Gender Everything

Here’s another example of so-called “female privilege”:

Obstetric Fistulas:

Suffering in Silence
A Walk to Beautiful

Do men like you ever think about the risks a woman takes, or do they only think about themselves and their dicks? In your ideal world, women could live in isolation and suffering and you’d still call them the privileged sex.

LOL, that’s funny. Women “taking risks”, very funny. I read online news, and entertainment news too, where women take “bold risks” wearing some stupid revealing outfit that makes her look like a slut. Yes, very “risky” or risque, as you will understand as a woman. Isn’t it ironic? What a woman knows of “risk” is taking her cloths off, to reveal herself, to seduce men?

You have no idea what men risk, by comparison. It becomes more obvious now, that men take 99% of the real risks in life.

The world, as it is right now, is my ideal world. Your mental flaw is common. You believe that I “resent”, hate women. You’re wrong though. My descriptions are not complaints. They’re not “I wish it were another way”. I am quite content with females being the privileged-gender. I haven’t told the whole story yet.

The value of men rises with age, experience, accomplishment, and the accumulation of assets. At some point in men’s adult lives, men finally become “equal” to the value of a woman. This is when men and women trade sex, and have children, usually. Because a woman’s sexual value degenerates from her youth. Women become desperate, the older you get. With men, it’s inverse. Men start out desperate, but gain confidence and value later on. Whereas the older a woman gets, her value approaches reality, that most (or all?) women are only as good as the children you can bear, birth, and upbring. … 07274.html

Oh, those “fearless” women out there!!! O-M-G

Of course, everything is about sex and sexual value to you.

I don’t know about Christina Aguilera, she does not even represent an average woman, but I do think that women should be educated and given choice to make their own living and be independent. Otherwise, you’d have a situation, like above, in which women are used as beasts of burden and reproduction. I bet the men in those societies have thinking similar to yours, preferring their women to stay isolated and uneducated, and dependent on men and their own rationalizing about what’s best for them. But maybe men’s own estimation of themselves is not that far off from their estimation of their women, in that it is the insecure and powerless men that have the most incentive to keep their women on a chain.

Just so you know, I don’t agree with all these hashtag and pussy hat movements (I don’t even know what that’s all about) and I don’t take them seriously. In the West, women have become liberated to the point where their own movements are becoming subverted and corrupted, like your Aquilera, or any of those retarded Kardashians. This is not why women fought for equal rights. To me, when it comes to such inanities, it only ends up harming women, as if to say that this is what women’s freedom ends up with. And I don’t know why you’re watching these things… perhaps looking for a reason. I don’t watch or care about celebrity dramas, they are not even representative of average population or average issues (and his whole celebrity entertainment business brainwashing propaganda could be a while topic of its own).

A few simple questions. Even a female philosopher like you, Pandora, ought to be able to answer these:

  1. Which gender wears makeup?
  2. Which gender wears high heels?
  3. Which gender wears revealing clothes?

You can fool yourself Pandora, but not me. Everything is about sex and sexual value to youas a woman. You’re projecting. I’m quite accepting of the idea to judge women on behalf of merit. The problem with Merit though, is that women have almost none, compared to men. When it comes down to the bottom-line, reality, then you rely almost entirely on your sex, and having children. That’s not how “I choose it”. That’s how reality is, without delusions. That’s how “Nature intended it”. It’s obvious that I don’t buy into Feminism and Feminist lies.

Here’s what I think. I think that you, and other women, cannot stand the thought of a man thinking himself equal, or superior, in value, to you. You hate the idea of a man “bettering” you. I think that most women are this way. And so when a male renounces and denounces feminist lies, or this notion of “equality”, then you are aghast, surprised, astonished. You can’t believe, that at a point, the value of some men rise above the value of some women. Because most women believe, falsely, that they are “equal to” (superior than) men.

You believe that you are superior to men. Young women have reason to believe this, because it’s true. Young women are superior (in value) than most men. But as I mentioned, this fades and changes over time. Some men can meet the value “Equality”, and rise above it, surpass it. It’s rare that men do this. Few men rise above the value of women. But men do this, through accomplishments, great victories, sexual conquest, all gaining confidence. A man’s ego rises through Merit, through deeds. While a woman’s ego is innate, starting out very strong and high, but degenerating over time.

You and others should think of it like this. Female start out with 100% value in life. Males start out with 0%. Nobody “likes” males, at first. Nobody wants males within society. It is not until males are emasculated, domesticiated, feminized, bent, beaten, culled, that males are “welcome” (never completely) into society. This is why 90% of criminals are male. Males are the expendable gender. Males are more rebellious, resistant against Authority. Males will fight against authority, violently. Females will not. Females will submit to authority, offering your sex.

Again, all of this is not how I “choose”, not how I “intend”, not how I “want”. My choosing, my intention, my wanting, is to learn and understand reality as it is, as objectively as possible.

