The Struggle For A Comprehensive Socialist Movement.

Karl Marx didn’t invent socialism as it existed well before he came onto the scene of history, he did however pervert and corrupt it almost irreparable to which it hasn’t been able to recover since then. There was those that tried to revitalise and cleanse it of all its impurities in 1933 but as they say the rest is history.

No one is arguing communism here as far as I know and what I argue for is a socialist mixed economy that has some basic level of market forces at work but that strictly believes in collectively the public well being of its nation for all people which includes common people also.

A nation of one solidified mind, voice, and commonwealth of all it citizens to which prosperity can be enjoyed by all social classes of people relatively speaking.

All you capitalists can say what you want but it is obvious by any man or woman with any intelligence that this capitalist system is destroying and devouring itself. Sure communism was the first experiment to destroy itself and eventually capitalism also will catch up doing the same since neither system was sustainable in the long run to begin with. The destruction of capitalism is taking a bit longer than its opposite of communism but the end result will be the same.

It’s unsustainable in the long run that revolves around short term thinking of immediate profit or gratification. It revolves around military imperialism that endangers the entire planet with the proliferation of nuclear weapons. It revolves around a ridiculous assertion of infinite growth. These are just a couple of reasons why I oppose capitalism.

Bernie Sanders is a Jewish communist and Barack Obama for all his socialist rhetoric was actually a corporatist figure head with a black face.

The macro/micro distinction is important here.

Be a capitalist who wants socialist outcomes for the world.

What are some of the specific ways to achieve a comprehensive socialist movement…what would it look like more explicitly…what are its tenements?

Deleted - too presumptive and ponderous. How different things look when the ink dries.

Wendy, my only thought here is keyed in by the term ‘affordability’ some purist nations in Scandinavia are so prosperous , socially cohesive, that they can offer incredible social guarantees. But the US , a huge multiculturalism seems unlikely to foster specific kinds of social programs as sought for by progressives.

A social capitalist sounds a bit like an oxy moron, does it not? :sunglasses:

I don’t know yet to be honest, I am still trying to find that out in much contemplation.

Don’t be afraid to express yourself here.

Yes, there in lies the rub of multi racial multiculturalism.

You mean slave revolt did exist, which is true. Byt socialism was in fact a Marxian creation from the opium pipe.

Capitalists focus on creating and inventing things. Zerosum wants to steal things from capitalists which is all socialism is, a negative to subtract from the positive of capitalism.

A capitalist does not want even one regulation, so, therefore, one regulation makes the system socialist and now it’s merely a question of where to draw the line on how much regulation is needed.

Regulations are always for the good of society, not the capitalist.

Capitalism is zero regulation
Socialism is greater than zero, but less than 100% regulation
Fascism and communism are 100% regulated.

If someone wants to argue the definitions, then show me a regulation that benefits the capitalist who believes the free market resolves everything. If that can’t be done, then the definitions stand.

Now, do you want to eat food that is not inspected by the government? No? Then you’re a socialist. So, essentially we are all socialists arguing about just how socialist we ought to be. I doubt anyone is really a capitalist.

So all these arguments based on definitions of what party affiliations we have are basically for political rhetoric, in order to stretch out boring or displaced discussions, right?

No. A capitalist is someone who uses money to make money. A socialist is someone who wants to spend money to make society better. So you can invest and make money, and then build a shelter for the homeless.

Socialist Thinkers Before Karl Marx:

Robert Owens 1771-1858
Charles Fourier 1772- 1837
Pierre Joseph Proudhon 1809-1865
Louis Blanc 1811- 1882
Saint Simon 1760-1825


Karl Marx 1818-1883

Capitalism doesn’t steal? :laughing: :sunglasses:

Socialism doesn’t seek to disrupt or lessen innovation just so you know.

State centrally controlled capitalism does argue for a minimum of regulations, it’s only delusional libertarians that argue for a zero regulatory environment.

All socialist governments argue for 100% regulation because as socialists we understand how corruption of private individuals work like with zero oversight, I just call that common sense.

There is this tiresome narrative that socialists are against trade, investments, labor, making money, working, or running businesses. It is all of course completely unfounded.

The caricature that capitalists create for socialists is a ridiculous one.

A socialist is an individual that desires to create a levelled playing field economically in society where all people have the opportunity to succeed in life and where they’re all protected by government equally under law. This is of course much different from capitalists with their exclusive monopolies followed by a belief of exceptional entitlements where they basically don’t give a damn whatsoever about a majority of people. This is why capitalism will fail because when you throw 75% of your population under the bus into ruin it is not a winning strategy of success for society collectively as a whole.