Content Producers

I already have, countless times. I dominated this board for a long period of time, and still do, whenever I find the inclination to return.

It’s a waste to be a leader to lambs, when you could be a leader to lions.

Unfortunately that’s not true, with philosophy. On this forum particularly, mostly degenerates are attracted to here, and I am the opposite.

Most, here, are too deeply embedded into the old dogmatic humanist ideologies, Judaeo-Christians, Abrahamic.

To most here, “world” means human-centric, purely from the inside of human civilization. To me, however, “world” means far, far beyond human walls.

My “world” is all Existence, to the “end” of the universe.

The forest is always empty if a plague has ravished all the life within it.

No, my problem is that I’m wrong and there are no philosophers around to show me the errors of my ways, leaving me alone and responsible for my mistakes.

I’m very open to discussion. But few have ever been willing. I have the track record to prove it. I pressed for countless debates, never received anybody willing.


I’d prefer young intelligent females, but, they’re non-existent in philosophy.

On the contrary, the “academic” or “professional” philosophers are a lot worse than those on this forum, and other forums. I’ve been inside the walls of academia. That “philosophy” is built on pure theory and conjecture. Dusty tomes. Tombs. Dead philosophies, discussed until the end of time. They are lifeless catacombs, filled with the living-dead.

The philosophy I’ve always aimed for, always, is living philosophy. Flesh and blood philosophy. Real wisdom.

Here’s the thing. If any human on this planet had a genuine interest in Philosophy, then they would be here, or have passed through here already. So my threads are like a net, waiting to catch some of them.

Those who are honestly philosophical, will come here without instruction, without being led. They will have come of their own accord and determination.

Because they “love philosophy”.

Your standards are very low.

It’s more a waste of time when there’s no interaction, or that you have to wait 10 or 20 years, before your content receives the adequate attention. Philosophy is an artform, and so suffers from latency. Like “rediscovered” artists after they’re long dead, paintings resold for hundreds of thousands of dollars. They were “nobodies” while alive. Death made them valuable. So their works could be taken, stolen, passed around, much easier.

That’s how philosophy works too. Philosophers are “rediscovered” after death. So their ideas, words, thoughts, can be striped, stolen, passed around to the general public.

Like how it is with Nietzsche.

Lol, no, conversing with morons is like philosophizing with a child. It’s not difficult. It’s rather easy to push and pull others around (philosophically), by force if necessary.

Well, I mainly want to see another leader/content producer, as I have done in the past. I don’t want to be the only one doing it, around here. And those who are most vocal here, keep spamming the same ideas, thoughts, conversations, the same routines. So this is a goad into the direction of “new” areas, if possible. However the versatility I speak of, maybe only possible with new blood, new faces, new minds.

People become quickly invested in their (flawed) ideologies. They cling onto mistakes, even after exposing it to them, philosophically.

I have a lot of experience here. I’ve used another username before. So this isn’t my first rodeo.

As mentioned above, I’m not looking for “academic” or “professional” philosophers, per se.

And I’ve already tested the metal of Philosophy Now forum. Very unimpressed.

I can’t see you following the lead from anyone.

You have zero respect for most of the human race. There is one person though who you seriously debate with and in some ways respect, perhaps you could return there for an indefinite period.

I always thought carefully before replying on that Forum as there are some interesting questions raised, different perspectives, the difficulty there is maintaining some sort of longevity without being thrown into the dungeon, or gagged. I can’t recall the reason you left.

He didn’t leave, he runs the dungeon there. He’s currently slumming it with his net casting skills.

I respect highly intelligent and reasoned thinkers. Because reason is the one trait, if any at all, that truly separates man from beast.

It’s unfortunate to see so little of it.

You speak of reason, yet you offer me no reason for your opinion on my standards being very low.


Gloominary has released several topics that are on the fresher side and Joker, aka Zero_Sum, has several current events topics threaded. Prismatic is adding material in the Religion section, otherwise, it’s real slow around ILP regarding newer ideas.

I do wonder why it is slow around here at the moment.

Life seems to be more agenda driven in this technological age than ever before, philosophers are following suit rather than broaching expectations.

I think that philosophers are trying too hard to shape public perceptions of current events, that they too are caught up in the demanding times with a sense of a larger responsibility to all of humanity rather than operating independently of the current cultural climate. Philosophy itself has become entrenched in a media driven sense of responsibility for common man’s every perception, to save the unsavable. Philosophers of today have become town criers.

Yes, that is true and I would add that agenda driven life may be robbing your life of authentic conversations.

Philosophers tend to work backward from a deliberate, desired future - a bit like business and government. Wishing for total alignment and engagement with a particular philosophy, I think has now become counter-productive and rules out innovative philosophy.

So when you walk into a situation with your own agenda and the rest of the age is engaged in a common agenda then your work becomes more difficult.

I dont even know if I am making sense for crying out loud.

How often do folks engage in authentic conversations anymore without an agenda? Just to see what develops? And how do you gauge and incorporate highminded thinking into everyday interactions?


What’s the current common agenda?

If you are leader and content producer, then problem solved? :confusion-shrug:

Can you lead lions? It seems as if instead of being doctor to the sick, you want to doctor the healthy. If anyone needs leadership, it’s this stinking lot :laughing:

What attracts the degenerates?

Yeah I was born into it. I know what you’re saying… I’d like to stumble upon a congregation of Asian Buddhists or Indian Hindus just to switch it up, but I’ve found no such group. Every group is christian or anti-christian.

Maybe at the onset of an argument you should define your terminology. Semantics is often a stumbling block to discussion.

Good one :laughing: Well, in that case it’s time to plant some seeds!

Well it’s like that discussion you and I had about “freedom = free from laws”. You seemed determined to assert the overarching validity of that statement even if it meant shooting down my objection that “freedom” must be defined differently than what most people imagine it to mean.

Most folks associate freedom with not being attacked by random roving gangsters and it’s law and order that mostly-guarantees that freedom, but if you define freedom as being free from law, then you’re going to be right by definition, but wrong by every other definition and popular conception.

I just wanted a “oh yeah, good point”, but instead you seemed to pound the table harder and dig in. So maybe people don’t want to debate you because it’s a game they have no shot at winning. You will always find some way of skirting the statement, “oh yeah, good point!” At least throw people a bone.

I like that. Well said! Reminds me a Jesus railing against the pretentious sophists of his day:

[i]24 Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.
25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
26 Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.
27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.
28 Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?[/i]

Follow me and I will make you fishers of men. :smiley: There’s that Judaeo-Abrahamic propensity you were on about earlier :evilfun:

Because James is gone? :confusion-shrug:

I’m not sure if I’ve ever started a thread here :confusion-scratchheadblue: Idk, it’s more of an incentive for me if I feel I’m helping someone else and I have a hard time helping myself… like the roofer whose own roof leaks.

Yep, that’s the problem. 90% of what I say is not replied to and I feel I may as well type directly into the recycle bin.

And replying is a rule!

2.2 Arguments should be made in good faith: no trolling. If a moderator sees a poster presenting an argument and dismissing any counterpoints without engaging them, or suspects someone of presenting arguments purely for the sake of inflaming debate or annoying other posters, a warning may be issued. … 1&t=175550

I would say more, but I have to make this post iphone/ADD compatible :occasion-clown:

Interesting quote from the musician, Branford Marsalis, about the students that he teaches - I think it applies here and probably in general too:

“What I’ve learned from my students? Is that students today are completely full of shit. Much like the generation before them, the only thing they are really interested in is you telling them how right they are and how good they are”.

Now, if it can be said that this applies here too, and even in general - why?

I’m hesitant to claim it to be a recent phenomenon, if it is in fact applicable to any significant degree at all. I think the tendency for people to claim something as new is often merely because they’ve only recently noticed it. Obviously things do change over time, but it’s easy to assume that subjective experience is reflective of objective experience - at least when you’re just going on a hunch and/or you haven’t already examined things as objectively as you can without confirmation bias. People like to be the first to know something new and share it, which no doubt goes back to new resource finding in earlier periods of human civilisation. But in older situations such as that, your subjective experience of a new resource is of an object whereas the subjective experience of new trends in behaviours and attitudes is of other subjects who are only truly known unto themselves. The straw men you hear these days are just embarrassing, but they’re not surprising due to the fundamental attribution error combined with what I have just described about a tendency for people to assume their subjective experience maps objective experience to the degree that they think it does. You see a feminist doing something stupid and all of a sudden, it’s a new trend amongst feminists…

What I do think is new is the need for instant gratification. I don’t think this is the fault of newer generations, it’s just what they’ve grown up into. We’re rich now, and businesses have figured out how to abuse certain psychological tendencies in people to grab their attention away from the competition and to buy into what they’re offering instead. I say we’re rich, there’s not much you need to be far richer than most - internet and mobile phone is all you really need to be drawn into a spiral of chasing instant gratification. This is actually where we all wanted to get to: this level of richness is what older generations were all trying to achieve - and now we have it we’re realising it’s more complex than we probably assumed and has downsides as well as upsides. I think the upsides are more than the downsides, but the downsides negatively affect - amongst other things - the realm of intellectual thought.

With the rise of “alt-right” and conservative demagogues in reaction to a rise in institutionalised social authoritarianism masquerading as “leftism” (a contradiction in terms if there ever was one, but hey, it’s caught on now so what can you do?), and immediate access to all their content, it’s easy to latch onto their arguments, ideas, or at least their attitude, and think you’ve found something new that you want to show off to others.

I support free speech, but this includes my own free speech to point out flaws in line with the tyranny of logical argument. For example, my “new thing” that I’ve found that I want to show off to others is not really new at all. It revolves around the inversion of leftism that has occurred and is remarkably simple, but I don’t see anybody else pointing it out - so I take it upon myself to do so. For example, how is it “liberal” (deriving from the Latin “of freedom”) to be enforcing e.g. affirmative action? Take its opposite: authoritarianism. How is such enforcement not instead authoritarian? The movement is literally getting authority to prevent freedom… and it’s called “liberal”. Liberalism is associated with new reactionary movements against Conservativism. Conserving the way things are and traditions presupposes a lack of freedom, a lack of Liberalism to do otherwise - often for good reason, but not always and certainly not indefinitely. Freedom to move on from old ways is the whole purpose of Liberalism - but what then when new ways have to be enforced to happen at all? The newness is still the goal, but the freedom from conservativism is now the enforcement of a new way to conserve - as opposed to supporting the freedom to deviate.

Seeing as everyone has forgotten or overlooked things such as this, I don’t get to be told how right I am or how good I am. I’ve even violated the need for instant gratification by not keeping my response short. If I was speaking about my thoughts out loud, assuming I had an engaging delivery of such thoughts, I could potentially get away with extended explanation, but listening can be a lot more passive and less active than reading. It seems to me like the preferred format has turned away from text and towards video. Conversational format is also a lot more natural than an exchange of monologues - people want to respond before you’ve even completed a thought: another factor that works against deep thought that takes time to lay out. This is particularly the case for those suffering from the decline in attention spans. It used to be the case that you had to have a long attention span just to get into intellectual thought, but now with the incorporation of those without attention spans, you can seemingly get a lot more attention by posting little and often rather than making each post count and putting a lot of thought into it. As such I should really have cut my response short a long time ago…