vatican.

Just as a novelist may sometimes wonder why he invents characters who do not exist and makes them do things which do not matter, so a philosopher may wonder why he invents cases that cannot occur in order to determine what must be the case.

Not counting thought experiments of course.

[b]Jan Mieszowski

By age 35 you should no longer remember that you’re lying when you claim to have read Proust, Tolstoy, and Mann.[/b]

Do folks still do that?

By age 35 you should no longer be able to remember which Foucault books you have and haven’t read.

Me? It’s somewhere between none and one.

Greek ethics: Be true to yourself
French ethics: Be true to the other
German ethics: Be true to the true
American ethics: Be true to the fraud you call truth

And, no, not just in the Oval Office.

Jan: Heidegger is in the Self-Esteem section of the bookstore?
Store Clerk: Dasein finds itself thrown into self-loathing.

Probably not based on a true story.

Final Exam Question: It’s preferable to shop at a bookstore that
a) believes Kafka’s works to be Kafkaesque
b) doesn’t believe Kafka’s works to be Kafkaesque
c) doesn’t dare sell Kafka

You know, if you can still actually find a bookstore.

Arthur Schopenhauer’s exhaustive list of all the reasons you should be happy to be alive: There aren’t any.

That’s still more than mine.

[b]Meg Wolitzer

People are always saying these things about how there’s no need to read literature anymore-that it won’t help the world. Everyone should apparently learn to speak Mandarin, and learn how to write code for computers. More young people should go into STEM fields: science, technology, engineering, and math. And that all sounds to be true and reasonable. But you can’t say that what you learn in English class doesn’t matter. That great writing doesn’t make a difference. I’m different. It’s hard to put into words, but it’s true. Words matter.[/b]

And they always will. If only less and less.

From this day forward, because we are clearly the most interesting people who ever fucking lived, said Ethan, because we are just so fucking compelling, our brains swollen with intellectual thoughts, let us be known as the Interestings. And let everyone who meets us fall down dead in our path from just how fucking interesting we are.

Though not just us I suspect.

Jealousy was essentially “I want what you have,” while envy was "I want what you have, but I also want to take it away so you can’t have it.”

Wow, that’s finally been pinned down!

I’ve always had a fear of being small and ordinary. How can I just have this one life?

Of course you are going to Heaven, aren’t you?

No, of course not. I just feel content, she said carefully.
That’s an old person’s word, said Ethan.

Right, being old is all about contentment.

Then it wouldn’t be long before they all found themselves shocked and sad to be fully grown into their thicker, finalized adult selves with almost no chance for reinvention.

Not counting the few lucky bastards who don’t of course.

[b]Ambrose Bierce

The covers of this book are too far apart.[/b]

Lots of books like that, right?

Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.

Fortunately though that’s not always true.

Egotist, n. A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me.

Here? Let’s name names.

Selfish, adj. Devoid of consideration for the selfishness of others.

The gall!

Cynic, n. A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are not as they ought to be.

Let me get back to you on that one.

Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel.

More or less blind as it were.

[b]Existential Comics

A nihilist is just an egoist who has convinced themselves that not caring about stuff makes them better than other people.[/b]

I must be the other kind then. Or, sure, maybe not.

At least under feudalism the Lords would read Geothe and discussed philosophy and stuff. Today’s capitalists overlords are a bunch of petty crooks and scammers who sleazed their way to the top, and will sell out the planet itself for a bit of extra cash.

The guy just hates capitalists.

Thesis: twitter is terrible.
Antithesis: twitter is good.
Synthesis: never stop posting my dudes.

There are of course other syntheses.

Do not call yourself an existentialist unless you’ve been a relation which relates itself to its own self, or that in the relation that the relation relates itself to its own self; not the relation but that the relation relating itself to its own self.

Okay, I’m not then.

The hard truth that Communists don’t want to face is that no matter how much theory they read, they will still have to look up how to spell “bourgeoisie” every time.

