What are you doing? (Part 1)

Some may have too much time…

Can such types not do both?

…watching Gotham.

If you’ve got time to read harry potter or watch star wars, then you should spend it doing something more productive.

Well, technically it does, people bond over such culture, especially the ones you mentioned. that aside, why the hell would you want to make society better for everyone? that world your kind are trying to create will never exist because nature itself is heavily against it, even in a direct contradiction. What is it with you people and your utter humane desperation, when are you going to get real about reality and just knock it off, Yeah you can keep playing it safe, rich boy, with your virtue signalling…but your deceit is evident.

Do you spend every single second of your day being productive?

Downtime… when the body is resting from the day’s tolls… that’s what books and movies are made for, but… having said that, I have not read books in years, as my capacity had been severely limited and therefore been redirected elsewhere.

When one’s capacity to do is severely compromised, we have no choice but to restrict our output, but there is no need to when such restrictions don’t apply, and so we play.

I somewhat agree with this, but not to the extent that society would have no control over their lives, but that we should be encouraged to set aside some time to contribute to humanity or war or politics or how to make society better for everyone… it would also make for better, more relevant, politics.

Thanks MagsJ, I will keep that offer in mind :slight_smile:
I am wondering if I am the only one who has not watched Star Wars?!
I just never got around to watching it. I hardly watch tv anymore either. I stopped paying my cable bill back in Aug, and do not regret it.
I have to have internet though. It is more valuable to me than cable, and I can still watch youtube, Netflix, and free movies if I want to.

Whoa man. Don’t say things like, “virtue signaling” to me. You sound like a sociology student. My point is simple. Submerging yourself in fiction isn’t as good as submerging yourself in reality. Bonding with other comic book nerds? You can keep that shit. I’m not trying to create a world per se. I’m saying that a lot of people would be better off if they got their heads out of the clouds.

Magsj, I’ll have downtime when I’m dead.

I’ve never seen it. And I’m proud to say that. Star wars is like a jam band. Even if is was good, the fans ruin it for everyone.


…not a Star Wars fan, myself… there’s more to sci-fi than Star Wars (and Star Trek) although I’m not averse to the series and spin-offs.

Free movies are always good. :slight_smile:

It is actually cheaper to have a bundle plan of cable broadband and a landline, here… in the UK, than to have any one of those individually… go figuure.

I remember when you used to have downtime…

I remember when I didn’t use to have downtime…

…now you don’t have downtime, and I do.

I’m just curious, I used to watch a lot of movies. The older I get the less time it seems I have. Id rather not spend an hour watching movies. Maybe when I’m older. Till than raising kids, and supporting family is my focus, and keeping interest in philosophy and religon.

These past couple of years have been the worst financially. At first not having cable was a shock. There are bundle plans here in the US too, but I have stopped paying bundle plans.I don’t mind cutting back on paying. I have used my phone service provider to keep internet.

Today smelled gloriously like Spring. :smiley: I’m so blessed to be able to walk around and enjoy not only the scent of fresh cut grass, but lilac buds and blooming pink and white flowering trees among the visual beauty of daffodils and tulips in assorted vibrant colors.

When the cost of a bundle plan starts exceeding that of the sum of its individual parts, then I will revert to broadband only, but it is not financially viable for me to do so, until then… a chromecast, along with a good streaming app, could then replace the much-used cable service.

Financial woes have long been a part of recent modern woes, but the West is working on rectifying that, but those that have caused it are calling this rectification of improved financial reinstatement, racism.

Bank-holiday meat-feast fest… mines the boring looking one in the tray… the pre-marinated rest is for my bro and his son/my nephew. :neutral_face:

Investigating spiritual matters relating to the causal and mental astral planes. Not finding much detail so far. Point blank, I don’t understand what those planes are. Some sites say causal planes are God planes, others gloss over their assessment of the causal plane but say it’s by no definition a God plane. The mental plane is of pure thought…what the hell does that even mean, lacking all sensations, feelings, perspectives so it’s a one dimensional idea place? I don’t get it.

Hehehe. I wouldn’t worry too much about all the dogma. I spent years trying to understand all of that stuff and by the end, I just ended up more confused and further away from where I wanted to be. Are there 3 planes? 4 planes? 7 planes? or more? All of the above - depending on which discipline you study. In the end I realized that it’s an ego-riddled diversion that takes you further away from where you want to be.

It’s the early hours of the morning here and I’m about to crash out but all you really need to know is:
the astral plane is a subtle body/emotional/energetic plane,
the mental plane is a plane of clarity/transparency (head and heart) and
the God plane is where you merge into everything and everything merges into you.

These aren’t planes or places, of course; they’re states of consciousness. Each of these states represents a state of consciousness in which the ego falls away more and more and in doing so, reveals more of your true nature.


States of consciousness forming a unique body that can exist without the mass of the corporeal form. So far I’ve done two astral planes and what I call the etheric plane (earth in ghost form), but I’d like to venture on to learn more about how eternity operates. Still awaiting your detailed recalling of your soul travels.

I’m savoring my ability to sell ice to Eskimos during a cold snap. Still a few miles to go yet before my final hour; a couple more good meals, a couple more women to fuck and some more drugs and I’ll be just fine. :sunglasses: