Female power over men

Your words, retard. Why am I not surprised that somebody of your low calibre doesn’t even remember what he wrote within the first page of his own thread?

Learn to fucking read…your own writing.

Everyone is a genetic victim to this toxic reality, there’s no way of circumventing it other than to implement major industry changes to clean up the environment. Food, water, air, all things we ingest may be permanently affecting our DnA. Why is this possibility so hard for you to acknowledge when it’s common sense cause and effect I’m describing?

Still playing the victim card… I knew it. Still too soft.

Since you say you are very curious, ask a geneticist about my point which is simple and explanatory.


The way genes work are affected, making men more girly and women more manly. :laughing: :evilfun:


A criticism? Hardly ~~ but you might consider my words to be a challenge and a Question to reflect on in order to examine the effect[s] that these words of yours might have on young children growing up, both male and female.

Do we want to raise autonomous, independent, self-thinking children who realize that they can be just as “whole” without another, can stand securely on their own two feet, more or less, or do we want to raise children who grow up to become alcoholics, drug addicts, sex addicts, stalkers and obsessively-possessive men and women, because they feel that something is always missing from their life, and children who are not capable of experiencing and enjoying their own solitude and aloneness and Self because, after all, they have been pre-conditioned, indoctrinated, to believe that they are “nothing” without another.

Do you think that women who endure physical abuse by their husbands endure it because they feel that it is such a great experience or do you feel perhaps that they endure it because they feel that “they are nothing on their own”?

Does that NOT make for them such a cocoon-like world even though in the “real” cocoon eventually the caterpillar becomes the butterfly and transcends his cocoon and flies onward and upward. lol
Not so these human caterpillars who feel they are incapable of becoming something on their own without a man or a woman.

Words have power and meaning. This is all that I am saying.

All I said was men and women are nothing on their own because in society it requires both sexes working together complimenting each other to make it work. That’s not even a radical assertion!

The way you speak it sounds like you want to sexually alienate and isolate men or women from each other, why?


We can agree to disagree on the first part of that. I intuit that when it comes to certain things, men can achieve them without women and vica versa.

The way I look at it, the “nothing on their own” statement is kind of radical and misleading and my last post still holds and does rings.

But about the first part ~~ is it your thinking that men and women ARE basically nothing on their own? As that statement stands alone?

Do not get me wrong here. I do intuit that men and women harmonize one another in ways, and not just when it comes to pro-creation. I enjoy a man and his company but does this mean that a man or a woman becomes less human and capable and falls apart without the other?

Sexually alienate? No, that is not the case. But at second glance above I did think that you were speaking about some worthy or vital cause where men and women, according to you, have to come together in order to achieve it.

Can you give me an example of this? Something comes to mind for me.
What prime example would YOU give?

Why even use the term “sexually alienate”?

It’s because without men or women vice versa people become alienated, isolated, and alone. The human species wasn’t naturally designed where women stay amongst themselves or where men stay amongst themselves also. This form of sexual segregation, seclusion, or division is completely unnatural where that is what I meant by saying men and women are nothing on their own. No, human beings were designed where men and women interact, work, socialise, or live together. When I said sexually alienate I wasn’t referring specifically to reproduction or procreation, it meant more on the lines of the alienation of gender.

I would say so, ever seen the psychological deterioration and toll on either men or women that have spent decades alone by themselves without interaction of others especially of the opposite sex? People fall apart real quick, self destruct, and find unusual coping mechanisms as a sort of psychological reaction.

It’s also very hard to be successful as a man without a woman because you must understand that the concept of success for a man is having a woman at his side where if there is none that is perceived as mark of failure. The most worst kind of failure actually for any man.

Having a woman in a man’s life isn’t just sexual or about reproduction but also is psychological, it makes up for man’s psychological wellbeing for things like companionship. So much of a man’s success revolves around that psychological peace of mind having a woman in his life. For a man a woman is the ultimate motivation or motivator that drives himself to become better and ultimately succeed in his ambitions.

There are several psychological things going on in the background between men and women where if you cut them off it’s only psychologically damaging on both sexes in the end.

We need a sort of conservative sexually collectivist organization of society that gets rid of the division between men and women once for all that will only improve the psychological mental existence of civilization itself. Like a national public organization that brings younger men and women together where they can make social bonds with each other through work, education, civic activities, sporting events, social gatherings, or through public works. That would get rid of sexual antagonisms very quickly.

There is a great difference between the two statements “something happened” and “something happened because men made it happen”.

Only a totally worthless fucktard could possibly confuse those two things.

Totally worthless fucktard doesn’t seem like a string of words that would belong in a rational argument or that should be a part of any philosophical discourse.

Any defense of their use would be great to hear.


That would depend on what team you were speaking about.

