What's for breakfast?

Scrambled eggs… 4 whites / 2 yolks, and a black coffee… from some Caribbean island or other…

…a few snips of red chilli make scrambled eggs more palatable/more pleasing to eat…

A bowl of Wheat Chex and Black Silk Coffee.

An orange and a black coffee…

Scrambled eggs with onions and cheese, sausage links.

Wendy did a crate of assorted k-cups just fall off a truck in front of your house? What’s with all the weird coffee flavors?

Beer, then coffee. Cigarettes later.

…just a coffee… black… sweetened with light-brown muscovada sugar.

Coffee with some hot chocolate powder mixed in. Then just black coffee.

2 boiled eggs, and the obligatory morning coffee…

…the obligatory coffee.

Starving now already… I think a brunch is in order.

Fried eggs and a new Arabic blend coffee I’m trying out…

Coffee, gin. And tobacco.

Fresh pineapple, and a cup of the new coffee, of which a photo will be uploaded shortly…

Same again.

The coffee:

Some pineapple and coffee, followed by two fried eggs a bit later… along with some vitamin & mineral capsules.

Two scrambled (red onion and cherry tomato infused) eggs, and some coffee.

French toast with honey and maple syrup accompanied by glasses of milk and crangrape juice.

A quite fancy coffee canister, was the taste upper tier?

K cups doesn’t even have the flavors I find at the most unexpected places, for instance Farm & Fleet stores carry the Snickerdoodle and Double Fudge Brownie coffees in 12oz. varieties for a mere $3.88. What a deal, right? I think in all they carry around 8 flavored coffees. Scrumpdilleicious! Online they offer a new brand for $4.99 called Cameron’s Southern Pecan Toasted which I’ll have to try soon.

Are these whole beans?