No Evidence For God, Why Still Believe?

Where did you learn a word like that? lol

I don’t think there is such a thing as a particle. If there were, it would be made of smaller particles until we get down to waves or an infinity of smaller particles, which makes no sense. Waves can act like particles, but one particle can’t act like a wave since a wave needs a medium.

Light comes from the vibration of charge (acceleration of charge), which is sinusoidal. The difference between a neutrino and gamma ray is just a relatively small difference of frequency. I think the equation is E=hf and E=mc^2 so then hf=mc^2 and we have m=hf/c^2 or just that mass is a function of frequency and is measured in electron-volts. The higher the frequency, the more directional and “particle-ish” the wave becomes.

The delayed choice quantum eraser experiment. Maybe the future doesn’t cause the past, but the continuum is continuous: whatever caused the decision to look during the interval between the slits and target was there all along and we can’t decide to look at something without affecting what we’re looking at.

Alan Watts said everyone has a metaphysical assumption that they can’t prove. Watch out for it! All statements must be supported with empirical evidence, except this one :wink:

Philosophy books. Though as a noun not an adjective.

but single particles do act like waves, again, the slit experiments. Or waves act like particles. Either way we have things acting like both, depending on stuff like observers and that’s just weird.

Ah, fuck empiricism. No one, absolutely no one relies only on empirical evidence.

Skepticism is certainly rampant in modern society regarding the Scriptures which states that God is exactly what it claims Him to be. There are those who say they do not believe in the existence of God because no one has ever seen Him, in other words they believe in only that which they have the ability to see. How many of us have stood on a mountain and surveyed the surrounding landscape in awe and admiration, exclaiming that there must be a God who brought all these things into existence. Louis Pasteur, the French biologist, declared: "Posterity will one day laugh at the sublime foolishness of the materialistic philosophy. The more I study nature the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator.

No evidence for God… it is all around you.

You have a pretty good memory then :wink:

“Depending on observers” tells us it’s all connected. The cause of the decision to take a measurement came from the same field of existence that the wave is traveling through. There is no way to have an objective perspective.

It was a joke: all statements needing to be supported by empirical evidence is the metaphysical assumption that can’t be proved.

Or like my claiming there is no objective truth. How can that be an objectively true statement? My reasoning is objective truth cannot have an observer or it would then be subjective truth.

Creationism is still materialism isn’t it? The potter makes pots of clay (lifeless stuff with life breathed into it). The only difference between the Ceramic Model and the Fully Automatic Model is the creator: one is God and the other is the automatic process.

But what if the creator and creature are the same thing? No lifeless junk needing life breathed into it because the life is already there.

Do you know of anything that is superior to your mind? and

Do you honestly believe that any power or force which is inferior to your mind could have produced you?

Pernicious beliefs are like finding used band-aids in my soup. I never forget the moment I find them.

Or perhaps to avoid one. :mrgreen:

Ah, OK. It’s also a heuristic no one follows.

Yes, but how do you remember the brand of band-aid? I can never remember the quadratic formula; only how to derive it. I can retain processes, concepts, but I have trouble with abstracts. I guess that makes me a perspicacious dimwit :laughing:

Hmm… I haven’t thought about that angle. Can an object be a subject to itself? My supposition is that objectivity can never be realized because the moment there is an observer (subjective interpretation), it’s no longer objectivity.

This hearkens back to a conversation concerning the valuing of money. One position is that all the valuers constitute one entity and that makes it objective valuation. My perspective is each valuer is an entity of many, making it a collection of subjective valuations whereas objective valuation would be a value set by the government. The reasoning for that is the government dictation doesn’t require a subjective observer for it to be so: even if there were no trade occurring in the universe, the value would still be set in stone and therefore objective. My position is that objectivity doesn’t require and, in fact, cannot have an observer (subjective interpretation). Of course, we could still observe the government’s dictation of the value of money, but not through our own subjective lens of valuation (we can have no influence). The other point is that it’s still somewhat true of collective valuation: that the value is set by a higher entity which makes it objective. It’s a tough problem to sort out.

They say they do :confused:

Superior in what way? My view is it’s impossible to have an advantage without also a disadvantage therefore there is no such thing as overall superiority. For instance your mind may be superior to my mind in certain ways and vice versa, but neither of us can be overall superior to the other.

