The Failure And Disaster Of Multicultural-Multiracialism

There’s no way to know the dictator is good, and most people are pretty selfish, especially power seekers.
They may be so full of shit, so effective at duping people, they may have duped themselves into believing they’re actually good, not knowing they’re bad until after they’ve been in power for a while, and finally have the opportunity to do bad without consequence.
It’s a huge risk to take.
A bad dictator will surround himself with bad men who won’t rebel against him unless he becomes crazy or stupid.

It’s unlikely a dictator will write a constitution, I mean what dictator bothers to write one after he has taken over the army and used it to crush the democracy and override the existing constitution, and even if he does, in all likelihood it’ll be written in such a way so as to make it easy for him at least and his generals to circumvent, altho his minions may be subject to it.

In a democracy, the constitution doesn’t just protect you from the prime minister himself, it also protects you from the military and the police.
In a dictatorship (or a democracy), the military and police are somewhat indepenent of the dictator (or the prime minister).
He can’t micromanage, he has to delegate and delegate, and so even if he’s great, in absence of a (strong) constitution, the military and police will often abuse the people.

A dictatorship is harder to physically rebel against, as the people will in all likelihood, immediately or incrementally be disarmed, and while in a democracy, the prime minister can sometimes dupe the people into thinking their oppressive conditions are what they voted for, by rigging elections, or him claiming: you voted for me because you wanted this, when they really voted for him because they wanted that, at least the people in a democracy have access to education and independent media, even if they often fail to utilize it.

While there probably is some election fraud, I mean who knows, maybe Hillary won and Donald lost, I seriously doubt most people actually voted for a third party like the Greens or Libertarians, or for an independent.
If most people did, I think the press would be hard pressed to trick them into thinking otherwise.
People have family, friends and neighbors, they ask them who they voted for, and if almost everyone was saying Greens, Libertarians and/or independents, quickly it’d become apparent they’ve been had, and a revolution would ensue.
So while voting can be rigged on a small scale, I think there’s a limit to how much, and when the people are really primed for revolution, it can happen at the voting booth.
We might not get everything we want, but at least we should be able to sway things more in our direction: nationalism, socialism, and for me, environmentalism as well.

Francesca? Francesca? The absolute state of modern Italy.


The absolute state of modern France.


^ kek

WTF Australia? So let me get this straight, in South Africa they’re talking about appropriation of white farmers land by the government without any form of compensation which is clearly racially motivated, which the liberal Australians politically say isn’t a form of racial persecution?

Have you Aussies lost your fucking minds? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:






That’s almost 400 white South African Afrikaaners killed per year folks.


Imagine if you will that you’re a white Afrikaaner family belonging to a small farm in South Africa where as a husband you’re beaten by a mob of Africans forced to watch your wife being gang raped in front of you where your four year old daughter is having her face carved open with a hunting knife also. That’s just one report of the savagery coming out of that nation.

Yet the liberals in the west politically say nothing of these acts that happen frequently where they would rather shove these events under the rug internationally making sure it never reaches the general public.

French female police officer being beaten by a horde of Africans.

When will the French say enough is enough?


Liberals, leftists, are the absolute lowest shit of all the shit on this planet.



United States



United States







why have thoughts when youtube can provide them for you…

if youtube went off the web, you wouldn’t have anything to post…


Not my fault you don’t know how to use streaming videos online old man. If anything I am provoking people to watch the videos and have a discussion afterwards about them. Apparently that is lost on you entirely.

looking over this page, I see boat loads of discussion… yep,
post after post of discussions about those youtube video’s…
two post from Ur god… yep, I see the massive discussions you
are writing about…how could I have miss them? I just don’t know…

why don’t you tell us about those discussion with another pointless
youtube video… not words, because clearly you aren’t smart enough to be
on a PHILOSOPHY web site using actual words… you need youtube vid’s to make
your point…


It’s called modern media, you know the stuff that has been around the last fifteen years.

I have a higher vocabulary than you do so don’t insult my intelligence. It’s not my fault you embrace the intellectually bankrupted ideology of neo liberalism.