The Failure And Disaster Of Multicultural-Multiracialism

K: stats of illegal immigrants making up the bulk of violent crime? then you be a liar…
nothing more…mind you, I live in a “border” state…
and you still haven’t proven your initial thesis which is “the failure and
disaster of Multicultrural-multiracialism”… whereas to prove my point which is multiculticultrual
and multiracialism is a success I simply have to compare society today with society 200 years ago…
and that succcess comes from the example set by the enlightenment example of tolerance
and acceptance of other people and the loss of myths and habits and prejudices and
superstitions of society through education…


Those are some strange Dutch you talked to. They should know from elementary school that the Boer wars were between those of Dutch descent and the British Empire. My point was that Europeans managed to treat each other terribly in non-democratic times. IOW with democracy and without democracy you have abuse of minorities. With Europeans without Europeans you have abuse of minorities. With national socialism and with oligarchies you have abuse of minorities. In all of these you also have abuse of majorities, the most clear example being the abuse of workers and poor by the upper classes.

As far as black africans coming in, a lot of them came in because the Dutch colonists imported them as slaves. So they can blame themselves for 1) abusing minorities 2) turning them into majorities. But that’s not the issue I was focusing on.

I don’t know a single example of a homogenous democracy that did not have minority abuse of the majority AND majority abuse of some category of humans: children, servants, women. I don’t think we’ve had a true democracies, I see oligarchies, but you seem to think you know that democracy works in homogenous societies. I can’t think of an example of this. Maybe on some commune somewhere, but not at the state level.

To me it seems like a failure of humans, period. I see no other form of government and certainly not national socialism avoiding the abuse of minorities.

You think that democracy and multiculturalism are the problems. I don’t see anything that has worked. Anything. So when you keep repeating your judgments of democracy and multiculturalism it is a confused response. I am not saying they have worked. I just think it makes no sense to see them as causal. They are another failed model amongst many.

You also mention ‘one dominant group emerges’. As far as I can tell your proposed government will have one dominant group ruling, even one individual, you. I don’t have much faith, and it would be faith, that this would either be stable or not have that person abusing minorities - political groups, for example - or abusing the majority as autocracies always have.
Sure, people have been touting democracies as great when they are not, but that doesn’t mean the problems that occur in democracies have been solved anywhere else or that democracy is causal. You also seem to think that majorities necessarily oppress minorities in democracies, where I see the rich, a minority abusing the majority. Which is part of why I call the so called democracies oligarchies. Get it, this is not a defense of democracies, this is me saying 1) what democracies? 2) you seem to think something else works, but give no historical justification. 3) I am connecting it to the form of government you want, one that has a terrible history and one that abuses minorities 4) you are acting like democracies cause certain bad things, but I see those things present before democracies in those countries and in all other forms of government, so saying democracy is causal is unsupportable.

Yes, obviously the Boer wars had everything to do with a war being waged against the British also. The Dutch initial colonization of South Africa however once again shows that at the time the area was sparsely populated if at all where large populations of native Africans didn’t come until after the fact. Yes, the importation of slaves was a big part of that. Please note that I don’t advocate the usage of slavery and find it a horrendous practice just like everybody else. The difference is that an autocracy doesn’t give lip service to the false ideal of equality as democracy does where democracy fails to live up every time to its own ideals. Autocracy has no need of foolish childless ideals by comparison however a collectivist autocracy the kind I advocate for stresses the understanding that society is organic just as everything else in life where if there are ways of mitigating social harmony by leveling the socio economic playing field such policies should be sought after.

Switzerland is a great example of a homogenous style of democratic government, Iceland as well.

Yet even purely homogenous democracies I find to be inefficient in organizing the various underpinnings of society or a nation. All I was saying is that for the argument of efficiency homogenous democracies work better than multicultural or multiracial ones, they tend to last longer historically. Nonetheless even homogeneous democracies have a way of collapsing on themselves overtime also which is why I am not democratic. My comments was merely making a comparison between homogenous and non-homogenous democratic societies.

Your argument of what works depends on your definition of a working society.

The autocrat being myself? No, I have no desire to be the autocrat myself if I can help it. To be an autocratic leader of a nation requires a tremendous amount of responsibility in leading others.

The type of government I support would be heavily against oligarchy by the way. I understand the problems of oligarchy within democracies all too well living in an oligarchic totalitarian democratic nation myself. Also, understand the democratic oligarchic ruling party has a way of dividing people against each other to take the focus off of themselves which can easily translate into an ethnic majority terrorizing an ethnic minority.

In a homogeneous society or nation such racial and ethnic conflict is nonexistent by comparison.

Watching the disaster of a multicultural multiracialism democracy in South Africa is like seeing a preview of how the same thing will turn out for the rest of western civilization. South Africa along with Zimbabwe are currently the only nations where white Europeans exist as a minority.

They’re both nations where we can see the vengeful policies on European whites once they’ve been declared under minority status.

In South Africa of course the majority ethnicity is African yet concerning future trends for the rest of the west the majority ethnicity in the United States will be Mexican, in Canada/ Australia the majority ethnicity will be Asian, and finally for western Europe the majority ethnicity will be African/Middle Eastern. The ethnicities may differ but the subjugation of European peoples as a new minority in failing democracies will be the same, it will play out the same way all throughout the west.

Here is the new leader of South Africa talking about land appropriation without compensation of white European Afrikaaners.




Best of luck to our Boer Afrikaaner friends overseas in their collective struggle but I think they’re outnumbered and should instead make a tactical strategic retreat to areas of the world where we’re still a majority.



Full definition of genocide from United Nations.

I think above definition can very well articulate white European genocide succinctly.



