Female power over men

Great, Im happy you singled out the important points. The ones the ladies are processing in silent gratitude.

Don’t want to get lost in peripheral bantering.

Dipper, you’re missing a lot. For starters, click the image.
Pakistan has nukes. The future of the west is about resources, geography, and will.
And again when I say “it is not A but B”, it is a little surprising to see you say “oh to be clear it is A?”

Maybe Uruz can educate some more, Im out.
Thanks for the chat.

I didn’t single-out anything; all your points were addressed.

And you know this because, from the vantage point of hiding behind them, you were able to peek over their shoulders? :confusion-shrug:

Yes, better to be safe that risk getting lost. :confused:

Hell, I’m ready to learn, but you’re running away.

Which one?


You’re hallucinating. If you say A not B, then I ask how do you know. Your reply seems to be “because I said so and I’m going to run away lest you convince me otherwise.”

He’s currently otherwise engaged on his back with the struggling to pour mud out of his boot by searching for instructions on the heel.

Concession accepted.

Geez man, up until this display of pussification I had a lot of respect for you. So much for the royal treatment. :icon-rolleyes:

[i]Brave Sir Robin ran away.
Bravely ran away, away.
When danger rears it’s ugly head
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes Brave Sir Robin turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.

Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat.
Oh bravest of the brave, Sir Robin![/i]

Does anyone else desire to retrieve the once-again prostrate flag in continuance of the crusade for the existence of righteousness? Surely there exists someone on this planet who can argue their own position to a resolution without first retreating to the safety of Ft Dogma and y’all are apt to give me an ego if you continue throwing white flags at me like this.



Yeah, that.

Naw, I don’t give a fucking fuck.

Yes, you’re undoubtedly the catcher and not the pitcher. Give FC my love :obscene-buttred:


Freud might have something to say about you at this point, I would wager.

In any case, you have proved yourself to be a subcreature with the soul of a worm. And somehow enjoying that. I suppose wormy things are enjoyable to worms. I wouldn’t know.

Try living sometime, or don’t. I don’t give a fuck either way.


Says the most ridiculed wannabe to ever disgrace his intellectual faculties on ILP. I’m still in bewilderment for how you’re able to persistently show yourself, despite all the username swaps in apparent attempts to hide your notoriety: Void_X_Zero → UrGod → Uruz

For months last summer you gallivanted about with Nietzsche in shades until:


And the very next day: poof, shady Nietzsche was gone and I was flabbergasted that you’d let the opinion of one bloke influence your identity (especially since I actually liked the pic). See what an impressionable little Urchin you’ve portrayed? There’s your next username after you’ve worn-out the new one. And it’s a nifty double entendre too :wink: Ur welcome.

You should take your vacuous calumny back to your safespace before I start mindlessly dispatching videos of your beloved Brother Nathanael in retort as I forgot he existed until you showed up showcasing your wormy wisdom in contribution of nothing other than being a general source of antagonization to anyone unfortunate enough to wander within your vicinity.


It’s funny trying to have a dialogue with URUZ. Whenever you try to talk to him, he gets defensive and blurts out “kek” or some other infantile response. He is incapable of having a thorough discussion, anything resembling intelligence.

This indicates to me that URUZ is not actually producing his own topics. He’s coping them from somebody else, probably one of Jakob or Fixed Cross’s threads or forum. He’s a lackey, a follower, incapable of his own ideas or unique interpretations.

Has he ever had a reasonable dialogue, interesting conversation, with somebody on this forum? No…



Men have ZERO innate value in life. Those with nothing, have nothing to lose. This explains male risk-taking behavior instantly and simply. How can it be simplified further? Therefore, that also implies, that females do have innate value, and the very reason-why women “choose not” (lol yeah right) to “do stupid shit”. Women are protected, from harm, from yourselves.

A male can suicide himself. Society can tolerate this. However society cannot tolerate the suicide and risky behaviors of women, or children (unless they’re boys).

I’m taking this one from the URUZ playbook of philosophical debate.



It could be a simian mating call involuntarily elicited upon arousal as a response to environmental stimuli or perhaps monthly cycles. Probably best not to repeat it for who knows what might show up with a shiteatin grin in anticipation of a long night.

Uh oh :astonished: Better sleep with your pants on and a good tight belt tonight! :laughing:

I’ve not considered that angle before :-k

Realistically, most dumb shit we do, we survive or we wouldn’t be here. It only takes one man to knock-up many women, so we need that one man to be the best man who survives all the stupid shit. So it seems like it’s a man’s duty to do stupid shit to either: eliminate his faulty genes from the pool by failing to survive or claim his right to mate by surviving the unlikely thing. Most of the time we do survive the stupid shit, so it’s not entirely sacrificing the false positives by virtue of the odds, although some false negatives may slip by. Idk, obviously it works or it wouldn’t exist like it does.


Marshmallows? Oh, if you guys only knew.
The question ought to sometimes be "To use or not to use ~~ the marshmallows. There IS an art to knowing when to use them.

Come to think of it, you guys are the ones who need to be practicing with the marshmallows once in a while instead of always throwing the rocks or shooting one another down.

BTW, Serendipper, I am in the process of responding to your post, just in case you are in assuming mode again. :mrgreen:

Yes, you busted me, but that’s mighty considerate of you to give me a progress report and I’d like to encourage more of that type of behavior.

Okay, Teach!

If risk avoiding is a girls game, why aren’t any of the supposed men here engaging the difficult point about the risks of pregnancy?
Why then has this thread become strictly about the supposed vices of Uruz?

Hmmm what could it possibly be?



As for the first, it shows a sense of loyalty and dedication ~ answering to the Call within IF we agree. Of course, we understand that sometimes on a subconscious level, we look on our country and our president as a Daddy figure, just like God is a Daddy figure and the church too. If we could only grow out of that!!!11

As for the second, if we do not agree, we protest and we march. I do not go along with the slogan Our country right or wrong.

Hmm…that is a good description I think ~ armed clergy. But why can they not be coming from a place of morality if they, in essence, believe that these things are harmful for the community and the individual? I know. It is not such a black and white issue.
I think that it depends on how the laws are enforced. If it is done with great violence and the cop him/her -self indulges in these same vices, then I agree with you. There is no moral consciousness nor conscience there. Morality is only a tool, is it not?

I am not sure what you mean by this. If a woman, for the most part, cannot exercise the same rights as a man, then THAT to me is perversion of tradition.
Some forms of tradition need to be eradicated ~ like the man feeling that he owns the woman, she is just so much chattel to him, what he says goes and if she doesn’t stay in line he can beat her.

Tradition in my book can often be a refusal to change, and a detrimental one at that!!!1111

I only meant it to be funny. As a mother, I cannot really relate to that but that is just me. It might be as a result of my own upbringing. But I cannot really judge another woman unless she has deliberately abandoned her children. If her motivation and intent is for a good cause to her, than who am I to say?!

I think that if there is a good cause, we cannot think in terms of being pawned off on someone. There is usually some loving, caring and protective person to step in.
The question is: What good cause? How often has it been only in hindsight that we realize the so-called cause was not worth it.

This one made me hesitate. There is truth in what you say depending on the situation/circumstances and the individuals. But might YOU think that for the most part the children can still be well taken care of, feel safe and secure ~ reasonably so at least?

The American Revolution, together with westward expansion and the market revolution, destroyed the hierarchical world inherited from the colonial era. As the expanding commercial society redefined property to include control over one’s own labor, and the opening of the West enabled millions of American families to acquire land, old inequalities crumbled and the link between property and voting was severed. Political democracy became essential to American ideas of freedom. This was a remarkable development. “Democracy” in the eighteenth century was a negative idea, a term of abuse. The idea that sovereignty rightly belongs to the mass of ordinary, individual, and equal citizens represented a new departure. With its provisions for lifetime judges, a senate elected by state legislatures, and a cumbersome, indirect method of choosing the president, the national constitution hardly established a functioning democracy. But in the new republic, more and more citizens attended political meetings, became avid readers of newspapers and pamphlets, and insisted on the right of the people to debate public issues and to organize to affect public policy.
digitalhistory.hsp.org/pafrm/ess … an-freedom

How old are you anyway? :evilfun:

I am not so sure how many of these do what you say.

I also wonder how some of these soldiers who do not feel as you think they do would feel on reading the above?
Might it make them feel that their friends died in vain or that they themselves have lost limbs in vain or become paralyzed in vain for doing what they felt was the right thing to do?

Would you say that the right to live, to exist, can be perceived as a freedom at least in a broad sense? So, these men and women who are consciously fighting and have fought terrorism are not in some sense protecting your freedom?
Are we all not inter-connected in a way?
You can also think of us as dominoes, beautifully organized and set up. It only takes one and they all come tumbling down.

Is it possible that you cannot know the way in which your freedom[s] may have been in danger since we are not told everything.
You seem to be coming from a place of such security believing that your freedoms were never in danger and perhaps, or maybe not, believing that they can never be in danger.
Looking through rose-colored glasses hides the pitfalls.

It is a great thing to live in the here and now but it also important to be able to SEE possibilities and the things which are capable of happening.

That would depend on their consciousness and mentality, no?
Again, most issues are not black and white though you are in part correct. Look what happened in Nazi Germany. Vicious, cruel, barbaric acts by mindless men who thought nothing, felt nothing, but to follow their Fuhrer, a psychopath like their selves.

I can agree with this. You may actually be a very empathetic person though you do not always come across that way. Just a thought.
The problem is that many do no want to serve humanity…only their own self-interests (although all things considered, for many of them, wanting a better life for their selves and children is not a terrible thing in itself) But for others, it was their greed, their hunger for power, their need to destroy, to savagely murder innocent children, women and men, ad continuum.
Why is it that we have conflicts and wars? Haven’t evolved fully?

Thank you for sending Hellstorm. I am in the process of watching it. It is not such an easy thing to watch…it is disturbing and horrible to see how human life has so little value, especially innocent human life. I do not suppose that any nation is innocent and some are far more guilty than others. I cannot understand just what is accomplished by slaughtering so many people, dropping bombs over and over again on innocent people, especially in Dresden. :sad-teareye: :sad-teareye: :sad-teareye: :sad-teareye:
How do we justify doing that? We are, were like animals callously and blatantly killing innocents.
I would be interested in knowing how war crimes were judged considering all of the innocent civilian lives which were destroyed ON ALL SIDES.
Does ANYTHING GO during war?
I either never learned about these things (or perhaps they were downplayed) or forgot about them. I know it is a cliche but it is true. The more I learn, the more I realize how ignorant I am and how little I understand why we do the things which we do.

Then there was Nazi Germany and Hitler…their atrocities… but that certainly does not include all Germans, many of whom were against the Nazis.
It is heartbreaking knowing what we are capable of doing as human beings to one another and we always seem to think that we ourselves are in the right. War does not seem to make much sense to me, especially when we see such horrible acts such as the bombing of Germany, Germany’s Blitz, which ALSO killed many innocent civilians. express.co.uk/news/history/ … tory-facts, our senseless bombing of innocent civilians, including children, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the Nazi’s extermination of the Jews, including women and children, all told between 5 and 6 million.
War brings out the best in a human and the worst in a human. I suppose that Patton’s statement that Well is hell was not such a simple statement. Could hell, if believed in, be any worse?

Here is an excerpt from someone named Octavusprime:
[b]I know that Germany was obliterated during the war. I’ve seen the pictures of cities leveled by bombs. Unfortunately, this was the way of war back in this time. Both sides practiced carpet bombing of cities with the use of infernal bombs, it was a horrible time for man.

