Where American Capitalism Fails And Rise Of A Social State.

What that video alludes to is that white ethnic Europeans are already a global minority where through the global onslaught of immigration we are being consumed in population by all other ethnicities. We are on the road or perdition of extinction globally if current trends continue.

If current trends continue decline into extinction is all but guaranteed.

Once you understand that aging elderly people outnumber younger people of prime reproduction age added with the fertility crisis it becomes that much clearer the demographic crisis we face in the west. Concerning the birth, life, and death statistical ratio when more members of your own ethnic in group are dying than being born you have a serious problem that needs rectifying. Women shouldn’t be allowed to do whatever they want especially if it harms all of society as a whole. Yes, there are indeed environmental problems along with a global natural resource shortages where the sciences of the state needs to be more conscious of these things where more green technologies should be sought out. Minimal impact on the world’s ecology should be the goal.


In terms of collective biomass, humans are the largest species on planet earth, and thanks solely to humans, homindae is the fourth largest family (in the taxological sense, a family which includes both humans and the great apes) on earth, behind ants, cows (a taxological family which’s a mere extension of ourselves, since we keep them alive to eat) and termites.
How is that not overpopulated?
We won’t be able to survive a mass extinction event, and that is what is occurring, humans are going to generate another mass extinction event if we don’t get our numbers under control, we’re generating it through a combination of overpopulation, overconsumption and pollution.
World population needs to be something like a 10th of what it is, and we need to consume and pollute a hell of a lot less, that is where we need to be headed as a species.

An equilibrium can be reached with all points you’ve articulated if we put our minds together to reach such. All of those things you’ve mention need not be exclusive towards each other.

The birth rate is not fine nor is is sustainable which is where we’ll have to disagree. I’ve already previously mentioned my ideals to tackling this problem head on. As for women I’ve stated children, marriage, and reproduction comes first before enjoying the privileges of society on their part, that’s it. I don’t really view this conflicting at all but rather a necessity for society to exist.

While I am a national socialist I have no intention of reviving a 1930’s variation of national socialism. The goal of any ideology should be to evolve, adapt, and change with its environment that it finds itself in. No, the national socialism I envision will be much better and evolved where we will learn the mistakes of our past not to repeat them again. The kind of government I envision will last a thousand years into the future if possible. Also, while I think Adolf Hitler was certainly an important figure not to be trivially overlooked I myself am a Strasserite revolving around the socialist ideals of Strasserism. I have no problems with immigrants of European origin but from European origin only. There is no coexistence with Jews, I will not be moved on that issue or subject. They have their own nation now and they can all reside there. They cannot live or coexist amongst us. ( The only exception would be for European Jews to renounce publicly Judaism, zionism, and Jewishness but even then I would be suspicious of them until they can prove allegiance to our cause. They would have to prove their loyalty a lot harder than all others.)

As for other ethnicities I might be willing to partition some territories where they can exist independently to rule over themselves having their own states to exist as they see fit but the problem with this of course is none of them will agree to this in negotiations or concessions. I’ve tried to reach out to other ethnic groups in the past and they refuse to even discuss the subject.

This is problematic in that the question arises what to do with them all in our nations. I don’t fully have an answer for that and I wish that I did. It’s something that I think about quite often.

Yes, I believe in living within a completely segregated nation away from other ethnicities. It’s the way it has to be. 100% white European ethnically populated nations, that’s what I support.

I think you and others exaggerate over population where I can’t quite help feel there is a more nefarious global agenda behind its dissemination.

From what I know, the Neanderthal contribution to white DNA was marginal, not that I’m in any way ashamed of it, and it occurred after whites split off from Negroids, not before.

Strasserite eh?
I’ve never heard of him before, I shall have to look him up.

If we import enough whites from Latin America and Eastern Europe, and no non-whites, we could have a near 100% white population by the end of the century without the need for exiling, partitioning, bloodshed or civil war.
Isn’t near 100% enough?
You yourself said you could accept someone who’s 75+% white, so why can’t you accept a nation that’s 95+% white?

