
Mr Reasonable

I have two words for you:

Great Post


I know, but I can’t think of a better word to describe how the brain was engineered, can you? Clearly the brain was refined over millions of years and refining is an engineering principle. The point I wanted to convey is that the brain exists in its form for a very good reason and that’s the best word I could come up with that fit the bill, but I’m open to suggestions, refinements, and maybe together we can engineer a better word :wink:

How do you know there wasn’t/isn’t intent? Where does intent come from? What is it? This is the satyr conversation because now we’re at the point where proteins form “life” which has intent which must have come from some other universe or something since it’s assumed not to be native to this one, but “conjured” into existence “somehow” (ie magic) through complexity or whatnot.

Atoms form molecules which form amino acids which form proteins which form cells which form organisms. Where does the life property come from if it’s not native to the universe? Life has intent, will, which is what fights entropy (apparently).

Isn’t intent “forward looking”?

Right, the men who didn’t have the characteristics that we call typically male, they didn’t survive. They were selected against because it didn’t work. The egalitarian men won the darwin award while the sexist pigs thrived.

Maybe so :slight_smile:

It’s like you’re thinking that I’m thinking men aren’t capable of talking, but only women. Of course men talk, but the old joke for the 3 forms of communication was: telegraph, telephone, tell a woman. Women are notorious chatterboxes.

I think it’s rare, but probably did happen rarely. The video I posted is of a small tribe. It’s a handful of people. Women managed the gardens and one woman quipped that a man would screw it up if she didn’t do it. I think the man was chopping down a tree at the time.

Women are lousy hunters. Heck, they can’t even kill a spider lol. I have several tree stands and have hunters come here to hunt and never once have I ever seen their wives. One guy said his wife tried it once, but got cold and that was 20 yrs ago and she’s never come back with him. Women have zero interest in hunting, have no capacity for killing bambi, they can’t tolerate the weather, and have no biological advantage that I can fathom. Of course, there are exceptions but if you go on a dating site you may find 1 hunter chick and she’ll be more of a man that you lol (not that you’re not a man, it’s just a joke)

You think everyone is making this up to subjugate women?

Einstein had a bit missing so the rest of the brain compensated which gave him his superpowers. Same with men and women. Men get a shot of T and don’t develop the corpus callosum as extensively so the brain compensates by turning the man into a systemizer rather than an empathizer. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empathizi … ing_theory

Why be ashamed to be an adult male? That’s probably going to rattle the chains of a lot of dudes on here if they get wind of it because the men who are ashamed of their “white maleness” are seen as contributing to the oppression of white men lately by enabling their own victimization as a sort of atonement for guilt.

The men who are mean to women are being so because they’ve been hurt by women and you should be more sympathetic.

My old neighbor promised forever on a altar with a woman who, after 24 yrs and all the kids were grown, she lost some weight, went back to school, then ran off with some rich guy leaving my neighbor a broken man who had a heart attack after 2 years and ended up moving back in with his mother. Another guy I know raised his son to about 16 yrs of age when the judge told him the boy was never his. He’s a strung-out heroin addict now while the lying tramp is happily married to some other guy. I could fill this page with my own personal stories about the atrocities of men at the hands of women. It’s ALWAYS the woman who initiates divorce. It’s ALWAYS the woman running off with another man. Some guys philander, but most simply get stuck in a routine watching tv and drinking beer while the woman gets bored before jumping back on the cock/wallet carousel.

Here’s a video showing how women who have longterm partners are actually more flirty and promiscuous than single women youtube.com/watch?v=G43Grbgupds

Here’s another theorizing why women do what happened to my friend youtube.com/watch?v=Ze69ySTnBA8

Cut the men some slack. Those dainty innocent creatures can absolutely ruin your life. 80% of completed suicides are men.

Practice. I only need a handful of words, but if I don’t use it, I lose it, so this is a good venue to sharpen my vocabulary in case I need to sound impressive one day lol

One almost has to be a bit of a narcissist to do this kind of thing.

Yes I need to get out and smell the roses. It’s spring here!