Despite the truth in much that is stated in this video, it is also full of German pride and says nothing of what Germany did. The propaganda that was used against the Germans is just regurgitated back at the Allies in this film. It is obvious to me that this film was made by those that at the very least are Nazi sympathizers. I am German myself but the tone of this film is disturbing. Intentionally disregarding what Nazi Germany did and just focusing on what the Allies did to the Germans. Some of it is absolutely true but to ignore what was done by Germany is in a way condoning the Nazi regime and ignoring German made atrocities.

In the beginning of the film the rise of the Nazi’s is obviously glorified as a great thing. The information that follows would be easier to swallow if the video’s creator at least acknowledged Nazi Germany’s war crimes. The silence in this regard is deafening.

So in short: The allies did try to exterminate the people of Germany or at the very least kill so many of them that they would never be a danger to the world ever again. However the missing piece is that Nazi Germany planned on dominating the world under one flag. Hitler planned on being supreme king of the world. Both sides did heinous things and the horrors of WW2 should never be forgotten.[/b]

projectavalon.net/forum4/showthr … storm-2015

I do agree with everything which this person says.

I am going to listen to and watch: hellstormdocumentary.com/194 … rld-war-2/ next.


listen to this: youtube.com/watch?v=Q0V1lF_F6WU

I am not sure if I agree with this but I will give it some thought. But please explain how the necessity of it undermines valor. Change my mind.

This I can agree with because I do think that discretion IS the better part of valor.
Is it valor or is it stupidity brought about by the thrill of it all and the flow of adrenaline?

But he or she does have an option. To give the excuse that they cannot.
It actually does depend on the individual though, does it not?
It comes down to how much we value human life, especially that of a child.
Another not so black and white issue.

I often swim without a purpose. How is this fearlessness? I just love water.
Give me an example of what you mean since otherwise you might not be speaking of anything but one’s own stupidity and foolishness.
I need context here.

I did not know that spiders take their webs down. Perhaps it is simply not satisfied with it. #-o

As an aside, this might be helpful.

Hmmm…What is it that they say one makes of him/her -self when they assume?
As I said somewhere above this post, discretion is the better part of valor.
Different circumstances decide different choices of behavior.

You in the personal sense or are you speaking universally?
lol Appearances can be deceiving, can they not? But then again… :-"
One thing though that I am aware of needing to learn is to not dive into waters too deep for me. But then again, how does one come to stretch one’s self otherwise?
One can also at times forget that the little acorn can evolve into an Oak.
Then there is the balance of time and one’s priorities. Time can sneak up on us like a thief in the night. One cannot get blood out of a stone.

Right about what?

I understand what you are saying but I am not so sure that this is totally true.
Could there be an example of where someone knows beyond the shadow of a doubt that saving someone would ultimately cost him his own life?

Yes, that could hold true for some. Would that make it less of a sacrifice not knowing the outcome?
Human beings are complex creatures. We are all put together differently.
What might be a cultural influence here? The value of a child’s life over anything else?

How steep is the mountain and what machine is he riding? He may be reasonably sure that he could do it. He may be expert at it.
Is deep-sea diving and hot-air ballooning a needless risk? Many things are some degree of risky but do we say no to everything?
Do You yourself say no to everything? Where do you find your aha moments!

Sorry that the above post is a tad too long.

None of the women folk will reply to my posts I see. :sunglasses:

Arc and I have answered some of your previous posts. Go back and reread, you’ve forgotten.

You are the only one forwarding that idea, which I have already addressed, then you scurried away in terror lest you became involved in “peripheral bantering” which may have resulted in the shattering of your Weltanschauung if not for your early withdrawal. If you seriously want to debate me, then grow a pair and I’ll consider devoting time and energy into someone who won’t retreat to his safe space in fear of mere words.



You mean Urchin?

Are you advocating:

Kill Every Kike? :confusion-shrug:


Kiss Every Knob? :laughing:

Obviously you have your kisser firmly affixed to some ideological knob or else you wouldn’t be religiously dispensing infantile murmurings as if you’re privy to some recluse and intimate group of losers who pride themselves on peeing like little boys.

Pepe the Frog designated a hate symbol by ADL

Ping me after you grow up and no longer need gang affiliation of urchins to affirm your worth.