Analysis of a despicable friend

When I was young it seemed that life was so wonderful, a miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical,

And all the birds in the trees, well, they’d be singing so happily , joyfully, playfully watching me

But then they send me away to teach me how to be sensible logical , responsible, practical,

And they showed me a world where I could be so dependable , clinical, intellectual, cynical

There are times when all the world is asleep , the questions run too deep for such a simple man

Won’t you please please tell me what we’ve learned I know it sounds absurd but please tell me who I am

Now watch what you say or they’ll be calling you a radical , liberal, fanatical, criminal

Won’t you sign up your name, we’d like to feel you’re acceptable, respectable, presentable, a vegetable

At night when all the world is asleep
The questions run so deep

For such a simple man
Won’t you please please tell me what’s learned
I know it sounds absurd , but please tell me who I am.

Later .

Right or wrong … seems we are clinging to the river bank at the moment … necessary to retain sanity.

Your friend Peter … just reread your opening post … my mind wants to focus on the opening and closing words:





a perfect synopsis of the individual … a tribute to your depth of perception.

sad that your friend hasn’t stumbled on an appropriate “decompression chamber” … a necessary prerequisite to exploit the merit of his time spent in Hell.


I’m reminded of the story of Helen Keller … her time in Hell may have been the reservoir she drew on to construct her impressive contribution to the human family.

More emerging thoughts …

Paraphrasing the question “Who am I” …

What is the contribution I’m being call on to make to the human family?



To push that to its most extreme,

From those to whom everything is given( good and bad), everything is expected.

I’m purposefully reading into it, in light of a not yet worn out Nietzsche classics 'Beyond Good and Evil. - although I am hard pressed for total agreement with it.

A few authors come to mind Thomas Mann is on the top of my list as far a complexity and misunderstanding goes. In Jacob and His Brothers one anecdote/scene comes to mind , the first volume relates his struggle with learning 1,2,3, the mechanics of it. In Magic Mountain he notes am old countess, who, when entering the dining room, always sits facing away from others. Jerzy Kozonski says to his barber upon the later asking him why he didn’t look into the mirror to see himself, answers 'Because I know only too well, what I look like.

So much for boundaries drawn around self images. But literature abounds abounds with images of all sorts.

You know, Pilgrim, You too, have given me openings , and another idea occurred to me, in our literate conversations , we have to evaluate each other, it goes on, inn the river , weather at what times do we go on as did we don’t understand, that at times I am Your father and at other times You are mine. This is important because it has to do with a growing richness of understanding the precept as it correlates with my impression about Your son, and mine in another sense. You see , all this is really quite complex and that was one of Your initial entrances to this forum

Another thing I am working on is the object of both how our vision of our sons develop a signal where red flags come up, and where do these cause us to signal one another on a different level, lets say, 'i am not about to throw caution to the wind, in spite of declarations otherwise made. These declarations are overt , and may come later in the day we would care to admit, because the modality of such correspondence veers more to the object than the objective of it

Dostoevsky, in his underground messages made overt , consciously, delicately moored to the store’s bank, did not care about thinking of such things as the immediacy of internet communication, and that is a factor to consider.

So I part with these passing thoughts, hoping You are well, until next time

Oh, I almost forgot, I’ve been trying to get hold of my good friend Frank, bit he has made himself invisible, does not answer his phone or return calls , but he does this periodically on occasion, so no real worries here.

Delightful reading … my conscious … or unconscious mind … is shouting at me … ultreya … don’t let yourself get snagged on anythang … big or small. Clarity will reveal itself at the appointed time. I intend to reread this thread again and again.

Some thoughts triggered by your comments and some thoughts that popped into my head waiting for your post … in no particular order.



Read these words a few minutes after reading your post … they seem to echo your thought:

Part I



Part II



Part III



It’s counter intuitive that pain and suffering be the seed of goodness. Counter intuitive yet abundantly visible in our objective reality.

Ping pong diplomacy confronts gunboat diplomacy … yet again.

The efficacy of communication vehicles have always been a stumbling block in the history of human evolution … no more so … the pace of human evolution is accelerating log-arithmetically … internet being the enabler … and there’s no slowing it down.

Individuation … a complex notion … compels us to stop leaning on and stop leaning against … who is capable of such an Olympian feat?

My good friend God behaves the same way. :smiley:

At first I thought, a comma was missing between friend and God, then I realized there need not be. , there is no difference.

It’s so strangely iconic to hear these words as if my dear father , resurrected and spoke through Your mouth.

And, could be.

According to Webster, language is not really iconic, generally.
A very strangely anti positive drift down the river.

Now for now, that settled the my previous inquiry.

A yuge drift down the river. :slight_smile:

Begs the question …



  1. The “Views” count suggests about 20 passive readers.

  2. What does “Google Bot” is online mean? An extension to our audience?

  3. Your father, my father, Your son, my son?

  4. Others?

Begs another question …



Paraphrasing the word “iconic” … social constructs and their attendant proprieties (SCAP)

SCAP was on stage in my conscious mind a lot since your post yesterday. Seems to me SCAP has a significant influence on our thoughts and as a consequence on the words appearing on the screen.

