Trump enters the stage

Yeah, the food is shit, but the entertainment factor is huge. Next visit, go there during a week day for lunch when it’s not so busy. Oh, and take lots of kids with you so you can see the wonder in their eyes.

We’re leaving today but next time perhaps.

Back in the city of the Angels.

Another horror story broke today: not that it’s easy to form am opinion, but this really tops the list:

Putin is said to prepare the Russian population for war with the US.over Syria and the alleged chemical attack on the Kurds escalating from the Trump outcry, which smells pretty ominous with the thought that perhaps there is SOME connection between the increasingly confrontational posture between Mueller and Trump, and the later’s increasingly hawkish attitude.

I hope to god for all he is worth, these impressions are unjustified.

Just another day in paradise.

Bloomberg reports Trump is after Rosenstein and Sessions but with the ultimate aim of putting Mueller out of commission… There will not be an end to this because it is a war of ideologies, based on economics and social psychology. Its not even about Trump anymore, its about power and the power of checks and balances.

But how can there be checks in a totally of kilter , unbalanced world?

Rep. Jared Hoffman, Dem. Calif: ‘Our desperate potus, wants to deflect from the deeply incriminating events of the past few days and he is not above using war to do it’

Refer to my wag the dog poll in the society forum.

To assure one’s self that history almost always moves slower than the screaming headlines appear to forecast dire consequences, reinforces the thought that Trump is merely following a party line going back to the waning days of the Eisenhower administration , when IKE warned of the imminent spurt in power of the military industrial complex.

Its inconceivable that this is not so, and the draft dodger President would be hard put to try to go against a power which has gained ascendancy for over 75 years.

Trump is not naive, he talks tough because he is the Commander in Chief of still the greatest force ever of yet the greatest imperium that ever was on the face of the earth.

The political apparatus has known this for a very long time, and this is why the Congress can’t do anything about really leading the country. It is preposterous to think otherwise, and Trump is well aware of the fact of who his bosses are.

I can only feel sorry for a guy who is owned by the banks which bailed him out, namely Deutsche Bank, which was involved with some shady deals with Russian Oligarchs, including the Russian President, and what’s going on is merely a smoke screen to protect very high level business deals.

That explains a lot, the collusion and the proxy wars included

Besides he really should have some idea of the limitations of ego, since he is subject to peer review himself, by his own circle and that of the other currently alive past presidents. I think reality will bear this out as the party pits more pressure on him as he approaches that final two years of his administration.

The constant comments on him looking more "presidential’, indicates that role playing is a very significant part of his reality show appeal. This is not particularly bad, since he follows on the Reaganesque pattern of theatrical politics, and other showbiz personalities like Oprah are taking up the slack , of rounding up doubters , as far as the importance of communication in political reality.

Welcome to the very brave new world. But about order, one only can guess.

Oh faire Trumpeter, why hast though mixed fact and fiction or did you fall into a trap of real debasement, a veery dark place where only the most astute or debased sublimely dare a hidden existence?

Why hast thou exist in that vapid aire of funneling clouds where illumination strikes up and down, reverts to common or uncommon causes and effects, for art though a reserved genius, functional madman, underworld figure of notable proportions, crime now, conman, or merely by the power of the deepest vacuum forged inn the history of worlds , become the very essence of supreme leader selling out even that place which by its nature be defined as against himself, that of not of of this world, negating even itself so anti deal with the underground , mixing brew of in steaming cauldron of magic and derision?

Maybe such mixture of seething rage and unbounded ambition in name of setting free those who seek escape and domination for the new modern slavery. the imperium of the hidden world in reverse.Or.hast Fortuna picked the almost unrecoverable reversal , a victim of the big cause , in a higher fault into the annals of transpired present into the future thrown, , as was so pointedly foreseen by biblical proper see?

God Bless Thou$$$

After all this is post modernism & simulacra be the key to reality. Trump enters and exits the stage, unnoticeably invisibly.

His exit may not exist.

B b b but it does. Brilliant escape tragic strategy., by Guliani&Trump.His obscure lies about pornyy stormy takes most pressure off him in a cooker that could take years to litigate, whether grand jury subpoena may be legal or not, but stormy?


Sure they have a boring exit strategy, so tired that people will be leaving the show in droves, why, the implicit exoniration of. obsessive preoccupation with the Clinton impeachment over jeniffer is surely is a very good precedent for twisted tongues!

Brilliant! Kudos!

Anyone with any brains other then more then yesterday’s headlines could actually figure this out.

And whom ever may think of this being grounded as ingratious , may not understand that presedence oft is taken as a public policy issue, as is suspected, that collusions may consist of such, many a times, in order to retain something rational

If Cantor were alive today, he may have developed a different opinion by now.

Disunity, perhaps the likelihood of a scenario is as follows,
Putin, in his ex KGB nostalgic frame of mind, pining for a return to the great USSR, wants so badly to go back to the status quo, has instigated this whole collusive thing with his great debtor , like some banks has him hanging, so as to try to disunity the golden promise of the greatest melting mega pot the world has ever known

The USA has never had a current ideology, it filtered pragmatically the ideal state as envisioned by the founding fathers, so aa to be become prone to stronger ideologies .

The E Russian connection of a Heglelian antithesis, ruled a bipolar reactionary world since the earliest part of the twentieth century, and the ontological philosophical argument reacted to the nihilization of duality going back as far and terminating in the mid nineteenth century.

But it took 100 years to bring those reactionary ideas to fruition, which basically were fed by roots grounded in anti monarchical actions taken because of huge economic calamities in France.

