Gender Divide

Self-defense is a moot point. By the time a woman is being assaulted physically, she’s already made countless mistakes. Physical assaults and rape of women, by strangers, is actually rare and becoming rarer. Most assaults and rapes, in modern times, occurs by men the woman already knows. This begs-the-question. How do women “know” their aggressors so well?

And I already explained this. Because many women are stupid, and, easily duped and led astray by dishonest or desperate men.

By the time a sexual assault becomes physical, the battle is pretty much lost. Males excel in physical violence. I’m repeating myself again. Males have evolved, thousands of years, of warfare, physical competitions, a vast majority of strenuous sports are acted by men, as well as soldiers in wars. So a woman really doesn’t stand a chance against 90% of men, physically. It’s not a contest.

That you imply that women “need to improve physically” demonstrates to me that you’ve lost the way. You’re not making sense. Intelligence is the better route, anyway. Women should be smarter about these types of things, but unfortunately, that may not be the case.

What kind of intelligence are you demonstrating, for example? Are you listening to what I’m saying? Are you getting my points? Maybe not. I shouldn’t have to repeat myself a dozen times.

It seems to me, overall, that you’re promoting victim-politics and supporting for women to be victims. I reject that. I am opposed to victim-ideology.

I believe that men, males, innately want freedom in life, far much more than women do. This reason and cause comes from thousands of years of men providing (civilization) for women, leading to complex and sophisticated forms of safety and security. Most of humanity don’t need to worry about such things like starvation and dying of thirst, for example. And despite Wendy’s claims, she’s wrong, most women don’t need to worry so much about sexual assaults. Maybe 49% of women have overall bad sexual experiences in life. Maybe 51% of women have overall good sexual experiences.

However, males need freedom, because society is anti-male. While life can be very, very competitive for any man or woman, in different regards, the competition among men, in masculine terms, is categorically different than women. Women’s competition is very superficial, although psychological and emotional. Women destroy each other’s minds, using passive-aggressive tactics, shaming tactics, and “psychological warfare”. Females can make others commit suicide, depression, or life a living hell, hence the term “happy wife happy life” stereotype.

Males want to be outside civilization, return to nature, the wild, however there is nothing left of the wild anymore. All places on earth are covered. Globalization is setting in.

When there are no places to escape to, masculinity becomes “toxic masculinity”, a popular phrase in modern times. It’s increasing in popularity. What does “toxic masculinity” mean, except, males have no places to escape to? Males have fewer and fewer places to be honest, to speak openly, or just “to be” in peace. Could it be, by the very nature of being born male, that boys and men are threats to society and civilization? And how much of a threat? This becomes obvious by criminality and warfare. Most criminals and soldiers are male. That explains a large percentage.

For a male who wants to “live in peace”, it is hard-won if at all. I believe that this is another reason the popular, mass religions, like Christianity, originally started up and became so popular. Because average men want to live in peace, but there is no peace to be found within civilization. Males must learn to suppress themselves, and Christianity developed this self-suppression, self-restraint, jailing oneself in cells, cubicles (offices), dorms (dormitories), etc.

Males literally jail themselves off from society, intentionally, to take a break from the constant, endless sexual competitions. In modern terms, this means “safe-spaces”, autistic bubble-realities, virtual realities, etc.

Women don’t need safe spaces, since, civilization was built for them. They won’t ever understand, nor do they want to, nor possibly, do they have the empathetic compulsion, the physical requirement, to understand. Women care about themselves, not others, until they have children, which technically are extensions of themselves anyway. A woman’s biological child is technically not “another”, something foreign and strange, but an extension of herself. Hence why a woman’s natural narcissism extends to protect her own children.

It’s instinct.

UR WRONG, it’s patently vital to a woman’s physical welfare and why must this always be about rape with you? #-o There are many types of violent acts so expand your horizons past your rape fantasies.

I did not contend whether they were mostly acquaintances or strangers, that is the moot point.

I implied? UR WRONG, I made a statement of fact, women who can physically defend themselves stand a better chance at stopping an attempted rape, an aggravated assault and battery, death, etc.

Now who’s making all women victims (intelligent ones too), UR WRONG?

Denying women the benefits of being able to physically handle business is you supporting the victimization of all women.

I’m wasting my time trying to reason with your flavor of crazy.

Women can spend time on physical defense. That’s fine with me. But I believe, overall it’s a waste of time. And it’s anti-feminine. It’s a woman becoming more masculine, to do what? To suppress her fears of men? It’s just, completely the wrong direction.

What should a feminine, petite, beautiful woman do??? Should she bulk up on steroids like a behemoth? I say, no. She should focus her mind, first, if she is paralyzed from fear of men, which would be odd to begin with. It’s a bad premise.