Yes, you are a philosopher. But are you…

  1. a female firefighter
  2. a female police officer
  3. a female warrior fighting overseas
  4. a female pilot who flies helicopters and planes overseas?
  5. How about the women who do heavy labor, pushing, pulling carrying on farms?

Tell me, do you consider yourself to be as physically and mentally fit as these women are?

What is the word I am groping for here? Asinine?



At first glance, I was going to ask you why it has to be seen in that way ~~ as power over men. But you did use the word responsible and I think that that puts a different slant on things.

There are times when a woman or women must take control of their lives (at all times actually) and must exercise power over men when men use their power to put women down, to try to make them less them they actually are, to hold them back from evolving and coming into their own.
A prime example of that is all of the sexual harassment issues against men that have come to the forefront. I do not necessarily see this as power over men but more to the point about taking back their own power.
But I do see that many, many men like to think of it as power over men albeit there are women, and we are all individuals, who would want to take all of a man’s power away from him. Perhaps there are daddy issues there or perhaps they are not comfortable within their own feminism. Of course, it is not as simple as that.

Feminism did not start out as a way to, strictly speaking, have power over men but to be able to have the same rights and privileges that a man has based on the fact that she is just as human as a man is.
That started with the fight for women to vote. Many men even today are fighting to still uphold/are not capable of letting go of the feminine mystique that women were drowning in, thanks to men and also other women.

How truly free and courageous is your soul?
Many women ALSO look for that kind of a man although I might question why we would NEED someone to be that perfect. What is missing from us that we require such perfection?

What are some of the benefits of development of that consciousness or soul?

Are you saying that only philosophy can offer that? Women and men who do not have the privilege of finding philosophy alluring cannot come to consciousness or soul or enlightenment in other ways?

List of female philosophers:

Aspasia 470-400 BC
Samaria Codwork 1659-1709
CatjarinenTrottee 1677-1749
Lice Frigary
Iris Murdoch 1919-1999
Julia Kimsters
Phillippa FOOT 1920-2010
Susan Drubbing 1885-1943
Baroness Warmock
Christine Dr Pizan 1364-1430
Hipparceha of Maronica 350 BC-280 BC
Judith Judith Butler
Joanna Ones deal Cruz 1651-1695
Catherine Macaulay 1731-1791
Hedwig5 Conrad 1888-1966
Susan Sontag
Susane Katheris 1895-1985
Mary Wollsctor h 1789-1797
Hypatis 415 BC
Simone Dr Beauvoir 1o08-1989
Hanna Arendt 1906-1975
Anne Conway 16311679
Emillie dude Chatelet 1706-1749
Hildegard von Bongen 1098-1179
Margaret Cavendish 1623-1673
Simone Well 1909-1943
Edith Stein 1891-1942
Mary Astell 1666-1731
Elizabeth of Palatone 1610-1680
GEM Anscombe 1919-2001
Diatoma of Mantine
Margaret Atjerson
Ayn Rand
Martha Nussbaum
Gerda Warther 1897-1977
Anna Marie von Schum 16071678
Catharine of Siena 1346-1677
Mary Short on 1863-1930
Sally Hatlanger
Linda Alcoft
Onara O’neil
Lady Mary Shepherd 1777-1847
Susan Hacok
Katharine Gomes
Marie Dr Tourney 1565-1643
Mary Midgley
Patricia Chirchlard

A partial list out of wiki



0:59 a man comes along restrains him and does what 3 of the female officers are physically unable to do, then one of the female officers tells him to get out of the way, as if she is the one keeping him safe.

Obviously those women were not trained properly. Most women require a great deal of extra hand to hand combat training to catch up with the men who have been rough housing with each other since birth.

Fake news

They don’t have the balls to take chances, start swinging, get violent. The guy who ran out to bodyslam the perp didn’t fool around, he just attacked.

It’s why women typically aren’t race car drivers; they can’t take risks. Probably also why women typically don’t reply much on here; they’re scared to lock horns.

The bull dyke cops take risks because they really believe they have five pound Cojones. :evilfun: Girls who were tomboys who competed against the boys always fare better as well, but most women really don’t have a large enough physique to hold their own. Female cops should have to meet specific height/weight ratio requirements. Women shorter than 5’8" are going to really struggle to control people who are taller and heavier than them on average. Even a male cop who stands 5’8" would struggle against another 6’2" man who outweighed him by 20+lbs.

It looked like the women in the video were bigger than the scrawny man. You don’t think so?

It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the fight in the dog. Women don’t typically have fight inside.

Ha! Both size and fight matter. Now that cannot be true with all the men who are now coming forward to the police about their physically abusive significant female others. In general, most women have never given themselves permission to strike out physically…cuz girls aren’t suppose to act like boys. I think the fight is there, but making the first move is typically not.