I think Europe is overpopulated.
Canada may be fine as it is, and I’m not too sure about the US.
Before I was thinking mainly about worldwide overpopulation, not so much nationwide.

The only way I could see our views perhaps partly reconciled, is one, we make our economies as green as possible, which you already suggested, and two, we dramatically cut consumption by at least 50%, perhaps 90%, consuming mainly what we need to survive and improve our health, not consuming mainly what we desire, eliminating most of the junk capitalism produces.
This could dramatically alleviate man’s burden on nature, and strengthen us in the process.

The economy will decline, but is having a bigger economy necessarily good?
If the only way to keep our economy growing and not stagnating or declining, is to consume loads of stuff we don’t need, that isn’t good for us, maybe we ought to begin rethinking our priorities.
Perhaps having a big economy is a capitalist objective, where as the new, National Socialist objective will be to have a lean economy, just like individuals ought to be lean, not scrawny, but not obese either, proportioned.

Resources could be diverted from consumption to population maintenance, or perhaps even population growth as you advocate, without increasing the burden on nature, perhaps even while decreasing the burden on it, if it’s executed properly.

Let me ask you this, we live on a finite planet with finite resources, while you may think I’m exaggerating overpopulation, you must realize there is such a thing, that we cannot continue growing forever. How big do you think the population of the US can get before it’s a problem?

500 million…1 billion?

@Zero Sum

Why should Ashkenazi Jews be the only ones allowed to stay on white soil?
Ashkenazi Jews are not fully European, not only in thinking, but in blood, they have West Asian memes, and genes.
If Ashkenazis can stay, I don’t see why Turks, Arabs, Iranians and Indians can’t, so long as they renounce Islam, seeing as they’re all closely related to us, as members of the Caucasian race, or do you believe Ashkenazi Jews are in fact, Khazars, and so fully European?

I think someone somewhere said all the people in the US could fit in 1 county in FL if they stood on a 1ft square. The pop can get much bigger and it’s especially true now that people are not wanting to own land anymore, but are desiring to live in beehive apartments. And the pop is projected to fall as more countries enter into 1st world status. We’re all going to follow japan’s example if we don’t devolve back to monkeys.

If people didn’t have things, you could probably fit every American in a municpality of Florida, nevermind the whole state.
But people have like you know, stuff, farmland, city/town infrastructure, and because of people and their stuff, less than 50% of the US is wilderness, and if the Mexicans continue to come and have 3 and 4 kids per woman, eventually it’ll be like Holland, with less than 1% wilderness by the end of this century or the next.

Maybe you don’t care about that: thousands of native plant and animal species in the US are going extinct, and the remaining will be hanging on for dear life, thinly populated, but some of us think it’s an absolute tragedy, and as we lose our animals and forests worldwide, it’s going to have Dire Repercussions for us.
We’re turning this planet into a desert, and few of us seem to notice, or give a fuck, I find it astonishing.
Just as long as we, or at least the rich can continue consuming like there’s no tomorrow, right?
That’s all that matters…

People don’t want stuff and land like they used to. People don’t want to own anything; they want to rent and let someone else take care of it. Anyway, I don’t think the population will get too high before declining population will be the new problem.

How diligent are you at uprooting the invasive species of plants in your area? I’ve spent the last 10 years doing battle trying to rid my property of the chinese and japanese invaders so the native plants have a chance. I signed 10yr covenant with the state promising to preserve the natural habitat (in exchange for reduced taxes, which wasn’t necessary since I was doing that anyway).

I don’t think that’s possible. Fukushima is overrun with life now that the people have left for fear of radiation poisoning.

Yes we have to coddle the rich since they throw us bones occasionally.

Civic nationalism is just a another form of globalism, there can only and must only be ethnic nationalism! Civic nationalism is a cosmopolitan bastard!


