The Philosophers

What is the most esoteric philosophical text of all time?

I’m thinking… something old. :-k

Esoteric… I think it must be some of my own.

At least, something posted on BTL, by me, Parodites or Capable.

But excluding ourselves, I find “The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz” a good contenter.

He thus seeks to embody the truth.


Reading back, I realize I owe Pezer a public apology, as I realize I did actually slander him here.
Not my finest moments. I should know how to handle his stings of disappointment a lot better.

Well this will have to do.

By Zeus, Sagittarius has no patience and does not compromise.

:laughing: Do you think that this apology could be improved upon ~~ just a tad?

I don’t know, its good to owe someone something sometimes.

Work is to be done on the planet.
VO kicks in like what kind of engine?

This is true. Most of the time.


So right.


Om Nama Value Ontology. Self-valuing logic, Axiomatic Chaos Theory, now operates as seedling in the young, and as a Satan in the discourse of the old. In the former it was their vitality, vigour, virility that triggered a new courage in the mind, in the latter it was an old obedience that found in VO the perfect world to explore as that which is not true; the most scintillating vanity to posture in front of as the blind justice of “I know that I know not”. Demonstrating so palpably how shortsighted and dreamy the self-valuing can get to be able to persist, how such fragility necessarily accompanies the good, because in this best of all possible world, it is only the path of increase that offers sustenance. For there to be health, there must be weakness to be overcome, ever continuing, it is never going to end, it is only a matter of which side you spend your life on. … 7&start=25

Take her home boys.


"Book of Doves

Tell me who gave us the Book of Doves
[Alasdair Roberts]

Reality Failure
Ultimately, philosophy strains towards a reality.
Reality is that which we most avoid - even unthinkingly, unintentionally.

‘Philo-sophy’ should mean the attraction towards wisdom - i.e., traditional wisdom …
Vision and judgement, my friends.

The Presocratics were not merely the first scientists - they were the first metaphysicians too.

Thales was Right
All Aryan existence begins in rainfall.


‘The world’ must be grasped both as Oneness and as Diversity.
This very contradiction is the barbed wire fence which rips the flesh and scars the spirit.
A Hero who is a Hero of Oneness is Doomed to fail just as the Hero who is a Hero of Diversity is Doomed to fail as both will be crushed in the Paradox.
Dionysos and Apollo symbolise this unending contradiction.


There is a Paganism of Oneness just as there is a Paganism of Diverisity.

Odin is a god of diverse masks, but he is also the Allfather, just as Nietzsche sees all Heroes as masks of Dionysos.
Likewise there is in Nietzsche the Oneness of the Will of Power and also the Diversity of the Perspectival.
The Tyrant is he who - heroically - attempts to “stamp Being on Becoming”, as Nietzsche has it.
That is ‘violence’.
The Tyrant is a Hero withal.

Witches’ Brew

“The mass death in the war for the glory of the German race is the apotheosis of this witches’ dance.” [Wilhelm Reich]

I seized upon the above quote in my Nietzschean Jim Morrison essay as it so obviously echoed Nietzsche’s view of the pure Dionysian [which is Oneness - i.e. the Dionysian without Apolline mediation] as being a “witches’ brew”.
As I say that phrase I can’t help but think of Miles’ Bitches Brew [with John McLaughlin on guitar] which is itself a very pure Dionysian music.
I think also of the view that the witch is a residue in Christian times of the Odinist seidh religion.

The difference between Paganism and Christianity, as Carlyle has it, is that the former divinises Nature while the latter divinises the Moral Law.
In so doing, Christianity transvalues Paganism. The witch is ‘evil’ to the Christian, while the ‘witch’ is ‘good’ to the Pagan. So Paganism’s ‘good and bad’ is transvalued to Christianity’s ‘evil and good’ respectively.

I think again of Miles’ ‘Live Evil’ [also with Johnny Mac]:- ‘Evil’ is itself ‘Life’. The same was thought by Blake too, who saw Evil as Energy.

Just as Odin became the horned Devil, so too is Hitler the personification of Evil.

Savitri Devi’s book The Lightning and the Sun, which deals with Gengis Khan, Akhnaton and Hitler, is a natural sequel to Carlyle’s Hero Worship which begins with Odin and ends with Naopleon.
Given that Nietzsche too affirmed the Heroic in Napoleon, we might see his Dionysian as the bridge between Carlyle’s and Devi’s conceptions.

This is Ragnarok

Despite what they say about Hilter, the West has yet to experience Nothingness: and it is fated that we will.
Ragnarok was/is ushered in by a deadly Winter of annihilation.
But this is like the Indian conception of cyclic ages, with the Kali Yuga being comparable to the age of the Ragnarok.
It is Zarathustra’s downgoing that is a necessary pre-requistite for the creation of the Overhuman.

This is not so much of an historical End Time, but rather a thorough experiencing of Nothingness and a complete oblivion.
This would be beyond all Time and Space.
Therefore it has no ‘when’.
It is beyond even ‘cycles’.
Western culture has always tried to avoid this abysm - our every breath is devoted to certain somethings, to History, to Being and to Becoming.
Unlike the East we have not … let go;
We can’t let go … yet.

Nihilism has yet to be plumbed in total.
Therefore we do not yet know Dionysos in his purest sense.

This Nihilism is the negating of all values known hitherto.
Until, ultimately we are left only with one value: negation itself.

The distinction between the exoteric and esoteric levels remains; the former is mythology, religion; the latter is philosophy, insight.
“Precisely because there are no revealed scriptures, the signs become the pre-eminent form of contact with the higher world and a mainstay of piety … To doubt the arts of divination is to fall under the suspicion of godlessness.”
[Burkert, Greek Religion p. 111]
In this form of piety, the whole world, from the smallest to the largest, has meaning.
The problem then becomes one of interpretation.

Hidden Agendas
If self-less morality is in reality self-ish, then is there a higher morality which actually is selfless?
To Nietzsche [e.g. BGE 222] pity, compassion, sympathy etc. are all forms of disguised self-contempt.
If that is so, then he must have thought that ruthlessness cruelty etc. are forms of disguised self-love - or at least of certain strength?
No - isn’t ruthlessness rather undisguised self-hatred?
Or is it more logical to suggest that those with with open self-contempt would have easy contempt for others?
Self-love would entail love for others.

Over-cooked Rococo
The art of 18th century France is a perfected art - a non plus ultra.
Or is it over-perfected.
Is excess of perfection, imperfect?
When the line of perfection is crossed - if there is such a line.

The Two Morrisons
Count the Lords amongst us
Rock and roll your sweet gypsy soul

Morrison’s recorded voice intoned:
“I tell us this, no eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn!”
And then I experienced - what? - an epiphany?
The soaring upwards of the soul …
transcending the everydayness of the spirit …
suddenly transported into that golden heaven …
The Morrison voice is a sacred message left behind …

The Fence of Offence
He feels offence at what you say?
Then by that he inadvertently admits that what you said was right.
[apologies to D 499]

No Shit-Hoarder
I want to possess nothing - not even this will to non-possession.

Culture Vulture
We have need of art if we ourselves are bereft of inner creativity - this is why those who thirst for culture are disgusting, like starving men who suddenly and excessively glut themselves on food.
The culture-vulture quickly becomes obese with art.

A thing cannot be defined into existence - it must be demonstrated.
A definition merely defines itself.

Artistic Order of Rank

  1. The Übermensch - he is a work of art
  2. The great artist - the creator
  3. The man of taste and appreciation for art
  4. Art workers
  5. Those in thrall to art
  6. Slaves too dull for art
    #1) is that which all art aspires to - the godly Dionysian man. He is a law unto himself.
    #2) is a step removed from #1) and creates in #1)'s likeness.

Double Takes
He gets all ‘meaningful’ and says, “life has no meaning”.
Another says that all things “happen for a reason” - but he cannot give a reason.
This other puts his faith in God’s providence [a sleepwalker, he], whilst he schemes and plans, plotting his future in detail.

Nationalism is Amoral - Good!
The nationalist is undermined by his own moralism as he seeks to use morality as a cushion for nationalism’s amoral separation. He doesn’t have the courage of his convictions.

The Nature of ‘Nature’

“Nature is always valueless.”
[Nietzsche GS 301]
‘Nature’ is a curious abstraction used without qualification to endorse a variety of positions.

“I am the sworn poet of every dauntless rebel the world over.”
[Whitman To a foil’d European revolutionaire 1955-81]
In ancient Greece the poet was called upon to save the City.

Novel Philosophy
Wilson says that all philosophers should attempt to put their ideas into the form of the novel.
The essay, after all, is merely a form for testing, experimenting; only a step on from the workshop that is a notebook.
But do you have a philosophy that can be put into a novel?

Inside Greek Philosophy
Colin Wilson doesn’t find an Outsider amongst the Greek philosophers.

The Hero
Someone who tries to live like an ancient Greek in a modern urban technocratic society?

“You can’t build a revolution on puns.”
[Russel Brand to Rainbow George 2008]

Death is something complex - not just a ceasing of existence. This complexity is variously described metaphorically in mythology.

Moral Relativism
All morality is relative: we ought not to interfere in others’ morality - but ‘ought’ implies a moral imperative.

Reality as Perfection
This is my interest: the quest for perfected reality. To live in such a way that one is completely enmeshed in the real. Not, as one usually is - absent-mindedly, imaginatively, phantastically - transported ‘somewhere else’: in some suspended parallel state.
Destroy your reality.

“The personal cry for vengeance demands that before death the criminal must suffer long and severely; in other words, that torture must precede death.”
[Ryley Scott A History of Torture 1940 p. 7]

Trust No One
“Her legend was depicted by runes traced in gibbet dust.”
[James Havoc Satanskin 1992]
“Her face stank of lightning.”

Music Pass-ive Pass-ion
Is listening to music a passive act?
But consciousness is intentional - so listening is an intentional act.
Only meditation lacks intentionality - and that is in silence.
Sounds are not real: the body makes them like it makes sweat.

Rune Koans
The Zen Koans are reminiscent of Viking culture.
The meaning of ‘koan’ itself reminds one of the public rune-stones.
“A buried stone coffer was found. In it was a perfect circular mirror engraved on the back in runes were the words ‘Perfect Realisation’
Leave for a moment that perfect mirror buried underground: the perfect mirror at this instant in your hands, what is it?
Try and bring it out of its stone coffer.
When the stone-coffer is broken open, what is the perfect mirror like?”
[adapted from Leggett, Samurai Zen, Routledge 2003 p. 50]
Perefct realisation of Odin’s Discovery of the Runes -
Mirror - reflection in the Lake.
Sword in the Stone
Mirror Shield - a Shewer [OE sceawian]
Glinting Blade
Rune Coffer
The Shattered Reflection of Loss.