For example the words … “my son” … infers …

  1. ownership … possession

  2. responsibility/accountability

  3. connection … bond

All of the above are consequences of SCAP … the “torrent of human custom”

Begs the question:

Have I failed SCAP? … or … has SCAP failed me?

By what standard standards it failed? Yours? Your sons? Others?

Or some kind of consensus of the above by comparing the above’s most prevelant descriptions? Most everyone gets bogged down here, because they can not get behind it., or past it. Is lime to be more specific here but boinderies are appearntly sustain some kind of blockage , here, I am sridtonf downstream and You too at this time we are seeing some out jogging branch unto which we both could grab a hold , but they may be too brittle and breakable at this point.

It’s possible there were no ‘failures’ … we make judgements based on incomplete information using SCAP as the metric.



Yeah! … and that’s the beauty of this thread … we’re both trying hard not to get bogged down … let’s sail on by. :slight_smile:



… or strong enough to get snagged on. :slight_smile:

Moving on …

I’m reminded of a graphic I shared a few monnths ago. The graphic was designed by a young Chinese woman who was studying visual communications at the time. She volunteered to design a graphic to be used as a logo for our new group “Grail Quest Geeks”. The group got off to a great start and just as quickly ‘died’ … seems the individuals involved were afraid to discover the ‘grail’ … ???

The graphic spoke to me today … something new … something I never saw before despite the fact that I have reflected on it … and chatted with others about it … several times.

Previous thoughts about the potential ‘message’ in the graphic:

  1. The yin yang symbol in the center represents the universe/cosmos. Concsiousness emanates from this source.

  2. The rings around the center represent varying degrees of consciousness … sentient beings close to the center, other life forms further from the center.

  3. Gib asked me several months ago about the pebbles … for me … represents consciousness of inorganic matter.

So what’s new today?

The dominant color of the graphic … black … gazing on the color today triggers the thought … we live in the shadow(s) of reality.

Perhaps recognized almost three millennia ago.



Woke up. With a bad acidnreflex. Had dinner in wine country ansamdwotxj washed down with a bottle of chocolate infused wine .

And woke up its midnight. And saw the posted yong yang posted last night by you.

And thought ofntje rings and the center all concentric black and thought about Arminius for no reason. And the time LSD almost got me.

Saw a Mandala knowing a female goddess was on the center at the end of a long tunnel, bit them it was not a tunnel. but bubbles all bursting and being born and of I tried to look into the bubbles they were all each one of them tony concurrent scenes of reality and they jadnlittle sub spheres inside inside all with other little scenes looking little. but did not venture to enter for fear of the goddess in the very center and I knew I can’t go there and cam not venture to cast a sight there not was forbidden.

It was a block

It’s 6:15 PM here … 2:15 AM in California … hopefully you got back to sleep … posting this for you to munch on with your morning coffee. :slight_smile:

Your post reminds me of what I wrote on February 19th …



Your midnight experience is an instance of what I was trying to say above.

Mandala is new to me … read a bit on Wiki … seems interesting and relevant … the opening line …



Mandala as a circle is exciting … the Yin Yang symbol forming a circle. Here is an interesting article that suggests the Yin Yang symbol is an actual rendering of sorts of the universe.




Just realized my wife is watching a documentary on the LHC … Hmmm!

The presumed goddess in the center is somehow instinctually formes an image. Of is insect like and has many arms it holds the bubbles of a foam like material and its a metaphysical giant being.Can’t look down at it , it is death. It is a block and through which the insects crawl. Then a Kafkaesque feeling overcomes me that the insects won.The Cicada Poems of Meleager of Greece comes here to mind whom the populace revered, which were written around 1 B.C.

The bubbles are not transcendental, they are totally contemporaneous, and their interaction is subtle and formed infinitely. The manifestation of Kali may also play a part in Him so worship, where the mad actions of Siva are contained by Kali. Her blackness and bizarre biting of her protruding tongue are symbolic of her shame when she finds her foot pressing down on his chest.She is the other wife of her consort Siva .

She is represented on Kali Mandala.

My son and Yours

The terrors of the night have left the bad stomach and the seed remains of what the center could look like. An apprehension of the real images of a Jungian type, and unblocking the challenges laying ahead with unwavering and unpretentious clarity, yet Devi appears to Kali to have him fight two beastly beings.

These thoughts into a mystical journey merely present some types of escotological historical sources of blockages and are only meant to reinforce the ancient notions of enabling smooth psychic passage through real but not tenuous relationships within associated psychic history.

Are You sure we can in the context of the greater symbolism of the river flow, without shoring at disturbing areas where the images would naturally but unexpectedly collude , forming an unwanted black image like the one You initiated and me? But lets proceed and find out where the river heads whether to bend downward or , straight away upriver, new challenges present.

The sleepless night almost over, a tie in with a story that happened to me in a dream of India. But that for another time.And it’s based on non fiction.

At any event , in order to keep it on the light side, would like to bring in a dramatis personae not overly different from what’s implied in Umberto Eco’s ‘Pendulum’, the somewhat comical professor, the good intentionall but somewhat amiss man,@ prone on getting across, a river of indeterminate descriptions of merely one passage of scenes from a life, in order to sustain a modicum of brevity, for relief"s sake.