What are you doing? (Part 1)

Gobbo the idealist, you the pragmatist Id say.
Though Gobbo isn’t impractical, he knows how to make his way, I mean his philosophy, outlook.

Smart guy. 1st person I talked to here. I remember coming on and starting up with him about how Dick Cheney was a great leader and should be admired for his ability to attain and utilize political power. He was just super pissed about what Cheney used that power for. Great stuff.

I am reading Celt myths in hopes of luring my muse back. She’s been gone too long.

Rewatching Star Wars IV, V, VI.

Anyone seen the Solo film?
I m hearing it is tanking and yet the trailer looks better to me than any of the other newer ones.

m eating a BLT sandwich and drinking coffee over studying complicated things.

I will remain willfully ignorant of all things star wars.

trailer is a repeat of Wolf on Wall street. That is the style of the movie.

It aint star wars

Im sure its going to be great.


Joker likes when I get mad and we agreed that I exhibit Hulk angry…SMASH ALL! Why does my brain go into fixated, one track mind mode? I stay buff and green for a long time. :mrgreen:

Watching the Pioneer Quest Season 1 Series filmed in 2000.

Joker has gotten me hooked on playing PvP campaigns in ESO where every death is a learning experience. #-o It’s a good thing that we haven’t purchased the headset yet for I’d be screaming loudly into it during invasions and would probably piss other players off. Just too excitable! :stuck_out_tongue:

WTF? Xbox Live servers are down for repairs…the torture! Now I’m here twiddling my thumbs. Where are some new meaty threads?

:occasion-unclesam: :obscene-drinkingbuddies: :flags-usa: Happy 4th of July my fellow Americans!

Wendy, what are you celebrating when it’s 4th of July? Wjat is it, to you, that makes America great?

Giant balls and their bearers formed this prosperous country. Persecuted European Pilgrims went head on against the odds across a huge ocean on crap ships with dwindling supplies and no clue as to what was on the horizon but hard work to set up shop and colonize a completely foreign and hostile land. That takes insane guts and self-initiative that doesn’t quit! Then to top it off once many communities were set up working as a unified European force, they repelled the British tyranny and created an intelligent constitution of checks and balances to manage their own newly formed democratic government with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in mind. Today’s greatness is that same fighting spirit against globalistic tyranny now though and to maintain a thriving country with its original intent and European peoples intact. Those are some of my highlights of greatness. I am so proud of my forefathers for the blood, sweat, and tears that they invested in American soil to set up a system that was able to flourish and shape many successful aspects (infrastructure, industry, technology, economics, government, foreign aid) the world over and it was all accomplished in a few hundred years.


Get toasted, quit ya day job

good advice

…fuelling up on protein, by way of a chicken casserole I just made and had a bowl of.

…trying to settle on an outfit to wear to this Saturday’s arty-party event… the event email update sent today, letting attendees know that Ross from Friends will be doing a DJ set. =D>
I will be trying on outfits, head-dresses, and hats later on before bed :laughing:

…thinking about hoovering and mopping the ground floor area, but I don’t want to get wiped out… do I look at dirt, or do I suffer not looking at dirt through tired eyes and mind.

…snacking on GMO-free cob-popped popcorn and home-made red.

Outfit for Saturday… nearly sorted.

Boy, popcorn sounds good. :smiley: Must check if I have any kettle corn.