The birds sing: thoughts drift by like clouds and disappear.
Dreams float to the surface and ‘pop’.
I dive to the depths of Nothingness.

Art as a justification for life, or as a distraction from life.

Solid Air
The purest spiritual being cannot live.
Thta’s why all spirits are dead.

The hippie movement wanted to go towards a pure spirituality and a higher culture. As Nietzsche notes, music is inimical to a higher culture.
The hippie movement was ultimately misled by i) drugs and ii) music.
These prevented a pure spitiuality and a higher culture from being created - No real spirituality was achieved. The Eastern spiritual genius was referred to, but it wasn’t taken any further because the West was not spiritual enough; it couldn’t pull its weight, let alone soar into the heights.

Morality undermines itself
If I do good deeds, I will get into Heaven - but you should do good deeds for themselves, not for selfish reasons … such as to get into Heaven.

Dionysos symbolises the exoteric knowledge of the void.
In the esoteric there are no rituals, no symbols, no art. There is no ‘clutter’.
The esoteric is beyond abstraction."

  • Bill “first over the wall” Boethius

Nietzsche sent us out there, we ran through the fire over the fields and reached the wall. We climbed it and took the citadel!

As the dark void creeps and stretches itself out over the world and closes in we reach for a way to act. It is here we find runes. Odin died - Long Live Odin!

All struggle is gain. It has hooks and turns, a sign we are, indicating now something.

James S Saint
rational metaphysicist
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PostSubject: A Project that led to the ToE (Theory of Everything) Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:53 pm Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
A Short Overview of the ToE/UFT/GUT Project
The project began in the field of Rational Metaphysics wherein Definitional Logic outlines details concerning why the universe exists at all. But more significantly, it lays a foundation from which an understanding of exactly why and how particles form, what form they take, and why they do what they do… all that they do. Basically it reveals an understanding of why the laws of physics are what they have been noted to be by contemporary physics.

In order to demonstrate the logic involved, a computer(s) (a single-bit-processor and a PC) had to be programmed to handle the issue of EM turbulence within a volume of space. In order to get that accomplished such that a small PC could handle the nearly infinite number of concerns involved, I had to come up with a method to describe generic turbulence such that calculations could be made concerning its interaction. I dubbed that method “Afflate Analysis” which is a combination of statistical analysis, analytic geometry, and tensor analysis.

An Afflate is merely an “affectence oblate” or simply put, “a clump of turbulence”. It is a statistical entity and a tensor field element. 200,000 afflates become a rudimentary model of an otherwise vacuous portion of space filled with turbulent EM noise/chaos. By applying the proper “rules of afflate engagement” equally to each and every afflate and letting logic take its course, particles begin to form. The particles choose to become positive, negative or neutral based on the particular balance of the turbulence that inspired them. Still without further instruction, the particles begin to display all of the known behaviors of subatomic particles including inertia, momentum, inverse squared mass attraction, inverse squared charge attraction and repulsion, quantization limits, strong and weak force bonding, spin, and so on.

What is interesting besides being able to see exactly why these phenomena are happening, is that with proper and precise mathematics and programming (very poorly done at the moment), the exact relations concerning the laws of physics can be calculated and even measured literally off of the computer screen. And what is more interesting about that is new relationships can be seen of which it appears contemporary physics is not yet aware.

The long shot of it is that the project offers to explain the “why” behind every known law and phenomena of physics and even explain things like the famous photon double slit experiment with ultimate detail and precision.
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James S Saint
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PostSubject: Re: A Project that led to the ToE (Theory of Everything) Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:54 pm Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
There without-music, you can use this thread to whine about how impossible it is to understand anything.
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James S Saint
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PostSubject: Re: A Project that led to the ToE (Theory of Everything) Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:20 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
Transferred from the Definitional Logic thread…

Fixed Cross wrote:
What is more, I would say that it is an interpretation that is in fact dictated by logic! The idea of objects, of particles, could not exist if not for rudimentarily logical processes of discernment of comparison. In this way, I can see that Saints might theoretically have accomplished what he says, that it may in fact be possible to re-create the universe as it is defined in scientific, rational, logical terms by using these terms directly, instead of what sciences does, to “objectively observe” (which is impossible) and then apply these terms to the observations.

If this is in fact accomplished, this is of course nothing short of revolutionary, not to mention rather dangerous. What would have been accomplished then, is that the rational man has managed to value the universe effectively in his own terms, and established his own ground-term, his self-valuing as a rational being, to perfection.

It is hard to say if the benefits or the danger outweighs.
Masterfully stated and better than I could have said it. Thank you, Fixed Cross.

without-music wrote:
Yes, well said, Fixed. I have to apologize for my lack of patience, but James and I have had this argument (as well as ones similar) a number of times on ILP.

Quote :
That it may work is not unimaginable, considering that “the physical” is itself an interpretation.

What is more, I would say that it is an interpretation that is in fact dictated by logic! The idea of objects, of particles, could not exist if not for rudimentarily logical processes of discernment of comparison. In this way, I can see that Saints might theoretically have accomplished what he says, that it may in fact be possible to re-create the universe as it is defined in scientific, rational, logical terms by using these terms directly, instead of what sciences does, to “objectively observe” (which is impossible) and then apply these terms to the observations.
Indeed. I have gotten at this idea with James before, the idea that the physical is itself a (certain, necessary, inevitable) falsification that is always-already human. If we can affirm this notion, and speak of the Real in terms of the Symbolic (which is to say, discard the Real altogether as unnecessary Platonism, as Nietzsche would have us do), then space is made in which a project like James’s can be allowed to take hold. I believe I have already illustrated the trouble I have with James’s project here, so I’ll leave it at that.

The comparison between Dionysian and Apollonian is apt. I suppose, in some sense, the conflict between James and I is a microcosm for the primordial conflict at the heart of the human condition, the conflict that gives birth to both life and art – and, with enough finesse, perhaps life as art.

Although I agree the with apparent analogy with Apollo and Dionysus, This project is merely a stepping stone of understanding to the greater accomplishment.

Because this project was founded, not in Science, but Metaphysics, ALL terms are stated as generically applicable concepts. The relations are necessarily true for any and all fields of thought or endeavor, every field of Science, every endeavor of societies, and every endeavor of any individual… every philosophy… “Theory of Everything” (and now “Law of Everything”).

It is above the concern of Chaos vs Order. It is the order of the their contest. Physical reality is merely one of its children.

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PostSubject: Re: A Project that led to the ToE (Theory of Everything) Mon Jan 02, 2012 6:29 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
James S Saint wrote:
A Short Overview of the ToE/UFT/GUT Project
The project began in the field of Rational Metaphysics wherein Definitional Logic outlines details concerning why the universe exists at all. But more significantly, it lays a foundation from which an understanding of exactly why and how particles form, what form they take, and why they do what they do… all that they do. Basically it reveals an understanding of why the laws of physics are what they have been noted to be by contemporary physics.

In order to demonstrate the logic involved, a computer(s) (a single-bit-processor and a PC) had to be programmed to handle the issue of EM turbulence within a volume of space. In order to get that accomplished such that a small PC could handle the nearly infinite number of concerns involved, I had to come up with a method to describe generic turbulence such that calculations could be made concerning its interaction. I dubbed that method “Afflate Analysis” which is a combination of statistical analysis, analytic geometry, and tensor analysis.

An Afflate is merely an “affectence oblate” or simply put, “a clump of turbulence”. It is a statistical entity and a tensor field element. 200,000 afflates become a rudimentary model of an otherwise vacuous portion of space filled with turbulent EM noise/chaos. By applying the proper “rules of afflate engagement” equally to each and every afflate and letting logic take its course, particles begin to form. The particles choose to become positive, negative or neutral based on the particular balance of the turbulence that inspired them. Still without further instruction, the particles begin to display all of the known behaviors of subatomic particles including inertia, momentum, inverse squared mass attraction, inverse squared charge attraction and repulsion, quantization limits, strong and weak force bonding, spin, and so on.

What is interesting besides being able to see exactly why these phenomena are happening, is that with proper and precise mathematics and programming (very poorly done at the moment), the exact relations concerning the laws of physics can be calculated and even measured literally off of the computer screen. And what is more interesting about that is new relationships can be seen of which it appears contemporary physics is not yet aware.

The long shot of it is that the project offers to explain the “why” behind every known law and phenomena of physics and even explain things like the famous photon double slit experiment with ultimate detail and precision.
can you give an example of a “why”?
For example why is it that two different masses cannot occupy the same space at the same time?

“There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” -Socrates
“Nature herself has imprinted on the minds of all the idea of God.” -Cicero
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain an idea without necessarily believing it.” -Aristotle
“I have gained this by philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law.” -Aristotle
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James S Saint
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PostSubject: Re: A Project that led to the ToE (Theory of Everything) Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:09 pm Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
Abstract wrote:
can you give an example of a “why”?
For example why is it that two different masses cannot occupy the same space at the same time?
Well, the simple reason for your question would be that if 2 masses were to be in the same location at the same time, they would be the same mass, merely twice as much of it. I could ask, “why can’t 2 clouds be in the same place at the same time?”

But to get into the really deep understanding requires a far more serious education on exactly what “mass” really means. Science doesn’t define it very exactly, thus RM doesn’t use the term. But inertia is effectively the same thing and RM does use the concept of inertia. What we call “mass” is really a culmination of turbulent energy. Energy isn’t a common term in RM either, but strongly relates to affectence. RM uses affectence, from affect, as its fundamental element of concern. Existence is affectence. Affectence then causes space, time, and all of the physical phenomena.

A very short and surprizing example of a why that Science apparently hasn’t figured out yet is why it is that an electron doesn’t go zipping into a proton and get annihilated. The surprising, yet provable answer is called “the weak force” in Science but is actually due to the fact that, believe it or not, the proton pushes it away out to its orbital radius. If it tries to leave its orbit, the proton will pull it back in, but will not allow it to get closer. Although I know exactly why it does that, which came as a stunning surprise to me, the whole thing is rather complex.

Contemporary physics has a few fundamental formula close to right, but not quite. One of those is the formula for charge and/mass attraction, Q1*Q2 / (4πε0r^2). That formula, as it turns out is very close to right as long as the particles are at a respectable distance. But when the particles get very close, that formula is too inaccurate to be used and doesn’t really apply. A negative particle when approaching a positive particle of greater inertia, will in fact be repelled. The particle will end up maintaining a distant orbit as it cannot get closer nor further away and thus we have atoms. Without that repulsion, there would be no atoms and no molecules and thus no life to wonder why.
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PostSubject: Re: A Project that led to the ToE (Theory of Everything) Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:00 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
What is the source of this repulsive effect that “large mass” charged particles, such as protons, have on “low mass” inversely charged particles, such as electrons, over a very short distance? It may be complex, but surely you can give a basic explanation with appeal to a little math and some basic conceptual construction and reference.