From our Canadian Maple Leaf brothers. Got to say I’m really impressed with these highly articulate educational videos. Keep up the good work leafs. :wink:




Some contemplating on the videos above, white ethnic Europeans have become the sacrificial lamb of globalism marxist egalitarianism and understanding the Jews that run it one starts to wonder if they see this as their collective revenge against us for their goal is that no ethnic white European has any homeland or nation to call their own where they’ll not be satisfied until a great white European diaspora commences leaving us all to be a wandering people of global gypsies. Sounds like organized retribution if you ask me.

They want us to be a people with no nation, no culture, no tradition, no voice, no family, no history, no identity, and no place to express ourselves. Their vision is quite simple, a future without us. Their prized ideal is our complete annihilation and will support anything that brings about that intended goal.

Well I for one don’t plan on going away silently into the night anywhere and I have a feeling millions of others don’t plan on that either. Let’s see how long this push for sacrifice or retribution lasts before we unite where we’ll undoubtedly carry out our own form of retaliation.

A blatant example of the failure of democracy is Brexit concerning England recently. They voted on a referendum to leave the European Union where all the British politicians the last few years are absolutely stalling on the separation hoping that they can create their own political referendum to counter that already voted upon referendum to stay within the union. Never mind it was already voted upon to leave!

When even a majority vote in democracy is made impotent, non-important, or irrelevant, what good is democracy at all? I say we should disband this insidious democracy everywhere and kill it in the annuals of political history but at the same time one does not need to do much as democracy everywhere is working feverishly at destroying itself. :laughing:

There are three kinds of prominent forms of socialism, there is marxist socialism, democratic socialism, and finally there is national socialism. Marxist socialism is an internationalist political ideology that revolves around civic globalism and democratic socialism is a system of democracy that revolves around civic nationalism. Both systems ignore or leave out all discussions of race and ethnicity concerning cultural identity. Only the ethnic nationalism of national socialism rightfully stays on course addressing that issue in a pro stance therefore only national socialism is the only kind of socialism that makes any sense.

In our era western civilization is being swallowed up by global internationalism and civic nationalism where national socialism is the only advocate for any kind of ethnic nationalism.

There can be no nationalism without discussions of race, ethnicity, and culture for those are the three pillars that are the foundation of all nationalism. This is why civic multicultural nationalism is a laughable farce and why civic globalism should instantly be rejected the world over.

It goes without saying that marxist socialism or communism is a kind of crony style of socialism that works in parallel with capitalism which is not surprising in that marxism was funded by a variety of capitalists originally moreover marxists believe in taking over the capitalist means of production to initiate their aspirations of an international social world order in transition. Marxists are willing pawns in the capitalist paradigm because of their advocacy of unlimited foreign immigration and contempt for homogenous ethnic cultural communities, they literally are a tool being utilized in the capitalists favor of driving down wages with unlimited foreign immigration. Essentially this is something both marxists and capitalists fundamentally agree upon is unlimited chain migration or immigration, it is what unites them both because ultimately both ideologies revolve around global dominance. On the contrary we national socialists do not want global dominance, all we want is national independence, security, social order, and equilibrium. We oppose all globalist aspirations and reject the notion of an international world order.

In today’s world western civilization faces all kinds of societal abuses from both marxism and capitalism, the only political median or fortified bulwark that opposes both ideologies is national socialism. This is reality whether it’s the abuses of multicultural multiracialism found in marxism that wishes to assimilate all of western civilization into a kind of international dysfunctional Brazilian singular monoculture or the abuses of capitalism in the so called free market where huge swathes of people are pushed into poverty having their entire lives destroyed because of a small percentage of the population who controls all of the economic wealth. We’re beyond the left and right politically speaking as we are the third position where we are the only game in town concerning the battling against both marxism and capitalism on a united front.

Become a national socialist today! :wink: