Political Testing: Post Your Political Acumen

Mine changed from fatherland, socialism, family to ecology, socialism, revolution when I posted the image. either one works for me really. *shrugs

Here ya go. I fell asleep twice while answering these.

It says this at the bottom.

Pragmatism : politics objectively boil down to looking at where the problems are and trying to solve them according to the means available.

It’s interesting you’re a regulatory capitalist Mr. Reasonable which is a lot different from a majority of unregulated capitalists that permeates all throughout American political discourse these days with the mantra of deregulation. If I must take a wild guess here I would say you’re a classic state controlled capitalist perhaps even a corporatist. :wink:

Definitely not a nationalist which doesn’t surprise me one bit being the internationalist that you are.

There are times when all the world’s asleep, the questions run so deep, for such a simple man. Won’t you please, please tell me what we’ve learned. I know it sounds absurd, please tell me who I am :smiley:

But then they sent me away to teach me how to be sensible, logical, responsible, practical. And then they showed me a world where I could be so dependable, clinical, intellectual, cynical. They said now watch what you say or they’ll be calling you a radical, a liberal, oh fanatical, criminal. Oh won’t you sign up your name, we’d like to feel you’re acceptable, respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable!



This was by far the best, most thorough political test I’ve ever taken, so much better than the political compass, thanks for sharing.

All the political positions on the left side of the test results: Constructivism, Rehabilitation, Progressivism and so on are left wing (in the Modern American sense of term) positions, conversely all the positions on the right side of the test results: Essentialism, Punishment, Conservatism and so on are right wing positions.

So I’m a centrist. There weren’t many questions that I could answer absolutely and I noticed lots of grammatical errors along with ambiguity of the question. They should clean it up a bit and have someone proof read it.

Yea, overall you’re centrist.
Overall I’m left wing, particularly on ecological and economic matters, but I’m an essentialist and a nationalist, and divided on rehabilitation/punishment and progressivism/conservatism.

As Zero Sum points out, it’s interesting how both you and Mr. Reasonable are regulatory capitalists (corporatists).
The MSM tends to lump regulation with socialism and deregulation with capitalism, but in both peoples minds and the real world, it doesn’t often work that way.
This is an example of how mainstream politics is grossly simplistic.

Overall, Zero Sum’s test results could be summarized as right wing on social issues, and left wing on economic issues.
Wendy’s results are similar, but she’s in favor of rehabilitation and divided on revolution/reformation.
I suspect women will tend to shy away from punitive and revolutionary violence.
Mr. Reasonable’s test results could also be characterized as centrist, altho on social issues he’s more left wing and economic he’s more right, in contrast to Zero Sum’s test results.

I found it on 4Chan of all places… :laughing:

That’s ironic. :laughing:

This thread needs more revolutionaries since the power structure has essentially bought off all of government. You can’t reform a corrupt system from the inside out as the only way to change it is to violently topple it over and replace it. In time this will become obvious to even the most ardent reformists.

Right? :slight_smile:

Not just grossly simplistic but actually quite intentional in that deregulation is how the internationalists gain control of entire governments. It is their door inside the reins of power within government.

It is exactly why the United States went from a regulatory state capitalist nation in the 1960’s to a deregulated capitalist nation run by private corporations in the 1980’s. (Thanks to that cunt Ayn Rand and the libertarian movement that is over shadowed by neoconservatives.)

Deregulated capitalism is so powerful in the United States that it practically has taken over the entire republican party. You would think the democratic party as the opposite party would support regulations more but they’re equally for deregulation. (No surprise as both parties are cheerleading whores for Wallstreet.)

I’m not sure I’d identify as a corporatist. I think the free market should be free within bounds set by regulation and wouldn’t call myself a communist nor a capitalist, but sensiblist because it’s not sensible to let the market run unchecked nor be tied down.

I wonder which questions we answered differently. I looked for a list of the questions to no avail.

Bear in mind Mr R was asleep through half of it :wink: I must say, the test did seem to drag on forever and I was about to bail before scrolling up to find I only had 2 questions left.

Yes, women being more emotional almost always shy away from violence. In an ideal world we wouldn’t need to utilize violence or war but unfortunately this world isn’t ideal where it is necessary to implement both. For now men safeguard existence utilizing extremes so that women can have security, comfort, and peace of mind from both internal or external enemies.

There is unfortunately not a peaceful alternative to everything and women don’t like hearing that. I’ve tried to convince Wendy of this but she always retorts that I’m wrong. :sunglasses:

““One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.””,
“A good citizen is a patriot.”,
“A good policy is a pragmatic policy without ideology.”,
“A language is defined by its users, not by scholars.”,
“Abortion should be limited to specific cases.”,
“Abstinence should be prefered to contraception, to preserve the true nature of the sexual act.”,
“Activism in existing political organisations is not relevant to change society.”,
“Activists must always act in strict accordance with the law.”,
“All sciences, even chemistry and biology, are not absolute and are subject to being shaped by our society.”,
“Armed struggle in a country is sometimes necessary.”,
“Banks should remain private.”,
“Biologically, human beings are designed for heterosexuality.”,
“Borders should eventually be abolished.”,
“Changes in an individual’s way of life can induce changes in society.”,
“Changing the system radically is counter-productive. We should rather transform it progressively.”,
“Citizens should take priority over foreigners.”,
“Conditions of life in jail should be greatly improved.”,
“Differences of treatement and quality of life in our society show that racism is still omnipresent.”,
“Dismissals of employees should be forbidden except if it is justified.”,
“Elections organised by the state cannot question the powers in place.”,
“Energy and transport structures should be a public matter.”,
“Environmental norms should be influenced by mass consumption and not from an authority.”,
“Euthanasia should be authorised.”,
“Exploitation of fossil fuels is necessary.”,
“Foreigners enrich our culture.”,
“Foreigners living in my country should be allowed to act politically, equally to those who have the nationality.”,
“GMOs should be forbidden outside research and medical purposes.”,
“Hacking has a legitimate place in political struggle.”,
“Heavy penalties are efficient because they are dissuasive.”,
“Homosexuals should not be treated equally to heterosexuals with regards to marriage, filiation, adoption or procreation.”,
“Hormonal differences can explain some differences in individual characteristics between women and men.”,
“Humans should neither eat nor exploit animals.”,
“I am equally concerned about the inhabitants of my country and those of other the countries.”,
“I do not have any problem if other official languages are added or replace the already existing official language in my country.”,
“If two countries have similar economies, social systems and environmental norms, then the free market between them has no negative impact.”,
“In some specific conditions, the death penalty is justified.”,
“Individuals who get out of prison should be accompanied in their reinsertion.”,
“Insurrection is necessary to deeply change society.”,
“It is a small group that consciously and secretly controls the world.”,
“It is acceptable that some industry sectors are private.”,
“It is acceptable that there are rich and poor people.”,
“It is better to arrest someone potentially dangerous preventively rather than taking the risk of having them committing a crime.”,
“It is important that health should stay a public matter.”,
“It is important to encourage an agriculture that maintains a food biodiversity, even if the output is inferior.”,
“It is legitimate for a country to intervene militarily to defend its economic interests.”,
“It is merit that explains differences of wealth between two individuals.”,
“It is necessary to avoid private monopoly.”,
“It is necessary to implement assemblies to ration our production to the consumers according to their needs.”,
“It is necessary to massively invest in research to improve productivity.”,
“It is necessary to remove regulations in labour legislation to encourage firms to hire.”,
“It is necessary to teach history in order to create a sense of belonging to the nation.”,
“It is not acceptable that human actions should lead to the extinction of species.”,
“It is unfair to set a minimal penalty for an offense or a crime.”,
“Justice should always take into consideration the context and the past of the condemned and adapt their penalty accordingly.”,
“Loans contracted in the public sphere (State, regions, collectivities…) should not necessarily be refunded.”,
“Looking for one's own profit is healthy for the economy.”,
“Maintaining strong economic growth should be an objective for the government.”,
“Market economy is optimal when it is not regulated.”,
“Marriage should be abolished.”,
“Mass strike is a good way to acquire new rights.”,
“Members of a nation or culture have some unchangeable characteristics that define them.”,
“Minimal levels of salary should be ensured to make sure that a worker can live of her/his work.”,
“Multiculturalism is a threat to our society.”,
“My country must pay for the damages caused by the crimes it commited in other countries.”,
“My religion must be spread as widely as possible.”,
“National Chauvinism during sport competitions is not acceptable.”,
“No one should get rich from owning a business, housing, or land.”,
“Nobody is by nature predisposed to criminality.”,
“Nowadays employees are free to choose when signing a contract with their future employer”,
“Nuclear fission, when well maintained, is a good source of energy.”,
“Offshoring and outsourcing are necessary evils to improve production.”,
“Order and authority should be respected in all circumstances.”,
“Patents should not exist.”,
“People need to stand up for their ideals, even if it leads them to betray their country.”,
“Preserving non urban ecosystems is more important than creating jobs.”,
“Prisons should no longer exist.”,
“Reduction of waste should be done by reducing production.”,
“Research produced by my country should not be available to other countries.”,
“Revenues and capital should be taxed to redistribute wealth.”,
“Revolutions will always end up in a bad way.”,
“Sabotage is legitimate under certain conditions.”,
“School should mostly teach our values, traditions and fundamental knowledge.”,
“Selfishness is the overriding drive in the human species, no matter the context.”,
“Sexual assaults are partly caused by men's natural impulse.”,
“Sexual orientation is a social construct”,
“Social assistance deters people from working.”,
“Social differences between ethnic groups cannot be explained by biology.”,
“Some sectors or type of employment should be financially supported.”,
"Space colonization is a good solution for supplying the lack of raw material on Earth (iron, rare metals, fuel…) ",
“State-run companies should be managed like private ones and follow the logic of the market (competition, profitability…).”,
“Technological progress must not to change society too quickly.”,
“The age of retirement should be lowered.”,
“The categories “women” and “men” are social constructs that should be given up.”,
“The fact that some schools and universities are private is not a problem.”,
“The filing and storage of personal records should be delimited strictly and database cross-checking should be forbidden.”,
“The influence of religion should decrease.”,
“The labor market enslave workers.”,
“The main goal of a couple is to make at least one child.”,
“The maximum allowed hours in the legal work week should be increased.”,
“The police should be armed.”,
“The purpose of the judiciary system should be to punish those who went against the law.”,
“The right to be anonymous on Internet should be guaranteed.”,
“The sacrifice of some civil liberties is a necessity in order to be protected from terrorist acts.”,
“The social roles of women and men can partly be explained by biological differences.”,
“The State should be abolished.”,
“The values of my country are superior to those of other countries.”,
“Traditions should be questioned.”,
“Transforming ecosystems durably to increase the quality of life of human beings is legitimate.”,
“Transgender individuals will never really be of the gender they would like to be.”,
“Transhumanism will be beneficial because it will allow us to improve our capacities.”,
“Violence against individuals is never productive.”,
“Wage labour is a form of theft from the worker by companies.”,
“We must fight against global warming.”,
“We need to establish a monarchy to federate the people and preserve our sovereignty.”,
“We need to make compromises with the opposition to apply our ideas.”,
“We should accept changes in our way of consuming food to limit the exploitation of nature.”,
“We should always distance ourselves from protestors who use violence.”,