“What are you?” asked Apollonius.

“We are gods,” said Icarus.

“Why are you gods?”

“We are gods because we are good men.”
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James S Saint
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PostSubject: Re: A Project that led to the ToE (Theory of Everything) Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:44 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
Capable wrote:
What is the source of this repulsive effect that “large mass” charged particles, such as protons, have on “low mass” inversely charged particles, such as electrons, over a very short distance? It may be complex, but surely you can give a basic explanation with appeal to a little math and some basic conceptual construction and reference.
One must be careful of what one says publicly before formal publication in the academic or scientific community. It is a bit like being an attorney in a murder trial. The academic world and the political world are pretty identical, a society of snakes in a land of lies. I have already run across someone trying to claim the theory as his own. And in their world, first publication gets the prize regardless of all else. I am also a little concerned as to exactly how the world is going to see the over-all implications of Jack. As someone recently stated, it is a bit dangerous. I’m not so much worried about the world knowing as much as in what order they learn.

But I will tell you that the proton actually sees the electron inside that radius as a positive particle. Cool
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PostSubject: Re: A Project that led to the ToE (Theory of Everything) Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:35 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
Very well then. I would not encourage you to divulge more here than you are ready. I would perhaps encourage you to write a brief treatise of your findings and discoveries, and get it published somewhere, anywhere. That way you can be free from worry about your idea/s being stolen or discovered by someone else. That way you would be free to discuss and spread knowledge of your discoveries everywhere possible, which would be ideal if indeed your discoveries are what they claim to be.

That being said, I will move this in a different direction - utility, or hypothetical postulatory derivation of larger implications. Let us assume, for the moment, that what you claim to have done is correct, that you have indeed built a perfect “model” (or sub- or meta-reality) of existence with respect to particle formation, the natural laws and mathematical-logical relations of these, etc. Let us say you have derived reality.

Based on this assumption, what follows? What is the end-result, the implication/s of your discovery? We can assume for argument’s sake that a ToE is entirely possible and may/will be discovered in our lifetime, or at least quite soon. There are certain logical difficulties and philosophical problems associated with this assumption, but let us shelve those for the moment: assuming a true ToE, what follows from this, and in what sense/with respect to what, and why?

“What are you?” asked Apollonius.

“We are gods,” said Icarus.

“Why are you gods?”

“We are gods because we are good men.”
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James S Saint
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PostSubject: Re: A Project that led to the ToE (Theory of Everything) Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:11 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster

  1. My first concern was that of the lust of Man for domination of Life.

Man always sees the most blatantly obvious tool for aggression over whoever he has seen as his enemy and lusts quickly to use it, leaving figuring out why he didn’t want to for later. In the West, that enemy is none other than the population itself. The ToE offers first a perspective to allow for the original division of heaven and Earth wherein the chosen isolate totally from the unchosen. The Chosen live in relative peace and the unchosen are governed by strife and endless struggle. The “Devil” is their warden. The ToE allows for such a paradigm to be mathematically precise and undauntable. That is the first most obvious “Weapon”.

The second most obvious weapon involves the ability to chose a target within perhaps 10,000 miles, push a button and then express shock and great concern that those bad guys over there did something to turn that satellite, submarine, underground bunker, aircraft, or even town into no more than dust and mush. Push a button in a basement in Virginia and shed a public tear for Peking’s recent “spontaneous disintegration” into dust and mush. It makes no difference whatsoever of what the material was made. But turn up the dial too far, and rather than mere disintegration, the sub atomic energy and mass becomes radiant energy, from which the sight of a 100 megaton nuclear explosion would appear as little more than a firecracker. Nothing could stop this weapon short of a black-hole (or turning up that dial too far).

The third weapon, not so obvious, is truly the Lord of All Weapons. I won’t go into what it does and certainly not how it does it, but the upshot is that it makes weapon 1 and 2 seem like teens with BB guns trying to protect the neighborhood corner territory as their domain. Even the black-hole can’t stop weapon 3.

  1. On the brighter side, very many advances in technologies become within reach such as communications, huge memory storage advance, nanotech, very endless “free” energy, and all the fun things you see being used in society to spawn greater rush into a non-human world.

  2. All religions, all governments, and all organizations of every type will change. Once it becomes clear what is really controlling what, “who’s the real boss” amongst all the noise, all else bows to what cannot be changed.

  3. Life begins to be about living again rather than conquering, about increasing its momentum of harmony, not the height of its pyramidic temples. Medicines return to being about curing, not controlling. Laws become about arbitrating, not controlling. Psychology becomes about increasing life’s harmony, not holding it in predesignated places.

  4. Laws and moralities get reduced to demographic concerns only, with freedom to find ones nitch. And the “Devil” is locked into a cage of light within which there are no shadows in which to hide or reach out to make that unseen touch.

Man’s 10,000 year dance with the Devil comes to an end for once and for all time.

Other than, I don’t really expect much will change. Smile

Quote :
Tethered by reality;

There is the ongoing cause of all that is.
There is the order and chaos brought about by that cause.
There is the adversary to every life.
And there is you… an instance of life.

The rest is just noise…

Amongst all the noise there are many entities great and small, all vying for attention and ultimate influence – “God wannabes”. Some are mindless formations propagating through their circumstances. Some are forms of life, temporarily struggling to survive, not really knowing why and certainly not how, but merely presuming a purpose, need, and desire. Most all merely adding their bit to the noise.
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PostSubject: Re: A Project that led to the ToE (Theory of Everything) Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:16 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
James S Saint wrote:

  1. My first concern was that of the lust of Man for domination of Life.

Man always sees the most blatantly obvious tool for aggression over whoever he has seen as his enemy and lusts quickly to use it, leaving figuring out why he didn’t want to for later. In the West, that enemy is none other than the population itself. The ToE offers first a perspective to allow for the original division of heaven and Earth wherein the chosen isolate totally from the unchosen. The Chosen live in relative peace and the unchosen are governed by strife and endless struggle. The “Devil” is their warden. The ToE allows for such a paradigm to be mathematically precise and undauntable. That is the first most obvious “Weapon”.

The second most obvious weapon involves the ability to chose a target within perhaps 10,000 miles, push a button and then express shock and great concern that those bad guys over there did something to turn that satellite, submarine, underground bunker, aircraft, or even town into no more than dust and mush. Push a button in a basement in Virginia and shed a public tear for Peking’s recent “spontaneous disintegration” into dust and mush. It makes no difference whatsoever of what the material was made. But turn up the dial too far, and rather than mere disintegration, the sub atomic energy and mass becomes radiant energy, from which the sight of a 100 megaton nuclear explosion would appear as little more than a firecracker. Nothing could stop this weapon short of a black-hole (or turning up that dial too far).

The third weapon, not so obvious, is truly the Lord of All Weapons. I won’t go into what it does and certainly not how it does it, but the upshot is that it makes weapon 1 and 2 seem like teens with BB guns trying to protect the neighborhood corner territory as their domain. Even the black-hole can’t stop weapon 3.

With respect to this need to dominate-control: I argue that only an ‘evolution of conscience’ can address this. This must be based in a philosophical increase in self-understanding, not just of the various modes and means of thought and action but more essentially of emotion and feeling, intention and affect, expectation and will and hope. What man needs is new capacity to envision, imagine how life/self COULD be, which invariably leads into how it OUGHT to be. Man must come to the threshold of self-disclosure that affords him such immense vastness of self-encounter that he either perishes under the weight of it or assumes the self-responsibility and fortitude to bear it. What is the instinct/drive to dominate-control but mere animality unrestrained, unspiritualized, by this I mean unconditioned by subtler self-understandings of conscience?

It may be the case that these sort of higher possibilities of conscience may actualize only when man reaches the limit of his ability to bear the crude self-destructivity of his unrestrained animality. Technology is a means to actualizing the human, be it “good” or “bad”, healthy or harmful, constructive or destructive. All is edified by technology, save… conscience itself. The means are increased many-fold, but the more essential ground from which these more fundamentally spring can remain cloaked and veiled, and even become more so at the hands of technological progress. Technology and science tend to insulate man within surface environments and the various logics and conditions of these environments, at the expense of subtler more “spiritual” holistic possibilities - this is because technology/science creates of this surface a new world, new possibilities for reality and life. That these are often lacking in the “spiritual” nature, more comprehensive and affective self-envisioning and grander understandings does not belie the fact that these new scientific-technical grounds themselves tend to supplant what came before them.

If the ToE is indeed true and acts to most fundamentally ground the scientific-technical paradigm, this would certainly act to begin effacing that which came before, the poetic-emotive-affective natures of man, in short his conscience, which speaks to his aesthetics and capacities for valuation. This is largely because these capacities have tended to survive unconsciously, largely unknown by man, veiled yet kept alive therein by appeal to Gods, metaphysics, universalities, whatever. This religious appeal, despite warping man, has also allowed for the preservation of these elements of conscience, albeit in a mostly simplistic and undeveloped form. The threat of technology and science is that it effaces even this veiling, it makes these elements no longer necessary to (social, interpersonal and personal) life. A life built upon a scientific-technical paradigm grounded firmly in a ToE need make no use whatsoever of these “atavisms” of man’s past being/s. Conscience may have no place in the human world of the future.

Yet we can also side with Heidegger perhaps and note that technology-science, especially through the ToE represents the highest peak of resistance against which man may come into the highest self-awareness and self-realization. Science may destroy the mysticisms but leave intact the jewels which these mysticisms have served to guard for thousands of years. This would be a “spiritualized” science, one not wontonly destructive or “for its own sake”, one without ultimately closed logics, but with broader appeal to the world, to the human past-experiential and historical contents which still, despite modernity, serve to provide the basis for “what it means to be human”. When science can respect the contents as well as the forms of the human being, then science will perhaps sufficiently humanize so as to be capable of edifying man without instead effacing him.

Quote :
2) On the brighter side, very many advances in technologies become within reach such as communications, huge memory storage advance, nanotech, very endless “free” energy, and all the fun things you see being used in society to spawn greater rush into a non-human world.

Yes, and my previous commentary applies here as much as it does to the weaponizing of technological progress. Man rushes head-first into his own dehumanization, eager (he thinks) to rid himself of the burden of living. Only by directly understanding that to live is to suffer, to be burdened, and that seeking escape is seeking one’s own self-annihilation at the hands of one’s own assumed self-impossibility, will man perhaps overcome this. We NEED these sort of technological possibilities if we are to survive, grow and evolve, become something grand and make of man a truly rational, sane and civilized entity.