Why is she so scared of men in the first place? Is she a bastard, her father abandoned her, she was raised by a single-mother?


She has no life experiences living among men. She is afraid of the unknown. She is unfamiliar with men.

I’m right! You’re wrong. lolz

Thanks for entertaining me with your preposterous extremism. :evilfun: Women don’t need to take steroids to do martial arts or boxing. :laughing: If you cannot physically protect your mind, then you and your ginormous brain may die. Thanks again for the amusement. :evilfun: :laughing:

This may be true in certain cases to a certain degree but it is not NECESSARILY about intelligence. The women who do defend their selves are usually better able to or at least try to or in the moment have the opportunity (see an opening) to rise above the fear and to do what has to be done…in order not to make herself a victim. It has a lot more to do with our survival instincts and in some cases how we value ourselves and a lot less to do with intelligence…unless you are speaking of street smarts here which do have to do with intelligence (as in gathering information and acting on it) to a certain degree.

Trust me. I know what I am talking about here.

You’re another woman-victim. My words are not for you and your ilk. If a woman were proud of herself, if she were raised by a strong father, then she would never give-in to victim complex and slave-mentality. She would refuse to be a victim. She would defend herself, and her honor. She would know men, through her father. However this is rare. And this is not you.

I know victim-mentality too well, now.

Most ‘modern’ women are victims, weaklings, stupid. Yes I am a misogynist in that I do not respect women who cling to victim-hood. But I am a woman-lover with those women in the world, rarer, who have self-worth, who have pride, who have something (Chastity) worth defending.

You are not like those women. You are not of the ilk. Most women do not have something worth defending, and hate themselves, appropriately. Most women are “victims”.

Fatherless. Without pride. Without self-love. Without self-confidence. Without self-worth.

Why are most (Modern) women victims? Why do they have low self-esteem, self-worth, self-identity? Because they are bastards. Because they are fatherless. This also demonstrates in females, in general, the ‘flocking’ mechanism to “bad-boys” or any male posing (faking) as an alpha-male. Fatherless women (Modern women) are stupid/ignorant/innocent insofar that they were not raised by a father-figure, not raised by a man, and so cannot tell the difference in males between the real and the fakery. This is a big cause, if not the main and predominant cause, for the flocking mechanism to the “bad boy”. Females flock to what they are lacking, a rebellious, contemptuous, strong-minded man.

The women that do have fathers, and are raised well, are more Noble and rare. These women have a strong sense of self, self-identity, self-worth, self-pride, self-love, self-confidence. These are the types of women who would fight tooth-and-nail if a rapist ever attacked them. They would fight back, ferociously. These are the most respectable types of women.

I’ve observed this a lot throughout life. Even other women, other females, flock to the “strong woman” rarity and oddity. I’ve seen women protect a girl’s virginity, because they want to preserve her innocence. Whereas with other girls, women will throw them under the bus, trick them into losing virginity, trick them into being a slut, etc. Women pick and choose from each-other too, who to defend, and who to outcast. These are ‘female’ politics, hidden from the view of the world, and especially from males. Women don’t talk about these things publicly. But my keen eye watches all things, all phenomenons.

Why are some females guarded (loved) and others, not? Why do some women have great worth and value, and others, not?

I would pose these types of questions to you all. But I already know that none of you have sufficient answers. So I will ask. And I will answer, myself.

These arguments should convince that some women are in fact, worth fighting for, worth guarding, worth aspiring toward. Some women are superior than others.

NO equality. NO equality between men and women. NO equality between women and women. NO equality between men and men. NO equality anywhere. That’s fine with me. But it’s not fine with you, the person reading this. Equality is a liberal, youthful idealism. And it is meaningless. It has no grounding in reality. MEANWHILE, you do the same as I say above. Even the person reading this, has preferences, of some men above other men, and of some women above other women.

Therefore, when some dumb bitch like Arcturus paints me as a “misogynist”, she will know, and others will know, fully why and how she is wrong. I am no more a “misogynist” than Arcturus is, or anybody else.

And rather these are accusations of personal flaws. So the better question to ask is, why does Arcturus hate women? Or worse, why does Arcturus hate herself???

Me, personally??? I’m not interested. I have bigger fish to fry. If others want to talk more about gender, then I recommend the “Gender Everything” thread.

Consider this.

If you had to worry about a rapist, haven’t you already done many, many things wrong, made many mistakes? For example, first question to ask yourself, how the fuck were you so stupid and careless, to allow such a male into close proximity in the first place??? You probably aren’t stupid enough to walk through a dark alley at 3am when everybody is drunk and there is a group of thirsty men, thugs, dealing drugs there. But are you ‘smart’ enough to catch a more deceptive male, a liar, in your midst? Are you smart enough to discern the roofies in one drink, at a frat party? Are you smart enough to get “that creepy feeling” from a male acquaintance?

