Gender Everything

. This is how men like you want to see women, as sex objects and nothing else, because it boosts your own ego that is so deeply entrenched in your own animal nature that you allow to control you.
These African men see it the same way, and look at the consequences. But of course a man like you, owned by his own dick and it’s reflection, will only see it as another example of female privilege as well, and then, blame the women for the consequences, even while denying them any fair alternatives. (But of course, nature does not provide women with any alternatives, making them entirely dependent on their dumb men who just bring everybody down.). How does one even break this chain?

I bet you’re one of those men who thinks that some poor Philippina girl feels empowered by her gender by selling herself to some old “rich” foreigners in order to feed her family. But would she still do it if she had all the money and opportunities to do what she wanted with her life? Would she still sell herself just to feel empowered? I doubt it.



It is the truth about how men see women, not about how women are themselves.

. Lol! I wouldn’t even give two shits. I’ve been through too much. But there is a very strong vibe of jealousy and insecurity about you. I really suggest that you ease off on comparing yourself with just about everything and everybody around you. And stay away from garbage like Yahoo Entertainment. These things are having a bad influence on you and your sense of manhood.

This is the your fallacy, Pandora. You keep repeating it, as-if it’s true. I’m not saying “and nothing else”. Rather what I’m saying is primary and core. You are ignoring the function of gender, of ‘Male’ versus ‘Female’. So this is your cognitive blind-spot. Maybe you’re incapable of objectivity. The fact that you keep repeating “and nothing else”, expresses your own attitude of femininity.

Women could “do more”. But why, and what? You are underestimating the importance of child-rearing. You are furthermore underestimating the importance of genetic-screening.

Women are worse. Women will readily cut each-other to shreds, on looks and appearance, on beauty, if you can benefit from it. It’s easy to point-out. Women will step all over each-other if it means attention from an attractive man.

Yeah right… :unamused:

Your argument is that women are at core the priviledged gender, and I showed you examples where your so-called priviledge also works against women, putting them at a disadvantage and making them vulnerable to abuse.
And you either do not see it, or keep disregarding it.

I’m not underestimating the importance of child-rearing, I just think that a woman’s position and function in society should not be limited to her reproductive role, and her subsistence should not be dependent solely on (inadequate and unreliable) men. You can see the potential visible outcomes of limiting women’s access to education and earning capacities by confining them to their reproductive roles and making them increasingly dependent on men. It’s really like a gambling situation in which a woman doesn’t even have a say. If she’s completely economically dependent on her man she doesn’t really have a choice, and if her husband dies or leaves her, and she’s left with kids, she’s really out of luck. So now she may have to go and prostitute herself to strangers, so again, because of limited economic opportunities, she’s placed in a situation where she’s dependent on men.
And this you call a priviledge.

Lol! Maybe in high school.
(Though some women will compete for a rich man. But I say, let woman take care of herself so she wouldn’t have to do all this nonsense).

I’m going to steal this thread with the meta discussion on women.

If all:

Bullying stopped on earth
Rape stopped on earth
Habitat issues stopped on earth
Financial issues stopped on earth
Homicide stopped in earth
Physical torture stopped on earth
Disease stopped on earth
Infertility stopped on earth

ZERO females would commit suicide
MILLIONS of men would commit suicide each year

It is a deterministic system stemming from female psycho sexuality - females are currently and will always be the last mass murderers

Where in this sea of words are the examples of disadvantages of women leading to abuse? I can’t think of even one.

Do you mean they’re physically smaller? Then why do the smaller women pick giant men and deliberately put themselves in defenseless positions? That is not inherent, but choice.

That’s it… I’m out of ideas.

On the other hand, women have the advantage:

Police let women go
If cops come to a domestic violence situation, the man is going to jail regardless of anything.
Women get half in divorce and can actually make a living marrying men.
Women can stand on a corner and make a living while men cannot.

Women have every advantage a man has PLUS sexual allure and the victim card. Women are like gods and the problem is they know it. Even the fat ugly ones can get away with murder.

Read my previous examples.