Quote :
3) All religions, all governments, and all organizations of every type will change. Once it becomes clear what is really controlling what, “who’s the real boss” amongst all the noise, all else bows to what cannot be changed.

This is probably deserving of an entirely separate topic in itself. I would encourage you to frame this question and then post it within either the Social Theory & Economics or the Religion forum here, depending on which you feel best serves the substance of this potential inquiring.

Quote :
4) Life begins to be about living again rather than conquering, about increasing its momentum of harmony, not the height of its pyramidic temples. Medicines return to being about curing, not controlling. Laws become about arbitrating, not controlling. Psychology becomes about increasing life’s harmony, not holding it in predesignated places.

Aye that is possible, but again without a likewise philosophical uplift this technological possibility only further enslaves man. It is possible that man must be enslaved in order to break free from all possibility of enslavement. If man is truly in need, as a species, of such crude methods of reactionary stimulus then we can hope that the destructive possibilities ushered in by a ToE (a self-edified and firmly grounded, universally applicable science) would come slowly enough to allow for the reactions to build their own momentums and ultimately break out of the enslavement. It may be the case that SPEED, time (which is of course to say simply quantity of intensity of force with respect to the potential destabilizing effects of this intensity) is the most crucial factor here, maybe the only one that really counts for anything at all.

Quote :
5) Laws and moralities get reduced to demographic concerns only, with freedom to find ones nitch. And the “Devil” is locked into a cage of light within which there are no shadows in which to hide or reach out to make that unseen touch.

Man’s 10,000 year dance with the Devil comes to an end for once and for all time.

I am not so sure about this. Morality is based on far more than physical/metaphysical uncertainty. If we remove uncertainty from man’s relationship to the universe, have we really removed the impetus for morality? I see the genesis of morality within the deepest most fundamental spheres of man himself, his consciousness and the subjective self-encounters and conditions of its possibilities. I suppose I am largely sceptical that even a ToE as you describe it could unveil the inner subjective nature of the human being. I do not think that ANY outside-imposed understanding, even a ToE, could bring about the ‘apotheosis of self-consciousness’ as higher and more comprehensive/self-creative understanding and will-vision. The more man learns about himself “from the outside”, which is to say from scientific objectification under theorizing or model-building or crude grasping manipulation, the more he can be drawn away from self-oriented discovery and focus. That being said, of course the scientific paradigm also affords the opposite possibility as well, if taken from the right perspective.

I see a clear place for ethics and law within a post-human world: these would be firmly rooted in value, in the capacities for valuation which are the basis of all human action, thought and feeling. Knowledge subordinated to wisdom is what I am trying to get at here. Thus far the scientific paradigm has been trying to push the opposing perspective, wisdom subordiante to knowledge, wisdom AS knowledge. Perhaps no greater mantra for science can be conceived than ‘wisdom as knowledge’. We see the clear folly of such an approach, however, and it seems that this folly is rooted most essentially within the ethical conscience of man, meaning that a future “humanized/spiritualized” science would not efface this ethical conscience but rather free it entirely and lift it up, making of it a center and new beginning.

Of course I could be wrong here, and perhaps there is indeed no place for law and ethic in a post-human scientific world. I tend to see both possibilities as competing for the future. I would like to work toward actualizing the possibilities of the one over the other, for obvious reasons and because I tend to associate the latter with the total self-destruction and annihilation of the human being itself at the hands of the (unrestrained/unconditioned) scientific-technical paradigm. Interestingly there is nothing I can see about the ToE which tends it more toward one of these possibly futures rather than another. I wonder if you see it differently - what sort of future possibility, with respect to the vision/conscience of the human being that I outline above, or perhaps simply with respect to destructive vs creative-constructive, do you think is necessitated by your ToE, if any?

“What are you?” asked Apollonius.

“We are gods,” said Icarus.

“Why are you gods?”

“We are gods because we are good men.”
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James S Saint
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PostSubject: Re: A Project that led to the ToE (Theory of Everything) Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:21 pm Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
I sit at the edge of Socrates’ cave, one hand in, one hand out, one eye in, one eye out (which btw can lead to horrendous headaches).

You swthrt, speak of widening the cave entrance such that light may enter, removing the protection so diligently sought by those within. I on the other hand, speak of a multitude of mirrors positioned in my right hand so as to reflect such illumination within the cave, that there is no shadow or doubt, no fear of what is without, for what is above is so all around. We both speak of change and illuminating the darkness. I just prefer less taking away of the protections enamored by hearts immersed in their fear.

But contemplation of the destination is merely distraction from paving the path.
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PostSubject: Re: A Project that led to the ToE (Theory of Everything) Tue Jan 03, 2012 1:07 pm Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
James S Saint wrote:
I sit at the edge of Socrates’ cave, one hand in, one hand out, one eye in, one eye out (which btw can lead to horrendous headaches).

You swthrt, speak of widening the cave entrance such that light may enter, removing the protection so diligently sought by those within. I on the other hand, speak of a multitude of mirrors positioned in my right hand so as to reflect such illumination within the cave, that there is no shadow or doubt, no fear of what is without, for what is above is so all around. We both speak of change and illuminating the darkness. I just prefer less taking away of the protections enamored by hearts immersed in their fear.

I am not familiar with the acronym or term “swthrt”, was this a typo on your part?

I speak of more than widening the cave entrance. Perhaps you are intending to refer to Plato’s analogy of the cave wall? Regardless what I speak of is highly pertinent, that we spend at least equal time contemplating the concerns related to ethics and practical possibilities of application and the implications of a ToE as we do actually developing and spreading the ToE itself unto humanity. This great truth would need much preparation, much laying of groundwork before it were revealed to mankind. This concept is well-known in occult circles, that generally speaking mankind must be wel prepared in advance of revolutionary discoveries and radical new possibilities. Knowledge in the wrong hands is terribly destructive, and often humanity itself is nothing more than a “wrong hands”, until it has spent sufficient time contemplating and conceiving for itself a means to VALUE what has become a new tool in its hand.

The a-moral scientist cares not how his discoveries are to be used, he merely focuses on whether or not he can do what he conceives as possible. Discovery for its own sake, without appeal to conscience, possibile implication/s or ethics. This is dangerous and is one severe limit which mankind has yet to surpass. When man can conceive alongside his technical prowess and will to create a likewise ethical appeal to implication and likely outcome - when he can subordinate the will to truth to a higher ethic and law, which is to say to a philosophy of value - then and only then will science serve mankind.

Quote :
But contemplation of the destination is merely distraction from paving the path.

Absolutely not. Without such contemplation one cannot even be sure as to what path one is on, least of all where it is taking him.

“What are you?” asked Apollonius.

“We are gods,” said Icarus.

“Why are you gods?”

“We are gods because we are good men.”
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James S Saint
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PostSubject: Re: A Project that led to the ToE (Theory of Everything) Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:08 pm Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
Perhaps not, but I would think that your advice toward anyone would change depending on what you discovered actually worked or didn’t work. Doesn’t ethics depend at least to some degree on what will actually take place upon a given action? Or do you propose ethics that are absolute and regardless of all else?

Until you actually know the LoE (not the mere ToE), how would know what ethics to promote or be guided by?
And having learned the actual LoE, don’t you supposed that it might have an effect upon what you chose to do?
If the proposed ToE, has no effect upon any activity, ethic, or decision, how could it be an LoE?

“I have in this book the answer to what should be done with anything. What pray tell should I do with it?”

Until you read it, what is the point of speculating?

Or perhaps if I put it this way;
“Hey, I have God Himself on the phone, what should I do?”
“Not to overstate the obvious, but why in this Hell are you asking Me? You’re the one on the phone.”

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James S Saint
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PostSubject: Re: A Project that led to the ToE (Theory of Everything) Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:50 pm Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
Additional thoughts…

Apparently long ago they thought they had the “God Formula” and from it presumptuously proceeded to do “the right thing”. They created a “Garden of Eden”, a “paradise”. Within that paradise, they maintained the trees of the philosophies and constructed Ahdam so as to keep the garden. And they said, “this is good”.

Now, I happen to also have the ToL, the “Theory of Life”, which is not a theory concerning from whence life came, but rather the theory on exactly what it is and thus what absolutely must be done to maintain it as a whole or any instance of it (“Tree of Life”). But Ahdam, it seems, wasn’t designed just right else the entire story of Ahdam and Eve would not have taken place. This indicates that either they didn’t follow their formula properly, or it wasn’t the real formula, merely a ToE, not The LoE.

I could be so presumptuous myself and also create and Ahdam and a Garden. But that is where I stop and ask, is that really the right thing to do. The real “God Formula”, the “LoE”, or even my ToE, must be consulted in order to answer that question. If I presume to already know that a Garden and an Ahdam are “the right thing”, then I have committed the “original sin” all over again. To sin merely means to make an erroneous presumption, a moment of poor judgment.

So when it comes to “what shall we do with this knowledge”, any step taken that is not inline with what the LoE would sustain as truly “good” or correctly designed in accord with the ToL, leads to the very trouble that the world already is in or some variation of it. What would be the point of that.

My point is that we cannot presume to assess and judge what is or isn’t “good” or better. What works is what works, all else is what doesn’t work, no matter how appealing it might seem.

And btw, your “Value-Ontology” is the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” - a philosophy distinguishing value, a ToV.
…but I also have that one in my lil bag. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: A Project that led to the ToE (Theory of Everything) Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:29 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
James S Saint wrote:
Abstract wrote:
can you give an example of a “why”?
For example why is it that two different masses cannot occupy the same space at the same time?
Well, the simple reason for your question would be that if 2 masses were to be in the same location at the same time, they would be the same mass, merely twice as much of it. I could ask, “why can’t 2 clouds be in the same place at the same time?”

But to get into the really deep understanding requires a far more serious education on exactly what “mass” really means. Science doesn’t define it very exactly, thus RM doesn’t use the term. But inertia is effectively the same thing and RM does use the concept of inertia. What we call “mass” is really a culmination of turbulent energy. Energy isn’t a common term in RM either, but strongly relates to affectence. RM uses affectence, from affect, as its fundamental element of concern. Existence is affectence. Affectence then causes space, time, and all of the physical phenomena.

A very short and surprizing example of a why that Science apparently hasn’t figured out yet is why it is that an electron doesn’t go zipping into a proton and get annihilated. The surprising, yet provable answer is called “the weak force” in Science but is actually due to the fact that, believe it or not, the proton pushes it away out to its orbital radius. If it tries to leave its orbit, the proton will pull it back in, but will not allow it to get closer. Although I know exactly why it does that, which came as a stunning surprise to me, the whole thing is rather complex.