So if I am wrong, then you can show me where, how, when. You can teach me the error of my ways, using what little Reason you are capable of. Show me where I’m wrong. The ‘wronger’ I am, the easier it should be, for you and others, to show me my mistakes, point them out. If I’m so wrong, then I should be making mistake after mistake, easy for you to disprove.

You claim that I sexualize women? While you wear the high heels? While you wear the lipstick? While you dress up in lingerie? I’m not convinced. But I will get a boner.

It’s now obvious to me.

When women say “women are equal to men”, what you mean is, “women are better than men”. That’s the real implication.

“I am equal to you” = “I am superior than you

It’s just a back-handed way of asserting it. For example, if a random guy said to a random girl, “I am equal to you”, with a serious face, then she would get offended. It would be an insult. Because average women do see themselves as superior to men. Rightly so, I’m inclined to agree with them. Average women are, on average, superior than average men. It takes exceptional men to rise above the average value of women.

10% of men are above the value of women
value of women
90% of men are below the value of women

Let’s call this “Pandora’s Ratio”. It explains why 1 in 10 men get 90% of the sexual access and mating-rites, while the majority of men, have to take all the leftovers and sloppy-tenths.

Wrong, I think you’re being a little too insecure. Why are you even comparing yourself to women? Does your identity as a man come from comparing yourself to a woman? Is a man’s identity defined by the status of women around him? Apparently so.
I don’t know, I get an impression from you that for a woman to be “equal in value” to a man she should be a man’s property, or be incapacitated in some way - only so that the man’s “value factor” is equalized. Maybe that’s why some men shop for their women in 3rd world countries.

I compare myself to everything and everybody. That’s objectivity. You can’t pick and choice, when it suits you, the worth and value of people or creatures.

There is no lifeform with “equal” value to each other. That’s a myth. Not even genetically identical twins have “equal” value.

These are more of your projections. That’s your insecurity talking. That’s your fear, not mine.

It’s you who actually fears the prospect, that, in order for a man and woman to be “equal in value” then she must be his property. First of all, your fear is irrational. As-if women don’t think of their boyfriends or husbands as “their property”? As-if ownership and possession is a one-way street?

See how flawed your thinking is??? How skewed and slanted? You keep painting things as-if it’s a one-way street. That only men are viciously jealous, possessive, and want to own women. You are blind to the fact that women do this too. You do this too. You believe that you ‘own’ this or that man. That some men’s loyalty, is owed to you.

You’re wrong, again, Pandora.

I think that in your case maybe you should consider dialing it down a notch, urwrong, as it appears that you’ve reached a point where it’s actually dragging you down.

But what I’m seeing in your case is you painting yourself into a corner with this “I compare myself to everything around me” attitude, which also strikes me as rather passive. Who or what determines your self? Apparently, it’s everything that comes across your way. Let’s take your Yahoo Entertainment link. Why the hell did you even go there? Is this your self-reflective framework, and do you allow it to influence who you are (because it’s just there)?
Ok, I understand that we are now living in a globalized digital world dominated by mass media. But it was still your choice to react to it, or let it get to you. Why? Do you also live in Hollywood?
Same goes for these ridiculous twitter wars, just because politicians are using it as a medium to mess with each other and influence public perception, it doesn’t make it objective. In the future, you may be living completely immersed in a virtual world, and if you compare yourself to all the varieties of virtually produced stimuli would you also call it objective just because you choose to compare yourself to all of it?

Except, in a male dominated societies, male and female promiscuity are usually not held to the same standards, giving men more rights and freedoms in both sexual choice and subsistence. This is also taking into account the historical lack of property rights and rights to separate economy for women, which made women even more (legally) dependent on men for their survival. In a two way street we would have the reverse situation, in which men would have no legal rights without women, and where it is male promiscuity that is socially frowned upon.

Nonsense, now you’re resorting to Ad Hom, meaning that you no longer have a reasonable response or counter-argument.

Mass media is a reflection of society. Society represents women. So my points are very relevant. The “fearless woman” is accurate, according to the context I linked. That’s what society, and you, mean by “a fearless woman”, compared to a fearless man. A fearless man, for example, is a line-operator, working on high-voltage powerlines. Do you see any women doing that? No.

Women don’t do the dangerous or dirty jobs, blue-collar, because again the point is unrefuted now, you are the privileged gender. You can stay at home, be pregnant, and raise children. That’s always your backup, your default, your worth. Not because I choose it. But because YOU choose it. I like your “argument” so far, because if you admit to this point, then you basically know that you’re wrong.

This is just an excuse.

Societies are actually female-dominated, almost never male-dominated. This is another feminist lie. Rarely, or never, have societies been “male-dominated”. Women have always controlled society, using sex as a tool, or a weapon. If women wanted to change society, then they would simply disallow most men from breeding. And women do this anyway. You do block out most men from having sex. Admit it. You’ve rejected lots of men.

This proves my point, again.

Sorry, yes.

The number of female lineman has risen from 0 to 2% and is still rising.


