Cause of Mass Shootings Revealed:

I said about the same thing viewtopic.php?f=3&t=193836&start=225#p2694175

Entitlement, yup.


This is my favorite part. ‘Scientific’ being things that are clearly evident. Not, say, where you use a particular methodology.

Yeah, because conservatives don’t have any entitlement politics of their own. :laughing:

And conservative defense of abusive corporate practice, corporate undermining of democracy, corporate manipulation of emotions via media/advertising and now digital device addiction, corporate demand for wars, and conservative long standing fascination with disciplining children and their idiotic tabula rasa let’s fill up their brains with the right answers pedagogy
have not added any stress to the equation. We have moved so far to the right in terms of economic issues and corporations have vastly more control of brains than they did 40 years ago, but it’s all the Left’s fault.

Now we’ll get a comment that conservatives today are really leftists as if we are responsible for silly language use.

This is quite true. These people cannot regulate their own emotions, and then are taught about how evil society is, other people are, how entitled they are themselves and how victimized.

Leftism in general has done this. The rise of crimes like this corresponds perfectly to the rise of Leftist Statism, the PC virtue signaling neoliberal social justice warrior microaggressions ethos.

I happen to know why leftists are like this: they think that they are making things safer, more peaceful, by denying freedom of speech and gun rights, because free speech implies offensive speech leading to conflicts, and guns imply violence. Therefore, the leftist reasons in perfect Kantian fashion, if I never offend anyone then I’m following the universal maxim of not giving offense, therefore everyone could also do that and things would be perfect; likewise with guns, if the leftist herself doesn’t own a gun then by categorical imperative everyone else could also do the same and there would be no guns.

This sort of feel good soggy moralism doesn’t jive with the real world, of course. It’s just an excuse to live in fantasy land. Sure, we can follow the golden rule whenever possible but that is no substitute for a social philosophy, much less for an Ontology.

Modern Leftist thought is about self-disempowerment, which jives with erecting the nanny state big daddy government as the new god-religion. It’s literslly insane. These people are insane.

Consider how divorced from rational classical liberal thinking these modern and “postmodern” leftists are. Their pathology is deep, it’s no wonder there aren’t even more of these violent incidents.

Plus you have leftists in medicine and pharma handing out psychopills like tic tacs, to young people who already are taught how to hate and blame others and who cannot regulate their emotions. Yeah good idea, screwing up the brain chemistry with ideology and neurosis wasn’t enough, now you have to go in there and physically mess with it at the chemical level too, on top of that.

These killers almost always are on psychopills. And the FBI (deliberate?) failures have also been the supporting cause of many of these incidents.

Antidepressants Are Expensive Tic Tacs

Treats depression by placebo-action; side-effects are the bonus because if your depression doesn’t stop, at least you’ll have a GOOD reason to be depressed when you can’t eat or sleep and get a stiff case of erectile disfunction. :confused: You can’t lose! :laughing:

Wait big pharma is Lefty? Interesting.

And which side of the aisle tends to fight attempts to control corporations, make sure that oversight works, etc.
As if the right is more critical of lobbying than the left.
Conservatives and liberals are both in industry pockets. The right has a much harder time questioning corporate abuse of power. And both hate emotions, except when channeled in the PC ways of each group.

It’s like Reagan Bush and Bush had no influence on the state of things in the US. Nor their wars. Of course Leftist attitudes add to shit but the victim posturing of the right, as if they have not contributed to the fucked up state of things is just silly.

And now that a classic abusive corporate power is being blamed on the left is just a joke.

The digital addictions, those can be placed a bit more on the left, the way facebook, twitter, etc. cognitive scientists made those media addictive, that is a more lefty crowd. I could buy that better, though of course the rights inability to criticize corporate power and the oligarchy would still have a role.


Are you gonna blame the Left for Monsanto next?

What’s fucked up is how cheap the politicians can be bought for. That’s chump change to the industry. Dividends probably add up to more than that for one quarter.

Both neo liberals and neo conservatives are owned by corporatism. It’s really funny when they try to appear better than the other as an observing outsider. You both serve the same masters.

That is actually the actual problem. Politicians have become too cheap. The labor value of corruption has inflated faster than cash value. Or corruption has become a commodity rather than a luxury. A basic necessity even. A human right.

(why Trump is found so abusive?)

Deep state, media and corrupt political elitists will do anything to get rid of Trump. But in the Internet age and increasing public awareness and alternate media, we see what is going on now.

Truth wins.

Deep state funds both parties including Trump.

So a Georgia state legislator was going to vote for a bill relating to taxes and what have you on jet fuel, which would have benefited Delta airlines who’s based out of Atlanta. Now, because Delta ended discounts for NRA members, that same legislator has publicly stated that he’s going to squash the deal and refuse to vote for anything that benefits the airline on the grounds that you can’t attack conservatives and not expect them to fight back.

Is this guy just openly admitting his corruption to the media? If he thought it was a good vote before, then to change is as retaliation on behalf of a special interest group is corrupt. If he thought it was a bad vote before, then having put it fourth as something he’d vote for would be showing bias to a corporation. Does he not have a duty to vote in a way that serves the interest of his constituents?


Why would anyone want to voluntarily use or support a company like Delta when they openly virtue signal their cheap radical leftist emotionalism by shitting all over their consumers and the US Constitution, none of whom had anything to do with a criminal act committed by a crazy person who was reported to the police and FBI many times but the police and FBI did… nothing to stop him?