Moderns say that “most rapes are committed by family friends, close relatives, etc”. What does this mean, exactly, except that a moron woman already let the “rapist” into her midst, into her social circle?

Deception is powerful though. There are many males who are great, outstanding liars. “Psychopaths”, very intelligent, and yes, if you let your guard down, then you better be careful and I think we all know the results.

But a very intelligent woman? Not a chance, really. Hypothetically, she’s smarter than the psychopath, and already saw him coming, and already (tried, and failed) to warn some of her friends away, before it was too late.

You know what I mean. You cannot claim that women are “victims” in such a case.

It took you a year to get back to me? :smiley:

Better late than never?

This thread is cancer.

My final verdict is this.

Some hedonism is good, but too much is bad. Joker (in batman) is an example of a proud hedonist “Pride” at being a rebel.
Rebelliousness is male. Cuckservatives are not male.

Male=a metaphor for one who dominates, one who penetrates
Female=a metaphor for one who accepts and submits
Shemale=someone who looks like a female-ish, but has a penis, but has both dominant and submissive sexual tendencies.

Now the simple fact is everyone wants a chaste woman. The fact is that deep down people do not prefer prostitutes. Everyone wants that special somepony. The more she sleeps around the less special u feel. but alas, it is not a perfect world.

So pros and cons, u get bored of your women, or all the women you connect with are taken, so what do you do? You get a slut.

Women ought to be sluts, but not whores. Sleepin’ with 1000 different people is too many. 10 is acceptable. But no more than 100.

This is the problem of porn. It is like, sleeping with 1000 different people, but you never make any personal connection. Its reminscent of warlord Ghengis Khan and how he slept with 16000 different women in absolutely meaningless sex.

Far as gay pride goes, I think half of gays turned gay and deep down want the vagina. So half of em aint proud really. But I think some of gays are true gays and really are proud of coming out of the closet. Also i think most transsexuals are proud of being a woman, its a neitzchean thing of transforming your body, much like a videogame boss of creating a giant mech like team rocket, team rocket is also trans.

Far as the other gendered stuff, people are sheltered and ignorant. I think many males are ignored of slaughterhouses and so are many females. I think its hogwash to say that all females are ignorant of war and slaughterhouses, many females are not ignorant of those things. However you are correct at that Men generally suck at politicians since women are more social minded.

Now for the Ecmandu rant I think women are attracted to douchebags but not neccesarily assholes. Turd furgeson is a douchebag but deep down he wants a better planet. Now the main thing people wont admit is this.

Main thing people wont admit, is that most women are lesbians, this is scientifically proven of course. Because of this, they ain’t easy. Its like this, gays get bathhouses but males get diddly squat. Women tend to be standoffish and hard to get. So Ecmandu has a point but he wont admit the main fact of the situation, that most women are closet lesbians. Its a duplicity they wont admit when asked but when science measured them with scanners the truth was found. Now them bein’ lesbians dont mean they dont like dick. They like dick but maybe not the thing attached to the dick. Women care more about personality cause of their lack of physical attraction to most men. I mean lets get real folks men stank and who wants to smell that bo. most women jack off to lesbo porn. Aint sayin they wont bang a man but the man has to seduce them first usually. so ecmandu is a little bit right. Its not cool that if your born male u always got to be the one chasin’. But at the same time, eliot rodgers was insane and delusional, he should have nutted up and at least got rejected a few times before he threw in the towel. as it stands, he was insane and i dont respect him. he hated love and wanted a world with only men and no love. Eliot is my worst nightmare if it was the wild west id gun him down in a noble duel. my dream is a world of women and love, that is a great world in my book. far as mma goes Not a big fan, also i wish the women of mma had bigger boobs and were more sexy like those street fighter chicks. far as weight lifting goes, i love a woman with abs but not a big fan of veiny manly lookin chicks. I like chicks who look like guys but not men, theres a difference, some chicks have a guyish appearance which is cute, but when they turn full blown man its just like, eh, not really into men personally.

Only after you step in it.

nope. id say my post is the equivalent of a taco bell tostada, sloppy, juicy, and the equivalent of absolute divine nocturnal salvation/salivation.

urs is the equivalent of a cuban cigar, classy, manly, 'n toxik as fuk

No ur bad.

sometimes but not right now.

Ur dumb

incorrect. i have a high iq

U have low iq

incorrect. my iq is higher than 153. I took the test, but took a ten minute break. It gave me only a measly 153. Had I not took the ten minute break, i probably would have got 170 or something.