Just goes to show how they were kept out of those high paying jobs for so long, and how even now when they’re “dominating and controlling society” they still have trouble getting opportunities for this kind of work.

The boys clubs are eroding with women replacing men in jobs that have traditionally been held by men alone which used to be every job. Laugh all you want, but its the men who laugh who are most disturbed by female’s exerting their abilities replacing them. Men are not irreplaceable in any part of the work force.

Women are not yet dominating and controlling society, but we may.

:laughing: :laughing:

Women have always dominated and controlled society. Rather the farce has been going on since forever. You merely pretend that you are powerless, playing the role as victim, when you are instigator and manipulator. It takes rare men, at rare intervals in human history, to point out this charade, and call women on your bullshit.

The real crux of the problem these days from my observation is that women don’t act like women anymore where instead they nowadays act like men. (Albeit feminized men as you can never truly bypass sexual biology as a woman in terms of the physical and psychological.)

Now this isn’t to say that we men are innocent bystanders in all of this either as we certainly have our share of problems also. Me and Wendy were discussing this earlier in the morning.

The biggest problem for men and has been since time immemorial is our instinctual embracing of ruthless competition or domination, and as a man myself I admit that this is a huge bane of our existence especially concerning men’s interaction with other men not just women.

In women’s quest of equality which really just amounted to women embracing and taking up things that have always been done by men has done nothing in addressing the much greater problem or conflict that is reoccurring. Women are instead merely the new players on the stage of ruthless competition and domination but what women don’t seem understand and few men as well that such a thing is the direct problem to begin with. It is a problem, conflict, and pox on both genders.

With women becoming more like men they’re essentially becoming what they originally were against and one would think that women would change things for the better in their stance collectively against men yet clearly at present seem collectively bent on repeating our same mistakes or falling for the same vices that we men thus far have seem incapable of dropping on our own historically.

I do believe there are differences and there certainly are half men, but culture has played a huge role in making men like that. I am not saying, at all, that men and women would be the same without culture. They would not be. But men have been trained to be like that. And, again, I have nothing against competition, even very hard competition. In fact, I love that in a number of contexts. But ruthless is a problem, except in those very restricted times - war, defending one’s home - when it is necessary.

There certainly is some of this, though I think women were always competitive just not in the same ways as men. But for me 1) women were told they lacked the ability to do all sorts of things that they can do, and that simply was not stable. 2) I think more women get the problems with ruthless competition, in the sense you mean, more than men do.

I have nothing against competition either especially cooperative mutual forms of competition but ruthless competition (zero sum environments) creates an environment exclusively where a majority of both men or women do not benefit largely whatsoever where instead only a small minority of people do so. Such competition of the ruthless minority style creates many problems socially for both sexes clearly as we can observe now with women added to the mix and the general workforce.

Yes, women are always competitive amongst themselves especially in terms of sexual selection or attraction but when women have essentially also adopted traditionally male competitive mannerisms it has essentially made things worse for men but also for women themselves. It also alienates men from women and vice versa more so.

Another contentious issue that even Wendy disagrees with me on is why men are the way we are in terms of ruthless competition and domination.

We men are this way because the female ego collectively motivates, pushes us, and exasperates us to be this way. Women forever want higher standards of living, security, luxury, and various economic material manifestations where few women dare question or ask where all of that comes from in organization and how it is acquired especially by men. It comes from that ruthless competition and domination I was alluding to earlier. Essentially it comes from massive social inequality and unfairness in terms of economic distribution where so long women seem incapable of lowering their standards that gives all of that power nothing in men will change in terms of social behavior that is entirely reactionary upon contingent.

Instead women collectively seem to be either ignorant or unwilling in understanding and confronting these social dynamics of society where once again men will not change so long as women keep on normalizing these things themselves in willful indulgences.

So once again, these are problems of both sexes not just one over the other.

Why would women deprive themselves of legal rights and subject themselves to legally sanctioned physical abuse? Hmm?

Urwrong, you have a very skewed perception of women and paint them as some sly masochistic manipulators. Maybe these were the women in your life, but they do not describe all women in general. These methods are of those who do not have any other means or knowledge to assert themselves, either because they have no rights or are powerless, inside and out. If women stayed powerless for so long it is not because they enjoyed this charade, as you call it, but because they were brainwashed to believe, think and behave a certain way from a early age. And who controls that? Those who make the laws making one choice possible and another not possible. Those who determine what is the norm, what is appraised and what is frowned on. There are still places in this world where a woman who is raped is blamed for the act. I think there are men still out here who are unwilling or unable to control their own animal nature (and here I specifically mean sex), and so place the blame for their own failings on the other. It’s like looking at food and blaming it for making you hungry.
Also bear in mind that not all men place such high importance on their sex drive, like you do. A society that is obsessed with sex will not go very far, and for this, you can just look at 3rd world countries around the world. You will not see women enjoying equal legal and economic rights, or being seen as equal to men, but you will see a lot of poverty, disease, and big families. So, whose bright idea was it to just fuck all the problems away? Hmm?