Or is it the men who seek out smaller females to complement their sense of masculinity? Not all women want to be with giants. As for putting themselves in a position to be physically abused by bigger men , I agree, women bear some responsibility for that. Hopefully, these lessons are quickly learned.

And that a woman’s fault for being a woman, right? Maybe we should have more female police officers, in that case. Or maybe the male police officers should mind their job at work, rather than trying to inflate themselves before women.

This depends on a situation. If a smaller woman tried to defend herself, she’d probably have to use a weapon, meaning she herself probably gets to be locked up for even longer time.

You disregard all the selfless effort and sacrifice that a woman gives to the family. It’s harder for women to find a job after divorce because she has spent most of her younger years on raising family. Maybe if she also had her own successful business and had her own income while married, she (and the children, if they stay with her) may not need the ex’s money.

That’s not a priviledge, that’s an act of self degradation. But if you’re so jealous of it (as most men are for some reason) you’d be happy to know that in these days the men’s right to sell themselves on the street to other men is also becoming more recognized.

I would leave out the sexual allure as an advantage, as not all women make it their life goal to sleep their way up to success.
And it’s really annoying when men think like that, because it’s this kind of thinking that’s perpetuated by men themselves. No woman of any sense of self-worth would rub it in a man’s face that she can always prostitute herself on a street corner if the worse came to worst. This kind of insecure jealousy by men is astounding. I bet this is also the kind of light hearted attitude about this subject that encourages the men involved in sex trafficking (and pimping) women to downplay or outright disregard the damage that is actually done. And as if to make the women go along with their (“objective”) kind of reasoning, they also put these women on drugs. The men just can not comprehend the long-term damage that this kind of activity can do to a woman, as if a woman gets some kind of power trip out of it, or should. This is how men objectify women in their minds, and when women refuse to accept it, they just call women unreasonable or irrational.
I mean, do you drive by the red light districts, past all the hookers, and think to yourself, “Gosh! I wish I was a female prostitute! Wouldn’t that be great?”

As for equal advantages in the work place, I would say that in most developed countries that is the case, for the most part. But not so much in the developing or underdeveloped countries, where laws still favor men, and the women are still dependent on their men.

You and urwrong are like two peas in a pod. You’re too obsessed with women and comparing yourself to them. Your argument boils down to women not needing equal legal rights because they can always be prostitutes and earn their living by selling their bodies (to god-knows-whom-but-who-cares-as-long-as-they-have-money) and if they chose to forsake prostitution for real work, then that would give them an unfair advantage. You both are very jealous of female sex, but the funny thing is, it’s not even justified because it’s all driven by your own (male) idealized version of the female sex, and not by the reality of being a female.

Men are not hornier than women, because of the stratification of number of partners, they are more sexualized from sexual neglect. That is an actual female privilege .

I want to use the same point to address prostitution.

By sexually stratifying the male population so hard, women force a commodity on their sexuality.

So, to recap:

Men are not hornier than women; women just stratify their sex so hard in the male population that it causes relative hypersexuality.

This stratification also highly commodifies female sex. If women didn’t stratify there’d be no commodity.

That does not explain why some men cheat on their wives, especially with younger women.

Came across this story of Iron John, and it reminded me of a Jakob’s comment on betas killing off the alphas. I don’t know when it happened or exactly how it happened, but I wouldn’t be surprised that something like this did actually happen at some point.


Another interesting interview, this time with a serial killer.
His basic main argument is that it was essentially his mother’s fault, in that she drove him to murders, or was seen by him as the cause.
I personally have a very reserved attitude towards his reasoning. For one, he comes across to me as pathological liar. He’s very eloquent and talkative, yes, but eloquence does not equate the truth, and is often an indication of the opposite. I would say that it might have been his own intrinsic limitations or weaknesses that played the resulting part. Yes, the mother may have been a contributing factor as an instigator, but his own willlessness was The defining factor. Why did he not just run away from home? Many in such situations do just that and end up with better lives.
But for the sake of the argument I will accept his reasoning, which brings me to several questions.