Anti whiteness is in vogue you can even see in t.v. commercials, what will they think of next?


The population replacement, displacement, and eradication…err…multicultural multiracialism will continue…







Alright, what have we learned thus far? Democratic multicultural multiracialism societies will fail inevitably, they cannot survive long term. There is a coordinated pogrom to eradicate and annihilate whiteness which is just marxist/ globalist jargon of carrying out white genocide against ethnic white Europeans all throughout the world. To be clear here currently this is a soft slow undertaking form of ethnic genocide now in that the coordination is very stealth like in implementation but the end result is nonetheless extermination. It doesn’t matter if you physically attack a group with the intention of genocide or enact numerous policies that slowly seeks the eradication of a specific ethnicity, the end result is the same and therefore can be properly called genocide. The only difference is one form is faster in implementation where the other takes a bit more longer, the end result is nonetheless the same.

Also, it is not impossible to imagine this soft slow form of ethnic genocide or extermination becoming hardcore violent overnight when demographic populations become radically transformed within time. It’s not impossible to imagine that when a white ethnic population becomes say 25% of the population others might just want to go on a violent offensive killing what is little left of a population in order to speed up the process. History is full of examples like that and since most people lack long term thinking skills most are oblivious.

Zero, you still haven’t proven your basic thesis which is
the “failure and disaster of multicultural-multiracialism”…

you have wondered all over the map with your idea’s from alleged
“white genocide” which is an insane idea to conspiracy theories,
but no actual proof of anything…

if you show me more video’s, that just tells me you have nothing…
no proof, no clue, no idea’s… so…
give me some proof…

of course, you will make up some nonsense to cover the fact
you have absolutely no proof of any kind… just stupid ass
conspiracy theories which only feed into your insanity…
which has been about the only thing you have proven…


Wants proof yet refuses to watch videos. Won’t even admit there is an anti white agenda.

Yeah, I am ignoring you if you haven’t noticed already.

You’re one of those people that live their entire lives in deniability letting others think for you that I just ask myself why even bother talking to such people as it is a waste of time.

after some thought, I can come to some conclusions…

you have feelings of persecution, of being the target of
some sort of anti-white genocide, you have conspiracies
and they are all true, for you… regardless of the evidence against them…

you are by definition, insane… anyone who thinks they are
personally, the target of persecution and genocide is for a lack of better word…

now what I am interested in is, how you became insane, where you raised to be insane or
did you come to it naturally?

I know I can never convince someone who is insane, that they are not insane…
insanity doesn’t work that way…but I am interested in the mechanism
that drove you insane…so Mr. Zero… what sent you off the deep end?
parents? a job? a girl or boy, for that matter, you didn’t get enough attention
when you were a child? what did it for you?

inquiring minds want to know…


after reading some articles about conspiracy theorists…
I feel I may have done you some injustice…
there might be several reasons why you turned to
conspiracy theories…

one suggestion is you suffered some sort of loss…
a loss that deeply affected you…and you turned to conspiracy theories
to alievate that loss…

another theory is you want to feel special or like an elite…
everyone who doesn’t hold to your conspiracy theories are
ignorant or sheeple or delusional…this makes you feel special
because you “know” things that they don’t…

to believe that there is a worldwide conspiracy to persecute
and commit genocide on ALL white people from persons, entities,
groups unknown…clearly falls into the class of a persecution
complex but let us take you at your word…

there is some of worldwide attempt to persecute and commit
genocide against all white people…I am really hoping
that the perpetuators of this persecution and genocide
isn’t the old standard of the “jews”… that would be rather
trite… so who else would be able to commit such a world wide act?

the United Nations, but the United Nations was created and organize
by white people… ummm, that doesn’t make much sense…

unless you go with the old standby that white people hate themselves
enough to commit genocide against their race…you would have to
have millions who hate themselves enough to do so… that doesn’t really
make sense… to say that white people are being tricked into this, means
once again, we have some persons or group or entity that is doing the tricking…
and that group is in hiding and invisible…is this group, white or black?
no matter how you think about it, it doesn’t make much sense…
but that is the point of a conspiracy, it isn’t suppose to make sense,
it is illogical… like believing that the earth is only 5000 years old…
every bit of evidence suggest that the earth is 4 billion years old…
to have the earth only 5000 years old is to ignore every single bit of evidence
and pretend that there is another world wide conspiracy to make people think
the earth is 4 billion years old…that is the problem with conspiracies…
eventually, you need a world wide conspiracy to make it work… and a monolithic
world wide conspiracy theory has so many problems to work out… like
how does the conspiracy maintain itself generation after generation?
what would be the point of such a theory? Power? there are far better
ways to maintain power in society… money for example… is a far better
way to hold power in society…to hold to such a conspiracy theory is to
hold a theory that is far more complex and unnecessary then is needed…

the payoff of a conspiracy theory doesn’t make the theory worth the effort…
power is never held for long… because those in power die… simple as that…

Hitler’s thousand year Reich lasted 12 years and it was one of the better organized
attempts to power… facts, logic and a understanding of the world makes
believing in conspiracies very hard to do… conspiracies simply cannot hold
for very long… the truth gets out and the simple idea that by nature, the conflicts
of goods that drive society will simply end a conspiracy at some point…one person
or one group wants one thing, and another person or group wants something else.
this conflict is what will end any conspiracy…

no, there is no logical grounds to hold or believe in conspiracies…
they simply fall apart once they are understood as conspiracies…

and we are back to Mr. Zero being insane… ummmm, I will need
further study to get a conclusion…



:laughing: Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! :laughing:


Jewing intensifies…here Libby Schaaf is kvetching all over the place.



Is employed at Massachusetts College Of Art.