True because not all females are women, imo.

False. What if the state is tyrannical? Can’t blindly support any state.

Somewhat true because an ideal policy is not always practical.

Well duh

I have no opinion on that.

False. That’s crazy idealistic.

Not sure what that is asking.

True I suppose. If it weren’t, then it would be a revolution and not activism.

False. Wtf!


I’ve never considered that one before, but I’m saying false. Screw the banks and I’ve seen no advantage for competition between banks.

True. The plug goes in the socket.

False. Good fences make good neighbors.

I suppose so, but to a small extent.

That seems reasonable.

Of course!

Probably true.


True. Why dismiss for an unjustified reason?

How can the state question itself?


Mostly false.



True. So long as they don’t take over.


I have no idea.

Interesting idea, but no.

Seems like a true statement.

True. I’ve never understood why homos, or anyone else, would want to get married. Their raising kids doesn’t seem like a wise idea.






I suppose in some instances.

That actually seems a good idea.


lol yeah probably.



False. That’s insane!


False. (This is an issue?)

Of course!

Only somewhat true.



Massively? False.



True. (Why do they confuse the question with “not”?)

True. Let judges judge.

Of course!

Not sure what is asked.

Mostly false, but somewhat true.




True. (Not that I advocate it)



Idk. If one overtakes another, then it’s no longer multi. If it’s eternally multi, then it’s probably ok. Good fences make good neighbors.

Seems fair.

LOL no

Why wouldn’t it be acceptable? The purpose of sports is mock war.

False. (Gloom, I hope you didn’t say true to this one lol)








Somewhat true. Don’t get crazy, but don’t wipe out the land either.



False. We should help each other.

Absolutely true!



Why would that not be true?


Well duh



Somewhat false.


False. Seems silly

Somewhat true.


Hey that’s a good idea.

False. Insane!







Well I guess so



Anyone answering true to this ought to swing from a tree.



Somewhat true.

Questioned? Yes.

I guess

Probably true


Never? False. Rarely? True.



:laughing: False.



That’s wise, yes.

If anyone has an issue with an answer, hit me up!