This to most historians may not indicate a flow chart of sequential ideas, but seem as regional events that took hold on popular manifestations by virtue of increasing dissatisfaction.from the effects of the antithetical effect that the industrial revolution and the subsequent growth of economic disparity that Capital brought about
I thank Peter’s acute observations about some implications regarding the flight of basic values as. Consequential to the process ofntje power of production , ownership , and consumption

The same cam be said of the newly formed ideological axis around Russia, -North Korea, Iran, and Syria. These changes of long held cultural status quo, would naturally flow onto am ideological nihilism, not necessarily based on an economic index, but on grounds of totalitarian leadership.

So Trump, heavily indebted, appearing as if fumbling through more purported gains, built on a powerful New York unending hole of fighting against sinkholes of power grab by hyperinflationary and inflammatory rhetoric , using any power grab, including those from the underworld, reflect Dostoevsky’s notes from the underground, which literally is a two way conversation of almost mystical in its scope , a Rasputian venture into the beyond good and evil newly found ethos

Can this be something of a very largely framed sketch of how these days, the dynamic manifestations of history since 1848 habe come home to roost, in area shrieked temporal view of a history, which supposedly by some, have ceased to exist?

Its all about the plight of the dispossessed, those who lost all, reacting perversely and reversely to the stark contrast ideological befuddled populace , negative to the great.genius mirrored in the shadow of the possessed.

Such possessions , pseudo demonic at heart, is what’s playing silently in the world today, serpentine but perhaps necessary in its rage to upturn everything . worried, even though understanding mr.Nietzsche.

The other deep covered possibility is a reversal of the reversal, where this whole political play was for military justification, to those brass that are more in line with the popular take.

In fact popular perceptions often necessitate wars, and it is really not the intentional cover to create the impression that it is division into nationalism which is at stake, but the broader alignment with what appears to be a global hierarchy , whereby standard economic erosion perpetuates a global system of corporate oligarchy.

That the determinants which will dominate will be dependent on finely tuned global conditions.

The consensus is beginning to look, as if the domestic conflicts will overshadow the nebulous and vaguely understood international connection, whereby the length of litigation will obfuscate the underlying causal issues. In fact, this approach is close to what was planned years ahead within the scope of the visions of The Brave New World and 1984, and Future Shock

This is the reality of a Deep State. Nothing elsewhere much sense except these two scenarios and/or their conflation

I recall a conversation I had with with. Arminius where pre election he intimated that if Ms.Clinton would have been elected, a world war would have commenced. His argument was not explicit, but it does fit with this scenario.

Just now, a bee flew out into my room
Just like an owl stayed on a limb of a tree, staying there, fortnight, oddly, never ever had I seen an owl here, but the day after my son passed.

That is why, for instance Kierkegaard wrote under a pseudonym, not to suffer the anguishwhich may come from an ill perceived sickness unto death, but to avoid the eventual public misconstrue which may come as a result of supposing that if anything were to happen, they may wrongly interpret as a mortal fear.

In which case he may not had to wait another few generations to find out he wrote from a cause differently supposed. He stuck to the venom of undiluted philosophy, and maybe he should have popularized why he wrote such wonderful books.

Sorry for the duplicity in re-writing this previous post.

Duplicity and lack of faith in anything signed by the US is anything but a sign reassurance, especially from one as paranoid as NK.

The undermining of credibility seems to be the modus operans here, and it is quite possible that duplicious states of mind do project the internal structure of belief unto a global stage.

Is such inflation necessary or contingently a subtle attempt to solidify a vastly increasing rate of erosion of power?

This another reversal of apocalyptic proportions?

If its based on a contingency of politics as usual , then no.
But conceive that its a necessary part of a grand design, in the conventional use of the term, then , the answer propels5 toward less calculable effects.*

*Unless contingency run programs trump a grand design

There may also be a hidden leitmotif, the role of the entertainer, the self indulged bofoon, indicating not the ascendancy of the executive branch, but it’s very opposite.

that may be the program of what those to whom he is indebted forces on him in lieu of what can happen to gamblers who miss debt payments to their holders.

Why should an old man who prefers golf take on a job which even a half wit can figure out to be just that? A figure of strength outside , but following a well rehearsed script in the inside.

This may be an other take , with other factors thrown into the mix.

Not really saying one way or another, and not excluding historical ignorance of vast proportions , of interpretations upon interpretations, the will can not be based on any thing bit on the power to survive, and Darwin himself pointed out, that only the strong survive in this game of life.

People in any system of governance will decry the duplicity of being envious of power, and life itself shows this natural tendency.

Marx pointed to reward each according to his ability, and there is nothing wrong with that, then implicit idealism however, conflicts with human nature. Does that imply that idealism in formal education is set on unfair pedestals?

We are at a.crossroads , where nature herself, may have a higher ground to trend toward, and declaring nature wrong is definitely a misnomer.

The transvaluation of morality is just being able to understand its opposing forces as primordial , to be understood, One has to understand, not merely on a perceptive level, then and only then will true realization and equalization come about.

This is at the base of the trumpian dilemma, its severity in this eclipsing time of the dawn of aquarious, when the the imperceptible gate through which the needle in the haystack has to go through, is coming with impending urgency.

The quantum life has no less requirement into this absolute, to close the circle of public deception.

It contains an absolute necessity at its core.

Now that may well, be ,HOWEVER, the inflationary effects on economy of the triad: personality qua; dogmatic ideology, , inflationary uncontrolled regulation, as pressing upon the decompressing affect on the pursuit of happiness, again qua on ( diminishing returns -in terms of both real and Freudian economy. ) the process of internationalism; can not sustain the equal parallel between fidelity and trust of a union.