Contemporary physics has a few fundamental formula close to right, but not quite. One of those is the formula for charge and/mass attraction, Q1*Q2 / (4πε0r^2). That formula, as it turns out is very close to right as long as the particles are at a respectable distance. But when the particles get very close, that formula is too inaccurate to be used and doesn’t really apply. A negative particle when approaching a positive particle of greater inertia, will in fact be repelled. The particle will end up maintaining a distant orbit as it cannot get closer nor further away and thus we have atoms. Without that repulsion, there would be no atoms and no molecules and thus no life to wonder why.
But my point is that the only reason you think that two clouds would be the same cloud or what have you when in the same place at the same time is because you exist and have grown up in a world that prevents you from contemplating an alternative mode of workings of things… alternative laws… In other words why do we have these laws and not some laws that say two things can be two totally different things and occupy the same place at the same time… sort of but not exactly like phasing or something…

Values did man only assign to things in order to maintain himself- he created only the significance of things, a human significance! Therefore, calleth he himself “man,” that is, the valuator.
(Zarathustra, of the Thousand and One Goals)

If, as Zarathustra says, fundamental to mans being is his valuing, then logically this valuing he must do in terms of himself, for it to amount to his consistent being-man. By such consistently specific valuing, man assimilates material and grows as himself. By this valuing in terms of himself he does not, from the moment of his conception disintegrate by the laws of entropy that seem to govern the universe, but grows, from human cell to human emryo to human being. This was already understood, in a rudimentary form, by Nietzsche. But with this understanding a new question arose: how is a consistent valuing possible? The simple answer would be: by being a consistent subject. But this only create a circular argument, and leaves open the question: how there can be a valuing, a being? How does a subject maintain its perspectival consistency, its structural integrity, whereby it values in terms of itself? To explain this we must posit a self-valuing, which is to say, a holding-oneself-as-value, whereby this “oneself” is nothing else than this consistent holding-as-value, in engaging the outer world. This consistency of a self-holding standard-value, is what amounts to being, the accomulation of more and more material to feed and sustain a structurally consistent growing, “a becoming”.

With this logical deepening of the concept valuing, we are faced with the problem of identifying technically what this self valuing is. At this point, this holding-oneself-as-consistent in the face of otherness, the outer, to which I will refer as self-valuing, has been inferred , as a necessity to the possibility of valuing, which amounts the activity of manifest being, i.e. interacting with “the world” and thereby assimilating materials to grow, for example from atom to molecule, from molecule to cell, from cell to organism, etcetera. Other than such this inferring, it may not be possible to directly define self-valuing. We may not be able to describe or define it in the terms we are used to, in which we like to acquire knowledge, the terms which are developed to describe the manifest in exact measurements. The collection of these terms and their proper logic, that of mathematics, is what we refer to as exact science.

Observing the manifest world in scientific terms, we use principles such as quantity, causality, energy-tranferring and interacting, motion, temporality. All these are enabled and interconnected by the laws of mathematics, which is the logic of objective equalies. It relies on given and exactly determined values, which can be defined in terms of each other. It is here that the philosophy of value ontology posits a break with the method of science. The philosopher is not satisfied with positing values as if they are unquestionably given, it is his task to investigate why, or more precisely, how they are given. Mathematics can not provide an answer to this, as such would go directly against the axioms of this science, which include always the word “if”. If A is given as A, then A is given as A. It does not posit that A is given as A. Since the root-logic of science must keep from answering the question why or how, the sciences following from this logic must also keep from this. Science can therefore only describe, not explain.

Philosophy wants to venture where mathematics and its children the sciences, can not go. It wants to posit a value not predicated by an if, it wants to posit that A is given as A. The great philosophersof the modern age have attemped such positive statements in various ways, beginning with Descartes, who posited the certainty “I think therefore I am”, or, read properly in context, “I question that anything is, therefore I am”. Nietzsche and others observed that this “I” who questions is not actually given as an exactly understandable unit. What is this “I” who is, and who questions that anything is, and who posits that he is because he questions that anything is? Descartes accomplished bringing himself the logical certainty that he exists. He does not bring the certainty that anything else is, in fact he calls this very much into question. If the only ground for knowledge of what is (ontology) is to cognate in the way Descartes was doing, then only philosophers can be known to exist, and only by themselves. Clearly this is not a useful definition of being. It is also not an exact application of logic, as it assumes the “I” both in I think. And I exist. The terms “I”, “exist” and “think” are not a mathematical terms: “I exist” can not mathematically be inferred from “I think”.

To correct Descartes logic, we must draw back to the meaning of the word “Am” in “I Am”. We must correctly observe the meaning of the verb “To be”. We must logically be satisfied with the given that what we call “being” by definition exists / is –this is the only meaningful and correct way to employ the verb at all. The correct phrase would be: “I am, therefore I am”. By this phrase, “I” is defined, namely, as that which, apparently, is said by itself to exist. What have we come to know by this? Nothing. We must start all over.

It is here that philosophy must break from science, from the pretense to be able to define the terms “I” and “exist” and “cognate” in terms of each other by exact inference. We must simply be honest, and admit that all three of these terms are simply understood by us, to mean precisely – what we understand by them. No further explication is necessary, no more exact explication is possible. The terms were called into being to describe exactly what we mean when we use the terms. They hold no deeper meaning than what they were invented to convey.

But fear not for the sake of philosophy, it will still find a way. What the terms “I” and “think” and “exist” were invented to convey may possibly be explicated further, deeper, more exact than these terms. To see how this is the case, observe that these terms all three of them refer to the very same thing. “I”, “think” and “am” are all words indicating the same, which also includes the things to which other terms refer, such as “eat” or “walk”. As true as “I think, therefore I am” is, is also “I eat, therefore I am”. By the correction of Descartes logic, we see that the “I” is posited as a condition of “think”, as much as “think” is a condition of “I”. Therefore, when I posit that “I eat”, I posit an “I” which, by common interpretation of grammar, means that I posit that (an) “I” exist(s).

We see that “I” simply means “existing” and that this existing can be expressed in the endless variety of verbs that may pertain to a posited I. Now, the question becomes simply, what do all these verbs, by the grace of which the “I” can be explicated, have in common?

I will cut to the chase and propose that they are all functions of the the verb “valuing”. There is no other activity that propoerly explicates an “I” that is not directly the result of this one. Whether I walk, talk, think, eat or pray, I do so because I move towards an aim. In other words, I act because I seek to obtain a value. I seek to obtain a value because I have established this value to myself, in the form of an object (in the sense of “thing” and/or “goal”) And since all that I actively do is predicated by a value I have established to me, and since “I” can only be explicated in terms of such activites, the I is nothing besides this establishing-value-to-me (this “I”).

Furthermore, in all cases wherein this value-establishing to this “I” lead to a continuation of experience as this I, this I must be understood as a constant, which, as it is explained in terms of value establishment, means a standard value, which is constantly re-established with every act of and following from the act of valuing, as itself, which means that its consistency must itself be understood as an activity.

We can see that this does indeed describe physical reality accurately if we look at the periodic table, at what makes for a consistency of an elements. We may consider the most consistent to be those which are least influenced by other elements or energies. Thse are the “noble elements”, in case of the metals, platinum, gold, silver. What make as an element “noble” is that all of its electron rings are filled. It holds little potential for change, for interaction, but in itself it holds the greatest potential relative to the “atomic infrastructure”. Gold is, considered as itself, relatively extremely active, in that it holds in its structure the maximum amount “activities”. By this maximization of activity within a given structure, amounts to a maximal consistency.

Contemplate now the correspondence between activity, “noble elements”, consistency, and value.

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

  • Thucydides

Last edited by Fixed Cross on Mon Oct 15, 2012 3:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Consistency as Prime Mover Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:38 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
Interesting. Value-ontology may also hold the key to deepening the distinction between activity and re-activity in Nietzschean ontology. Active self-valuing, valuing in terms of oneself actively, freely, affirmatively, is noble, while valuing in terms of oneself resentfully, reactively, in a petty, small and cramped manner is decadent and slavish. As you’ve identified: gold is noble, in a sense, for its “self-value” admits of the least possibility for change and influence by outer elements. Its self-value is purely active and affirmative, contained strongly within itself. A slavish self-value would admit of a high potential for influence by outer elements, a sort of vulnerability, so to speak. This provides us a nice means toward an exegesis of slavishness/nobility in terms of value-ontology. Deleuze furthered Nietzsche’s project of understanding the will to power in terms of the quantity of force, positing a relation between quantity and quality: that is, between amount of force and whether or not that force was active or re-active. On this basis, this dichotomy – active/reactive – he was able to consolidate and focus the Nietzschean ontology. Of course, with value-ontology, there exists the means to consolidate further such a project, from a dichotomy to a single concept: self-value.

Subject: A Contempory Philosophy Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:50 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
Tethered by reality;
There is the ongoing cause of all that is.
There is the order and chaos brought about by that cause.
There is the adversary to every life.
And there is you… an instance of life.

The rest is just noise…

Amongst all the noise there are many entities great and small, all vying for attention and ultimate influence – “God wannabes”. Some are mindless formations propagating through their circumstances. Some are forms of life, temporarily struggling to survive, not really knowing why and certainly not how, but merely presuming a purpose, need, and desire. Most all merely adding their bit to the noise.

Coming up next;
THE Unified Field Theory/Law and Grand Unified Theory/Law - Theory/Law of Everything
– The now proven and demonstrable law/s that govern ALL noise.
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:56 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
James S Saint wrote:
Tethered by reality;
There is the ongoing cause of all that is.
There is the order and chaos brought about by that cause.
There is the adversary to every life.
And there is you… an instance of life.

The rest is just noise…

Amongst all the noise there are many entities great and small, all vying for attention and ultimate influence – “God wannabes”. Some are mindless formations propagating through their circumstances. Some are forms of life, temporarily struggling to survive, not really knowing why and certainly not how, but merely presuming a purpose, need, and desire. Most all merely adding their bit to the noise.

Coming up next;
THE Unified Field Theory/Law and Grand Unified Theory/Law - Theory/Law of Everything
– The now proven and demonstrable law/s that govern ALL noise.