One, would he not have become a serial killer if it were his father who was perpetually abusing him? I would say that most of the intentional abuse would come from the male, rather then the female. And historically, there are many stories of fathers beating and demeaning their own sons.

Secondly, I wouldn’t say that he did not have any choice in the matter. Countless of men eventually find ways to overcome their insecurities and move on with their lives (find a gf, move away, get married, and start own family). What is it that made him unable to do so? Was it again completely his mother’s fault? If that were so, then we can say that all the single mothers from abusive or unsuccessful relationships would automatically also raise dysfunctional men. Now, if this is some kind of vicious circle, where can one pinpoint the beginning of it? And is a man’s fate predetermined if he’s raised in a dysfunctional family?

Firstly, “cheating” is a bullshit term that applies to female psychology — since women select for sexually jealous men, men assume the aggressive role of “cheating” as well if women do it too.

Practically speaking, there is still high stratification even with multiple partners.

On man’s equal right to look beautiful.

In Pakistan:
In Korea:

Men’s Grooming industry in UK:

L’Oreal’s first male make-up model:

CoverGirl’s new CoverBoy:

Market Analysis:
(I think in the future, as male beauty industry becomes more socially accepted, businesses that are into hair pieces are going to be very successful; heck, maybe male wigs will even come back into fashion)



That’s what you and your gender is. Even this conversation, I pull punches, and forgive your continuous stream of logical fallacies, because you are a woman and can barely manage a philosophical position.

I disregard it because 1 beaten-battered-bruised woman, out of 100, doesn’t represent the whole. 1 bad apples, and you throw out the whole barrel? This is the bottom of your argument? Because 1 woman is raped, then all women are not the privileged gender? It’s a bad argument. And it doesn’t speak to the other 99 women, who aren’t raped, and who have a good rapport with men. In other words, most women have a positive relationship with most men. That is the average and above-average, the top 50% of humanity. 3,000,000,000 people can attest to my side of the argument.

The more you try to slide in rare examples of the worst atrocities, to pass them off as normal, the worse your “argument” becomes.

Who really “limits” women from participating in society? Men? Or Women?

Women choose to not participate. Because it’s easier to be a consumer, a taker of resources, than it is to actually produce for others.

Think of Farmers. The men do the farming. The women do the housework. The MEN do the farming. The men do the actual production of food, for the entire country. Women are relegated to the more ‘indoor’ work, of child-birthing, and child-rearing.

No matter how much you paint the picture, trying to ‘switch’ gender around, the fact is still clear as day. It’s always been the same. Women have never taken up the mantle. Women choose to be indoors. To enjoy that privilege, protection, prize.

The (innately) valuable half of the specie. Men must ‘do’ work, to become valuable. Men must build value, from nothing, from zero. That is the real gender-difference.

Let’s go back to the farmers.

If a farmer dies, then who takes care of his wife and kids? Generally, the eldest son will take over for the deceased father. In other cases, an uncle, cousin, or extended family, will take in the assets and do with them what they decide.

In no circumstance are the women and children ever ‘unprivileged’. Society will quickly reimburse them. The entire law system is built around protecting women and children, before men.

This is the “modern woman feminist” fallacy.

What “independence” have you ever gained for yourself? Modern women create an illusion of independence, so as to gain self-esteem, and dip into the delusion that “women are not the privileged gender”. I think a lot of smarter, more observant women, know they are the privileged gender, and feel very guilty for it. I’ve seen that a lot, even on this forum.

Females tend to feel guilty, from a young age, because they begin to understand the nature and depth of their (female) privilege. In other words, women can hit and cause harm, but cannot themselves be hit or be harmed. It’s impunity, “never hit a woman”.

No such rules apply to men. Men are okay to be hit, maimed, injured, killed. As with war, where most of the men do most of the dying.

Males are the expendable gender, born worthless, zero value.
Females are the privileged-protected-prized gender, born with a lot of worth, and a lot of inherent value.

Society welcome the arrival of daughters, but disdains the fact of new males, new sons, entering the fray. Society is anti-male. Males are a liability, not an asset. This is true not just in the human specie, but biologically, across almost all species.

