Accusations alone prove Nothing

Blind accusations serve appeals to emotion and feeling. It feels like something is being done, by accusing others of wrongdoing. It doesn’t need to be based on truth or reality. The fantasy is enough. Spreading rumors and gossip, is enough.

This marks the degeneracy of public discourse as well, when, false rumors and lies are enough “content” to satisfy the common people. It marks an apathetic society.

K: frankly, I am not quite sure what you are arguing for…are you saying that in a
rape case we should pay more attention not to destory a man’s life? that a man
needs should come before women’s? that in rape cases the man is always innocent
and the women just a slut asking for it? that rape is justified because it could destory
a man’s life? I really don’t quite know what you are arguing… if you could clarify it,
that would help…


He did clarify it. An accusation doesn’t automatically mean guilty, but leftists believe it does without a guilty trial verdict.

K: I am not interested in your version of what he said, I am interested in his version…
but thank you…

I made myself clear, we shouldn’t assume the accused is guilty, and try to destroy his, or her life.
We should suspend judgment, unless and until he’s been proven guilty, or innocent, in the court of law.


Again, we shouldn’t assume the accused is guilty, and try to destroy his, or her life.
We should suspend judgment, unless and until he’s been proven guilty, or innocent, in the court of law.

Assuming he’s guilty, and trying to destroy his life, is in fact placing a woman’s needs before a man.
Putting both their needs on equal ground, means neither assuming he’s innocent, nor guilty, altho constitutionally the law has to assume he’s innocent until proven guilty.

I never said that, you read what you wanted me say, into what I’m saying.
You wanted this to be easy.

Of course that’s not what I’m saying, that’s what you wish I was saying, so you could easily dismiss what I am saying.


Are you a misandrist?
Do you hate men, and yourself, is that what you’re saying?
Are you saying we should believe a woman no matter what, that if she accuses a man of abusing her, we should side with her 100%, and not even have a trial, just proceed to lynch him?

Because I think that’s what you’re saying.

Are you saying all women are angels, incapable of lies and deceit, and that all men are scum, inhuman rapists who can’t control their impulses or feel empathy?

I’m not sure mainstream liberals are capable of having a rational debate or discussion anymore, it seems they’re only capable of emoting, slinging mud and making threats.
They’re like a herd of dumb animals, one or two of them gets spooked by what they thought was a predator lurking in the shadows.
They begin running and before you know it the whole herd is stampeding, trampling on whatever’s misfortunate enough to get in their way, including reason, justice and innocent people.

Yep, what do you think I’ve been saying this whole time?

Leftism is braincancer.

Leftism is an infectious mind-worm parasite that eats neurological connections in the brain. Over time you can see quite clearly the effect this has on individuals, and on societies.

Re: Accusations alone prove Nothing

The irony is just delicious.

I see you learned nothing from my lessons to you about what Leftism actually is. No surprises.

Must be all those infectious mind-worm parasites eating the few neurological connections left in your brain… I can definitely see the effect this has had on the society, you’re by no means a rare case. It’s almost as though Leftism has nothing to do it seeing as you’re so dead against them, how strange :-k

Back on topic, yes it’s a highly effective tactic simply to accuse somebody, whether or not the accusation has the slightest grounds. You see this in tabloids like the Daily Mail all the time - they throw something out there, knowing supporters will merely strengthen their convictions against that person upon skimming through the headlines, and then issue an apology in the sections nobody reads right near the end. The libel is done, and there are no consequences for the gossip at the wheel - only their target.

^ Thank you for demonstrating my point so well for me.

Best luck with the chemo.

Yes, I hear rationality is terminal for the few afflicted. Wish me luck, and keep hoping you are never so accursed.

Keep reading Marcuse, to get your definitions of what “rationality” means. No wonder it is terminal - for you.

Well, I can’t compete with your appeal to authority when it comes to exemplifying rationality. You win, well done!


He fiddled my diddle forty years ago and it has taken that long to voice the courage in speaking out against him even though most of the original witnesses have long since passed away…

Who are you going to believe? Him or me? I have a vagina, the vagina never lies. The vagina is innocent, loving, and pure that can therefore never commit any evil. :sunglasses:


K: it took me a while to actually figure out what this post is really about and it has
nothing to do with rape or men or the judical system but it’s just another post
attacking liberals… the author couldn’t give a shit about men or women
for that matter, but the demonzation of liberals is the real goal of this post…
and the juvenile posts that followed just proves the point… this post
has nothing of interest to say about the very real problem of the rape culture
in america… it would save a whole lot of time if the author and others of that
ilk would just admit they hate liberals and every post they make is just another
attack on liberals and we wouldn’t have to read this garbage thinking it might
be a real post on real issues instead of just another juvenile attack on liberals…


I made a point.
I made several arguments for this point.
At this point, you’ve not even made a counterpoint, let alone an argument for it.
Instead, you’ve made two attempts to slander me.
Your first attempt was to suggest I’m a rape apologist without offering so much as an ounce of evidence or shred of proof for your suggestion, and it failed, miserably.
What a piece of shit you are, for suggesting that, how dare you!

Your second attempt was to accuse me of not giving a shit about men or women, of hating liberals, and of being juvenile, but you haven’t said why.
I could just as, if not more easily say, you don’t give a shit about men (but you do seem to care about women, or at least you feign to, in order to toe the party line), that you hate conservatives (I’m a socialist and an environemntalist btw, not that I even owe you that), and that your posts are juvenile…and I am saying it, but unlike you, I’m going to offer proof of my counteraccusations, because unlike you, I don’t think my accusations carry any weight just because I made them, or just because my party (I don’t have a party, I’m an independent, rigid adherence to political parties is one of the supreme marks of idiocy) holds them and has the arrogance to believe it is wholly incapable of wrongdoing.

Firstly, by claiming my point that we shouldn’t destroy the lives of men merely because they’ve been accused, without evidence or proof, of rape or sexual harassment, is an instance of not caring about women, when that’s not what it is, it is an instance of caring about men, by implication your position is that you think it’s right to destroy the lives of men who’ve merely been accused of rape or sexual harassment, but you’re too much of a slimy, degenerate coward to come right out and say it.
A person who gave much of a fuck about men, or was capable of doubting women on serious matters, wouldn’t hold a position like that, so you obviously don’t.
No you’re a misandrist, you hate men, and you’re a female supremacist, you think the word of women is superior to the word of men, because you think women are more honest and just than men, you think female life has more value than male life.

Secondly, it is I, not you, who have taken this opportunity to make a point, that we shouldn’t destroy the lives of men, or women for that matter, merely because they’ve been accused of rape or sexual harassment, and I’ve offered several arguments, where as you, not only failed to actually address them, but Ironically, all you’ve done so far, and all you’re probably capable of doing, is making baseless accusations against and mischaracterizations of me and anyone who takes up my position, and I am here to inform you that baseless accusations and mischaracterizations are not enough, they’re not enough to destroy the lives of men, and they’re not enough to trash me and my thread or anyone who takes up the position that it’s not okay to do that, asshole.

So why have you hitherto failed to address the obvious substance of this OP?
It’s probably because you’re guilty of the very things you’re accusing me of: of hating conservatives, or in other words, you’re projecting, you’ve become too deeply entrenched in your parties idiotic and dangerous position to seriously reexamine it, to think outside the left/right, black/white, all/nothing, liberal/conservative paradigm (my party right or wrong), because you are a coward and a lazy idiot.