I often think on the “noise” in life, the chaos embedded perhaps most saliently within human relations. “Every human chaotically impacts the humans it comes into contact with”. This is the starting-point for a new direction of exploration in the vein of implications steming from the further explication of value-ontology. To reduce human interaction to this level of, at best, controlled chaos brings about many possibilities… “Amongst all the noise there are many entities great and small, all vying for attention and ultimate influence – “God wannabes”. Some are mindless formations propagating through their circumstances. Some are forms of life, temporarily struggling to survive, not really knowing why and certainly not how, but merely presuming a purpose, need, and desire. Most all merely adding their bit to the noise.” This is undeniably true, and beautifully stated.

How should we seek to introduce order into this chaos, and to what extent is this chaos required even? To side entirely with order would certainly be folly, but we can neither condone the present state of things as they are. What is the unconsciousness of man, his mere animalistic automatism and reactionism, but unordered (or rather insufficiently ordered) chaos? This chaotic being impacts the beings of others that it comes into contact with, creating a largely unstable field of effects and outcomes.

Is it wise to seek the “proven and demonstrable law/s that govern all noise”? Is this a power that can be placed into the hands of those chaotic beings for whom such a law would prove so aptly descriptive? The APPLICATION of such knowledge is a thing entirely different from the knowledge itself, and I fear not even a ToE can cross this intermedial divide spanning theory and practice.

Should we be focusing instead on a truly contemporary philosophy and the possibilities for and of it, rather than on delivering man into the practical-applied means of “ordering” the total expanse of his “chaos”? Even granted that this ordering would not reach inward down into the more essential “spiritual” elements of the human consciousness and its generative-sustaining conditions and possibilities, which I affirm it would not necessarily do (although it may), the risk of explicating a ToE without much prior work on developing and spreading the ground of a philosophical basis for such a theory could prove catastrophic.

“What are you?” asked Apollonius.

“We are gods,” said Icarus.

“Why are you gods?”

“We are gods because we are good men.”
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James S Saint
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:24 pm Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
Capable wrote:
and I fear not even a ToE can cross this intermedial divide spanning theory and practice.
Only the exact right one can…
…and does.

…all else is but more noise with unpredictable amplitude and vector.

So sayeth the LoE Wink

Don’t fail to understand from atop which mountain I speak.
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:58 pm Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
James S Saint wrote:
Capable wrote:
and I fear not even a ToE can cross this intermedial divide spanning theory and practice.
Only the exact right one can…
…and does.

…all else is but more noise with unpredictable amplitude and vector.

So sayeth the LoE Wink

Don’t fail to understand from atop which mountain I speak.

It is not only a question of whether the ToE can, in itself, serve as such an intermedial principle, but also and more importantly if we can reasonably expect even such a “perfect” theoretical knowledge system to be utilized in an equally perfect manner by the modern human ape…

If you think this latter issue is a given or does not necessarily inspire serious doubts, I would hazard that the implications of your ‘ToE’ have not very well been thought out to their conclusions or that these are at least somewhat mired in an utopian sort of idealism and hopeful fantasy. I would strongly argue that there is little if no evidence that humans today, as they are, are capable of weilding the sort of power which a ToE would present.

“What are you?” asked Apollonius.

“We are gods,” said Icarus.

“Why are you gods?”

“We are gods because we are good men.”
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James S Saint
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:12 pm Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
If the ToE doesn’t account even for its use by morons, then it isn’t an LoE, but merely a high ideal, more noise, not that which governs it.
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:47 pm Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
James S Saint wrote:
If the ToE doesn’t account even for its use by morons, then it isn’t an LoE, but merely a high ideal, more noise, not that which governs it.

So you claim that the LoE also includes perfect means to inscribe its perfect application of perfect theory upon a now-perfect world?

Forgive me if I point out the entirely fanciful nature of such a presumption. The world, including especially humans (our thought/theory as well as deed/practice) are, by definition, highly imperfect. Which is to say, prone to unpredictability, chaos, uncertainty. To be imperfect is to exist, to be a conditioned/contingent entity, emergent-generated by a vast and largely (from the human perspective) contingent collection of conditions which it has by definition not-total control over. The human is a particularly notable example of this.

The LoE as you describe seems nothing more than a bringing back of God as the form of an appeal to a supposed ‘universal science’. You give no reason for us to assume that a LoE could even in theory possibly act as a universal science, you give no basis for concluding that such is even possible. A simple analysis and understanding of ontology and epistemology cannot help but see clear examples of the discontinuity and disunity between idea and world, between what we perceive-experience and what exists outside of this, which also includes of course that which conditions and gives rise to our perceptions/experiences… thus the vicious circle of the human being, the human being as result of what it can never know-understand-derive.

Your claim that a LoE would surpass this issue because it is able to understand “particle formation” is… unjustified, to say the least. Not that I am discounting the utility of what you propose, but until you can even demonstrate that such a LoE is even possible, or better yet give us this LoE itself, I see no reason to continue discussion of the utilities of such a discovery where such discussion, on your end, fails to take into consideration the idea that even a supposed LoE is still subject to the manner in which it is applied by the humans who wield it.

No theoretical model, especially a scientific as opposed to ideological one, is going to circumvent the ‘human, all too human’ processes of consciousness which give rise to unpredictability, error, and falling prey to the drives/instincts which underlie the human being. As I have noted here, and unfortunately which it seems you have declined to address, is that such an overcoming of the integral conditions of consciousness with respect to human judgment and experience could only be done through the method of philosophy, which is to say direct inner-experiential exposition-creation of the sphere/s of human conscious experiencing. No “outer model” no matter how accurate it is in deriving conditions of particle formation or behavior will ever be able to accomplish that. Or at least you have given us no reason to think it might, other than a seemingly religious-like appeal to the “definition of the LoE” which merely STATES that “by definition the LoE tells us what to do with it, therefore the LoE is immune to the problems/inconsistencies of application at the hands of fallible humans”.

Certainly you can understand why such a mere definition does nothing in the way of actual demonstration.

“What are you?” asked Apollonius.

“We are gods,” said Icarus.

“Why are you gods?”

“We are gods because we are good men.”
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James S Saint
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:12 pm Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
Capable wrote:
James S Saint wrote:
If the ToE doesn’t account even for its use by morons, then it isn’t an LoE, but merely a high ideal, more noise, not that which governs it.

So you claim that the LoE also includes perfect means to inscribe its perfect application of perfect theory upon a now-[im]perfect world?
That all but defines an LoE.

It isn’t a Law/theory for only what is already perfected. It is a Law concerning how ALL things work “Everything”.

Capable wrote:

The LoE as you describe seems nothing more than a bringing back of God as the form of an appeal to a supposed ‘universal science’. You give no reason for us to assume that a LoE could even in theory possibly act as a universal science, you give no basis for concluding that such is even possible.
Well, I assumed that you knew what a “ToE” is.
If it isn’t a theory concerned with the governing principles of EVERYTHING, then it isn’t what we have been talking about.

Capable wrote:
Your claim that a LoE would surpass this issue because it is able to understand “particle formation” is… unjustified, to say the least.
I specifically pointed out, that it wasn’t because it explained particles, but because it was formed through metaphysics and thus pertained to any and all behaviors of anything.

Capable wrote:
No theoretical model, especially a scientific as opposed to ideological one, is going to circumvent the ‘human, all too human’ processes of consciousness which give rise to unpredictability, error, and falling prey to the drives/instincts which underlie the human being.
And such is Your theory, belief, and faith.
Am I supposed to take your word for it? I haven’t seen your proof or evidence that something that has never been in human history, can never be in human future.

But until you understand what a ToE actually is, yes, this discussion has been a waste and will be.
…merely more noise.
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:36 pm Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
Forgive me if I feel obliged to continue to inquire, but it is only because this problem seems so glaringly obvious: do you not understand that this claim “the [insert ToE or LoE] explains everything and therefore is immune to any and every problem/s of unknowability, unpredictability or imperfect application” is merely a definition and does nothing to actually explain what a ToE/LoE is/would be in fact, or, less even so, whether such is even conceivably possible, and why or why not?

“What are you?” asked Apollonius.

“We are gods,” said Icarus.

“Why are you gods?”

“We are gods because we are good men.”
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:46 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
A brief interjection. First: James, I’ve overcome my lack of patience with you. I will await, along with everyone else, your exposition of this T/LoE. Until then, we have little to discuss – for as Capable now knows, discussion is fruitless when you constantly allude to your perfect knowledge of everything, a perfect knowledge that you still haven’t yet demonstrated for us. So, please: do demonstrate. If you’re hesitant to “give your ideas away,” then you may as well stop posting until you’ve published them. Second: Capable, it isn’t worth the effort. James built up quite the reputation over at ILP for his stubbornness. I lost my patience with him there many times. I’d hate to see such wasted debates become the norm here as well. The air here is finer, the space less crowded – let us keep it that way.

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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:14 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
I do not consider this a waste of time at all, despite the absence of the actual T/LoE itself it becomes very important to nonetheless discuss this T/LoE in terms of what it might be, how it might be, and its possible implications. I am certainly willing to posit the possibility of such a T/LoE, but where I seem to differ from James is that I do not think that merely because such a T/LoE has been discovered we therefore “know everything” and are entirely immune to error or unknowability.

The problem is this: having derived reality, which is to say particle formation and the laws/logics governing this and all subsequent material construction and interaction, would give us a set of equations and conceptual understandings that are “true” in how they explain our reality and its genesis. However, this is absolutely NOT the same as saying “we now know everything”. For one thing, pushing variables through the equations is what yields precise data regarding “what is” or “what happens” or “how/why it happens”, etc. The equations themselves do not tell us this, it is plugging in the data and then churning out the results which gives us the actual content.

Does a T/LoE by itself tell us the content/s of reality, including of our human being? No, of course not! This would require, even assuming we have a perfect T/LoE set of mathematical formulae, that we measure out the sum of ourselves as “data points”, numerically quantify ourselves, and then plug all this data into the formulae-simulation to create a result, a sub- or meta-reality. As James himself has noted, knowing the mathematics and equations involved doesn’t yield results, what yields results is taking his “200,000” data points or however they are described and feeding them into these equations in order to produce something measurable, an outcome.

Even with a perfect T/LoE are we actually to believe that such simulation-computation is possible with respect to an entity to vastly compelx as a human being? Can we somehow measure every part of the human being in order to extract the “data points” to feed into the T/LoE in order to derive ourselves? How?

Here we come to the problem of application, which IS very much a problem even for a perfect T/LoE: that simulating 200,000 data points into particular formation is entirely different from trying to derive human behavior. You simply cannot ever measure enough of the human being’s internal substance to allow for such a simulation to occur - and even if theoretically it were possible to measure the human like this, what sort of computer would be able to process so much data in order to simulate a result? And the problems do not stop here. What about the human embeddedness within its situations, its environmental influences? These would need to be measured and taken into account within the data fed into the T/LoE simulation, else the model emerging would be inaccurate or unrealistic. And this would need to be done right up to the active present moment conditions, including the effects of the simulation itself.