For example, in lion prides, young males are chased out very soon. Because they want sexual access to the females, beginning with puberty.

Urwrong, I think your own thinking is clouded with your own jealousy and low self-esteem, as in your obsessive comparisons (which very likely revolve around your own self-perceived deficiencies), you, and other men like you, do not even see the other side of your so-called “female priviledge”. To me, you’re like a little kid who, in his ignorance, wants something only because he doesn’t or cannot (yet) have it. But based on what I can see about you, you might be happy to know that the world is actually moving towards satisfying your apparent innate desires of full-filling your lacking self. Someday soon, you’ll have a right to experience being a coveted “priviledged gender” yourself. I say that because of your thinking. No man who is content in being one would have the need to obssess with what it’s like being a woman, and incessantly compare his own sense of self to one. But that is just my opinion (I’m not claiming here to be objective). You seem to make your self too much about women, which is another way to saying there is no apparent solid sense of self there. Does a woman now define who you are? Based on your obsessive comparisons to women, apparently so. And I will repeat this again, comparing yourself to everyone and everything around you does not make you objective, it only makes you a selfless reflective surface. But I cannot really even make you see it because then I’d be encouraging you to follow a woman’s advice, and for someone like you, we can’t really have that, right? So, I’ll leave you to following whatever people or ideology around you that you wish to incorporate into your sense of being a man, or whatever it is that deep down you really desire to be.

This is an Ad Hom, insulting the person fallacy, and again signals to me that you are out of counter-arguments. I think you’re done, or, you’ve “added” all you can to this thread.

I’m not “jealous” per se. Sure it would be great to be innately privileged, protected, prized. But there are benefits of being a man, a few anyway. One of the benefits of being male is having a penis. We get to ejaculate. Women don’t. Men have much better orgasms. A male orgasm is like 1000x better than a woman’s. That’s great. That’s one of Nature’s compensations, for being the unprivileged, expendable gender. Also, a second benefit of being male, is building worth and assets over time. So no, I have high self-esteem, because I have built my value over time. This gives men a sense of individuality and independence, that average women, like you, do not have. Male self-esteem is “self-made”. While women’s self-esteem revolves around sex, attracting lots of attention (beauty), and manipulating men.

Male self-esteem revolves around building stuff. Driving fast. Taking risks. Beating another man into submission. Males have different values than women.

So no, no jealousy. High self-esteem. You’re wrong, again, Pandora.

False, and maybe this is just your feminine mind at work. I don’t want to change Nature. I don’t want to invert things. I don’t want equality. I don’t believe in equality. I don’t want men to be the privileged gender, and women to be the expendable gender. I like things as they are. But here’s the concession. I want to see things as they are. I want to know things as they are. I investigate reality. That’s what philosophy is all about.

Learning, knowing, understanding Reality. You, as a woman, are trying to protect your privilege. You have the ‘privilege’ of ignorance, of bliss, of innocence. In this thread, it seems to me, all you are doing, as a woman, is protecting your privilege, with innocence. By pretending to be innocent, when you’re guilty. You know, like most other women, that you are the (innately) valuable half of the specie.

You don’t have to lift a finger in life.

I’m not obsessed with women, per se. I’m obsessed with all existence. I get into the minds of women. I get into the minds of men. I get into the minds of animals. I get into the minds of insects. I get into the minds of all life forms. You’re just short-sighted and small-minded. You have a very limited, solipsistic scope. Your short vision is only concerned with yourself, or with humanity, as a woman.

You’re not looking at the big picture, like I am. You’re not philosophical.

No, women do not define men. But men define women (through sex). Women are dependent, and subjective. Men are independent, and objective. Males do not rely on females, whereas females rely on males. Again, this is due to the innate sexual-gender dynamic. Females being the privileged-protected-prized gender, and males being the expendable (born worthless, no value) gender.

Again, my self-value has to do with my personal achievements in life. I have built things. I have won fights. I have achieved some high-standard goals. Philosophically, I have amassed a great wealth of wisdom. So I have a lot of self-esteem and value, based on independence, and ‘masculine’, male endeavors.

