I have transcended

My 11th Video!!

Challenge to men!!! Why men hate women!!

youtube.com/watch?v=c8iklNX … e=youtu.be

You haven’t transcended, as you’re still discussing the same topic that’s got you in a loop.

Duplicate topics will be removed from public view…

How is that a challenge, even? and you now want other men to hate women… like you do, so that they too feel like you do about women?

The challenge is to be a man who doesn’t hate themselves for being with a woman sexually. If you want to play a game, at least play a good one, a challenging one.

Why on Earth would a man hate himself simply for being with a woman sexually
You have a long way to go Ecmandu if you think avoiding that is transcendence
I am celibate but dont hate women so does that mean that I have transcended

Why would he? what criteria would permit him to? is it something in his past present or future that would determine that outcome?

…the end goal of this game being?

…what defines a challenging game? a challenging game to you?

…that is you, but we are talking about Ecmandu here… why does he see guilt here?

It’s in my videos.

He either/and uses approach escalation, the proclivity to marry (slavery mentality) and/or sexual jealousy.

This makes him self hating.

I’ll add to this, we are already collectively hallucinating our reality. The necessity is to figure out how to be the only being in our own hallucinated reality. This solves every problem that can be conceived

The celibate have given up on the female problem, instead of working it for the benefit of all

In order to be the only being in an hallunicated reality you simply hallunicate solipsism and convince yourself that everyone else is a mental construct of your own imagination. This presumes of course that reality is actually an hallunication and that you can hallunicate whatever you want to within it. Both of these premises I reject entirely however because there is precisely zero evidence for either of them

We already hallucinate from platonic forms, it’s not much of a stretch for each of us to hallucinate variations of platonic forms of each other in the universe - no solipsism required.

Reality is mind independent though so any attempt at hallucinating it will have no actual effect upon
it because such attempts will only be true to the one actually doing the hallucinating and no one else

in ether we have more access to the platonic form of truth … from which we can import our variations from the hallucinated reality of others. The problems only emerge when more than one person is in the same hallucinated reality, as it is currently. Reality is mind interdependent

What if both those elements are needed to transcend… blocking out humanity, then immersing yourself into the throng of humanity… ad infinitum? a circulatory necessity to heal modern wounds and woes?

If you are hallucinating everyone from platonic forms, you can hallucinate perfect fidelity of all beings (no variations), and not hurt anyone but yourself (if you so desire)


Hurt only myself? the stuff self-harm and bad-dreams are made of :wink:

What purpose would such a (mal)adaptive state serve… beyond only hurting one’s self?

It’s important that people be allowed to hurt themselves if they want without putting it upon others for the task. Say you’ve lived a. A zillion quadrillion years and you’re curious what a stubbed toe is … you go the the platonic form, stub your toe, and now you know.

My newest video!! Summary of my first 12

youtube.com/watch?v=ZfD2iCJ … e=youtu.be

Yeah! A super-awesome video !! (By me)