No worries mate :slight_smile:

I think women are a diverse group of individuals, some women can handle the field of philosophy just fine, with very little difficulty and others can’t.
The same is true of men…

Also you keep using the term “unchecked” but your meaning is elusive. From context I can only imagine it to mean two things:

  1. Either you mean “unchallenged”, that is to say no one opposes the idea, which I would argue is demonstrably false by the existence of this very thread…
  2. “unchecked” is taken to mean “allowed”, as in no warnings are issued and no moderation is practiced so as to silence those who would hold such views.

I don’t know which would be the charitable interpretation on my end as both seem entirely indefensible positions, but since 1) seems too obviously false I’ll assume the “check” you’d like is in the form of censorship, which is no less damning.

You can’t win an argument by silencing the opponent… these are old ideas and prejudices. People smarter than us have had these arguments before and as much as we may think those arguments have been laid to rest, there are new generations of people who need to go through the same steps we went through to get there and who knows… maybe they have new arguments we should consider and discuss…

The idea that women are lesser than men is a real idea that plenty of people subscribe to, shutting your eyes to that will not make it go away…
likewise forcing them to band together in remote corners of the internet where they can form echo-chambers of their own is also not a winning strategy…

If you want this to go away, you need to win the argument… but to win it… you need to have it.

It’d be bad enough if you’d like to shut down the enterprise of developing more effective inoculants against terrible ideas through entertaining them, for the sole reason that some pathetic cry baby could be made uncomfortable by it… but what’s worse is if you’re suggesting this should be done on behalf of WOMEN… making no distinction between the spoiled brat who would be dissuaded by the existence of opposition and women in general.

You may not have used any derogatory terms, but this may just be one of the most misogynistic perspective I’ve come across… Women are not all pathetic and helpless, choosing to run at the sight of opposition and in need of protection because they are incapable of enduring a hostile idea.

You may be a woman, and you might be incapable of enduring it… but you are not WOMEN
Don’t be so quick to represent others lest you paint them all with your failures and flaws.

The brain has improved over millions of years and I think you have picked up on the control aspect of our language. Our language has become self centered with us at the center - as in the universe revolves around the earth. I think most languages have become this way and our current day usage reflects this “we” centric way.

I hope that makes sense - I have only just woken up.

I know bro. I wanted to make my point that the words associated all have an intervention bias. Nature as a whole can be treated as an organism with an immune system that removes unfavorable traits from itself - but even my example here is wrought with philosophical difficulty, particularly linguistically based - still with regards to the mentioned intervention bias.

Where does intent come from? I guess it should be a whole new topic << hopefully with a better set of words.

Whoa, this I do not necessarily disagree with especially from a philosophical perspective, it might just seem that way. I believe first things have to be first explained with and without error - clarified - verified and improved upon. So we could start with a story or myth and refine from there << not suggesting we do.

Yes indeed it is.

Yep, I think - but the situation is obviously changing in recent times >> especially here in Australia. Sexist pigs are beginning the slow process of extinction in my “opinion”.

It is like that isn’t it? Can you guess why? :laughing: Now I am messing with you.

Possibly a larger tribe than what I am referring to and most certainly from a different time period(maybe a different dimension - lol).

Surely this adds in the cultural dimension. Apparently we all had fur once - what did the women do then? Female cats tend to be the better hunters - I know, I know, different species, but humor it for a second. Women have zero interest in hunting because of the new cultural paradigm that has now been around for at least 1500 years.

No I think that nature has “specialized” but culture has accelerated this “specialization” and we often forget this when we start on the whole man vs woman thing.

Be careful applying this to other parts of the brain especially the parts that can so easily override the corpus callosum such as the cerebral cortex - the feedback is very strong and with rationalization we can say that the cerebral cortex is boss.

I am impatient to move the whole show forward << figure of speech. I also see that people are all to willing to tie everything we have talked about up until now up with some political bullshit. A masculine man should be able to get over himself pretty quick. I will leave that for you to pick a part.

Men need to harden up without being mean to women - simple - it is 2018 and people are still letting all this crap get to them.

