Sloppy Tenths

I agree that sloppy tenths applies to men also. Only men push the idea that women desire male [Edit: slutdom rather than] whoredom.

Money doesn’t make the world go round, but it oils the wheels.

What is “male whoredom”?

Oh yeah? Check this out: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=189596&hilit=conveyor+belt&start=75#p2585290

That would be a male gigolo, but what I meant were male sluts, male slutdom. My apologies, correction made.

I recently asked a man in his 60s what percentage of men frequent different prostitutes beds [ie. men who have intercourse with more than one prostitute] and he answered a whopping 50% have slept with more than one prostitute. Really? Shockingly high.

What would explain this difference is simple. Men are visually aroused which is easily provided by women in most public places with curve hugging outfits, revealing outfits, flawless makeup, etc. Women on the other hand need more mental stimulation and verbal intimacy which isn’t easily accessible in public places. So men are always becoming aroused and women aren’t.

Cool! How long did it take you to find that old post? :slight_smile: My HS history teacher said that and I just happened to remember. Something about this thread loosened the gears in my head :stuck_out_tongue:

So what’s a male slut? Is that like a male whore who doesn’t get paid?

^ In other words, an ordinary guy?

And you believed him?

^ Your insight into the differences between men and women is impecable, Wendy.

^ I’m sure you have a lot of gears in your head.

Too bad they’re connected with loose screws :stuck_out_tongue:

HS = High School. He was a helluva guy. He issued history books with the instruction to put them under our beds until the end of the year because he didn’t need a book to teach us history, but the state required they be issued.

I searched Carleas’ history for “human” and was told I can’t use that word. Then I tried “obviously human” and got 9000 results. Been trying for two days to find where I’m sure I saw that he lifted the moderator approval requirement for someone who was “obviously human” who posted about it in meta.

Is Most Published Research Wrong?


Within a few minutes I can pick apart most studies (group too small, biased sampling, leaps to conclusions, etc, etc). One must really study studies.

I believe that is the rant house thread that follows. viewtopic.php?f=6&t=193814#p2692429

Hey thanks! “clearly human” not “obviously” lol No wonder I couldn’t find it. How did you find it?

I really wish our values as a society were the other way around. I remember the feminist complaint used to be that women are shamed for being sexually permiscuous while men are congratulated. Now I’m seeing more and more slut shaming towards men. But why? I mean, sure, that makes things equal (I guess) but why not less slut shaming towards women? Why not lift the stigma from both sexes rather than put it on both?

Wouldn’t that be something, Wendy? Sexual freedom for both sexes? No stigma? Just sex, sex, sex everywhere. At work, in the park, at the food court in the mall. Just a bunch of sucking, and fucking, and licking, and thrusting, and cumming, and squirting… all day long, everywhere you go. :smiley:

Around 32.65% last survey I conducted.

No, in fact I don’t. “Believe” is a problematic word for me. I’m an anti-epistemicist, which means I don’t think we actually know 99% of the things we think we know. When I read an article, my first thought is: how the hell do they know? Then it’s: are they just fabricating this? ← I usually don’t get answers to those questions, so it kinda just sits in my mind as “unknown”. That’s not to say I dis-believe it, just that 99% of the stuff I read or hear never gets through the screening process in my mind, the screening process whereby information gets qualified as knowledge.

Yes, it is. I wasn’t being snide. I was serious. It’s a good insight.


Yes, it is. Well, you responded with your sarcastic blue fill in text, what’d you expect?

:laughing: I know. Blue text sometimes means I’m being sarcastic/trolling but not as a rule. I’m totally inconsistent, Wendy. :smiley:

I’ll have to remember that.

Those are the teachers who really stand out. I remember my grade 7 teacher, Mr. Ramajulu ← Now there was a teacher.

I try to have a sense of humor, but maybe my gears need more oil :mrgreen: With a name like Ramajulu, one would have to have a sense of humor! I used to work for a guy named Lovelady. My friend said “Now there’s a guy who knows how to fight!” It’s like the boy named Sue :wink: Since you like Coe, I’m figuring you like Cash.


I remember when I’d just turned 21…this Asian stripper named…Asia…she used to dance to a David Allen Coe song about being drunk the day his mom got out of prison. Those were good times. She was in her 30s and would always try and hit me with some thing she carried around for hitting people. Cracked me up. Then there was Felony. She was old enough to strip but not old enough to drink. Wore a little plaid skirt before she started her little strip show. Loved cocaine. Ahhh the good times.