Or you can just call them “the fucking pigs”.

It’s important to read Hegel to remind yourself how stupid you are.

Well, that did work for me. Or, rather, it used to.

[b]Tom Stoppard

I extract significance from melodrama, a significance which it does not in fact contain; but occasionally, from out of this matter, there escapes a thin beam of light that, seen at the right angle, can crack the shell of mortality.[/b]

Or at least put a dent in it?

Death is the ultimate negative.

Or, for some, life.

…the natural condition is one of insurmountable obstacles on the road to imminent disaster. Strangely enough it all works out in the end…it’s a mystery.

Unless, strangely enough, it’s not.

An artist is the magician put among men to gratify–capriciously–their urge for immortality. The temples are built and brought down around him, continuously and contiguously, from Troy to the fields of Flanders. If there is any meaning in any of it, it is in what survives as art, yes even in the celebration of tyrants, yes even in the celebration of nonentities. What now of the Trojan War if it had been passed over by the artist’s touch? Dust. A forgotten expedition prompted by Greek merchants looking for new markets. A minor redistribution of broken pots. But it is we who stand enriched, by a tale of heroes, of a golden apple, a wooden horse, a face that launched a thousand ships–and above all, of Ulysses, the wanderer, the most human, the most complete of all heroes–husband, father, son, lover, farmer, soldier, pacifist, politician, inventor and adventurer…

You know, if that matters to you.

We shed as we pick up, like travelers who must carry everything in their arms, and what we let fall will be picked up by those behind. The procession is very long and life is very short. We die on the march. But there is nothing outside the march so nothing can be lost to it. The missing plays of Sophocles will turn up piece by piece, or be written again in another language. Ancient cures for diseases will reveal themselves once more. Mathematical discoveries glimpsed and lost to view will have their time again.

You know, if that matters to you.

It is better to be quotable than to be honest.

Indeed, in this day and age, it’s all but mandatory.

[b]D.H. Lawrence

All the great words, it seemed to Connie were cancelled, for her generation: love, joy, happiness, home, mother, father, husband, all these great, dynamic words were half dead now and dying from day to day.[/b]

And then there’s all the great words that we no longer use here.

The optimist builds himself safe inside a cell and paints the inside walls sky-blue and blocks up the door and says he’s in heaven.

Well, some do.

Because you want to have everything in your own volition, your deliberate voluntary consciousness. You want it all in that loathsome little skull of yours, that ought to be cracked like a nut. For you’ll be the same till it is cracked, like an insect in its skin. If one cracked your skull perhaps one might get a spontaneous, passionate woman out of you, with real sensuality. As it is, what you want is pornography–looking at yourself in mirrors, watching your naked animal actions in mirrors, so that you can have it all in your consciousness, make it all mental.

Is this something that’s important to know?

Ideal mankind would abolish death, multiply itself million upon million, rear up city upon city, save every parasite alive, until the accumulation of mere existence is swollen to a horror.

Well, maybe his ideal.

If only you could tell them that living and spending isn’t the same thing.

Of course it’s only gotten much, much worse.

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A bird will fall frozen dead from a bough, without ever having felt sorry for itself.

Tell that to G.I. Jane.

[b]The Dead Author

If you’re gonna obsess over it, be compulsive about it.[/b]

Over what you might ask?

God is dead but I still don’t believe in myself.

For me of course that’s not even possible.

Nietzsche is popular because he lets you take credit for your successes. Kafka is popular because he lets you blame the world for your failures.

Does this even make sense?

Please love me, it’s for an experiment.

Never tried that before.

Knowing Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s first names in the right order counts as philosophical expertise even in Germany.

And then there’s this one:
Francisco Domingo Carlos Andres Sebastián d’Anconia
Of course he’s just a cartoon character.

Depression teaches you that just because you don’t care about anything doesn’t mean you can’t worry about everything.

No getting around your responsibilities is there?