You wouldn’t understand, because you’re a woman.

Here’s a few points to garner from this thread.

Male independence is the direct product of being the expendable gender. When you are expendable (because you were born male, worthless) then the onus is upon you to develop “self-worth” over time. This is also why males commit most of the suicides; because many males fail to develop self-worth and have nothing to lose. It becomes depressing being worthless. So some males readily kill themselves. Or in times of war, males throw their lives away, being mowed down by machine guns.

Female dependence is the direct product of being the privileged gender. When are you privileged-protected-prized (because you were born female, valuable) then there is no onus to develop “self-worth” over time, because you already are valuable. Women don’t need to “become independent”. Rather the female half of the specie spends a lot of time and energy on protecting and maintaining their current privileges. This is why Pandora, and other women, act innocent and defensive of their privileged status. Innocence/Ignorance is a form of protection. Lying is a form of protection. The valuable half of the specie doesn’t want to admit to, will never admit to, being privileged. Because admitting being privileged, makes your privilege a target. It’s inviting disaster. If you are privileged, then you don’t go around announcing it to everybody. That’s just stupid and reckless. So as everybody can see, Pandora isn’t going to simply admit that females are the privileged gender. I don’t think any woman would.

Females are dependent on “The System”, on society, on the government. Because all these institutions further exist, as a primary motivation, to ensure the continued privilege of women and children. That is one of the core functions of The State, in the first place. So obviously, women will be politically “Statists” while males are more rebellious, distrusting of the state, and want to overthrow it, or start their own.

Then the cycle repeats.

If you learn the nature of Privilege, then you can understand the female gender for what it is.

Females are inherently invested into a system, into a society, into a state. Women are the “pro-government” and pro-order half of the human specie. Because the states, the societies, the systems, all protect women, and their female-privilege.

When men come to a new area, or conquer a territory, they develop a more “masculine” form of law, state, and order. So the creation and beginning of any State, is going to start out as masculine, but degenerate over time. Beginning States are masculine. But they become feminine over time. Because the inner-working of States, revolve around innate privileges. Privilege is Power. Read this again. Privilege is Power. Read it a third time, because I know most of you noobs don’t really take something in unless it’s repeated over and over and over again. Privilege is Power. Women know this fact very well, as the female half of the specie has been accumulating power, not only recently, but over the last million years. Women have been accumulating power over countless millenniums.

Privilege/Power does not appear out of nowhere, obviously.

What is the favored way women gain Privilege/Power. Through men. Through manipulating men. And through manipulating men, using sex. Women viscerally understand the power of their pussies. If women keep their legs shut, then men become frustrated, and will become useful puppets. Men begin doing whatever they can, a sign of desperation, to get that sex, to open the legs up. Women use men like puppets, based on this sexual need. Women learned long ago that they could trade sex for money, straight-out, long ago. Prostitution is the oldest profession. But most women are more discrete and conniving. Women use relationships, twisting emotions, to gain far more from men than merely prostitution.

Women act innocent, as a means to protect their privilege. Smarter women are very aware of what they’re doing, if not why they’re doing it. Smart, beautiful women, know how to get what they want, from men. And they also know which men are headed ‘upward’ in terms of social mobility. Smarter, beautiful women, will cling to the ‘upward’ moving males, to gain position in society. This is the basis of “Social Mobility”, the moving up of Class. It’s difficult to move upward in society. It’s easy to fall down. It’s easy to give up. It’s easy to lose everything. Women know this, and are in a better (privileged) position to secure areas of class, and sections of society.

Males have more social mobility. In other words, males move up and down society faster than women. Because women think permanently. Women want to move ‘up’ permanently. Women also move down slowly. If a powerful man cheats on his wife, or a powerful man dies, then a woman knows she is headed ‘down’ in society. But she will slow-fall. Women have safety-nets, to prevent a complete collapse of social positioning.

Pandora is only focused on the simplest aspects of her privilege. It’s amateur. I’m ready for a deeper discussion about all this. But I need a better Antagonist, a better counter-argument.