So we have a very clear problem that is two-fold: 1) the impossibility of quantifying the human being in terms of measuring its inner substance, the reasons for why it does what it does and is what it is (this problem includes the further complication of measuring environmental influences, spanning the entirety of its past and up to and including the present moment), and 2) the impossibility of being able to actually process such a near-infinite amount of data to churn out a result based on this data passing through the equations of the T/LoE.

The simple truth is that deriving particle formation, while very interesting and perhaps useful in all the ways previously mentioned (e.g. weapons development, advanced technologies, effects on religion and social forms) is entirely different than trying to derive the human being in all its vast complexity and unknowability (which is to say, unmeasurability). Having a T/LoE set of formulae that perfectly explain the genesis of material reality and the physical laws of this reality, even completely perfectly, is NOT at all the same as saying “we now know everything, we are totally immune to error, fallability or imperfection in thought, word or deed.”

“What are you?” asked Apollonius.

“We are gods,” said Icarus.

“Why are you gods?”

“We are gods because we are good men.”
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James S Saint
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:44 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
One last note to cast into the noise;

Rational Metaphysics led to the paradigm of reality being defined in terms of an infinite series wherein each element was another infinite series of the same form. Then an infinite number of those are placed into a matrix, a “box”. Then an infinite number of those comprise the unbound universe.

So I had the situation of infinity raised to infinity raised to infinity raised to infinity… ad infinitum, multiplied by infinity, and multiplied by infinity again.

Reality = Inf * Inf * (Inf^Inf)^Inf

Contemporary mathematics doesn’t handle infinity very well at times, so I had to come up with a new form of mathematics that could handle such an extreme case. I ended up with “Afflate Analysis”, a combination of statistical analysis, analytic geometry, and tensor analysis. The result allowed for me to express the extreme infinite chaos in a mathematical manner. And then from that number of concerns, physical reality unfolds as order emerges.

I find it a bit humorous that you would presume that your mystical consciousness with merely “nearly an infinite number of concerns” wouldn’t fit into that box. But such is your hope and faith.
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:20 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
Alright then, let us assume your infinity raised to infinite infinities idea of reality is correct, and let us further assume that your mathematics is able to quantifiably capture this reality so as to be able to derive (parts of) it e.g. particles-matter construction and interaction.

On what basis do you propose that any sort of computer modeling/processing/simulating could ever manage to build up to a derivation of even basic life, let alone a human being? As I also mentioned, this would need to methodically-computationally, in terms of your mathematical functions, include analysis of conditions from environmental influences, which in the case of living entities is immeasurably greater than that for particles. Ultimately this leads to the obvious need for infinite computing power to derive, via your equations-functions, anything but the barest beginning of particle formation.

My point is that your math, even if correct, does not unlock or disclose the already-existent human being. At best it gives us a theoretical frame to begin ex post facto playing with the material conditions of the reality we already find ourselves within and conditioned by.

Most specifically: HOW does your having the T/LoE give you “perfect understanding of everything”?

“What are you?” asked Apollonius.

“We are gods,” said Icarus.

“Why are you gods?”

“We are gods because we are good men.”
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James S Saint
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:01 pm Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
You have greatly exaggerated the things that I have said.

To know the entirety of the laws by which the universe functions is extremely different than knowing “everything”.

The particular situation that the universe is in at in one moment is an entirely different issue than merely knowing by what laws it perpetuates to the next situation. Knowing ALL of the fundamental rules of mathematics does NOT mean that you know how to use Eigenvalues, Gaussian laws, or Afflate Analysis.

There is a huge difference in knowing God and being God.
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Tue Jan 10, 2012 6:01 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
James S Saint wrote:
You have greatly exaggerated the things that I have said.

To know the entirety of the laws by which the universe functions is extremely different than knowing “everything”.

The particular situation that the universe is in at in one moment is an entirely different issue than merely knowing by what laws it perpetuates to the next situation. Knowing ALL of the fundamental rules of mathematics does NOT mean that you know how to use Eigenvalues, Gaussian laws, or Afflate Analysis.

There is a huge difference in knowing God and being God.

It has not been my intention to exaggerate at all. What I am trying to do is understand what you are claiming. This has been a surprisingly difficult thing to discern, since you say, on the one hand, “If it isn’t a theory concerned with the governing principles of EVERYTHING, then it isn’t what we have been talking about”, but then on the other hand, “To know the entirety of the laws by which the universe functions is extremely different than knowing “everything”.”

This is what I am trying to get at, this difference, what you are actually claiming. Because when you resisted my claim that even a T/LoE is subject to imperfect human application you did so by invoking the first above-quoted line, and stating that human practical application (of the T/LoE) will be perfect or not subject to unpredictability-error. How can you make this claim while also acknowledging that, " Knowing ALL of the fundamental rules of mathematics does NOT mean that you know how to use Eigenvalues, Gaussian laws, or Afflate Analysis"? How can the L/ToE be immune to problems of practical application when you acknowledge that even knowing the L/ToE does not yield the “perfect knowedge” that I initially thought you were claiming it did?

I would still like you to answer my question, let me again continue to make it more precise as I get a better view of what you are really claiming (and what you are not claiming): HOW does knowing the L/ToE itself lead to us humans knowing how to use/apply it? In other words, how is the L/ToE itself immune to problems of unpredictable and imperfect application? Don’t just claim it is, show my how this is the case.

Remember, it was you who said, “If the ToE doesn’t account even for its use by morons, then it isn’t an LoE, but merely a high ideal, more noise, not that which governs it.”

Now, this question of practical human application is very important, because what it implies is that we need to examine the rationale, the ethics or justifiability of the L/ToE itself, whether or not we should seek and find it. This was the point of my assuming for the sake of argument here that the L/ToE is indeed possible to be found - we can “derive reality”, know the mathematics/quantifiability of its most fundamental processes/relations. But when we assume this, we are immediately confronted with the question: what would the implications of finding such a L/ToE be? And of course this touches directly on, should we perhaps be a bit more hesitant to even open this Pandora’s Box?

“What are you?” asked Apollonius.

“We are gods,” said Icarus.

“Why are you gods?”

“We are gods because we are good men.”
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James S Saint
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:54 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster

I had just typed out a long detailed response to your question, and naturally just before the last line, the browser crashed and lost the entire thing. Mad

And these things seriously need an “undo” for the text editor.
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James S Saint
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:32 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
Trying to iron out the confusions of another person, especially online, can be rather burdensome, but let me see what I can do (over)…

First let me point out that the act of NOT seeking the LoE so as to be able to follow it pretty much defines “the moron” because the alternative to doing what actually works, ie. “the Law”, is to do merely what does NOT work, hence “moronic”. How could you imagine that you could discern what you should or should not do until you know what works and what doesn’t, ie. “The Law”.

But lets say that the Law (not merely a Theory), is given in clear language to a typical homosapian moron.

The moron reads it and perceives that, “if I push button A, I will get result B.” Now the moron desires B and being a moron, doesn’t look further before he has already pressed the button. I already gave a rather terse speech concerning this expected behavior of homosapian.

The Law had clearly stated to “NEVER EAT OF THE FRUIT OF THIS PARTICULAR TREE”, which just happens to be button A. But being a moron, he didn’t think it really mattered as long as no one was looking. Of course the Law isn’t about some authority figure watching you and punishing you for bad behavior. It is a statement of what actually works and doesn’t work, regardless of anyone watching, but again, we are dealing with a moron here who thinks only in terms of trying to slip by authority figures so as to obtain his desires (typical homosapian).

The Law happens to clearly state that anyone who presses button A SHALL perish. The moron ignores that warning. So what do you think happens? If the Law is real and actual, then obviously the moron perishes and the Law continues on. The Law already takes into account the fact that morons run about the planet making their “noise”. The Law happens to be about the governing of noise. So the Law has dispatched the noise exactly as it had stated (again assuming it was the real Law).

Now the question I think you really wanted to ask is, “how can anyone ensure that THEY are not being a moron and trying to utilize the Law?” Well, it just so happens that the Law already states clearly how to do that. But you must first be humble enough (not lusting for your prearranged desires) to read that far before pressing any buttons. Learn how to press that little peddle down there called “the brake” BEFORE you learn how to turn the key and press the accelerator peddle. The order of learning is a part of the Law.

The Law happens to state that “ALL is the balance of ALL, no more and no less, ever”. And thus it is critical to ensure that any hopeful action you take is in consideration of the true balance of ALL relevant concerns, else you are not actually following the Law but being a moron. So the first clue as to whether you are a moron dealing with something that you cannot handle lies in the issue of whether you are capable of actually considering all relevant concerns. If you don’t know, then your question is answered.

But since even genius homosapians have trouble ensuring that they are actually considering all relevant concerns, the Law clearly states that nothing can ever occur without taking time to do so. This gives the less moronic homosapian a clue as to how to proceed, "Take it a little at a time and VERIFY that any action you take actually produces exactly what the Law (as you understood it) inferred. If it doesn’t, then you know to back off and reconsider.

So in order;
A) Clarify the entirety of what your situation is (ensure that you know the entire Law and your surrounding situation)
B) Verify the entirety of each tiny step you take. That is the actual and only purpose of Science for Man.

The Law also states something very critical that I don’t want to go into right now, but it results in the requirement;
C) Remember/Document every step you take and the results you got.

But again, you actually asked “how does the moron handle the situation of having the Law”. The real answer is that if he actually has enough sense to reasonably follow just that much of the Law that has already been pointed out, he will soon no longer be a moron. Following those steps carefully and slowly is what raises the low intelligence and wisdom of a creature to a higher intelligence in a recursive fashion. Recursion of affect is a fundamental property within the Law itself.

The loose lustful moron becomes a “particle”, stable and reliable, being able to discern when to act and when to nap.

Thus, much like the Bible is written, the Law separates the less-ons from the more-ons. If you don’t properly understand the lessons, well… it must have worked.

That’s about all I can reveal concerning the details at this point, I think. I guess the bottom line is that actually KNOWING the Law, prevents one from remaining a moron trying to use it either by eliminating him, or by raising him up. Always seek what actually works, but realize that you must seek it slowly, not always doing what doesn’t work merely to see if you can get what you thought you wanted without being patient, verifying, and attending to Reality.

Man as a whole, is being processed by the Law. Some have come to think of it as “Evolution”, but such a poor and sloppy imitation.

The Law is all about raising the turbulent noise to a solid orderly particle, raising Man from the dust, raising an intelligent sentient being from the moronic chaos.