I want change and I want it now.

I use to be one of those angry misogynists as people may know from my past threads on the subject of women but now I view women as victims of a much larger systemic process taking place and in some way victims of their own sexual nature which people in power currently exploit very well.

I use to hate women but nowadays I just feel sorry for a majority of them in a way that can only be described as pity.

Also Shield Maiden, you’ll want to edit the title of your thread to misogyny. :wink:

Thank you, the only one who noticed or read it. :laughing:

Mr Reasonable wrote:

Women have been seen for most of history as chattels and have not enjoyed equality until recent times. Please do not be one of those who use that tired old worn “feminist” to gather points for your argument. I think you have overlooked the fact that my comments were specifically about this Forum, but to challenge your opinion of equality in philosophy per se for the sexes, I will venture further afield and agree there is little or no CONSCIOUS discrimination against women in philosophy, but it cannot be discounted that there is UNCONSCIOUS bias. The question is why this should be more prevalent in philosophy. The answer I think is what I stated initially that philosophers or those men involved in philosophy forums have an inflated view of their ‘intellectual’ prowess or ability to argue their point to the nth degree. What seems to be lost and what I am advocating is that the argument, not the arguer, is what matters the most and that logic is gender neutral.

Except perhaps Uccisore. LOL.

I think that among professional level philosophers, the logic is what counts. These boards are mostly about politics. You could start a thread about modal operators and structural empiricism, and someone would figure out a way to make it about race or gender or class. Politics is where the less educated and more emotional usually end up when it comes down to it. Analysis for the sake of analysis is boring to the needy and the victimized and the emotionally injured. So everything ends up as it does in most cases here. It’s kind of sad, but it can be entertaining at least.

About Uccisore…does a person have to be a leftist to point out that Rush Limbaugh or Mark Levin, or Sean Hannity are right wing nutjobs? I contend that one does not. People who can’t get outside the kind of thinking that revolves around binary distinctions are well…not philosophical, and in most cases boring, and in some cases frustrating to try and have any kind of discourse with. Again, just the sad way that some things really are.

I just woke up too, so we need to make a rule that when we talk, at least one of us should be awake :laughing:

I’m not sure about self-centeredness because I specifically put thought into how the word would be interpreted and I figured someone would eventually take issue with my choice of words and was prepared for that eventuality, but couldn’t think of a better word to portray what I wanted. These sorts of linguistical liberties are taken in poetry and song because they’re a compact way of transferring ideas, for instance: The wind was sighing, howling, moaning. The neon lights stabbed my eyes through the darkness.

I had to look up intervention bias. Interesting. I think think it plays along with personification of the inanimate as a survival strategy that was selected for.

James said something that was profoundly insightful which is evolution only works if it’s resisted. If you think about it, there must be a competitive force that is fighting, resisting life in order for natural selection to work. If there were no resistance, there would be no selection and no means to evolve into higher life. So if there is resistance, there must be a greater force driving forward that overcomes the resistance.

Why don’t you agree?

Same thing happened in Rome before the fall. Where the pigs go, the empire goes. heartiste.wordpress.com/2010/12 … l-of-rome/

Making men and women the same does not work because it’s not complementary. Think what would happen to the universe if cations and anions were both neutrally charged. Opposites are what makes the world go 'round and if you try to make it not-so, then you will be selected against. I mean, you may think you’re winning for a while just as Rome held on for a couple 100 years before falling victim to its own prosperity, but remember that evolution overcomes resistance and time moves faster in this technological age.

We were more ape-like back then which included a more ape-like gut for the digestion of vegetation (ie we didn’t hunt). The disappearance of fur and the appearance of sweating coincided with hunting and then came cooking and then language developed as we sat around the fire picking bugs off each other. (Watch that video; they still picked bugs from each other… and ate them.)

Female cats are better hunters because they have to feed a litter of kittens AND catch enough to feed the fatass male who constantly steals her food. Cats usually have a litter of about 5-6 kittens and they do that about once per year or less, so even if most of the kittens die, they still have a good shot at preserving the species over an expected lifespan of 2-4 yrs in urban areas with coyotes and traffic. Humans are a little different since the mother couldn’t abandon the baby for a spell to go hunting to feed a lazy man, so instead, the man went hunting to feed the family.