Oh yeah, that’s right, the FBI was too busy covering their ass over how they allowed themselves to become weaponized by the same leftists that Delta is now kissing the ass of.

Truth sucks when it proves you wrong, doesn’t it?

Deal with it.

The entire philosophy behind citizens owning weapons is that we are free adults and the government serves us, not the other way around. Rights are to and for individuals, not the state. Under certain conditions we agree in law that rights can be removed, such as taking guns away from violent criminals or locking violent criminals up. But to take everyone’s guns away is madness, you punish people who did nothing wrong and you destroy the entire philosophical foundation of a free society.

As someone pointed out to me, in America there is a tight relationship between the people and their government. The government is actually afraid of the people, because there are millions of us who do own firearms including auto and semiauto firearms. The rationale of citizen gun rights is not only philosophical in that the citizen is sovereign and that government answers to him, and not only practical in allowing people to defend themselves and others, but is also preventative of future attempts by tyrants to take over. No tyrant would dare try that in America, where there are so many millions of armed citizens.

It is future protection, and creates a background state of fear of the citizenry, which is very important as a deterrent. Gun ownership is also important psychologically since it reaffirms that an individual is sovereign and that rights belong to him, not the state, and that he is a free individual with self-responsibility and the ability every day to exercise that and demonstrate it through responsible firearm ownership. The fact that some people abuse their rights doesn’t speak at all to the vast majority who do not.

But no, crazy leftist traitors want to strip everyone of guns, converting the citizenry into second class citizens before the first class of government. They want humans to be sheep, unable to take personal responsibility and safety into their own hands.

I don’t need a government to give me the right to own weapons, I have that right naturally. It exists in my capacity to defend myself and my need for doing so. I can choose for myself, my rights do now flow from the state. Any society that allows itself to be disarmed by its government is literally no better than sheep in a kennel. Not free human beings, but slaves. Look at European countries that have strict gun control, and look at how little actual political power the citizens there have. They don’t even have free speech, they can’t even maintain borders, their laws are written by super national bureaucrats whom none of them voted for.

That sort of thing is what you get when you allow your own government to strip you of the natural right to own the means of defending yourself and others. Psychologically once you concede on that fundamental issue you are done for, everything else eventually goes.

So no wonder leftists want to disarm us. They are all about turning humans into compliant sheep who always do what they’re told and never bite the hand that feeds. Lol. What a disgrace. How embarrassing to even be on this planet with such filth running around fucking everything up.

Want someone to blame for school shootings? Blame the criminal himself who commits the act. Oh no, that doesn’t allow you to use it for political purposes for your own power and control!! Or you can blame the FBI who failed over and over and over again to stop people whom they actually knew were real threats.

But no, that would also… bite the hand that feeds. Leftists would never bite the hand of their statist globalist masters.

Delta deciding not to offer a discount on flight for NRA members shits all over the constitution?

Is that what you’re saying?

Did you just try to base your unhinged rant on the notion that not receiving a discount on a flight somehow denies someone the right to bear arms?

Are you ok? Look…there are good arguments to be made for what it is your feeling. But reason first, then make the argument. Don’t just get all emotional and vomit out the sort of shit that you just did.

Prove me wrong? What are you 17? Take your meds and settle down.

I think I attended my first gun show in the early 80s…when I was still in a diaper. I’ve surely been to 100s of them. I’ve owned, bought, sold and traded what must have been 100s of guns over the years. I reloaded my own ammo for years. I’ve fired tens of thousands of rounds…at least. That being said, I’ve also been listening to the gun control debate since before you were probably born.

Here’s how it works. Something terrible happens because of a person who has a gun. Then, the gun dealers who are all right wing anti-democracy people…they raise hell and tell a bunch of lies about how all the guns are going to dry up. Then, they raise their prices and gouge you idiots for more money, thus enriching themselves in the process off your irrational fear. Here’s a few facts for you. There is nothing that you could buy since I was a little kid that you haven’t been able to buy this entire time, and that you weren’t able to buy at any time between now and then. Nothing. If anything the selection of guns and types of ammo have increased over the years and the availability of them has significantly increased. Even NFA guns can be had by anyone willing to purchase a tax stamp. You can form a trust and be the sole administrator of it and the trust can own NFA weapons without you even having to take the background check.

Idiot. You know jack shit about the facts. When I was a teenager, you could get a crate of 20 sks’s for 2000 bucks. Still in the plastic bags soaked in cosmoline. When Clinton took office, the right winger NRA nutjobs raised hell about the NFA, and the price of the sks went to nearly 300 bucks. A lot of people made a lot of money off that alone, and it wasn’t the idiots who were rushing out to pay 300 bucks for cheap Chinese piece of shit rifles because they believed that they wouldn’t be able to get a semi-auto rifle once Clinton banned all the guns.

Guess what? You can still buy them. You can buy a cetme or an HK, you can get an fnfal, you can get a fucking M1 from the US government if you fill out the forms and submit them…at a discount and you’ve always been able to do that. There are so many companies making M4 style rifles now that you can choose from 20 different manufacturers, or you can build your own if you buy a lower receiver for 150 bucks. You can go to a fucking hardware store and buy 2 pieces of pipe, a coupling, a bag of rubber bands and a nail and make a gun in 5 minutes without asking anyone.

Seriously. Have you ever considered any of these facts? Or do you just think in terms of your emotions and then spew out rants that are based entirely in fiction?