[b]Svetlana Alexievich

There’s something immoral, voyeuristic, about peering too closely at a person’s courage in the face of danger.[/b]

Sometimes even obscene. But, really, who is to say?

They, our parents, lived through a great catastrophe, and we needed to live through it, too. Otherwise we’d never become real people. That’s how we’re made. If we just work each day and eat well—that would be strange and intolerable!

Conpletely ridiculous of course. Except for the part that’s true.

The commentator says: The West is trying to spread panic, telling lies about the accident. And then they show the dosimeter again, measuring some fish on a plate, or a chocolate bar, or some pancakes at an open pancake stand. It was all a lie. The military dosimeters then in use by our armed forces were designed to measure the radioactive background, not individual products. This level of lying, this incredible level, with which Chernobyl is connected in our minds, was comparable only to the level of lies during the big war.

We’ve had lies like that over here too. A whole bunch of them.

Death is the fairest thing in the world. No one’s ever gotten out of it. The earth takes everyone—the kind, the cruel, the sinners. Aside from that, there’s no fairness on earth.

With any luck then it’s all God’s will.

We were expecting our first child. My husband wanted a boy and I wanted a girl. The doctors tried to convince me: You need to get an abortion. Your husband was at Chernobyl. He was a truck driver; they called him in during the first days. He drove sand. But I didn’t believe anyone. The baby was born dead. She was missing two fingers. A girl. I cried. She should at least have fingers.

Anyone here doubt it’s a true story?

My husband, a man with a university degree, an engineer, seriously tried to convince me that it was an act of terrorism. An enemy diversion. A lot of people at the time thought that. But I remembered how I’d once been on a train with a man who worked in construction who told me about the building of the Smolensk nuclear plant: how much cement, boards, nails, and sand was stolen from the construction site and sold to neighboring villages. In exchange for money, for a bottle of vodka.

Of course with Putin now in power that’s all in the past.

[b]Robert Musil

I dont believe in the Devil, but if I did I should think of him as the trainer who drives Heaven to break its own records.[/b]

Now that’s clever.

For if one is partly insane, one is also, juridically, partly sane, and if one is partly sane one is at least partly responsible for one’s actions, and if one is partly responsible one is wholly responsible; for responsibility is, as they say, that state in which the individual has the power to devote himself to a specific purpose of his own free will, independently of any compelling necessity, and one cannot simultaneously possess and lack such self-determination.

Sure, in theory.

Slowed down by a sense of hopelessness in all his decisions and movements, he suffered from bitter sadness, and his incapacity solidified into a pain that often sat like a nosebleed behind his forehead the moment he tried to make up his mind to do something.

Yeah, on the good days.

Philosophers are despots who have no armies to command, so they subject the world to their tyranny by locking it up in a system of thought.

But not you, right, Mr. Objectivist?

Youth’s scorn and its revolt against the established order, youth’s readiness for everything that is heroic, whether it is self-sacrifice or crime, its fiery seriousness and its unsteadiness—all this is nothing but its fluttering attempts to fly.

Worse: The fucking Kids.

What’s the bee in your bonnet? Seems to be some kind of idealism.


[b]Philosophy Tweets

"It is likely that unlikely things should happen” Aristotle[/b]

Some, in fact, will practically guarantee it.

“Rhetoric is the art of ruling the minds of men.” Plato

See also sophistry.

“You draw closer to truth by shutting yourself off from mankind.” Elias Canetti

Yeah, I once believed that myself.

“The act of naming is the great and solemn consolation of mankind” Elias Canetti

Our names, of course, not theirs.

"Understanding, as we understand it, is misunderstanding.” Elias Canetti

Damn straight!

"People who lean on logic and philosophy and rational exposition end by starving the best part of the mind.” W.B. Yeats

Here? Let’s name names.

[b]Nathanael West

Numbers constitute the only universal language.[/b]

So far anyway.