Lion males are absolutely worthless. They do nothing but lay in the shade and pee on things. The females do the hunting and then the male comes to take his share before going back to laying in the shade and about the only contribution of the male is in driving away the jackals.

There is no truth to that because show me a hunter who would not LOVE for his wife to go hunting with him. Women utterly refuse to take any interest in things that interest men even though men are begging them to do so.

They’ve done studies of babies and found no amount of coaxing the get girls to play with boy-toys because it sucks and isn’t fun.

Good video:


At around 22:00, he says that babies one day old will look longer at faces if they are girls and mechanical objects if they are boys. How can it be attributed to culture at one day old? Of course, evidence just makes people dig in and strengthens their resolve to push gender equality.

Well it’s centered around our big brains which cause lots of time invested into raising a human which developed into a culture with circular feedback effects, but the brain is the reason. If humans had a small brain like cats, then not only would we not be capable of discussing this, but the problem wouldn’t exist since babies would be more expendable, numerous, self-sufficient, etc and women wouldn’t need to be tied down.

So it’s not like a bunch of big guys got together and planned to subjugate women because they thought it would be cool, but it evolved into a culture that defined subjugation as a thing to complain about which previously wasn’t viewed by women as subjugation at all. Because of our technology and prosperity, we’re looking for new things to complain about since finding food is no longer a problem.

Prosperity causes its own destruction since evolution requires resistance and anytime an organism gets too prolific, its population is always brought back into check. Though, in the case of dinosaurs, it took 100 million years, but they had to get out of the way because they were clearly much more successful than mammals and if mammals were to have a chance at domination, the dinosaurs had to go. How they went, I don’t know, but I’ve incubated goose eggs before and I’m here to tell you that those creatures are hardy! They grow extremely fast, heal fast, mature quickly, can stand in sub-freezing temps on one leg, sleeping, with their heads under their wings and defy logic for how their legs do not freeze and also withstand the hottest summers. Dinosaurs totally kicked our ass, but I’m sure that in some way their own success led to their downfall because it’s conditional for evolution for it to be so.

Aren’t you letting crap get to you? You want to be mean to men who are mean to women who were mean to men because you let crap get to you. And now you say men need to harden up and learn to eat crap and let women be as mean as they want without returning the favor.

statisticbrain.com/iq-estim … ege-major/

Physics & Astronomy 533 736 1269 133
Philosophy 590 638 1228 129
Mathematical Sciences 502 733 1235 130
Materials Engineering 494 727 1221 129
Economics 503 706 1209 128
Chemical Engineering 485 726 1211 128
Other Engineering 493 714 1207 128
Mechanical Engineering 469 724 1193 126
Other Humanities & Art 563 599 1162 124
Physical Sciences 486 697 1183 125
Engineering 468 719 1187 126
Electrical Engineering 459 726 1185 126
Banking & finance 467 711 1178 125

It seems that verbal ability is less important than spacial, though less pronounced in philosophy than physics.

And here verbal is roughly the same, but without the spacial pronouncement:

English Language & Literature 560 553 1113 120
Humanities & Arts 545 566 1111 120
Arts-History, Theory 539 572 1111 120
Biological Sciences 491 631 1122 121
Political Science 524 588 1112 120
Foreign Languages & Literature 531 574 1105 119

It’s a function of testosterone levels during development of the brain that explains the prevalence of gender in specific majors, but it’s only comparing 2 of the 8-9 aspects of intelligence which paints an unfair picture imo, so I don’t see it as derogatory towards women, but the yardstick is biased towards men.

Inflated view = Dunning-Kruger which has been demonstrated in both sexes.

In one study, women showed more “inflated view” of their prowess on language-specific tests than men. In other words, if you believe you should be good at something, you will overestimate your ability. Conversely, if you do not believe you’re good at a task, you will accurately estimate your ability. It’s egoic.