Well, I was once a baby and now I’m not, so was I inferior then? If so, how did I get from baby to adult (inferior to superior)? How does a forest of trees come from one acorn?

Serendipper wrote:


Look at the stars in the sky, the entire universe with its galaxies, are they nothing short of spectacular, yet they don’t have a mind, they cannot think or reason or plan as you do. Perhaps you believe “this all just happened”? No master mind thought out and planned that complicated universe, brought it into being, you said yourself neither of us can be overall superior to the other. Wherever laws exist, there must of necessity be a lawmaker. The mind can invent and gather knowledge, sends signals to the moon, have the ability to annihilate all life from earth, but, there remains one thing no man ever has been or ever will be able to do. He cannot build or create anything that is more intelligent than himself.

I’m not sure.

No, life can’t come from nonlife.

I have a hard time believing that too.

But there are no laws. There are just regular happenings.

What do you mean by “build or create”? What do you mean by intelligent? Computers can compare 3 billion faces in 1 second.

If there is a monarchical god, how do you know you identified the right one?

Serendipper wrote:

Accidental Truths vs. Laws of Nature.

Computers. Built and created by an intelligent woman/man.

Entirely your decision. God gave you free will to decide for yourself.

“Accidental” seems too much like a mistake. I’d say serendipitous. “Truths” seem too much like laws. I’d say observed regularities.

But you said “there remains one thing no man ever has been or ever will be able to do. He cannot build or create anything that is more intelligent than himself.”


We’re groping around in the dark looking for something to cling to that will save us, so what if we stumble upon or are born into the wrong religion?

How can you say we have freewill when we’re blind? How can you make a choice when you can’t see to decide?

Computers do not have feelings e.g. love, fear, anger etc, this fuels ambition and creativity and advances civilization.

Serendipper wrote:


Jesus declared that even those who “knew not” the Lord’s will, but did things “worthy” of condemnation, will be punished by the returning Master (Luke 48).

What if truth about our origins and what type of beings we are is scattered about in all of the major religions in bits and pieces that need to be assembled to make a coherent explanation?

Yeah that’s true, but I’ve read that computers can generate art and play music and are projected to take every job known. Oxford and Yale University have estimated the years until all job are gone: … f-our-jobs

How do we know if they feel like us? How can we tell if they’re just mimicking? How can we tell when a psychopath is mimicking? Are some people just machines? Do some people not have souls? What about animals? Which animals? Bacteria? What about plants?

But why is that a basis for your belief? How do you know what the bible says is true?

I can’t find Luke 48. What chapter?

That philosophy worked for Bruce Lee with martial arts. He took a little of this and a little of that and made a style that made him famous. That’s pretty much what Alan Watts did too.

Name all the major religions Alan Watts took material from.

Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity. (Really not much from Juadaism, just the Yetzer Hara which is the evil inclination or what he calls the element of irreducible rascality.) Nothing on Islam that I’ve ever heard from him.

He said Buddhism is Hinduism stripped for export.

He surmised 4 models of the universe:

  1. Ceramic Model
  2. Fully Automatic Model
  3. Organic Model
  4. Dramatic Model

In the West, the ceramic model came first. That’s the potter working the clay. Then in the late 1800s, early 1900s that idea fell out of favor in light of scientific and astronomical discoveries, so they booted God out and kept the rest of the model (fundamental matter is lifeless “clay” that somehow forms itself into life automatically). He asserts that even people who say they believe in God don’t really believe because if they really believed they’d be shouting in the streets, but even the Jehovah’s Witnesses are polite when they come to the door. So, nobody ‘really’ believes in the God of the bible, but they think they ought to believe.

In the East, the dramatic model came first, then the same thing happened: they booted the Brahman out and kept the rest of it, which is the organic model.

If anyone can think of other models, that would be great! Plausible models! Not pink unicorns sprinkling pixie dust and the like :stuck_out_tongue:

Who booted God out? Certainly not all Christians or theists.

Is he really arguing that nobody believes in God? I can’t see any basis for that and what’s the fleshed out shouting in the streets argument?

Again who is they they?