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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:08 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
James S Saint wrote:
Trying to iron out the confusions of another person, especially online, can be rather burdensome, but let me see what I can do (over)…

First let me point out that the act of NOT seeking the LoE so as to be able to follow it pretty much defines “the moron” because the alternative to doing what actually works, ie. “the Law”, is to do merely what does NOT work, hence “moronic”. How could you imagine that you could discern what you should or should not do until you know what works and what doesn’t, ie. “The Law”.

But lets say that the Law (not merely a Theory), is given in clear language to a typical homosapian moron.

The moron reads it and perceives that, “if I push button A, I will get result B.” Now the moron desires B and being a moron, doesn’t look further before he has already pressed the button. I already gave a rather terse speech concerning this expected behavior of homosapian.

The Law had clearly stated to “NEVER EAT OF THE FRUIT OF THIS PARTICULAR TREE”, which just happens to be button A. But being a moron, he didn’t think it really mattered as long as no one was looking. Of course the Law isn’t about some authority figure watching you and punishing you for bad behavior. It is a statement of what actually works and doesn’t work, regardless of anyone watching, but again, we are dealing with a moron here who thinks only in terms of trying to slip by authority figures so as to obtain his desires (typical homosapian).

The Law happens to clearly state that anyone who presses button A SHALL perish. The moron ignores that warning. So what do you think happens? If the Law is real and actual, then obviously the moron perishes and the Law continues on. The Law already takes into account the fact that morons run about the planet making their “noise”. The Law happens to be about the governing of noise. So the Law has dispatched the noise exactly as it had stated (again assuming it was the real Law).

Now the question I think you really wanted to ask is, “how can anyone ensure that THEY are not being a moron and trying to utilize the Law?” Well, it just so happens that the Law already states clearly how to do that. But you must first be humble enough (not lusting for your prearranged desires) to read that far before pressing any buttons. Learn how to press that little peddle down there called “the brake” BEFORE you learn how to turn the key and press the accelerator peddle. The order of learning is a part of the Law.

The Law happens to state that “ALL is the balance of ALL, no more and no less, ever”. And thus it is critical to ensure that any hopeful action you take is in consideration of the true balance of ALL relevant concerns, else you are not actually following the Law but being a moron. So the first clue as to whether you are a moron dealing with something that you cannot handle lies in the issue of whether you are capable of actually considering all relevant concerns. If you don’t know, then your question is answered.

But since even genius homosapians have trouble ensuring that they are actually considering all relevant concerns, the Law clearly states that nothing can ever occur without taking time to do so. This gives the less moronic homosapian a clue as to how to proceed, "Take it a little at a time and VERIFY that any action you take actually produces exactly what the Law (as you understood it) inferred. If it doesn’t, then you know to back off and reconsider.

So in order;
A) Clarify the entirety of what your situation is (ensure that you know the entire Law and your surrounding situation)
B) Verify the entirety of each tiny step you take. That is the actual and only purpose of Science for Man.

The Law also states something very critical that I don’t want to go into right now, but it results in the requirement;
C) Remember/Document every step you take and the results you got.

But again, you actually asked “how does the moron handle the situation of having the Law”. The real answer is that if he actually has enough sense to reasonably follow just that much of the Law that has already been pointed out, he will soon no longer be a moron. Following those steps carefully and slowly is what raises the low intelligence and wisdom of a creature to a higher intelligence in a recursive fashion. Recursion of affect is a fundamental property within the Law itself.

The loose lustful moron becomes a “particle”, stable and reliable, being able to discern when to act and when to nap.

Thus, much like the Bible is written, the Law separates the less-ons from the more-ons. If you don’t properly understand the lessons, well… it must have worked.

That’s about all I can reveal concerning the details at this point, I think. I guess the bottom line is that actually KNOWING the Law, prevents one from remaining a moron trying to use it either by eliminating him, or by raising him up. Always seek what actually works, but realize that you must seek it slowly, not always doing what doesn’t work merely to see if you can get what you thought you wanted without being patient, verifying, and attending to Reality.

Man as a whole, is being processed by the Law. Some have come to think of it as “Evolution”, but such a poor and sloppy imitation.

The Law is all about raising the turbulent noise to a solid orderly particle, raising Man from the dust, raising an intelligent sentient being from the moronic chaos.

Why does it need to be intelligent?

“There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” -Socrates
“Nature herself has imprinted on the minds of all the idea of God.” -Cicero
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain an idea without necessarily believing it.” -Aristotle
“I have gained this by philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law.” -Aristotle
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James S Saint
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:33 pm Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
So can tell if the “voices in your head” are yours. geek

…actually, I don’t know what you are referring to with your “it”…? Question
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:53 pm Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
James S Saint wrote:
So can tell if the “voices in your head” are yours. geek

…actually, I don’t know what you are referring to with your “it”…? Question
I was referring to man as that includes both females and males i figured it was best to refer to it as it…I guess

Quote :
raising Man from the dust, raising an intelligent sentient being from the moronic chaos.
Why is man being raised from the moronic chaos to be an intelligent sentient being…?

“There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” -Socrates
“Nature herself has imprinted on the minds of all the idea of God.” -Cicero
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain an idea without necessarily believing it.” -Aristotle
“I have gained this by philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law.” -Aristotle
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James S Saint
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:59 pm Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
Abstract wrote:
James S Saint wrote:
So can tell if the “voices in your head” are yours. geek

…actually, I don’t know what you are referring to with your “it”…? Question
I was referring to man as that includes both females and males i figured it was best to refer to it as it…I guess

Quote :
raising Man from the dust, raising an intelligent sentient being from the moronic chaos.
Why is man being raised from the moronic chaos to be an intelligent sentient being…?
Well, that is a bit like asking, “Why am I not a bird?”
“Because if you were the bird, you wouldn’t be asking the question, the human would.”

And I specified “Man”, not “man” or “human” (hue of Man).
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:25 pm Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
James S Saint wrote:

And I specified “Man”, not “man” or “human” (hue of Man).
what do you mean? Man and not man do you mean you specified mankind… or what? (and it was at the start of a sentence so capitalization would have been expected for that reason…)

Quote :

Well, that is a bit like asking, “Why am I not a bird?”
“Because if you were the bird, you wouldn’t be asking the question, the human would.”
A bit like asking but not completely? My point here is to suggest that it may not be the point of the law to raise man out of the moronic chaos… it may just be a result of the law that is meant to achieve something else entirely… or the law is not ‘meant’ to achieve anything…

“There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” -Socrates
“Nature herself has imprinted on the minds of all the idea of God.” -Cicero
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain an idea without necessarily believing it.” -Aristotle
“I have gained this by philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law.” -Aristotle
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James S Saint
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:20 pm Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
“Man” as in “(Man)ifestation”

And could you point out where I said, “point of the Law” or “Law is meant to”?
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:26 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
Quote :
The Law is all about raising the turbulent noise to a solid orderly particle, raising Man from the dust, raising an intelligent sentient being from the moronic chaos.
Here the use of “Man” is indicated as mankind considering the following remark of raising "sentient being"s…

You say “the Law is all about…” which is synonymous with (especially in this context) to “being meant to” raise… All about as in that is the primary significance of the Law… I would ask then again what makes you think that the significance of The Law is to create order, or raise an intelligent sentient being from the moronic chaos? Considering the existence of chaos it may be that any increase in order is only their to provide a later increase in disorder by means of destruction of the order created… or the purpose or significance or all-about-ness is simply things vibrating from order to disorder… change… variance… for with perfect order what is their to change, and without change how is their difference, and without any of these things what is their to think about, why would their be thought (for example)…

“There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” -Socrates
“Nature herself has imprinted on the minds of all the idea of God.” -Cicero
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain an idea without necessarily believing it.” -Aristotle
“I have gained this by philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law.” -Aristotle
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James S Saint
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:59 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
Abstract wrote:
Quote :
The Law is all about raising the turbulent noise to a solid orderly particle, raising Man from the dust, raising an intelligent sentient being from the moronic chaos.
Here the use of “Man” is indicated as mankind considering the following remark of raising "sentient being"s…

You say “the Law is all about…” which is synonymous with (especially in this context) to “being meant to” raise…
You are projecting.
I neither said nor implied intent or purpose. I am talking about occurrence, with or without intent, purpose, or meaning.

Abstract wrote:

All about as in that is the primary significance of the Law… I would ask then again what makes you think that the significance of The Law is to create order, or raise an intelligent sentient being from the moronic chaos?
Because Order, Chaos, and “the moron” were the subjects being discussed.

Abstract wrote:

Considering the existence of chaos it may be that any increase in order is only their to provide a later increase in disorder by means of destruction of the order created… or the purpose or significance or all-about-ness is simply things vibrating from order to disorder… change… variance… for with perfect order what is their to change, and without change how is their difference, and without any of these things what is their to think about, why would their be thought (for example)…
I don’t dictate to natural laws how they are to behave. I just seek them out and observe.
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PostSubject: Re: A Contempory Philosophy Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:16 am Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
James S Saint wrote:
Abstract wrote:
Quote :
The Law is all about raising the turbulent noise to a solid orderly particle, raising Man from the dust, raising an intelligent sentient being from the moronic chaos.
Here the use of “Man” is indicated as mankind considering the following remark of raising "sentient being"s…

You say “the Law is all about…” which is synonymous with (especially in this context) to “being meant to” raise…
You are projecting.
I neither said nor implied intent or purpose. I am talking about occurrence, with or without intent, purpose, or meaning.
That is why I asked why is it that you think that the significance of the law is or regarldless of what you meant by the word “about” why is it that you think the law is about what you suggested it is about?

Quote :

Abstract wrote:

All about as in that is the primary significance of the Law… I would ask then again what makes you think that the significance of The Law is to create order, or raise an intelligent sentient being from the moronic chaos?
Because Order, Chaos, and “the moron” were the subjects being discussed.
Of course you talked about what you talked about because you were talking about it… this is an absurd attempt to avoid answering what my question really is rather then whay you perhaps want to think it is (what you are projecting on my question), or so it seems, it is of course quite possibly not…

Quote :

Abstract wrote:

Considering the existence of chaos it may be that any increase in order is only their to provide a later increase in disorder by means of destruction of the order created… or the purpose or significance or all-about-ness is simply things vibrating from order to disorder… change… variance… for with perfect order what is their to change, and without change how is their difference, and without any of these things what is their to think about, why would their be thought (for example)…
I don’t dictate to natural laws how they are to behave. I just seek them out and observe.
TO be honest I feel that you are avoiding answering my question… So lets start anew regardless of what was said… What do you think is what is occurring as a result of the law… is it ordering or is it also disordering?

Do you think there is a purpose of the law?