Now, one difference I’ve noticed is that women are more likely to back down from an argument than men, which is testosterone-linked; therefore maybe women are more-able to admit error and self-correct than the men who confidently plow ahead. But that’s just a theory I’ve been toying with lately.

Most definitely! But people like to categorize and pigeonhole, especially men who are the systemizers.

It’s not sexism to admit that men and women have different propensities for knowledge or intelligence simply for the fact we go about things differently. There are sexual differences between women not just biologically but mentally also.

As of yet I have never found anybody to refute this.

They say we shouldn’t talk about it because it’s not productive and only results in further underrepresentation of women in the STEM jobs. That’s the refute.

Watched your vid. Seredipper. Biology is a reality concerning everything we are and become with nurture playing a much lesser influential role, why science fights reality is simply progressive ridiculousness. Almost everything non-specific, not taken from an individualized aspect, is a generalization that fits the majority of that type concerning men and women. I think my testosterone level was a bit on the high side in the womb since I’ve always tended to be a tomboy. spitting

I’m impressed! Someone desiring the truth :wink:

Yes I think so too. After all, only 7% of Scott Kelly’s genes changed after a year in space :smiley:

No, space did not permanently alter 7 percent of Scott Kelly’s DNA

That might explain why you’re one of the more active women on ILP. Do you like to take chances or prefer to play it safe?

I have read that although men still outperform women in sports such as running and swimming (not weight lifting and such) that the gap is closing and perhaps one day a woman may be speedier than the fastest man. I’m not sure how to explain that. Could men and women be genetically converging?

Oops… guess it’s already happened:

Yet, the long-standing issue of whether women’s performance will eventually “equal” that of men’s surfaced again during the 2012 London Games when the final freestyle split of the 400-m individual medley of Ye Shinwen (28.93 s) surpassed that of male gold-medalist Ryan Lochte (29.10) and tied over the final 100 m (58.65 to Ye’s 58.68), although the overall performance time was 23.25 seconds faster (9.5%) for Lochte. The initial reaction was to suspect that artificial enhancement (ie, doping) had provided the biological advantages typically ascribed to androgenic hormones (eg, enhanced muscle mass, oxygen-carrying capacity). The gender gap in sport, although closing over recent decades, remains, due in part to biological differences but also to societal and cultural influences.

The Gender Gap in Sport Performance: Equity Influences Equality (PDF Download Available). Available from: researchgate.net/publicatio … s_Equality [accessed Mar 17 2018].

Oh, I know. It’s a part of a much more social political sinister agenda being played out in the west.

Scott grew two inches taller while in space according to last evenings news piece.

I’ve always leaned towards risk taking. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dang… an astronaut and taller… what more can a woman ask for? :laughing:

Yeah me too. I’m not sure if it’s T or my mother being overprotective :-k

Mental states are biological states.

Also Ryan Lochte was as high as a kite, or hung over from the night before. Have you ever heard that guy speak? I don’t think it was the other athlete’s performance enhancing drugs, I think it was Lochte’s performance reducing ones.


Now for a confession - not all of what I wrote I believe myself but taking the conventional route seemed like the lame way to go with this topic so I wanted to add some fuel to the fire - it seems to have worked. Now I will only answer what I find applicable from angles I agree with to an extent.

No, I was not talking about you being self centered. I was speaking about our English language not being expressive enough from the other side of the coin for most topics and this becomes very apparent in philosophy - leading to artifacts like intervention bias. This topic in itself is tricky so I will say nothing more of it here. The main thing to take away is that I am not thinking of you or what you are saying as self-centered - I am certainly not saying that you add a drastic amount of opinion to what you say.

That sounds pretty damn correct to me - for there must be a greater force, driving forward, that overcomes the resistance.

Let me put my response a different way - I agree with 98% of what you are saying here plus or minis 2%, which I think is an acceptable degree to say that I agree.

As for the rest of your post I found it very interesting and I would say that I agree with about 85% of it.

Do you think culture might play a part in evolution? Selection of mates for mating etc.?