I’m ready to go all the way, in terms of discussion and philosophy. I need an ‘Equal’ half. I need somebody who can stand toe-to-toe with me. So we can see where all these premises and observations lead to.

It is Privilege to:

See, but not be Seen,
Hear, but not be Heard,
Know, but not be Known.

I’d like to, but I don’t have time to hunt them down. I did well enough to find this post!

What planet do you live on? Ask any tall guy why he is with a short girl and he’ll say “Idk, it just worked out that way.” It’s the women pushing for it; the guys will take short or tall with no preference. On the other hand, women under 5’4" would rather be celibate than date a guy less than 6ft.

No, just the short ones. Under 5’4".

Women can’t think that far ahead. They think they need protection by their spouse, not from their spouse, which is the reality of it. No woman realistically is going to be attacked in public, but she’s much more likely to be attacked by her jolly giant at home.

Fault has nothing to do with anything. What exists is what is.

It wouldn’t change anything since the females would let each other go and persecute the men.

That would be nice, but it won’t happen because women apparently eat it up or men wouldn’t do it.

Well then that wouldn’t have been a fair fight. On a equal playing field, the woman has the advantage.

What if there is no family?

That’s a good point. That was mom’s situation. She had planned to be a mother and wife, not to enter the job market. She put my dad through college and invested in him, then was left to her own defenses while he gallivanted off with his degree and good job. Mom didn’t use her powers in court though; she was fair and it bit her in the ass.

The gay population is something like 1 or 2%, so it’s still nothing like the female power.

You don’t have to sleep with a man to have sexual allure.

It’s annoying to you because you haven’t accurately interpreted what I said and therefore you’re being annoyed by your own hallucination. If you could really relate, then you would not be annoyed.

I don’t have many billionaires rubbing their wealth in my face, but does that mean they don’t have more power than I because they do not flaunt it?

That reaction is predicated on the previous lapse of reason that I corrected above.

I have no idea about any of that.

Women objectify themselves with tons of makeup, clothes, jewels, etc and having little depth other than what’s fashionable.

You’re being unreasonable and irrational. There is a difference in having the potential to be a hooker and actually being a hooker. I do not have that option because I am not a woman, but maybe you do.

This is like saying a martial artist has potential to kill someone, but never would resort to that while someone else does not have the capability or knowledge of how to kill anyone regardless if they actually would. Just because someone CAN be a hooker, doesn’t mean they are or will or would. But it means they have power that I do not have that could be applied in other ways besides hooking.

You are definitely a woman!

Where did I say women should not have equal rights? I’m bitching about the men treating them like goddesses, which is the source of their power. If men would treat them as equal instead of objects of worship, then I’d have nothing to complain about.

The cop should cite the woman instead of trying to bag her or feeling sorry for her because she is the “weaker sex”. Guys should stop holding doors for women as if they are any less capable of managing a door. Guys shouldn’t be expected to pay for dinner. But you see the problem is that if any guy tries to treat a woman as equal, she will disregard him for the guys who work harder for it by: holding her door, buying her dinner, and generally doing for her that which he would not do for guys.

Women eat it up! They LOVE ass kissing! But if women really knew what was going on in a guy’s head that motivates him to dote on her, she’d be offended. The enemies of the future are always the very nicest people.

I conducted a small survey once and found no women who didn’t agree that the men who were the meanest at the end were the nicest at the beginning.

I think you’re right. You know, you guys are a real POW. I haven’t seen so much whining coming from males in one place in a long time! So I concede, you win this whine fest! This is really more whining than I can handle.
As a woman, I’m too irrational for this conversation, and so blinded by own innate female privilege, I simply cannot comprehend your so-called “objective” reasoning. But I guess, that will be my burden to carry. Or maybe it’s actually man’s. Yes, it’s all a man’s burden to carry. In fact, all of it. Everything. All you have to do now is restore patriarchy, so everybody’s in their rightful “objective” place and we can go back to whatever we were doing before all this feminist crap came along. You know, innovating, reproducing, expanding our turf (bc it’s what we naturally do) …all that good stuff.