He read it for the same reason an animal tears at a wounded foot: to hurt the pain.

But only making it worse as often as not.

Their boredom becomes more and more terrible. They realize that they’ve been tricked and burn with resentment. Every day of their lives they read the newspapers and went to the movies. Both fed them on lynchings, murder, sex crimes, explosions, wrecks, love nests, fires, miracles, revolutions, war. This daily diet made sophisticates of them. The sun is a joke. Oranges can’t titillate their jaded palates. Nothing can ever be violent enough to make taut their slack minds and bodies. They have been cheated and betrayed. They have slaved and saved for nothing.

Nothing not postmodern about this, right?

He smoked a cigarette, standing in the dark and listening to her undress. She made sea sounds; something flapped like a sail; there was the creak of ropes; then he heard the wave-against-a-wharf smack of rubber on flesh. Her call for him to hurry was a sea-moan, and when he lay beside her, she heaved, tidal, moon-driven.

A bit over the top, sure, but point taken.

He’s an escapist. He wants to cultivate his interior garden.

Me too. Only now it’s more in the way of a jungle.

At college, and perhaps for a year afterwards, they had believed in literature, had believed in Beauty and in personal expression as an absolute end. When they lost this belief, they lost everything.

I’m still working on that, he thought.

[b]Nora Ephron

Never marry a man you wouldn’t want to be divorced from.[/b]

Is this really as ridiculous as it sounds?

I’m saying that the right man for you might be out there right now and if you don’t grab him, someone else will, and you’ll have to spend the rest of your life knowing that someone else is married to your husband.

Is this really as ridiculous as it sounds?

I’ll have what she’s having.

Anyone recall what that actually was?

Anything you think is wrong with your body at the age of thirty-five you will be nostalgic for at the age of forty-five.

And then one day out of the blue the bottom just falls out.

The image of the journalist as wallflower at the orgy has been replaced by the journalist as the life of the party.

In other words they become actual Celebrities!

We know in one part of our brains that we are all going to die, but on some level we don’t quite believe it.

Trust me: You don’t quite believe it less and less and less.

[b]tiny nietzsche

tragedy plus tragedy equals more fucking tragedy[/b]

Go ahead, do the math.

classically trained nihilist

Me? Not even close.

is that existential despair in your pocket or are you just anxious to see me?

Me? Mine bulges too.

kids, don’t do postmodernism

Indeed, dare to say no!

only motherfuckers left alive

What say you, Mr. Reasonable? :wink:

the girl with the deconstructionism tattoo

In the shape of a dragon no less.

[b]Han Kang

The more she laughs, the more he ups the ante with his clowning. By the time he finishes he will have run through all the secret mysteries of laughter that human beings have ever understood, mobilizing everything at his disposal. There is no way for him to know how guilty it makes his mother feel, seeing such a young child go to such lengths just to wring a bit of apparent happiness from her, or that her laughter will all eventually run out.[/b]

That was me once. One and then the other.

I don’t know you, she muttered, tightening her grip on the receiver, which she’d hung back in the cradle but was still clutching. So there’s no need for us to forgive each other. Because I don’t know you.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she never forgot that death was hovering behind that face. Faint yet tenacious, like black writing bleeding through thin paper.

And here of course any mirror will do.

Now and then, all of this struck me as being not so much ridiculous as faintly ominous. What if, by chance, these early-stage symptoms didn’t pass? If the hints at hysteria, delusion, weak nerves and so on, that I thought I could detect in what she said, ended up leading to something more?

What if, by chance, she’s right? This time, in other words.

We will make you realize how ridiculous it was, the lot of you waving the national flag and singing the national anthem. We will prove to you that you are nothing but filthy stinking bodies. That you are no better than the carcasses of starving animals.

Or they will make you realize something altogether different. And there are almost always a lot – a hell of a lot – more of them.

A soul doesn’t have a body, so how can it be watching us?

It just can!!!